10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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retro-accessories - terrible seller & modder - avoid

Started by moonwhistle, 05/07/2012, 08:14 AM

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I bought a modded Core Grafx 2 (RGB and region modded) from Rachel Seleski who runs the above ebay shop and website. It cost around £85 / $137. I have had nothing but problems with her work and she is awful to deal with.

Shortly after I got the console, the AV socket started to malfunction. The AV lead needed to be moved around in the socket and held in place to keep the picture and sound working properly. It steadily got worse until it stopped working completely.

To cut a long story short, after weeks / months of emailing her about the problem she agreed to repair the console if I shipped it to her. Many weeks after I shipped it I eventually got it back last week. The first problem I noticed was that hu-cards now don't sit flush in the slot and stick up at an angle. To my relief it seemed that it worked fine but does look a bit wrong. However it now only runs Japanese games, US games won't work at all when the region switch is thrown.

In repairing the console she has somehow managed to botch the job, making a mess of the card slot and breaking the region switch completely. She must not have even tested it after the repair or she would have realised what she had done.

I am extremely angry about this whole situation and find her utterly incompetent, unprofessional and a nightmare to deal with. She often takes weeks to reply to an email and there are constant delays at every step, always with lousy excuses about why she doesn't reply sooner.

I find it hard to believe that she manages to run a website and ebay shop when she is this incompetent.

Half of my games are now unplayable and the unit just looks wrong with the cards sticking up in the slot. I asked her for a refund, surprise surprise no reply.

I am putting this up as a warning to others about her work and how she treats customers. I can post her full details if necessary.

(apologies if this is the wrong section to post this - please move if necessary)


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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


That's fellow member pcenginesales, no?  The only thing I've gotten from her was a replacement AV cord, which is of top notch quality, reasonably priced, and quickly shipped.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


That is terrible news man.  Thanks for the heads up.  Thats why I stick to the techs right here on these boards, that have built a good rep.  Sorry to hear about the bum system man.  Get with one of the guys here, and they will fix it up for ya.  thesteve, BlueBMW, keithcourage, and a few others I cant think of right off-hand.


I have never dealt with her on this forum but after checking it does appear that the member pcenginesales is the same person. While I'm sure there are plenty of skilled modders here I'm reluctant to ship this console out again as I'm in the UK.

Maybe her cables are ok but her console work / modding is diabolical. She is also extremely slow to reply to emails and frequently doesn't reply unless you sent multiples messages. Can you imagine sending a console half way round the world to the original seller only for them to "repair" it and send it back with worse problems than it left with? I even got an email from her saying that it was fixed and everything is perfect before she mailed it. Her level of incompetence is unbelievable.


I can vouch for Keith Courage, he does awesome work. I'm sorry about your bad luck.


How are you with a soldering iron?  Crack that badboy open and take some photos.

If you're really stuck, I could take a look at it for you (I'm in the UK), though I'm nowhere near the skill level of the well known guys on this board.  But I know the inside of a Core Grafx pretty well, and I've performed a few mods in my time.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Thanks for the support and advice guys.

Quote from: soop on 05/08/2012, 05:21 AMHow are you with a soldering iron?  Crack that badboy open and take some photos.

If you're really stuck, I could take a look at it for you (I'm in the UK), though I'm nowhere near the skill level of the well known guys on this board.  But I know the inside of a Core Grafx pretty well, and I've performed a few mods in my time.
I'm lousy with a soldering iron and I think the modding inside my core grafx is fairly extensive and cramped so it would be far beyond my skills. I tried opening it before I sent it for repair and found that the top shell was attached with a large cable and was pretty tight. I didn't investigate further for fear of breaking something. Is there an easy way to dismantle it properly? I've looked for videos but found nothing yet. I will consider your kind offer, thanks!


Basically, that massive ribbon attaches the HuCard slot to the motherboard, but it's pretty long and just folds up.  Then there's about 4-5 screws that attach the slot to the top of the case - usually best to remove that.

I wouldn't worry, these things are really well built and would have to have had a HARD hard life for any reasonable force to cause any damage.  I've heard stories about units that look like they've been outside for decades in the rain, but work first time when they're powered on.

I'm pretty sure all of my White PC Engines are actually open right now - I even carried one around in my bag for about a week in pieces!  (I hope I can still find the screws!)

