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Is swiss780 aka canada a total moron?

Started by Bernie, 08/12/2012, 04:10 AM

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 I was wondering what yall thought.   He never uses proper grammar, constantly posts his wants in others wtb threads.  What else?  Input anyone?


I'm beginning to wonder if this guy is yet another alt of swis780 aka Canada:


I cant believe he (canada/swiss) has the nerve to sign up for raffles after all that happened between him and a few senior members!

Actually, I've recently noticed a few people who have minimal posts (like under 10 - 15) who seem to only enter the raffles. I'm gonna have to start having a minimum post count requirement on my next few giveaways
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


If you're gonna bring up raffle blunders, then add that fuckface Bardoly to it too. Not only did he make really stupid requirements for his own raffle as is, but the guy ran a sales ad that I sent him a PM about. He totally ignored it, did not have the courtesy to at least PM me back on one way or the next, but had no qualms about jumping in on my own raffle like a day and a half later. I was gonna let that all slide till I saw his list of demands on his own raffle. Both him and Swiss are blocked from any raffles I do now.


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/12/2012, 10:52 AMIf you're gonna bring up raffle blunders, then add that fuckface Bardoly to it too. Not only did he make really stupid requirements for his own raffle as is, but the guy ran a sales ad that I sent him a PM about. He totally ignored it, did not have the courtesy to at least PM me back on one way or the next, but had no qualms about jumping in on my own raffle like a day and a half later. I was gonna let that all slide till I saw his list of demands on his own raffle. Both him and Swiss are blocked from any raffles I do now.
I foolishly signed up for his raffle without seeing his requirements. Man what rock are these people coming from? Seriously, are they all like forever stuck in the mental state of a 12 year old?


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 08/12/2012, 12:41 PM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/12/2012, 10:52 AMIf you're gonna bring up raffle blunders, then add that fuckface Bardoly to it too. Not only did he make really stupid requirements for his own raffle as is, but the guy ran a sales ad that I sent him a PM about. He totally ignored it, did not have the courtesy to at least PM me back on one way or the next, but had no qualms about jumping in on my own raffle like a day and a half later. I was gonna let that all slide till I saw his list of demands on his own raffle. Both him and Swiss are blocked from any raffles I do now.
I foolishly signed up for his raffle without seeing his requirements. Man what rock are these people coming from? Seriously, are they all like forever stuck in the mental state of a 12 year old?
Evidently he thinks people are going to do his bidding to get Takin it to the Hoop. Better watch out in case he ever actually raffles a game of real value. He may demand pics of you walking over hot coals or planking or some other garbage feats for his amusement.


my grammar is horrendous, its ok though cause i know im a moron. I will plank for a raflle  :mrgreen:


Quote from: HercTNT on 08/12/2012, 01:32 PMmy grammar is horrendous, its ok though cause i know im a moron. I will plank for a raflle  :mrgreen:
Yeah, but you're still a reasonable person. Swiss is something else entirely.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.



Quote from: guest on 08/12/2012, 02:18 PM
Quote from: HercTNT on 08/12/2012, 01:32 PMmy grammar is horrendous, its ok though cause i know im a moron. I will plank for a raflle  :mrgreen:
Yeah, but you're still a reasonable person. Swiss is something else entirely.
Exactly.  Also, that clown fucker doesn't even appear to try to use proper grammar.  Just check out his posts.  Either username he is signed in with.  I bet he does smack clowns in the ring.  Smacks em right on down, then promptly mounts them for a good ride.  I am not usually like this..  But this asshole ticked me off big.  Having that vulgar shit about my wife and I in his signature and not removing it until he was forced to by a mod struck me wrong.  Then, the clown fucking pussy goes and hides behind another name.  With that said...



He might be french canadian, hence the bad english.


Well can't be any worse than this guy:


Quote from: HercTNT on 08/12/2012, 01:32 PMmy grammar is horrendous, its ok though cause i know im a moron. I will plank for a raflle  :mrgreen:
Yeah grammar isn't the issue at all. After this swiss guy was pointed out to me and I saw some of his stunts, esp the manual for 20 bucks thing, well.... yeah fuck him...


