RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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What Turbo game are you currently playing?

Started by WandererFromYs, 02/28/2008, 12:22 AM

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Quote from: guest on 04/23/2013, 09:44 AMJust bustin' balls.
Made me chuckle.  I think everybody is aware I wouldn't give magical chase 30 minutes.



Was totally going to play some Devil's Crush last night but one of my sons hogged the controller...

(Ok, so really he asked me if we could play some Turbo and I just ended up watching him play.  He did offer the controller several times but I was getting too much of a kick watching him play.)

I'm just glad my kids have taken an interest in it too.  It's great to share something with your kids that's special to you from your childhood. But not only share it, to have them enjoy it just as much as you do.  Surely it wouldn't be the same if I had to duck tape them to the chair.
All is well. :)


I played and almost beat Bonk's Adventure last night.

I managed to hook up my gaming set up in my apartment so I was a busy boy trying everything out :)


Quote from: RoyVegas on 04/23/2013, 01:16 PMSurely it wouldn't be the same if I had to duck tape them to the chair. 

Sapphire and Winds of Thunder...sigh. I'm finally on lvl 2 in Sapphire. I can get up to the fourth boss in Winds and then I get ANNIHILATED!


Quote from: RoyVegas on 04/23/2013, 01:16 PMI'm just glad my kids have taken an interest in it too.  It's great to share something with your kids that's special to you from your childhood. But not only share it, to have them enjoy it just as much as you do.


I just got Mystic Formula in today, and I popped it in and tried it out and it seemed okay.  Then, a little while later, my friend and I decided to play it as 2-player simultaneous.  We enjoyed it so much, that we went ahead and played it all the way through and beat the game.  We really enjoyed it.  It's basically an overhead run-'n-gun similar to Pocky & Rocky for the SNES (or Kiki KaiKai for the PC Engine), The Chaos Engine/Soldiers of Fortune, or the overhead levels of some of the Contra games.  If you enjoy this style of game, then I definitely recommend that you get this game, even if it's a titch pricey.

You have a choice of 4 different characters to play as, and each has different stats (speed, strength, etc...) and a different weapon with different powerup trees.  For example one character, the green-haired girl has a homing flamethrower which is slow at first, but as it powers up, it can shoot faster and faster, while the blue-haired guy's laser upgrades from a single beam to multiple beams.  You can even change characters when you continue if you like.  You also have a straffing button with which to lock your firing in one direction only (think shooting to the left while walking to the right), and you have bombs magical scrolls which damage or destroy everything on the screen.


Ys Book I :D

Kamikazi'ing demons for fun and profit! CHAAAAAARRRRRGE :D
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I was playing some JJ and Jeff last night but I couldn't take much more of the punishment.... barely got to the level 2 boss


Just tried Sapphy a couple of days ago. Good stuff. Other than that, I've playing a lot of Bomberman '93 until '94 arrives.
Gaming since 1985


I just got the Japanese version of Air Zonk just to compare the two. Still a great game but what's the deal with Zonk and Moo Moo turning into a trannie when their powers combine ?


Quote from: DesmondThe3rd on 04/27/2013, 06:40 AMI just got the Japanese version of Air Zonk just to compare the two. Still a great game but what's the deal with Zonk and Moo Moo turning into a trannie when their powers combine ?
It is a symbolic statement of support for the LGBT community and their struggle to obtain equal rights.

I, for one, am proud that Air Zonk takes a progressive political stance on this issue.


Just finished playing 1943 Kai, actually. The National Anthem playing at the end is...stirring :D
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I've been playing Dead Moon.  It's actually pretty good :)


Quote from: DesmondThe3rd on 04/27/2013, 06:40 AMI just got the Japanese version of Air Zonk just to compare the two. Still a great game but what's the deal with Zonk and Moo Moo turning into a trannie when their powers compine?
It keeps it faithful to the PC Genjin games.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


I am trying to puzzle out Aero Blasters now. A very crazy game...
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Quote from: whisper2053 on 04/28/2013, 05:03 PMI am trying to puzzle out Aero Blasters now. A very crazy game...
Please elaborate.  I found parts of it to be very hard, if that's what you mean?