But the main thing to find out is whether it's just bad soldering, or whether anything is broken and needs replacing - if your AV port is broken or the switch needs replacing you'd probably want to find out that first rather than send it off and have to wait for 3 weeks while a switch arrives from Hong Kong ;)

*edit* Hah!  Look what I found:
(RGB and US/JP Modding Video) I was looking at the fingernail thinking "woah, that's long..." If you follow on to about halfway, you'll see the console in half.
At least in the meantime it still plays though!  Half a machine is better than none!
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Thanks for your reply soop. I've had an offer to look into it from a guy who's done mods for me in the past so I won't need you look at it. Thanks alot anyways!

I can't believe you found a video by the very hack who did this terrible work. It's a small world.


Quote from: moonwhistle on 05/15/2012, 04:54 PMThanks for your reply soop. I've had an offer to look into it from a guy who's done mods for me in the past so I won't need you look at it. Thanks alot anyways!

I can't believe you found a video by the very hack who did this terrible work. It's a small world.
Good luck dude!  I'm sure it will all work out :)
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!



OK, the random bump is completely inappropriate. If the mods think it's worth sticky-ing they'll sticky it. Defer to their judgment.


An update on this. I had to pay another competant modder to fix this problem for me. So my console is now working fine but I had to shell out more money.

Rachael Seleski / retroaccessories / pcenginesales is a total deadbeat and all I can do is recommend that others steer well clear of her on forums and ebay. She doesn't know what she's doing and certainly won't respond if anything goes wrong.

Edit: as suggested above I will ask if a mod will consider stickying this thread or adding her name to a bad traders list. I won't bump this thread again.


Uhm...wow.  I always thoroughly test my work and upload a video of everything working before I mail it out.  Of course if there's any faults I offer to fix it for free if the person is willing to pay to mail it back and forth.  I respond within 24 hours to every message, there's really no excuse for what she did.

Also I can personally vouch for keith courage he's great.  Thesteve looks awesome too.

NightWolve: "I'd say ole XGay fears another relapse, hence the need for strong, daily hetero reinforcement on his desktop. ;)"
Jibbajaba: "The problem with trying to flame Regal is that it's like trying to gut-punch a really fat person."




Quote from: moonwhistle on 10/20/2012, 03:53 PMRachael Seleski / retroaccessories / pcenginesales is a total deadbeat and all I can do is recommend that others steer well clear of her on forums and ebay. She doesn't know what she's doing and certainly won't respond if anything goes wrong.
Oh wow!!! Holy sh-t!!!

I put two and two together based on seeing "Rachel" and "pcenginesales" and then I searched her posts... I know her a little bit more than most... Hahaha! This is THE Rachel (AKA Shimarisu) that worked with me on the Ys fan translation projects once upon a time... pcenginesales used to be her eBay account, and I remember that because somebody I knew was the one that caught her on eBay selling original Ys IV discs with pre-patched CD-Rs of our patch to add value to the sale, etc.

I once told you guys about what she had told me, that she used to hang around a Working Designs' chatroom and one day Victor Ireland got sick'n'tired of the purists complaining to him, so he said to them, "If you don't like our translations, then translate the games yourselves!" Rising to the challenge, she claimed this is why she learned Japanese to begin with. She was also one of those people that was having an orgasm and celebrating when Working Designs shutdown. Both posts verified all that below:

"I actually had a meal out and karaoke in celebration of WD going bust."

"Working Designs are entirely why I learned Japanese. Hey I'm ACTUALLY NOT KIDDING."

Hahaha! That's funny, so she had an account here all along. That's her alright! Interesting, so she lives in the good ole US of A now. She started off in the UK and even lived in Japan for a while. We had a falling out years ago because she has a temper problem and snapped at me while chatting over AIM as we used to do, so I said fuck you and good bye. She's not a terrible person, shit happens'n'stuff, but yeah, it's funny running into this. Anyway... Yeah, I recall that she was kind of handy as well, so that she's been doing hardware modding is interesting (although failing at it at times judging by this thread).

Anyway, she is indeed your Ys IV translator, ladies and gentlemen. You can send her a thank you if you like. ;)


Eh... Maybe I'd hit it... Maybe, but yeah, she's got temper/bipolar issues as mentioned (she states she has Aspergers)... Heh-heh!