Uhhh... Bardoly is pretty cool from my experience.  I just checked out his raffle, and while it does seem overly complex, if the guy wants to give away free games, IMO it's his perogative to choose the method.  In my last one I specified people I liked /didn't hate, just because I get to decide who's a freeloading D-bag or not.  And if my constant swearing results in me not getting a free game, fuck it :D

But Swiss is a different kettle of fish.  I wasn't really gonna post, because I'm kind of over it, but I just thought I'd pop in to cut Bardoly some slack.  I've not seen the sales thread.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: soop on 08/12/2012, 06:46 PMUhhh... Bardoly is pretty cool from my experience.  I just checked out his raffle, and while it does seem overly complex, if the guy wants to give away free games, IMO it's his perogative to choose the method.  In my last one I specified people I liked /didn't hate, just because I get to decide who's a freeloading D-bag or not.  And if my constant swearing results in me not getting a free game, fuck it :D

But Swiss is a different kettle of fish.  I wasn't really gonna post, because I'm kind of over it, but I just thought I'd pop in to cut Bardoly some slack.  I've not seen the sales thread.
Complexity has NOTHING to do with it. Its insulting. Many members here are not from the USA or Canada etc, and he has this shit in there about people declaring "I love America" and their love of Texas to get extra entries. That kind of crap DOES NOT belong in a raffle, nor should he be nitpicking peoples normal forum behavior and punishing them for what he deems to be immoral. People come here to unwind and relax, and they don't need to have that kind of crap hanging over their head.

The people who started the raffles here, their goal was to spread and promote generosity. The only people who should not be participating in the raffles here are people who have gone out of their way to take advantage of the community, via price gouging etc, or people who always take and never give via any means, or people new here that are only posting in the buy and sale threads aka market leeches. In Bardolys case he has taken the raffle system and used it as a form of public punishment for those he deems unfit or has some personal issues with. Worse still is that he has taken Takin it to the Hoops and tried to use that as his leverage for imposing his will on the masses. I mean seriously, who the fuck does he think he is?

Even though these same people he himself would exclude from his raffle, if those people had their own going he would have no qualms about trying to enter them for moar free stuff.  Take my case for example, where he wouldn't even take the fucking time to reply back to my pm about a sales thread, because evidently I am not worthy enough to be a customer, or even worthy to reply back to to even say not interested, but he would have no problem getting something from me for free.

I should have said something then when he entered my raffle, but I just considered letting it slide until I saw all his crap going on in his. He is some kind of hypocrite who takes forum behavior way too personal it seems, and picks and chooses his morals when it suits him, so yeah, whatever. He wont be taking part in any of my raffles ever.


Considering some of the douchebaggery commited on this site, I think you're out of line.  I'm not trying to start a fight, but He's giving away a game free.  If you think he's "punishing" people by giving them less of a chance to win things he's giving away, don't you think that's a little strong?

I'll give you an example.  I've seen many competitions where you have to like something on Facebook, or make a comment on Twitter.  I'd guess this is where this stems from.  There's a Facebook button in Angry birds to get 3 exclusive levels by liking them.  Are they now punishing people who don't have facebook?

No.  If you don't want to write I love America, or Texas is the greatest state, then you don't have to.  If I wanted to partake in the raffle, I probably wouldn't.  But he's not being spiteful, just maybe favouritist.  And that's up to him.

And secondly, You can't publicly call the guy out because he didn't reply to you, because we don't know the facts.  His world doesn't resolve around you, and it's easy to miss things.  Case in point, I got a PM from Bernie 10 days ago that I've only just seen.  That's not a diss, and Bernie isn' hear calling me out.  Hell, there may have even be a problem with the email notification system, as I usually read everything that way.

I think you've jumped to some conclusions which have informed your later perception of events, and I think Bardoly deserves some consideration on your part.  I've never seen anything bad said about him until now, and before you damage his reputation, try and figure things out in private.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: Bernie on 08/12/2012, 04:10 AMconstantly posts his wants in others wtb threads.  What else?  Input anyone?
He just did this again in Spida1a's WTB thread... I notified him of his mistake
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


Quote from: soop on 08/12/2012, 08:10 PMConsidering some of the douchebaggery commited on this site, I think you're out of line.  I'm not trying to start a fight, but He's giving away a game free.  If you think he's "punishing" people by giving them less of a chance to win things he's giving away, don't you think that's a little strong?

