12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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My dream PCEFX

Started by PunkCryborg, 10/18/2012, 11:43 PM

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Here's some awesome ideas and things I'd love to see from PCEFX but yeah we all know this place never changes

Seller/trader feedback!
Arcade with pce/turbo flash games like 2 minute modes and other related games by homebrew guys like Rove's pcefx bomberman with a leaderboard
Relevent ads from sellers we might actually buy stuff from like stoneagegamer, play asia, game of japan
Embedded youtube videos
Big expandable shoutbox and a chat room for people who need private area to make deals
changing banner
background options and more themes
fixed search, yeah it's a pain to find ANYTHING
new mods
non english boards
NEC computer boards
Laseractive boards
store with pcefx shirts, hats, bonk for president stickers, power adapters, din av cables
monthly game spotlights and high score competitions
bi annual official meet ups, east coast and west coast
game review area  where all the games are organized and anyone can submit their reviews
links to other important pages like duomazov, pauls page, pcedai
curse words replaced with shitty game names "what the volfiev!?" "this games a pile of momo"  "dont buy from ebay seller _____, he's a real blodia"
30 day/100 post audit on all n00bs by Vestcunt to make sure they're up to snuff
organized raffle forum with one active raffle a week
pcedai and pcefx merger where all members get a pcedai acct by default with added sections on their acct for dupes, want to trades and want to buys
more smilies! Hany, bonk, MC Energy characters etc, metal head and jerking off smilie
arguments and shitty members get moved to fighting street

I'm sure there's other stuff I've thought would be great changes/additions, I'll add more later!


-region/s-video modded PC Engine Duo w/Arcade Card at www. multimods .com
-region modded Super Grafx
-region modded PC Engine original
-PC-FX w/Zenki, Zeroigar, Chip-Chan, Battle Heat, Der Langrisser FX

Will this complete me?


Quotebi annual official meet ups, east coast and west coast
BASTID! I see how it is. Whatever, leave us central folk out like always. Pffft. We'll go make our own...

Quotecurse words replaced with shitty game names "what the volfiev!?" "this games a pile of momo"  "dont buy from ebay seller _____, he's a real blodia"

what a pile of deep blue!


Non-English boards ?? Doubt much use for that.

New mods? I would just say, more mods to that. No need to remove mod powers from existing ones, just lobby for more volunteers, etc.

Embedded youtube videos: I actually could do that for Aaron if I had admin powers. ;) I run a copy of SMF forums myself and I added embedded youtube support not that long ago - it's a matter of downloading and applying a "package" (or "patch/mod"). Sample here.


Quote from: NightWolve on 10/19/2012, 05:06 PMNon-English boards ?? Doubt much use for that.

New mods? I would just say, more mods to that. No need to remove mod powers from existing ones, just lobby for more volunteers, etc.
I don't know why you think that non English forums wouldnt get used, there are already many members from all over the world. In fact there is another forum for nec stuff in France that's pretty popular. Even if they wouldn't get used much it would be nice for people to ask tech questions in there native language and be able to connect with each other.
And face it does nat really need to be a mod? He is pretty much innactive, people move on and loose interest in hobbies. I didnt say replace them anyways i just said new mods.

Another idea i had was for a chip time music player in a pop out window. I know its cheesy and 90s internet but I'd love to hear me some music from energy and devils crash when I'm on here.


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 10/19/2012, 05:59 PMAnother idea i had was for a chip time music player in a pop out window.
I miss the PCEFX Radio.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 10/19/2012, 05:59 PMI don't know why you think that non English forums wouldnt get used, there are already many members from all over the world. In fact there is another forum for nec stuff in France that's pretty popular.
Yeah, the French have a forum, I think we're thinking of the same one, but yeah, they already have that.

QuoteEven if they wouldn't get used much it would be nice for people to ask tech questions in there native language and be able to connect with each other.
If there is actually a demand. Stuff that doesn't get used just adds space in the index, making it a longer vertical scroll from top to bottom. This doesn't strike me as something that'd be in demand, and I dunno what gauging you've done to feel it would be active enough to justify its need.

QuoteAnd face it does nat really need to be a mod? He is pretty much innactive, people move on and loose interest in hobbies. I didnt say replace them anyways i just said new mods.
Ah, I didn't think about nat. Yeah, I guess it wouldn't matter in his case. There's been a sentiment that the others should be replaced and "new mods" can be interpreted both ways (more/replace), so I figured you shared it.

QuoteI know its cheesy and 90s internet but I'd love to hear me some music from energy and devils crash when I'm on here.
Hm, a guy called Odanadon had implemented a very nice player for his NEC site before he let it get shutdown. Played all the PSG stuff, etc. If someone could get a hold of him and get the code/files, that's something that'd be ready to go.