EDIT: 100% confirmed that it's her. Yeah, the Opera email address in her PCEFX profile is the same email address that I had last communicated with her (just checked).


STATUS: This thread has taken turns that even I could not have foreseen!


That photo is from the eBay account linked here. I had two other photos of her from years ago. They might interest you, esteban:

Then (pre-2002):
The thing is, when you look at these, you do kinda lean more towards thinking, "Yeah, I kinda would like to 'mod' her..." Har har ;) That's her in the yellow 'attire' whatever. What is that, a Pokemon Pikachu suit or some sh-t ?? Hahaha!
And Now (2019):
Oh, found this too:

Quote from: Fri Feb 14 15:37:21 2003Rachel: Wolve likes WD, I hate them, he said my translation was 'flat' because I cut the 'poetic' writing out, and it wasn't jaunty enough. What I did was write it well, as literally as possible without it reading bad, in good English grammar and retaining all the nuances of the original.
Rachel: He said he wanted it like WD.
AkimaruPCE: really ?
Rachel: Oh yes.
Rachel: I'm still second fiddle on his credits page, even though I had to retranslate a great deal of the script.
Rachel: He is a good rewriter. But his Japanese is not up to scratch.
Rachel: DeuceBag did make a lot of elementary mistakes, my attitude was that I was not exactly pleased that I was second fiddle to somebody who could not translate well and rewrote things. >_<
There was competition among the translators. ;) That was cute, though. I got a kick out of that stuff like that.


STATUS: Sharp pain in left arm. Sharp pain.


Quote from: NightWolve on 01/26/2013, 08:28 AMEh... Maybe I'd hit it... Maybe, but yeah, she's got temper/bipolar issues as mentioned (she states she has Aspergers Syndrome)... Heh-heh!
Now the thing is, when you look at these, you do kinda lean even more towards thinking, "Yeah, I kinda would like to 'mod' her..." ;)
OK, this kind of talk is completely inappropriate. If she's a problematic seller/trader and has an unreliable history, that's one thing. Bringing up a bunch of personal crap and making creepy comments like that is another thing altogether. These statements make you look a bit misogynistic and reflect poorly on this forum and the community built around it.


Quote from: guest on 01/26/2013, 09:47 AM
Quote from: NightWolve on 01/26/2013, 08:28 AMEh... Maybe I'd hit it... Maybe, but yeah, she's got temper/bipolar issues as mentioned (she states she has Aspergers)... Heh-heh!
Now the thing is, when you look at these, you do kinda lean even more towards thinking, "Yeah, I kinda would like to 'mod' her..." Har har ;)
OK, this kind of talk is completely inappropriate. If she's a problematic seller/trader and has an unreliable history, that's one thing. Bringing up a bunch of personal shit and making creepy comments like that is another thing altogether. These statements make you look a bit misogynistic and reflect poorly on this forum and the community built around it.
I didn't see anything inappropriate.  It was a little funny actually, and nothing really out of line.


Quote from: Bernie on 01/26/2013, 10:00 AMI didn't see anything inappropriate.  It was a little funny actually, and nothing really out of line. 
And this is why we have so few female members on this forum and in this hobby. Because large portions of the community come off like sexist pigs.


Quote from: guest on 01/26/2013, 09:47 AMOK, this kind of talk is completely inappropriate. If she's a problematic seller/trader and has an unreliable history, that's one thing. Bringing up a bunch of personal shit and making creepy comments like that is another thing altogether. These statements make you look a bit misogynistic and reflect poorly on this forum and the community built around it.
Dude, are you serious or just sort of feigning outrage sarcastically ? I can't tell for sure, but I'm leaning towards the former. If you're serious, you really need to chill! Making way out there statements that my comments reflected negatively on others in the "forum and the community built around it", that these 2 posts were somehow threatening to some overall reputation is wild and absurd!! A lot of the stuff was public, so it wasn't a "bunch of" personal stuff and while some of it was, big whoop, pass it up if you don't approve, it wasn't *that* revealing. Calling me misogynistic and "creepy" for just having a little fun in terms of finding her somewhat attractive and making sexual innuendo type comments just makes you look like a fucking prude, I'm sorry to say... Wow, way to be a douche!