I'll give you an example.  I've seen many competitions where you have to like something on Facebook, or make a comment on Twitter.  I'd guess this is where this stems from.  There's a Facebook button in Angry birds to get 3 exclusive levels by liking them.  Are they now punishing people who don't have facebook?

No.  If you don't want to write I love America, or Texas is the greatest state, then you don't have to.  If I wanted to partake in the raffle, I probably wouldn't.  But he's not being spiteful, just maybe favouritist.  And that's up to him.

And secondly, You can't publicly call the guy out because he didn't reply to you, because we don't know the facts.  His world doesn't resolve around you, and it's easy to miss things.  Case in point, I got a PM from Bernie 10 days ago that I've only just seen.  That's not a diss, and Bernie isn' hear calling me out.  Hell, there may have even be a problem with the email notification system, as I usually read everything that way.

I think you've jumped to some conclusions which have informed your later perception of events, and I think Bardoly deserves some consideration on your part.  I've never seen anything bad said about him until now, and before you damage his reputation, try and figure things out in private.
You can stuff it with that nonsense. The raffles taking place here have nothing to do with Facebook or Twitter crap. That crap is a promotional method to help increase exposure and sales of a certain CURRENT product by the developer or publisher. THIS IS A CLOSE KNIT COMMUNITY, and a raffle here is for a free item to promote generosity. I'm not the only one who disagrees with his rule set he set in place, I just happen to be one of those types that has no problems calling people out for their bullshit publicly. Its not just that he is giving people "less chances to win" by requiring them to say stupid shit, he is ALSO publicly excluding anyone he deems unfit for whatever forum language he deems as undesirable, BY HIS OWN FUCKING WORDS.

THAT IS A FORM OF PUNISHMENT. For that matter, favoritism should have no part in a close knit community raffle either. If you want to play favorites, then you might as well just have a pre-determined group of people, enter them yourself on your own private give away, and pick the winner via your own choice, and don't bother with random selection, paper slips in a bowl, etc. Don't even bother calling it a fucking raffle, because it wont be by the end of it. The game is stacked against the unfavored people as is, or in this case, fuck it, they don't even get to enter it anyway because he wont include anyone he doesn't like personally due to whatever language they use that he disagrees with.

There is no point in taking it privately, because BY HIS OWN METHODS HE MADE IT A PUBLIC ISSUE, by deciding to pick and choose the people he deems worthy here publicly. For someone who has only been here since July and has less then 130 fucking post he is in no position to be making demands or trying to dictate or influence forum behavior. THIS FUCKING TRAIN STOPS FOR NO ONE. Even people I would strongly disagree with here I would still allow to partake in my raffle, except maybe that one chick that kept complaining about free gifts people were giving her. Even if I think someone like Zeta is a knob, I would let him sign up. The pm shit, like I said, I'd have let it slide, but his raffle shit is what crossed the line. People don't want to reply to my pms about stuff they have for sale for whatever reason, fine.  

But seriously, THE FACTS ARE if you can check threads and JUMP IN OTHER PEOPLES RAFFLES, you CAN take the time to CHECK FUCKING PMs. There is a notification at the top of the forum whenever you have new pms. Lack of doing so is just lazy, and if you run a sales thread, you can damn well be consistent in checking your pms. If you cant be bothered to do so, then you have NO FUCKING BUSINESS doing ANY sales threads here.


Bah, he didn't enter me in the raffle for saying things like damn thats pretty lame. Oh well, time to move on, I think I have entered enough raffles for a month and will put yet another one up here fairly soon. If anything, this is going to cause people to put more stringent rules in order to enter raffles from here on out. I for one, will be placing something on the lines of being here at least 6 months and no whiners. Call it favoritism, but wouldn't we want to give away games to people who are actually active on the forums and plan to be here a while vs someone who is here for a few games and never looks back?


my last raffle rule was that the recipient raffle off something when they get it. Lets see if the guy follows through! Other then that I don't care what rules people impose for a raffle, it's their free shit they can do what they want with it.