Oh, did the PCEFX Radio have all that ?


Who wouldn't want to browse the threads while listnening to the theme  from Break In??


Great post Cyborg. I'd audit some more noobs, but everyone's been too mellow for the last couple weeks.

I'm not big on subforums, but a board for reviews is a good idea...at least as good as high scores.

And I'd still love to see a Laseractive board. Not that it would see all that much discussion, but considering the lack of information on the internet and the fact that this place calls itself the "NEC Console Resource", it's ridiculous that the Laseractive doesn't have a dedicated home here. Nat was the main one shooting the idea down, so now may be a good time to bring it up again.

Shit getting moved to Fighting Street more often is a good idea.

I'd also like to see all of the PC Engine threads moved out of the TurboGrafx forum on a regular basis. I'm OCD about that stuff.

The old shoutbox was a gateway for hackers.

Themes are dumb. But yeah, generally lots of good ideas.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.



That's a pretty huge list of stuff. Being a BBS era grandpa sort I don't have much use for most of it, however:

I would like a search that actually functions. The one we have is essentially worthless.

I would like to see the elimination of this false separation of TG-16 and PC Engine. It's totally pointless.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/20/2012, 10:26 AMI would like to see the elimination of this false separation of TG-16 and PC Engine. It's totally pointless.
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. Yes, the separation would be pointless if all we talked about were playing games and beating bosses, but the TurboGrafx has a lot more to discuss than a handful of exclusives.

For starters, North America had a whole industry of game and magazine publishers, media, and retailers that didn't exist in Japan. EMG, VG&CE, Prima, Bantam, Radio Shack, Funcoland, EB, Software Etc., Toys R Us, Game Informer, TTI, Working Designs, ICOM, TZD, Die Hard, and Game Dude are all unique entities that impacted the domestic market in different ways.

There's also the cultural difference. I've haven't heard many Japanese gamers reminisce about what the PCE was like back in the day, but it was completely different than the North American experience and it still is. Even seeing a commercial for the TG in the U.S. was a bit of a treat. The artwork was different, the packaging was different, the marketing was different, the consumer experience was different, and the gaming community (or lack thereof) was different.

Finally, there are significant differences in the secondary market today. The TG's underdog status is still being felt as Western gamers continue to discover the system and gougers take advantage of the limited quantities. There's a reason why the Gouging thread wasn't created in the PCE subforum. We have Ebay; Japan has Yahoo. We sift through flea markets, thrift stores, and craigslist; Japan has established brick and mortar stores.

So yeah, nobody needs multiple threads for different localizations of Dungeon Explorer, but the PCE/TG distinction is still useful. The TG forum focuses on collecting, gouging, the 16-bit wars, nostalgia, storytelling, interviews, reviews, old commercials and magazine scans, documentation, facsimiles, aftermarket goods, and valiant attempts to enjoy all of the shitty games we got. The PCE forum has more of a gameplay focus as we branch out in search of new games and learn how to play them. It also covers hardware rarities, YJP auctions, trips abroad, system compatibilities, the Supergrafx, the ACD, etc.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.

Joe Redifer

Quote from: PunkCryborgbi annual official meet ups, east coast and west coast
Screw the coasts! How about somewhere right smack in the middle of the country? This really has nothing to do with forum features, however.

Quote from: PunkCryborgcurse words replaced with shitty game names "what the volfiev!?" "this games a pile of momo"  "dont buy from ebay seller _____, he's a real blodia"
I think I can do that. But that might be funny for a day or two but eventually people would get annoyed that their stuff is getting censored. And do we really need to be protected from scary cuss words?


#1 I want to be able to browse this forum with Tapatalk (or a similar app) on my phone.
#2 See above.
#3 See above.

Quote from: NightWolve on 10/19/2012, 06:20 PMHm, a guy called Odanadon had implemented a very nice player for his NEC site before he let it get shutdown. Played all the PSG stuff, etc. If someone could get a hold of him and get the code/files, that's something that'd be ready to go.

Oh, did the PCEFX Radio have all that ?
I used to open up Turbo2K in a tab (just for the tunes), then come here (pcefx) forums!

PCEFX RADIO used to stream everything that Aaron had ripped mp3's of (damn near everything, it seemed!). OK, I really don't know how expansive the library was, but it was nice.


New / more mods is a bad idea.  Some of the other stuff sounds good, but I like what we have going on here with mods.

I decided I was going to try to join a second game forum, so the logical choice was for one of my favorite systems Sega Saturn.  Satakore is a great site for Sega Saturn research, so I signed up for the board.  Every time I post, there is a 1/2 day delay before a mod approves my post and it goes public.  Other websites have similar garbage like this, for example Gamefaqs (I used to post there 10 years ago), where they basically mod everything on the site for being off-topic.