Quote from: guest on 01/26/2013, 10:04 AMAnd this is why we have so few female members on this forum and in this hobby. Because large portions of the community come off like sexist pigs.
F-ck you, a$$hole! It was minor sexual innuendo!! OH THE HORROR! So this clown seriously is ragging on this... Wow! And to go further to make this kind of broad accusation and conclusion as to why there are few female members here and in this hobby, as if such comments are *that* frequent in the first place, much less "completely inappropriate" is another one of your delusional claims, fucking prude!

2021 EDIT: This cyberbully has been covering up/shilling/bootlicking for his Ohio buddy Andrew Arkanerd who bullied one of our actual few female members who lives in Japan, Michirin9801, trolling her in a harmless thread and implying she is "kind of a dipshit." Brandon/spenoza (he's 'marurun' on rackeyboy, a mod) here has been covering up for him for years as they met at gaming nerd conventions, are "PCE beer buddies" so you got the gang loyalty mentality at work, plus he's a coward and would fear Andrew verbally abusing him if he called it out!

In retrospect, I value his opinion even less given how his buddy Andrew destroyed this forum in revenge with external relentless psycho stalking/harassment/incitement/defamation, and ultimately driving Aaron Nanto into retirement... Brandon further referenced this exchange even AFTER all that we've seen from Andrew and his crude/sexual jokes for years all throughout this forum! Not to mention verbally assaulting just about everybody from David Shadoff, elmer, David Old Rover Perry (trying to sabotage the Yuki Kickstarter), newbies, etc. Nowhere will you find this disgusting coward criticizing/standing up to it! Nowhere!

Some "mod," he's too scared to put a stop to his ruthless, disgusting criminal buddy even though he must know somewhere many other people will pay the price for his unchecked-abusiveness in the long run! I just want his vile friend Andrew prosecuted for sustained misdemeanor harassment and defamation! I'm not making legal threats, I just hope with his continued cycle of abuse, he will do it to somebody who WILL be willing to file police reports or hire a lawyer to prosecute him so I and other victims of his online rampages may find justice!

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 03/28/2009, 10:54 AMIs she hot?  Post pics.  But not naked ones because Aaron is afraid of nekkid girlz.

She sucks as a singer, that's all I know.
This is what the prude was crying about, but I can't find him trying to shove his fist down anyone else's throat, so I hold to my opinion he had an ideological grudge with just me from the start!


Quote from: NightWolve on 01/26/2013, 10:12 AM
Quote from: guest on 01/26/2013, 10:04 AMAnd this is why we have so few female members on this forum and in this hobby. Because large portions of the community come off like sexist pigs.
Fuck you, asshole! It was minor sexual innuendo!! THE HORROR! So this clown seriously is ragging on this... Wow!
Innuendo is subtle. That wasn't subtle. Further, posting a lot of personal info on the person is an invasion of their privacy. So you post some personal info and some pics of someone designed to "reveal" something about them and then make sexual comments about them based off those pictures. It doesn't matter if they're posted publicly elsewhere. It's inappropriate and in questionable taste. And it's the exact kind of crap that keeps this hobby a boy's club. It also says more about you than you think it does. In short, you're no class act.

And yes, I'm making a big deal about it because this kind of thing REALLY bothers me. Most of my best friends are women, and some of them are gamers and have traditionally male hobbies, and these kinds of attitudes constantly grate on them and make it difficult for them to feel like they have a place. Besides, whether you think it's a big deal or not, it pretty clearly violates the forum rules.


Quote from: guest on 01/26/2013, 10:16 AMInnuendo is subtle. That wasn't subtle. Further, posting a lot of personal info on the person is an invasion of their privacy. So you post some personal info and some pics of someone designed to "reveal" something about them and then make sexual comments about them based off those pictures. It doesn't matter if they're posted publicly elsewhere. It's inappropriate and in questionable taste. And it's the exact kind of crap that keeps this hobby a boy's club. It also says more about you than you think it does. In short, you're no class act.
I don't give a fuck about some subtle or not subtle distinction that you're trying to make, it was sexual innuendo and it was said in fun, also a minor account of some history with her that some might find interesting. If most of it was public and the private stuff wasn't all that damning, just interesting and what not, that's hardly some evil invasion of privacy as your exaggerating ass is trying to make it out to be!! I wouldn't allow a prudish, overly sensitive clown like you to deter it in the future.

QuoteAnd yes, I'm making a big deal about it because this kind of thing REALLY bothers me.
Good for you, douchebag!