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 08/12/2012, 09:32 PMmy last raffle rule was that the recipient raffle off something when they get it. Lets see if the guy follows through! Other then that I don't care what rules people impose for a raffle, it's their free shit they can do what they want with it.
Exactly, I'm not sure why this is being made into such a big deal.  It's a raffle.  If you don't like it, don't participate in it.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 08/12/2012, 09:53 PMExactly, I'm not sure why this is being made into such a big deal.  It's a raffle.  If you don't like it, don't participate in it.
Its a issue when its being done in a vindictive or counter productive manner. Like I said, if he wants to just give shit off to only people he likes, then he should just do private giveaways, because I cant imagine many being so desperate to obtain Takin it to the Hoop that they would change their total forum habits to suit this guys moral needs, some dickhead who hasn't even been here that long.


QuoteTHAT IS A FORM OF PUNISHMENT. For that matter, favoritism should have no part in a close knit community raffle either. If you want to play favorites, then you might as well just have a pre-determined group of people, enter them yourself on your own private give away, and pick the winner via your own choice, and don't bother with random selection, paper slips in a bowl, etc. Don't even bother calling it a fucking raffle, because it wont be by the end of it. The game is stacked against the unfavored people as is, or in this case, fuck it, they don't even get to enter it anyway because he wont include anyone he doesn't like personally due to whatever language they use that he disagrees with.
That's why I didn't call my last wave of giveaways "raffles", because they weren't 100% free-for-alls. In the past, I've normally given stuff away privately. This last time I didn't know of specific people who needed the spares I had, so I put them up with the only rule being 'I'll do what I want'. Half of them wound up being straight raffles, but overall I tried to balance out who got what. I wasn't looking to punish anyone, but I also kept my "rules" vague and simple to keep them from coming off as snobbish popularity contests.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/12/2012, 09:59 PMIts a issue when its being done in a vindictive or counter productive manner. Like I said, if he wants to just give shit off to only people he likes, then he should just do private giveaways
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/12/2012, 07:26 PMHe is some kind of hypocrite who takes forum behavior way too personal it seems, and picks and chooses his morals when it suits him, so yeah, whatever. He wont be taking part in any of my raffles ever.
Just saying.  If you think what he did is vindictive...
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 04:27 AM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/12/2012, 09:59 PMIts a issue when its being done in a vindictive or counter productive manner. Like I said, if he wants to just give shit off to only people he likes, then he should just do private giveaways
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/12/2012, 07:26 PMHe is some kind of hypocrite who takes forum behavior way too personal it seems, and picks and chooses his morals when it suits him, so yeah, whatever. He wont be taking part in any of my raffles ever.
Just saying.  If you think what he did is vindictive...
Banning him from any raffle I hold would be justified, not vindictive. In case you missed it, mine will not be the only ones he will be banned from, and I am not the only one who has been vocal about their concern regarding this crap. Vindictive would be me going out of my way to influence everyone else into banning him too, which I'm not. Vindictive would be banning you, Zeta, Josh, and anyone else I might have had some squabble with or disagree with from any sales or raffle I do.

Anyone who tries to use this shit to hold popularity contest and exclude contributing members simply because of petty dislikes, doesn't know what no-strings-attached generosity means (not demanding people to jump through hoops to earn entries), is a unproven noob who just signed up and automatically hits the sales threads, or who always takes and never gives back, or who cant contribute on any positive level to anything what so ever has no business taking part in my raffles.

In my case not many would be excluded. You'd have to fuck up in some serious way to earn a total ban. Banning people for using even mild profanity in casual conversations is going out of your way to exclude people. Looking for reasons to do so in fact really. It wouldn't take long to know who does and who doesn't use profanity around here, so he already knew pretty much who he was and wasn't going to allow in his quaint little mock raffle.