Quote from: esteban on 04/27/2013, 11:58 PM
Quote from: DesmondThe3rd on 04/27/2013, 06:40 AMI just got the Japanese version of Air Zonk just to compare the two. Still a great game but what's the deal with Zonk and Moo Moo turning into a trannie when their powers combine ?
It is a symbolic statement of support for the LGBT community and their struggle to obtain equal rights.

I, for one, am proud that Air Zonk takes a progressive political stance on this issue.
Haha!  Best response ever!

Now back to Dragon Spirit I go.


Played some Tenchi O Kurau (Dynasty Wars) recently.  My friend and I both played some back and forth, and we finally made it all the way to the final boss.  I came withing 5-10 more hits of finishing him off, but he beat me, and we were too tired to continue again and fight all the way through the whole final stage again.  We will pull it out again sometime in the not-too-distant future, I hope, and then we'll finish it off.

It's a pretty good hack-'em-up with the novelty of being mounted on a horse the entire time.  The game would be a bit more fun if it were 2-player, or if the horse could jump, but it's still a good game.


Quote from: Bardoly on 04/28/2013, 07:24 PM
Quote from: whisper2053 on 04/28/2013, 05:03 PMI am trying to puzzle out Aero Blasters now. A very crazy game...
Please elaborate.  I found parts of it to be very hard, if that's what you mean?
Nothing too weird, just found it to be difficult at times and the powerup scheme seems a bit odd to me.
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Spent a few hours late Friday night with Shapeshifter!!  Loved it!

In an odd turn of events, I saved my game and when I went to look at all the game saves on the Duo everything was gone except for Shapeshifter.... :(

Anyone else have this happen to them?

Hopefully I've learned my lesson and will do a better job at backing up my saves with the Tennokoe banks.  I lost about 6 hours of play in Emerald Dragon and however much time into Mysterious Song I was....
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 04/29/2013, 11:17 AMSpent a few hours late Friday night with Shapeshifter!!  Loved it!

In an odd turn of events, I saved my game and when I went to look at all the game saves on the Duo everything was gone except for Shapeshifter.... :(

Anyone else have this happen to them?

Hopefully I've learned my lesson and will do a better job at backing up my saves with the Tennokoe banks.  I lost about 6 hours of play in Emerald Dragon and however much time into Mysterious Song I was....
Yep... :(
It happened to me not too long ago too.


Quote from: guest on 04/29/2013, 12:13 PM
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 04/29/2013, 11:17 AMSpent a few hours late Friday night with Shapeshifter!!  Loved it!

In an odd turn of events, I saved my game and when I went to look at all the game saves on the Duo everything was gone except for Shapeshifter.... :(

Anyone else have this happen to them?

Hopefully I've learned my lesson and will do a better job at backing up my saves with the Tennokoe banks.  I lost about 6 hours of play in Emerald Dragon and however much time into Mysterious Song I was....
Yep... :(
It happened to me not too long ago too.
Wow, I totally remember reading this thread, but forgot it was SHAPESHIFTER (That shady bastard) that was actually the cause of it.... I just assumed it was 20+ year old hardware going wonky...   :(

Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


We got bored at the barracks tonight, and hilarity ensued!
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Keeping the nation safe from pixelated boobehs, one button at a time.  :mrgreen:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Still working on Double Dungeons as I have time.  So far I've done dungeons 1-12.
All is well. :)


Quote from: whisper2053 on 04/29/2013, 04:08 PMWe got bored at the barracks tonight, and hilarity ensued!
You missed the creepiest element: the blinking eyelids! That's what disturbs me the most. I'll take scary stare any day. But creepy blink? HELL NO.


downtown nekketsu monogatari. Saving up money so i can stop getting whooped on


Inching along with JJ & Jeff, so bad it is good.

Dragon Spirit has a lot of cheap hits, too slow.

LOVING Blazing Lasers but once I lose my shields on Level 7 I just keep dying, keep getting item I and then two hits dead.  Love this game no matter.