QuoteMost of my best friends are women, and some of them are gamers and have traditionally male hobbies, and these kinds of attitudes constantly grate on them and make it difficult for them to feel like they have a place.
Oh, I see, I see, so you got lots and lots of female best friends, and when they see the fellas talking like that, boy oh boy, it just grates on them and we have unknowingly been chasing them away as a result... Gotcha...

QuoteAnd it's the exact kind of crap that keeps this hobby a boy's club.
Says you. Sorry douche, but random, rare (at least from what I can tell here) remarks like that are not what keep this hobby a boy's club. Demographically, far more males like videogames than females, for whatever reasons. For a female to just outright boycott or avoid some forum because of guys being guys, she'd have to be pretty damn hyper-sensitive like you seem to be. I'm not buying your stupid, self-serving narrative for a second.

QuoteIt also says more about you than you think it does. In short, you're no class act.
Yess, according to prudes like you and I wouldn't claim I'm a class act, either.

QuoteBesides, whether you think it's a big deal or not, it pretty clearly violates the forum rules.
So the ass clown falls back on alleged forum rule violations when I could point to numerous other technical violations that have occurred in the past where you said and did nothing. It's your own personal feelings here of offense, so stop trying to hide behind some other bigger notion, be it the "community as a whole", forum rules, or all your alleged female friends and so forth. You've called me creepy, misogynistic, implied sexist pig, etc. yeah, I repeat, you need to go fuck yourself, fucking prude!


STATUS: Too much fighting. Must get medic. Pain. The community is in pain.


Ordinarily sexual comments don't bother me. I was bothered in this case because of all the personal information and such that accompanied the comments. Most of what you shared or opined has nothing to do with whether or not she's an unreliable seller or modder.

Perhaps I am overreacting, I don't know. I know that what you posted made me very uncomfortable and I decided it was important enough to say something. The sum total of what you posted is inappropriate, both in the context of this discussion and in general.

Good for you, though, responding in an adult and mature manner. And they say reasoned discourse is dead.


Quote from: guestPerhaps I am overreacting, I don't know. I know that what you posted made me very uncomfortable and I decided it was important enough to say something. The sum total of what you posted is inappropriate, both in the context of this discussion and in general.

Good for you, though, responding in an adult and mature manner. And they say reasoned discourse is dead.
I too, have MANY friends who are girls.  I really seen nothing wrong with what was posted, and took it to be a bit of comic relief.  My wife, and all of my girlfriends have a sense of humor, and nothing like this would have offended them.  To say that "THIS" is the reason the forum lacks females is just false.  Basically, chill the hell out and have a sense of humor.  That is what it was meant to do, bring a chuckle..  You know, little pun?  chuckle chuckle??  Why so serious?


Bernie, your measured response is appreciated. My last post before this one pretty much sums it up. There's not much more I can say on this. After NightWolve's over-the-top response, include a couple VERY harassing PMs, I just can't see it as simply as that. Maybe if it were someone else on the forum who posted what NightWolve did I'd be able to see it your way.


QuoteThese statements make you look a bit misogynistic and reflect poorly on this forum and the community built around it.
QuoteAnd this is why we have so few female members on this forum and in this hobby. Because large portions of the community come off like sexist pigs.
And this
QuoteAnd it's the exact kind of crap that keeps this hobby a boy's club. It also says more about you than you think it does. In short, you're no class act.
This is why you are getting flack from NW.  I would've been a little peeved as well if you basically called me a sexist pig...


Quote from: Bernie on 01/26/2013, 12:30 PMThis is why you are getting flack from NW.  I would've been a little peeved as well if you basically called me a sexist pig... 
Taking flak is one thing. The kind of vitriol he's putting out is in another category altogether. Someone punches me and I think it's for no good reason, I'm gonna punch back. I'm not gonna run them over in my car.

Keith Courage

Well this is weird. So the person doing shady repairs put all kinds of effort into help translate Ys IV? Why contribute so much to a system you love by helping translate an awesome game to then later not make good on repairs you provide for the same system?

Something doesn't add up. Maybe this person never responded to emails cause something happened to them? Maybe she is in the hospital? Family crisis? Who knows?


Nah, she is still actively doing work on eBay and YouTube.  :). It is what it is I guess...