In mine and many others case, spreading and promoting generosity is what its about. Honestly I wish we had had these raffles going on a couple of years back before I left here.  Could you imagine though if everyone's raffle had the same stupid guidelines to follow that his did, and the same rigged popularity bullshit going on where basically the OP has already made up his/her mind about who can be on their tiny token cut and dry list and more likely then not who has won already?

There would be no fair play, no even ground, and quite a few people would be excluded and more inclined to leave because no one wants to get caught up in the strife and constant petty bullshit popularity contest it would carry with it. Its not fucking high school anymore and no one needs that kind of bullshit. You only want to give stuff away to a small select group of people popular to you specifically, then fine. Go private and don't call it a fucking raffle, cause its not anymore on any level.

Instead of constantly white knighting him, let him fight his own battles here. One thing many people hate worse then anything is unjustified white knighting. It makes you look stupid and naive, and doesn't impress Donna one bit. The guy hasn't done anything in his short stint of being here since July to justify or earn that kind of respect here, from you or anyone else, so let him come back and defend himself Soop.

Arkhan Asylum

Ritchie Valens - Oh Donna (Music Video)
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!



I'm not really "white knighting" I'm just saying that in my opinion, your response is unjustified.  I don't even know why you want to bring Donna into it, that seems a little spiteful.

To be honest, I don't normally hang around in fighting Street, and given his dislike of profanity, it's entirely possible he's not aware that this conversation is happening, so your response of "let him fight his own battles" is effectively giving you carte blanche to slag him off behind his back.  And disregarding whatever "most people" think, I find it more effective to act on principles I hold, rather than others.

You should understand here, that I'm not attacking you, I'm disagreeing with you.  If that makes me look "stupid and naive" to you then I'm actually ok with that.

If he wants to give away his personal property, he's allowed to choose who recieves it.

Hell, if he wants to ignore your PM, conciously or not, it's his perogative, even if it is a little rude (if intentional).
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 11:38 AMI'm not really "white knighting" I'm just saying that in my opinion, your response is unjustified.  I don't even know why you want to bring Donna into it, that seems a little spiteful.

To be honest, I don't normally hang around in fighting Street, and given his dislike of profanity, it's entirely possible he's not aware that this conversation is happening, so your response of "let him fight his own battles" is effectively giving you carte blanche to slag him off behind his back.  And disregarding whatever "most people" think, I find it more effective to act on principles I hold, rather than others.

You should understand here, that I'm not attacking you, I'm disagreeing with you.  If that makes me look "stupid and naive" to you then I'm actually ok with that.

If he wants to give away his personal property, he's allowed to choose who recieves it.

Hell, if he wants to ignore your PM, conciously or not, it's his perogative, even if it is a little rude (if intentional).
In lack of him defending himself, you are here doing it for him. Thats white knighting at its worst. He has no need to come as far as this section of the forum to see that shit hit the fan. Statements have already been made in his own thread. If he wants to give away his property, yes, seriously, he is most definitely allowed to choose who gets it, but then he shouldn't be doing a mock raffle and insulting people. As far as Donna goes, who is fucking Donna. You're the one bringing her up all the time in your blogs. I have a sinking suspicion who the fuck Donna is, but I need you to confirm this for us.




Hah, that's amazing.  Close knit community?  Why would you bring personal shit into what amounts to a disagreement?

I'm sorry, but that pretty much burns what little credibility you had.  If you can't focus your insane rantings with objective facts rather than try and bully your point across with personal slights, that puts you up there with people like Swiss.

The facts remain; someone upset you by ignoring a PM, and then gave away his personal property with restrictions that offended you, and suddenly he's the bad guy.  If that's enough to put your nose out of joint, then... Well that's for you to deal with.

You don't speak for everyone on this forum, but you are taking things very seriously.  Take a breath.  I 'm not a bad person, and I really doubt Bartoly is.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/13/2012, 12:49 PMThe same old shit.
Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 01:14 PMHah, that's amazing.  Close knit community?  Why would you bring personal shit into what amounts to a disagreement?
Rather than leaving it as a disagreement, isn't it more fun to attempt to bully others on a video game forum with personal insults? 

Isn't it?............................
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 01:14 PMHah, that's amazing.  Close knit community?  Why would you bring personal shit into what amounts to a disagreement?

I'm sorry, but that pretty much burns what little credibility you had.  If you can't focus your insane rantings with objective facts rather than try and bully your point across with personal slights, that puts you up there with people like Swiss.

The facts remain; someone upset you by ignoring a PM, and then gave away his personal property with restrictions that offended you, and suddenly he's the bad guy.  If that's enough to put your nose out of joint, then... Well that's for you to deal with.

You don't speak for everyone on this forum, but you are taking things very seriously.  Take a breath.  I 'm not a bad person, and I really doubt Bartoly is.
Did you forget your in Fighting Street. White knighting in it no less. Maybe you should turn around and go back before its too late and you lose it, taking all this so personally. I'm jerking your chain for lulz moron, get a clue. If you base anyone's credibility off what is solely being said in here then you have some fucked up issues you need to sort out. And seriously, speaking of credibility, why would I care what you thought of me. Who the fuck are you? Some dude who signed up and cant stop blogging about himself? I'm supposed to care about what YOU think of me, seriously?

Theres plenty of people here that respect me enough that I don't have to go chasing my tail to earn some wackamoles respect. Some guy I dont even know who doesn't even fucking matter in the grand scheme of things. Are you Chops, Herc, Sini, BlueBMW, Nat, Vestcunt, Nectarsis, or even fucking Nintega? No, that's right, your not. Even Dave mutha fucker Medina has played a more pivotal role in the scheme of things then you. You're just plain ole Soop, who I don't even fucking know and couldn't give a rats ass about because he spends too much time filling up the chit chat section with his blogging.

And Donna, I could care less if Donna was a blow up doll or a meth fueled crack whore, or a receptionist for a law firm, I'm just screwing with you about her because you have made countless references to her, this faceless apparition of sorts, and your personal life here under the assumption that we really fucking care, when we don't. We told you this before.

Relax Guy, I'm just fucking with you...

Ok, maybe not.......

Maybe I am, are you taking all this shit personally Soop????

Well I wasnt, so take a breather man......

No wait my bad, I was, sorry.......

Then again, who knows. Evidently no ones clued you in on the games I play. :wink:


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 08/13/2012, 01:35 PM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/13/2012, 12:49 PMThe same old shit.
Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 01:14 PMHah, that's amazing.  Close knit community?  Why would you bring personal shit into what amounts to a disagreement?
Rather than leaving it as a disagreement, isn't it more fun to attempt to bully others on a video game forum with personal insults? 

Isn't it?............................
Oh Shags, you never cease to amaze me with your proven vast knowledge of others and keen insight on the inner workings of the social order here. You guys come into FS, then you complain how you are being bullied, crying like little bitches. Its hilarious. This section is for fightin words and the lulz. I luv the lulz, I'm sorry you don't.


Just another day on Crying Street- liddle Jowshua Turrbo comes swooping down for Soopy with his liddle cry-cry napkins in hand.  lol.  Ha-aaang onnn Soopy, Soopy ha-aaang onnn....


Liddle Mongoloid Jowshie play HERO TONMA! Come save day! One good turn deserves another- Soopy and Jowsh play reach-reach tug-tug! lol- fucking homos.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


You've fucking done it now Sini.


Soups never gonna forgive or respect you now.


Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.



Quote from: PunkCryborg on 08/13/2012, 02:33 PMI want pics of Donna
Ask and you shall receive.

Pics of Donna and Soup out for a lovely afternoon date:




Nah, your opinion doesn't matter to me, but I worry about how much energy you put into this.  I appreciate that you like to play the bad guy, but you started by being actively butthurt about what amounts to nothing.

I respect the large majority of people here, even if I disagree with their opinion (which I have on occasion), but tbh, not only do I not see you contributing very much (apart from vitrol), but your arguments just disolve into shit slinging.

You may care as little for my opinion as I do yours, but personaly I feel a little embarrassed on your behalf at the quality of your argument given the practice you've had.

But I have to admit, I am starting to enjoy this, and I'm not sure that's something I'm proud of.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!

Arkhan Asylum

Unfortunately for you, soop, trolling on the internet takes little effort. 