I like this place because it is kind of like the Wild West of forums.  I don't want some regimented bullshit.  I would've joined the military if I needed some authority figure telling me what to do.


Obviously there's a happy medium. We don't need over-moderated forums, by any means. But SOME moderation would do this place a world of good; especially when people like Xray and RegalSin sign up. Furthermore, moderators are the only people able to make the types of changes people have requested. Unfortunately, since we have almost zero moderation on these forums, we're pretty much stuck with them as is.

It's not about "telling you what to do." It's about keeping this place clean and improving the experience for the users who come here every day.


I agree with what jlued686 said in the previous post.  Most people seem to agree that NecroPhile would be a great mod, so hopefully he'll be made into one soon.

But a word on Nat, since his name has come up:

He hasn't forgotten about this place, and he certainly hasn't lost interest in the TG-16.  But he's had a lot going on in his life the last few months, and that stuff has had to take priority over message boards and video games.  I want to remind everyone that for YEARS he has been moving threads, banning troublemakers, and doing everything else that moderators are "supposed" to do.  He has also contributed to the PCE community in lots of other ways (doing tech work, working on Duomazov, being a trustworthy buyer/seller/trader, etc.). I'd say he's earned the right to take some time to get other (much more important) things in order.  Taking away his mod title at this time would be really bad form, I think.  The guy should be allowed to decide for himself whether or not he'll retain the position--once he has time to worry about such things.
pcefx.thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


But does the Saturn forum have different sections for US and JP versions of the system? That's the real question.

All media gets some sort of localization, either organically or from the publisher. Beatles records, Harry Potter books, Laserdiscs, phone games, Neo Geo, basically everything.

The only reason we have two sections is because NEC gave the system two different names. All the distinctions sprung from there originally. When the Turbo was still going in the US I bought half my games from Japan, as did many people. It's the same damned machine.

It might be different if the forum was just swarming with amazing amounts of posts or if the users were too stupid to understand the distinction, but as it is I think the separation is stupid.


I personally like the two separated. The turbo section gets old with the collectors and the price bitching. In fact there's little game play talk. The PCE threads centers more on playing games.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/21/2012, 03:41 PMThe only reason we have two sections is because NEC gave the system two different names.  
This is a good point. And I suppose one forum could keep up with the post volume.

Quote from: PunkCryborg on 10/21/2012, 03:48 PMI personally like the two separated. The turbo section gets old with the collectors and the price bitching. In fact there's little game play talk. The PCE threads centers more on playing games.
I like the separation, but I prefer the Turbo forum because I digest games slowly and most of my experience, both as a gamer and consumer, involves the domestic library.

Quote from: runinruder on 10/21/2012, 01:28 PMBut a word on Nat, since his name has come up:
Thanks for the update! I hope he's doing OK. I for one am in no way suggesting that we replace him; I just want an additional mod. Two reasons:
1) The post volume warrants it. Nat was the main mod to read almost every thread. Keranu is great, but he sticks mostly to the development/homebrew board. Joe has been very helpful recently, but he seems to be a general skimmer.
2) A little more democracy. Moderators should be impartial and receptive to feedback when using their granted powers (I don't care if they get in the occasional flame war). From the Laseractive debate to RegalSin's defense to Arkhan's ban, we've all had disagreements with the moderators. It would be good to have another voice at the table.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: esteban on 10/20/2012, 10:13 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 10/19/2012, 06:20 PMHm, a guy called Odanadon had implemented a very nice player for his NEC site before he let it get shutdown. Played all the PSG stuff, etc. If someone could get a hold of him and get the code/files, that's something that'd be ready to go.

Oh, did the PCEFX Radio have all that ?
I used to open up Turbo2K in a tab (just for the tunes), then come here (pcefx) forums!

PCEFX RADIO used to stream everything that Aaron had ripped mp3's of (damn near everything, it seemed!). OK, I really don't know how expansive the library was, but it was nice.
Ah yeah, thanks, that was it, Turbo2K! I couldn't think of the title. While it never gained the activity/membership that PCEFX did, it was a pretty well designed NEC fan site (it'd be good to get that code for that player from him so that it won't be forever lost)... Aaron beat us all in that department. ;) We were competing for a while there BITD, us at PC Engine RIGG, Odanadon Turbo2K, Aaron de PCEFX, etc. ;) Aaron won out of course.

One thing I learned from him was that giving away goodies didn't necessarily translate to active forums/membership. We had a "register for FTP access to download NEC games" policy, and mainly you were left with hundreds of registrations by people with just that one post, "Gimme gimme gimme" essentially and that was about it. Heh. I never figured out what the formula was for a successful board, but it's not giving away a bunch of free shit, games, patches, etc. Oh well, now I am hanging here. ;)

Anyway, the main thing at the top of my list would be to get a well integrated chatroom going here so we don't have to be going elsewhere for it.