Keith Courage

Oh okay, I thought she hadn't returned any messages to anyone about anything. That's different


I bought two scart cables from them, one for snes one for genesis.  communication is a little spotty but I got the cables in a decent time period, although they sent me the wrong genesis cable. after a few emails they put the right cable in the mail to me


I agree with spenoza, some of wolfs comments were definitly in poor taste.

Also Ive bought almost all of my rgb cables from this seller and they are well built and arrived quickly and have been recommending them to people for rgb cables.


Maybe it was just a fluke then.  I dunno.  The OP doesn't appear to be around much.


I personally wouldn't have made any comments like NightWolve's but at the same time I don't have a problem with it. It's just more below my radar dumb shit not worth making a fuss about, IMO.

Sometimes things need to be said about appropriate language and the sensitivity of others, but then other times you have dudes co-opting the struggles of another group in an attempt to give meaning to their own lives and getting it all wrong in the process. Vagina-envy. I think this is more like that. I was raised by a single mom and I did this a lot myself. It took a long time for me to realize that women were people too. A lot of them are wonderful perfect angels, and a lot of them are dumb jerks that like Larry the Cable Guy.

There are plenty of women who would laugh at the joke. None of them are here for the same reason that %99 of all web forums are dominated by men. It isn't about games, lots of women play games, it's more about the extent to which men take their hobbies and the nature by which their obsession manifests itself.

This is a lady who learned a foreign language just so she could tell Vic Ireland to fuck off with some authority. That's pretty awesome, IMO. If she worked on Ys, lived in three countries, does PCE mods, etc, and still feels like dressing as Sexy Pikachu then I think she's probably tough enough to take a "plug" joke. No, I wouldn't have made the joke myself, but not all women are ultra sensitive prudes so wracked with reverse chauvinism that they're going to avoid a web forum en masse because of one stupid joke. They've got all sorts of other reasons to avoid the forum. :)

As for the original topic, I bought a cable from her a year or two ago, everything went fine. Obviously as a translator for Ys her contributions to the PCE community should give her a little more credit than a guy with 56 posts (who, to my ears, sounds like a bit of a whinger, but that's only a hunch). The translation of Ys IV was probably the most significant homebrew/hack thing in the history of PCE, IMO. I think a lot of you would agree with this if you thought about it.

Which isn't to say that she isn't a hack and a thief too, but we don't have the whole story. It would be interesting to hear from the guy that fixed moonwhistle's PCE since he's the only one who has seen the defective work that was done.


In NightWolve's defense, about the whole "this is why we don't have female members here" crap or what ever I'd like to drop a friendly reminder. Last I checked the prior two that were here had issues going on. You had one, T&A Kirby, flirting with people somewhat, also going out of her way to be involved in the behind the scenes garbage involving Nintega, and then you'd have her complaining about the free games she was receiving. She was a idiot to say the least.

The other, Misa, the PCFX fan who mainly played PCFX and watched anime, was a bipolar mess, feigning constant near death health issues online for sympathy, yet somehow managing to never just fucking die already. When she ran out of good stories to tell, along with the actual ability to back them up, she moved on to another forum, then another, and so on I guess. I believe I last spotted her on Vogons pretending to be someone else in typical Dave fashion. Rinse and repeat, the story of her life. Also, she sucked at Shogo, which she was supposedly supposed to be good at, but I curb stomped her at about every turn, even when she had help.

Really normal girl gamers tend to just hang out in girl gaming circles online mostly, unless it is WOW related or something.  Just as you're not beating down the door trying to join their forums, don't expect them to do so here. For that matter, this system was a niche system for the more serious collector/player, not for the average gamer, and you are not going to find as many serious collectors being women typically, because girls and women gaming did not become more common until the Playstation era, so not as many are going to know of, or care about, this system. They will be more focused on the mainstream stuff. Just how it is.

Concerning pcenginesales, most of my transactions with her went off without a hitch, as did one of my friends. I had one issue where a Super Cd Rom 2 unit wasn't packed maybe as well as it could be, and the lid switch was knocked loose during transit. It was a easy fix though at any rate. Regardless, sometimes sellers just go bad or get flaky. Sellers with mental issues, more so I am sure.

Also, I did not have any issue with what NW said. Pcesales doesn't even come around here, and to be honest, its fair play I guess if shes talking shit about him anyway.

edit: lest we forget this gem of a post:

Quote from: Game and Watch Kirby on 01/14/2009, 12:38 AMHere I am after quite a long break. I apologize for my lack of posts here, but I've been more occupied at the TurboGrafx Network forum for Black Tiger's website, along with other matters including a recent trip to Reno for the holidays to visit my uncle who lives there.