Kieth Courage is so bad but I am hammering through it as fast as I can, got to the Level 5 Boss, Hate that I have to go through the entire level all over again but like being able to visit older levels, very original for an 80's game.

Victory Run is a cheating Piece of Shit, shame really but the game just sucks and can't wait to fuck with you, or what's that your doing too good?  Here is some sand.  Fuck this game.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/30/2013, 10:10 PMInching along with JJ & Jeff, so bad it is good.

Dragon Spirit has a lot of cheap hits, too slow.

LOVING Blazing Lasers but once I lose my shields on Level 7 I just keep dying, keep getting item I and then two hits dead.  Love this game no matter.

Kieth Courage is so bad but I am hammering through it as fast as I can, got to the Level 5 Boss, Hate that I have to go through the entire level all over again but like being able to visit older levels, very original for an 80's game.

Victory Run is a cheating Piece of Shit, shame really but the game just sucks and can't wait to fuck with you, or what's that your doing too good?  Here is some sand.  Fuck this game.
Victory Run also gets TOO DARK at night (at least on my TV's), so I have to turn up the brightness a bit. I guess I prefer a darker-than-normal screen so maybe it's simply my preferences that set up DIFFICULT NIGHT DRIVING in Victory Run. ROAD HAZARDS AT NIGHT? Sure, you'll have very little time to react. Savannah and sand require you to shift to a lower gear. I love Victory Run because every second counts and when you beat a new stage--DAMN, you feel good. :)

Dragon Spirit: I'd say the "too slow" complaint is the most common (folks felt that way forever, even back in the day). As for cheap hits...well, you're a big ass dragon (that's why it's fun to be MINI DRAGON--so cute and so awesome to have firepower in such a compact dragon.

JJ & Jeff gets tough, but it is one of those games where you have to learn when to slow down (you can speed-run through a lot of it, but there are key moments where you should (must?) stop.


More downtown nekketsu monogatari. Had to load up the NES version and make a lil translation guide for the pause menu


I been playing a bit of Magical Chase before I lock it up again. Even did a new review to bash it for being too expensive.


I played some Asuka 120% Maxima Burning Fest for the first time last night on 'Easy' mode and enjoyed it.  I was playing on my Avenue 6 pad, but I couldn't get the extra buttons to work, even though I reset the game and switched from the 'A' position to the 'B' position, so I was only playing with buttons 1 and 2.  Does anyone know if this supposed to be a 6-button playable game?

Afterwards, I played some Puyo Puyo CD for the first time as well, and I found that I enjoyed it, even though my first opponent whooped me.   :-({|=  I want to try it against a human player sometime soon and see how that'll go.

After failing at Puyo Puyo, I popped in Spriggan (also for the first time) and really enjoyed it. although I couldn't quite figure out the various weapon combinations.  I just kept collecting pods, so my weapon kept changing on me - sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.   :roll:

All in all, an enjoyable Turbo evening.


Quote from: Bardoly on 05/03/2013, 01:21 PMAfter failing at Puyo Puyo, I popped in Spriggan (also for the first time) and really enjoyed it. although I couldn't quite figure out the various weapon combinations.  I just kept collecting pods, so my weapon kept changing on me - sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.   :roll:

All in all, an enjoyable Turbo evening.
Spriggan is one of my fav shoot um ups on the PCE. Game is amazing. Awesome stages, music and gameplay. I find that the yellow and green orb combination is the best for most of the stages in the game.

I beat Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari a few days ago. Def a title that i will play every once in awhile. Its just so fun and charming


Quote from: Bardoly on 05/03/2013, 01:21 PMDoes anyone know if this supposed to be a 6-button playable game?
I looks like it's just a two-buttoner.

P.S. - Wanna know why search doesn't work so well 'round here?  Because mo-fos often can't be bothered to use appropriate titles, and when they do they misspell 'button' anyway.  :P
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: munchiaz on 05/03/2013, 02:03 PMI beat Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari a few days ago. Def a title that i will play every once in awhile. Its just so fun and charming
I'm glad you liked it!