A few seconds of google and you have tons of pictures to post, and tons of lols to spew.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 02:47 PMComes into Fighting Street, expects serious World Summit Peace Talks, gets busted for white knighting, takes things personally, cries about it, assumes he knows a certain members history of contributions here, tries to dictate credibility, fails.


Quote from: guest on 08/13/2012, 02:54 PMUnfortunately for you, soop, trolling on the internet takes little effort. 

A few seconds of google and you have tons of pictures to post, and tons of lols to spew.
Yeah seriously, he acts like this is some grand production with hours of effort invested into it. What he imagines and how it really is are so totally different. It must suck to be so damn naive.


Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 02:47 PM:D

Nah, your opinion doesn't matter to me, but I worry about how much energy you put into this.  I appreciate that you like to play the bad guy, but you started by being actively butthurt about what amounts to nothing.

I respect the large majority of people here, even if I disagree with their opinion (which I have on occasion), but tbh, not only do I not see you contributing very much (apart from vitrol), but your arguments just disolve into shit slinging.

You may care as little for my opinion as I do yours, but personaly I feel a little embarrassed on your behalf at the quality of your argument given the practice you've had.

But I have to admit, I am starting to enjoy this, and I'm not sure that's something I'm proud of.
Soops is a complex dude.  In one post- he manages to feel indifference, worry, appreciation, respect, disclosure, embarrassment, and enjoyment.

Smells like catpiss.

Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


So...  I don't see any denial to any of my points.  Do you concur that you let your personal feelings override logic?
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


This thread amuses the shit out of me. Bernie starts a thread about swiss, Prof insults Bard, soop defends Bard and soop and Prof get into it. Good times! :D

Arkhan Asylum

AND Sinistron came in to post

so its like, the perfect storm.

now we just need a Nintega alt-account.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


"Like fucking ZOINKS Soops!  There's a mean ol' Bully trying to steal your soopy snacks!
This smells like HELGESON'S DOING!"


"Well hold the fuck on Shag- We've just unmasked this sour bully and it turns out it's not Helgeson at all!
It's actually that "fucking master of power metal shooting" Sign of Zeke!"


"Well fucking ZOINKS again Soops!"

Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


hahahahahahah.... that demasking made me fucking pisss....
& this thread is full of scoop.



Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 03:39 PMSo...  I don't see any denial to any of my points.  Do you concur that you let your personal feelings override logic?
Soup, I like ice cubes in my milk. I take a large glass, and I dump maybe 6 or 7 ice cubes in the glass. I then pour a nice solid 12 ounces or so of whole fat vitamin D milk into the glass and let the ice chill the milk for a few mins. I'm a fairly patient person, and I don't have any qualms about waiting to get what I want. Sometimes I like cookies with my milk, sometimes I don't. It's a nice treat I allow myself to enjoy few times a month, but otherwise I just drink a lot of sweetened tea because it taste great and has caffeine. Does Donna like cookies with her milk Soup? Does any of the above have anything to do with you? Probably not.

Are you upset Soup? I seem to have struck a chord with you. You seem upset. You keep coming back to see what new thing has been said about you. You seem to be experiencing conflicted emotions, as Sini pointed out. You are doing a commendable job at holding it together Soup through all this. I know its been rough, and gosh darn it you really did your best. Is Donna a virgin Soup?

How far can you go Soup? Can you go the distance? Can you be the guy? Do you think being the guy, Bardolys knight in shining armor is important? Whats important to you here Soup? Does Donna have any special talents, or is she just full of hot air? Do you think Donnas gonna be jealous of Bardoly when she finds out about him and his wonderful, naive, heroic new knight?

We are disappointed with you Soup. We expected better. You express concern for what you perceive as others experiencing anger, yet you're the only one with a shopping list of emotions to post. Are you going to be ok soup? It will be ok Soup. BTW, Soup? Can I have Donnas number? No? Shes folded up in a box under the bed? Oh well....


nice!  So basically I make valid points, and the power rangers fly in and insult my life!  So I believe, gentlemen, my point is made, and you have nothing valid to say.

There's the door.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!