As a Christmas present, SuperPCEngineGrafx had sent me Battle Royale whilst I was away. I had a bit of a disdain upon receiving it, as I've heard of heavy criticism on this particular title, especially since it wasn't a title I desired to have and I had sent him the list of titles I wanted by a private message. I asked him about this decision, and he explained to me that it was the only game he could find locally that I didn't have, and he had missed out on an ad on Craigslist for a copy of Bloody Wolf as he was very busy in the days it was featured (I'm okay with that aspect, though, as Bloody Wolf isn't a title I highly desire either).
Seriously, joins forum, guys start sending her shit just because shes a chick, then she complains on here and on youtube about free stuff she gets like a spoiled bitch.    :roll:


QuoteSeriously, joins forum, guys start sending her shit just because shes a chick, then she complains on here and on youtube about free stuff she gets like a spoiled bitch.    :roll:
Yes, that is exactly why I gave her a TG-16, cuz she's a "chick". I guess that all the stuff I've sent guys over the years was because I thought that they were cute. Who were the other guys showering Kirby with gifts?

What she did with the free stuff is make a bunch of youtube videos with it. She even managed to beat Legendary Axe, which many people can't do.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


STATUS: This thread continues to take turns and twists that I didn't anticipate. Hilarious! :pcgs:


Quote from: guest on 01/26/2013, 11:19 PM
QuoteSeriously, joins forum, guys start sending her shit just because shes a chick, then she complains on here and on youtube about free stuff she gets like a spoiled bitch.    :roll:
Yes, that is exactly why I gave her a TG-16, cuz she's a "chick". I guess that all the stuff I've sent guys over the years was because I thought that they were cute. Who were the other guys showering Kirby with gifts?

What she did with the free stuff is make a bunch of youtube videos with it. She even managed to beat Legendary Axe, which many people can't do.
This is not the only forum/medium she was on, and you were not the only person supposedly sending her "gifts" or whatever between here and youtube. If you want a list, ask her. She was deleting comments on her youtube videos and channel, so I cant tell you who all she was doing this with, but it was not limited to here. Why would you care to know anyway, you jealous or something about a girl who has not even posted on here since what, 4 years ago???

I myself put her on ignore after she tried to recruit herself to be some kind of weird back stabbing spy on Nintega since he had a crush on her. If you do need someone to confirm that, drop Sini a pm, because she was contacting him about that mess also. But I mean hey, if you were supposedly such a good friend of hers or whatever to be sending gifts to begin with, you should already know she was a double agent wanna be.

At any rate,  I did not exactly name you by name either did I? So, no reason to get your panties in a bunch. People can just read the prior thread and judge for themselves how she was behaving. The comment wasn't even about you specifically, it was about what happened when she joined. She joins, guys send her free stuff, and she complains. THAT is what happened, though I should have stated she also joined the youtube gaming community also (whatever community that is), since you demand specifics. But I mean also, hey, if you decide to send any new cute guys gifts, as you put it, who just joined the forum free stuff too, then cool man, that is your business. I aint got nuthin against you swinging for the male persuasion. Only new person who seemed to post about the "gifts" and gift list though here at that time though, with "disdain" anyway, was her, which is what made it memorable. If you want to post links to threads of new guys who joined up and started threads about your gifts, by all means, have at it.

She beat LA, really, besides you, who cares? Sorry, I don't remember that. On the totem pole of importance, it ranks pretty low, and the way you are commenting on it,  is that in some ways insinuating that it would be even harder for a girl to beat it then a guy....hard to say..... Either way, guy or girl, it doesn't give someone the license to act like an ass about a gift publicly, or in private.

EDIT: Oh wait, almost forgot :P



Quote from: PCEngineHell on 01/27/2013, 02:00 AMShe beat LA, really, besides you, who cares? Sorry, I don't remember that. On the totem pole of importance, it ranks pretty low, and the way you are commenting on it,  is that in some ways insinuating that it would be even harder for a girl to beat it then a guy....hard to say..... Either way, guy or girl, it doesn't give someone the license to act like an ass about a gift publicly, or in private.
Actually, I do find that pretty impressive. Most members here, my self included, lack the time or the skills or the interest to come close to clearing even 1/2 of our collections.

That's all I have to say about this person though. I don't really remember this fiasco and really don't give a shit about it.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 01/27/2013, 03:03 AM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 01/27/2013, 02:00 AMShe beat LA, really, besides you, who cares? Sorry, I don't remember that. On the totem pole of importance, it ranks pretty low, and the way you are commenting on it,  is that in some ways insinuating that it would be even harder for a girl to beat it then a guy....hard to say..... Either way, guy or girl, it doesn't give someone the license to act like an ass about a gift publicly, or in private.
Actually, I do find that pretty impressive. Most members here, my self included, lack the time or the skills or the interest to come close to clearing even 1/2 of our collections.

That's all I have to say about this person though. I don't really remember this fiasco and really don't give a shit about it.
But, the question is, do you find it impressive enough to remember 4 years down the road? I don't know how many here have cleared Image Fight II, but I really don't expect anyone to remember I did 3 days later, let alone 4 years down the road, nor my crazy high scores on Override, or my 1 life clear of Splatterhouse on Hard mode. I guess it would matter though if you were fairly attached to the person or something. IDK, I just don't remember most any games my own friends beat or anything. Probably because I view that stuff as being more of a personal accomplishment then one anyone else should care much about.


For me, clearing classic era games is rare unless I really like them or they are really easy. I remember watching my friends beat Bubble Bubble (NES) twice in one sitting. I remember my friend's asshole brother clearing Lords of Thunder because I didn't think he had it in him (not that its hard, its actually pretty easy, but this guy sucked at things). I remember the time I swore to myself that I'd get good enough at Super Star Solider to finish it (but still haven't).

But lets say this really is odd, so you've proven that Black Tiger has the hots for her by remembering some random bit of info. So what? Is there something wrong with that?

Regardless, I'm sure you have more data on this chick than anyone. As usual you've followed her to Youtube, other forums, with accompanying attached images to prove your stalking prowess, because for some reason you think that's acceptable behavior (its not). What does this show us that we don't already know? When it comes to collecting dossiers full of extraneous background info on forum members past and present, going back well more than 4 years, you are the absolute king. They can run but not hide, right? Therefore you must have the hots for EVERYONE.

With as much trivia as you've stored up in your brain about me you must jerk off to my picture daily, hourly even. Its OK, you can do that. Just don't post pics of that, please.

Emerald Rocker

Clearing LA would be more interesting if it were Last Armageddon.
Official member of the PCEFX 4K Post Club


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 01/27/2013, 06:03 AM
/\ adding character and original content to an otherwise boring rehash /\

Or actually, in reality, before buying Vasteel again a few months back, which yes I did actually do, I was simply browsing Vasteel videos reminiscing on how great the game was, and spotted that video and happened to remember that since it was attributed to little Miss Disdain here. Seriously, you really like to read into things and grasp for straws, and yet again proved that if I post, right on que you are there doing the Zeta shuffle, one step forward, two steps back, attempting to twist another thread into being about your life long net battle with your supposed nemesis you hate so much. You're boring me to death here with the same ole shtick. At least in the old days you had somewhat original content sometimes...or not, fuck I really cant remember. Also, does all this mean you have the hots for ME?

If you cant tell I'm jerking BT's chain there with the pic, then I don't know what to tell you. He is the one that got all reactionary over the situation, and if he did have the hots for her, I doubt anyone cares, and it isn't like he is the only one, so did Dave and I am sure a couple others here or elsewhere. Like I said, I didn't mention him, he ousted himself for no reason. It's a age old tradition to raz a fellow guy over a girl crush or lay or wtf ever. I'm sure this is a new concept for you, being so socially awkward and all, so I can see how you'd confuse the meaning/purpose of it.

Personally, I don't even know what T&A Kirby looked like, but hopefully it was enough to make up for her winning personality. As far as having a personal dossier on her? Sorry, no, and again no, I did not save any prior messages she sent me on youtube. They were sent to my old channel, which I handed over to Quoth09 from here to handle, and he shut it down awhile back because he got tired of dealing with it too, replying to questions and comments and crap no one with a real life has any time for.


The reason it seems like I have no "original content" is because my basic problem with you, that you are the modern day J Edgar Hoover, hasn't somehow become less fucked up.