Here's my thoughts on a few things being discussed:

Nat - I hope he's doing well (or at least trending towards better) and am appreciative of all he's done over the years, and while he's inactive now, there's no reason to remove his mod status unless he emphatically states that he's not coming back.

LA Subforum - I'm against it, as the LA is an extension of the original system and not totally separate.  Treating it apart from the other systems makes no more sense to me than sequestering the CD formats and SuperGrafx from the core system.

Search - I usually know what I'm looking for (with specific search terms), and thus haven't had many problems with it, but there's always Google; just add site:www.pcengine-fx.com/forums to your query.

Separate TG/PCE Sections - It serves no purpose.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 10/22/2012, 12:07 PMHere's my thoughts on a few things being discussed:

Nat - I hope he's doing well (or at least trending towards better) and am appreciative of all he's done over the years, and while he's inactive now, there's no reason to remove his mod status unless he emphatically states that he's not coming back.

LA Subforum - I'm against it, as the LA is an extension of the original system and not totally separate.  Treating it apart from the other systems makes no more sense to me than sequestering the CD formats and SuperGrafx from the core system.

Search - I usually know what I'm looking for (with specific search terms), and thus haven't had many problems with it, but there's always Google; just add site:www.pcengine-fx.com/forums to your query.

Separate TG/PCE Sections - It serves no purpose.
Agreed on everything, EXCEPT the search function (but that's SMF's fault...or, perhaps, a compromise between performance [quick results] versus thoroughness [aggressively indexing threads provides robust results but performance is sluggish).

site: search via Google is great, but if folks are lazy, they can always use this:


ALSO: thank you to everyone (one person) who, like me, wants to add Tapatalk support to pcengine-fx.com :pcgs:


I just don't see the benefit for tapatalk. Don't you have to pay for it as well? On my phone browsing the forum is just as easy as using my computer.


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 10/22/2012, 08:56 PMI just don't see the benefit for tapatalk. Don't you have to pay for it as well? On my phone browsing the forum is just as easy as using my computer.
$3 (iOS version) is a pittance to pay (I'd pay $30) to help me keep up with stuff. Here's the full reasoning behind my desperation. :pcgs:


There is something buggy/fishy about the search function, I think a case sensitivity issue is one problem of many too, I dunno, but the last time I was searching for a two word phrase, without double quotes it would fail, but WITH quotes I actually found what I was looking for... So one tip is if you're searching for a phrase of two or more words, try it with double quotes.

EDIT: You know, I missed that there was an Advanced Search version of the page (guess I never clicked the search tab here), but anyhow, it shows you via example that double quotes are supported, so bleh, never mind...


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 10/18/2012, 11:43 PMHere's some awesome ideas and things I'd love to see from PCEFX but yeah we all know this place never changes

Seller/trader feedback!
Arcade with pce/turbo flash games like 2 minute modes and other related games by homebrew guys like Rove's pcefx bomberman with a leaderboard
Relevent ads from sellers we might actually buy stuff from like stoneagegamer, play asia, game of japan
Embedded youtube videos
Big expandable shoutbox and a chat room for people who need private area to make deals
changing banner
background options and more themes
fixed search, yeah it's a pain to find ANYTHING
new mods
non english boards
NEC computer boards
Laseractive boards
store with pcefx shirts, hats, bonk for president stickers, power adapters, din av cables
monthly game spotlights and high score competitions
bi annual official meet ups, east coast and west coast
game review area  where all the games are organized and anyone can submit their reviews
links to other important pages like duomazov, pauls page, pcedai
curse words replaced with shitty game names "what the volfiev!?" "this games a pile of momo"  "dont buy from ebay seller _____, he's a real blodia"
30 day/100 post audit on all n00bs by Vestcunt to make sure they're up to snuff
organized raffle forum with one active raffle a week
pcedai and pcefx merger where all members get a pcedai acct by default with added sections on their acct for dupes, want to trades and want to buys
more smilies! Hany, bonk, MC Energy characters etc, metal head and jerking off smilie
arguments and shitty members get moved to fighting street

I'm sure there's other stuff I've thought would be great changes/additions, I'll add more later!
Seller/trader feedback!

Embedded youtube videos

I second the need for these features!!
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Josh glad you brought this one back, I was just thinking about some of these things again. Youtube vids would be great, especially since we are dealing with a visual thing, a video game system.


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 10/03/2013, 11:40 PMJosh glad you brought this one back, I was just thinking about some of these things again. Youtube vids would be great, especially since we are dealing with a visual thing, a video game system.
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Consoles!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]


NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!