Quote from: Bardoly on 05/03/2013, 03:53 PM
Quote from: munchiaz on 05/03/2013, 02:03 PMI beat Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari a few days ago. Def a title that i will play every once in awhile. Its just so fun and charming
I'm glad you liked it!
Can't think you enough for the awesome deal


Played lords of thunder last night. Really one of my favs on the console. I think I like Spriggan more though. Anyway, i got all the way to the final boss but i couldn't beat him. Im gunna try again tonight


Quote from: munchiaz on 05/04/2013, 02:14 PMPlayed lords of thunder last night. Really one of my favs on the console. I think I like Spriggan more though. Anyway, i got all the way to the final boss but i couldn't beat him. Im gunna try again tonight
Keep trying!  I can sometimes get all the way to him, but I still haven't been able to beat him yet either.   ](*,)

For me, I played some Battlefield '94 Super Battle Dream last night, but my computer-controlled opponent kept whooping me.  :(


Just started BONK 3 on my Duo however it's all in Japanese so I'm all confused and just attacked a baby in a crib.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: Bardoly on 05/04/2013, 04:06 PMFor me, I played some Battlefield '94 Super Battle Dream last night, but my computer-controlled opponent kept whooping me.  :(
If you figure out how to make any headway in BF '94, please let me know!  I haven't been able to figure out much of the game yet, but I really dig the music.


Quote from: guest on 05/04/2013, 07:12 PM
Quote from: Bardoly on 05/04/2013, 04:06 PMFor me, I played some Battlefield '94 Super Battle Dream last night, but my computer-controlled opponent kept whooping me.  :(
If you figure out how to make any headway in BF '94, please let me know!  I haven't been able to figure out much of the game yet, but I really dig the music.
Will do if able.   :-"

For family night, we played several different games tonight.  (For the last few family game nights, we had Bomberman going, but tonight we wanted something different.)

Kato Chan &Ken Chan
J.J. & Jeff
Time Cruise
Alien Crush
Devil's Crush

All 5 games went over rather well, but Alien Crush and Devil's Crush were the crowd favorites.   =D>

We also had Super Mario Kart for the SNES set up in another room, and while it got some play time, the Turbo room saw more.   8)


played lords of thunder again tonight. This time i was able to beat it. First time beating the game. Its not to hard, i guess i just needed to play it more to get used to things. Next i think im gunna try and beat cotton


Panic Bomber! Did a 5p rodeo yesterday and realized that I suck horribly at the game and decided that I need to get better :D
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I just beat Bonk 3.  Way to easy.  Kinda fun but I had 40 extra lives to deal with so where is the challenge?  The final boss was uninspired and the game coulda been so much more.  Bonks Adventure is by far the best.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 05/06/2013, 01:07 AMI just beat Bonk 3.  Way to easy.  Kinda fun but I had 40 extra lives to deal with so where is the challenge?  The final boss was uninspired and the game coulda been so much more.  Bonks Adventure is by far the best.
I popped in Bonk 3 Hu a few days ago and started playing it with one of my kids.  It got boring for both of us amazingly fast and we ended up just turning it off. The first was definately better than #3.
All is well. :)


Sorry to cross-post, but I'm pretty happy to have finally 1cc'd Spriggan on Normal!




I am trying Image Fight II now.  HOLY SHIT WHAT A HARD GAME!!!
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


I'm rocking Neutopia now that I have the ability to save my game to memory.

It's a great game but I feel like the hit detection is off a bit or I'm not used to the hit box area.


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Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 05/07/2013, 03:15 PMI'm rocking Neutopia now that I have the ability to save my game to memory.

It's a great game but I feel like the hit detection is off a bit or I'm not used to the hit box area. 
I just beat Neutopia a couple of weeks ago, and I really enjoyed it.  I had beaten it a long time ago (back in '94 or so), and I wanted to play through it again.

For the hit detection box, think the NES game 'The Legend of Zelda'.  Of course, after you have the fire wand, the sword almost become superfluous.   :mrgreen: