The “What-Did-You-Buy-Today?” Thread

Started by Tatsujin, 06/15/2008, 05:45 AM

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Puyo Puyo CD! I'd like to get that for my woman and myself one day. She really enjoyed it while playing it at VGS this year.


I has few spare CDs. can put it into benbys pack as well^^ - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Wonder Boy III: Dragon's Trap
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair

Both PCE versions, of course.  :mrgreen:

Tatsujin - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 12/07/2013, 02:02 PMLast Resort is a tough Neo Game.  Good luck with that.
Last Resort is easy, anyone should be able to clear the first loop with a week or two of practice.  People find it difficult because they tend to just lock the Unit as a shield and mash the fire button.  This is not how the game was meant to be played.  You have to learn how to use the Unit properly and play purely offensively,  it's an all out attack kind of game.
Stronger Than Your Average Deadite


What every douchebag says above just ignore him... I have :P


Quote from: Tatsujin on 12/07/2013, 08:16 PMI has few spare CDs. can put it into benbys pack as well^^
Nice! You're spoiling me, Tats.



I bought a box full of gaming magazines from the 80's and 90's at a local flea market today.


Quote from: chany60126 on 12/08/2013, 12:05 PMI bought a box full of gaming magazines from the 80's and 90's at a local flea market today.
PM sent


That's a year or more of quality bathroom time! Nice get!

Joe Redifer

Who reads on the toilet? Just shit and get out I say! No need to be basking in poo smell and subjecting the poor magazine to it as well. Well, unless y'all are always constipated.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/08/2013, 05:29 PMWho reads on the toilet? Just shit and get out I say! No need to be basking in poo smell and subjecting the poor magazine to it as well. Well, unless y'all are always constipated.
When you have a family with kids, sometimes a bathroom is your only time you have to yourself sadly. I prefer Tetris on an original gameboy though to magazines


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 12/08/2013, 05:34 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/08/2013, 05:29 PMWho reads on the toilet? Just shit and get out I say! No need to be basking in poo smell and subjecting the poor magazine to it as well. Well, unless y'all are always constipated.
When you have a family with kids, sometimes a bathroom is your only time you have to yourself sadly. I prefer Tetris on an original gameboy though to magazines


I'm a sucker for zelda anything...

I had to have the zelda edition 3ds xl.  Although it comes with a "digital" copy of Link Between Worlds, I wanted a physical copy of it.  Toys R Us was doing a buy one get one 40% off sale so I capitalized on that.   It surprised me how much larger the 3DS XL was over the regular one....  kind of frustrating since I already had the regular one...

Oh and Super Mario 3D world is BOSS... totally worth buying a Wii U for.


Such a happy family...


[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 12/08/2013, 06:22 PMI'm a sucker for zelda anything...

I had to have the zelda edition 3ds xl.  Although it comes with a "digital" copy of Link Between Worlds, I wanted a physical copy of it.  Toys R Us was doing a buy one get one 40% off sale so I capitalized on that.   It surprised me how much larger the 3DS XL was over the regular one....  kind of frustrating since I already had the regular one...

Oh and Super Mario 3D world is BOSS... totally worth buying a Wii U for.


Such a happy family...


Nice Beamer!  ...I have all the boring normal systems :/

Is Zelda pre-installed or is it a code?  I haven't picked up the game yet, so I would buy the code off of you if you want to recoup some cash :)


Its a little paper with a code to enter into the e-shop.  If you want it just let me know.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


That is an awesome picture Blue.
Gypsies did it.

 Got no luv for the krackers only slugs for the krackers!


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/08/2013, 05:29 PMWho reads on the toilet? Just shit and get out I say! No need to be basking in poo smell and subjecting the poor magazine to it as well. Well, unless y'all are always constipated.
It's the small things in life hehe :wink:

I'll be posting my Zelda month haul shortly. Link Between Worlds is pretty fun so far. I am looking forward to upgrading to an XL when the time comes.


zeruda! you got the original Zelda DS too yea?


Quote from: Opethian on 12/08/2013, 08:29 PMzeruda! you got the original Zelda DS too yea?
No, I missed that one :(  Though it doesnt seem to be quite as pricey so maybe someday
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Nice haul beemer!  I would have jumped on the Zelda 3DSXL too if I didn't already have the Pikachu nipples one.  I really like how on the one the Triforce is mirrored on the top and bottom parts of the shell.  A stylish way to reference the game. 
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)

Joe Redifer

Quote from: BlueBMW on 12/08/2013, 06:39 PMIts a little paper with a code to enter into the e-shop.  If you want it just let me know.
I'm pretty sure each code is unique.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/09/2013, 03:22 PMI'm pretty sure each code is unique.
They are, I had just already purchased a physical copy of the game so I didnt need the download code.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


I bought a lot of stuff and it all showed up at the same time today.  Wooooo!

First the stuff I imported:

2013-12-09 Pickups - Misc by xcrement5x, on Flickr

PC Engine Mouse
Star Blade [Mega CD]
Cosmic Fantasy 3

There were also some SS goodies for my guy in here but they cannot be revealed....

2013-12-09 Back to the Edo MegaLD by xcrement5x, on Flickr

No obi, but everything is in pretty decent shape.  I also got it very cheap compared to what it normally goes for.

2013-12-09 Posters by xcrement5x, on Flickr

I got a couple posters as well.  I couldn't really scan or take pics of them, so I grabbed the pics from the site I got them from and made a collage.

Popful Mail Paradise on the top row
Bubblegum Crisis/Crash posters on the bottom row

Next an ebay auction I won for some E3 promo merchandise from 1998

2013-12-09 1998 E3 Promo Merch by xcrement5x, on Flickr

A bunch of misc stuff here.  Flyers, small posters, knick-knacks.  There is a lot to go through and I only browsed for now.  I really bought the whole thing for one part...

2013-12-09 1998 E3 Working Designs Promo Flyers 1 by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Woo, what I bought the whole bundle for!  But the guy who packed it all was a jerk and they got bent in the box  :(

Magic Knights Rayearth
Elemental Gearbolt
Silhouette Mirage


2013-12-09 1998 E3 Working Designs Promo Flyers 2 by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Thunder Force V, and a marketing or press release thing also came with them all.

Finally, most importantly, a special package arrived from Santa:
2013-12-09 PCEngineFX Secret Santa Package! by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Mysterious!  I am eager to open to see what is inside but I must wait....
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


wow nice edo! and air zonk heatbead!


I have a sudden urge to take a hot steamy bath. Not sure why.


Element getting all the games that took me years to find in like 10 minutes.  Back to the Edo was the worst LA game I ever played around with though :P

P.S. - Dare you to give me a Demon's Judgement obi.


I've been trying to hold back from buying things for myself since it's close to Yaksmas, but I got some good deals on these & couldn't pass them up...

Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


I had no idea there was a 2600 version of Kung Fu!


Quote from: Mathius on 12/10/2013, 09:17 AMI had no idea there was a 2600 version of Kung Fu!
Check it out!

Kung Fu Master Atari 2600 Activision 1987

It's a pretty good port of Spartan X considering the hardware.  Activision did some cool shit on the 2600.
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Quote from: TheClash603 on 12/09/2013, 10:27 PMElement getting all the games that took me years to find in like 10 minutes.  Back to the Edo was the worst LA game I ever played around with though :P

P.S. - Dare you to give me a Demon's Judgement obi.
Heh, well I check JP sellers for LA goodies almost every day except weekends at this point since I'm pretty close to finishing that collection.  This Edo was on YJA and wound up going low I'm pretty sure because there was no obi.  There was a Blue Chicago Blues up on Surugaya this weekend that I wasn't fast enough on and someone else got though.  :(  Oh well, patience in all things, I'm sure I'll find the last couple of games I want eventually!
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Hello everyone!!! I am BACK! I know I was lost for a long time and that was my fault entirely. I made some very poor choices and sad to say I got very badly physically/mentally hooked on hardcore drugs and other things. I forgot/lost myself, who I was, and I was a completely different person as well as in utter hell physically/mentally. I lost all care/like for everything that used to make me me, or that I enjoyed. I sold off 95% of my gaming collection and other things(my HDTV and anything of value) for less than 1/10th of what it was worth. I hit below rock bottom.

To make a long story short I have been and still am working hard but I got myself into help I needed and I have worked hard and I have bounced back from basically what few are able to do. I am getting to be my old self again and I am re-gaining my interests/likes/hobby's and such and it feels great! What I am mostly into/working on now(besides myself and staying clean and such) is on my own terms and using my own slow methods I am teaching myself JAPANESE. How to speak/read/interpret it. So...I AM BACK EVERYONE!!!! And I couldn't be happier!!!

Thats the short version. I am not going to keep going on about that as this thread is for other lets get onto it. Now that I am back I am enjoying gaming a great deal. What I am mostly interested in, is Japanese games. So since I got back into gaming I have narrowed my interests down into only my most liked/favorite things and I am only going after what I want and like the most. Which is Japanese PS2/PSX games(mostly RPG's) and PC-FX. Sadly I do not own a PC-FX again yet but it is up there on my wanted/to buy/trade for list. I want one very badly and hope to get one sooner than later.

Anyway, I recently placed my first order with Rakuten, and my order went through and it CAME onto the good stuff, here are pics of my goodies that I aquired/got from my Rakuten order today!!!! I am very excited/happy that it came and I am loving every game, though one of them I am waiting to start until I get the first game as its the sequel.

Onto my haul...:









Thats my order! I look forward to adding pics of more goodies I get in the future. the Tales of Destiny Directors Cut Premium Pack was not easy to find and if you are a Tales of fan the remake of destiny is well worth playing as its very very well done. Great game to remake IMO. Also the premium edition(japan gets the best stuff) the artbook that comes with it is sexy and awesomeness.

Thats it for now! Glad to be back all and enjoy my Japanese Haul!!!
(14:42:34) OSG: real life should have such things as achievements
(14:43:11) OSG: You just banged 2 girls at once.... ACHIEVEMENT!
(14:43:48) chop5: not only that,theres gonna be hidden adds too
(14:47:59) OSG: You ate a girl out...ACHIEVEMENT! (in the background theres a poster... "Hungry? Come eat at TGI FRIDAYS!"


I know exactly where you are coming from, OSG, as I was there myself pre-2009. Coming from the depths of hard drug use to the heights of retro gaming is like being pulled form hell into heaven. I'll be forever grateful to God for this gift of all things retro and I will love and defend it 'til my dying day.


Quote from: Mathius on 12/10/2013, 12:07 PMI know exactly where you are coming from, OSG, as I was there myself pre-2009. Coming from the depths of hard drug use to the heights of retro gaming is like being pulled form hell into heaven. I'll be forever grateful to God for this gift of all things retro and I will love and defend it 'til my dying day.
Well said, and thanks for the good words man. You hit the nail on the head there. I feel great now and I am enjoying myself and gaming sooo much more than I even used to. And learning japanese on top of everything is as I said very slow going but fun and its allowing me to enjoy games I never got much out of trying to play them w/ 0 knowledge at the time.

I am going to keep moving forward and I am going to keep getting more games I want/like as well as playing them.

I have Tales of Destiny 2 JP PS2 on the way(only true sequil to a tales of game which happens to be the best and most deserving one so I cant wait for this), and I have Final Fantasy X International JP PS2 on the way which is very exciting as well. I wont be playing my copy of FFX-2 International+Last Mission until I beat FFX International as it seems only proper...heh.

Anyway, thanks again for the understanding and kind words Mathius. Means a lot! :D
(14:42:34) OSG: real life should have such things as achievements
(14:43:11) OSG: You just banged 2 girls at once.... ACHIEVEMENT!
(14:43:48) chop5: not only that,theres gonna be hidden adds too
(14:47:59) OSG: You ate a girl out...ACHIEVEMENT! (in the background theres a poster... "Hungry? Come eat at TGI FRIDAYS!"

Joe Redifer

Wow Mathius you don't seem like an ex-hardcore drug user to me. OldSchoolGamer you look familiar but I'm not *quite* remembering you completely, but congrats on getting off that stuff anyway! It's your choice if you wanna be on or off that stuff and I'm glad you guys both chose "off". :)


Joe- I used to use this site a lot when it had its open chat. Since that was shut down I only lurk here and rarely post anymore. Been a member for a long time though. I am also a member at,, racketboy(recently), atariage(made a new account there but been there for awhile), used to be a longtime member of until they banned me permanantly, im a member at assembler, and probably a few other sites I cant remember at this time. Probably why I seem familiar to you :).   

I had to go through hell to make the call to get off the shit. I was into stuff hardcore and not light stuff like weed or coke/meth. I had to hit lower than rock bottom and I had to die once, and almost die a few other times as well as be cast out from everyone and become homeless and sicker/go through torture worse than what you'd go through in an Iranian prison. But Thanks for the good words/vibes joe! I really appreciate it. I feel like a new/better person and gaming is much fun for me now as well as learning japanese and enjoying it and playing games I enjoy(japanese RPG's). It is fantastic to be a person again, regaining love/respect, and enjoying things. I cant stress/say that enough.

Anyway, I love the package I got today(pics of my games in the previous page) and I cant wait to add to it again!.

Currently I am searching for a job, but at the same time I am looking hard for the last system I care to own/want. So....

PC-FX WANTED!!!! If anyone has any leads on one(I dont care if its a bit yellowed as long as it works and has necessary cords) I am very interested as I strongly regret selling the one I used to own.

Anyway, I feel like I am starting to ramble so I am going to end it here. Thanks again Joe and believe me, not lots of people get to the point I was at and come back, but you'd be surprised just how many people around you and or that you know who are discrete enough and use/abuse shit in secret so no one is the wiser. heh.

Back to gaming...and again...will post in this thread when more japanese goodies come my way :D :dance: :dance:
(14:42:34) OSG: real life should have such things as achievements
(14:43:11) OSG: You just banged 2 girls at once.... ACHIEVEMENT!
(14:43:48) chop5: not only that,theres gonna be hidden adds too
(14:47:59) OSG: You ate a girl out...ACHIEVEMENT! (in the background theres a poster... "Hungry? Come eat at TGI FRIDAYS!"


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/10/2013, 03:33 PMWow Mathius you don't seem like an ex-hardcore drug user to me. OldSchoolGamer you look familiar but I'm not *quite* remembering you completely, but congrats on getting off that stuff anyway! It's your choice if you wanna be on or off that stuff and I'm glad you guys both chose "off". :)
Did some things I am not proud of during the last decade. My best friend since 8th grade ran off with my girlfriend (and married her) back in 2000, got diagnosed with Crohn's and Ankylosing Spondylitis a few years later, which all sent me into depression. I tried to kill the pain starting with pot, then it escalated to other worse drugs. I got clean in 08 once I had the pain caused by my diseases under control through medication. Everything else fell into place after that.


I got another package in the mail today. I will be adding pics to the thread with what I got. Have a lot of work/stuff to do here so they will be added in a little bit. But I am thrilled over what came and cant wait to share pics of my joy!
(14:42:34) OSG: real life should have such things as achievements
(14:43:11) OSG: You just banged 2 girls at once.... ACHIEVEMENT!
(14:43:48) chop5: not only that,theres gonna be hidden adds too
(14:47:59) OSG: You ate a girl out...ACHIEVEMENT! (in the background theres a poster... "Hungry? Come eat at TGI FRIDAYS!"


Hey everyone!

As promised, here are pics of my small haul I got in the mail today!!! There isn't much here but these JP PS2 games were very high on my want list and the JP PSX game was a surprise(freebie) and what a surprise it was!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: I LOVE IT as i've wanted to play/beat this game for years now and never got a chance due to the outrageous cost of the US version.

So without further they are:





Once I beat Valkyrie Profile I will HAVE to get its sequel though I hear its no where near as good as the original. But we will see about that when the time comes!

I am very happy to post these pics as now I have most of the JP only release Tales of games(including one sexy as hell LE Premium box set) as well as both JP only releases of FFX International and FFX-2 International+ Last Mission!!! :dance: =P~ =P~ =P~

The last 2 days have made me one HAPPY gamer!!! What I really find special about FFX International is not only that you can play it completely in english(if you choose) but its got all the extras(dark aeons etc) the US version never got so its literally the only real full COMPLETE release of the game. Took me a LONG time to track that game down especially with the special DVD it has with it, but the wait was worth it for sure!! :-({|=

Alright, thats all I have to add today. IF/when I get more goodies i'll be happy to post them up on here for everyone to see/admire. Hopefully some people here can understand/appreciate the love and admiration for these games that I have myself [-o&lt; .

It has been a very very long time since I had any reason/want to post anything in here, but now that I am back I will be adding more love in here more often...that's for sure!

Lastly, and finally, I would love to hear opinions on all the games I have posted over the past few days as well as updates from the rest of you. What cool stuff that you've wanted have the rest of you gotten lately? LETS SEE IT!!! 8-[ =D&gt; :-k  :!: :!: :!:
(14:42:34) OSG: real life should have such things as achievements
(14:43:11) OSG: You just banged 2 girls at once.... ACHIEVEMENT!
(14:43:48) chop5: not only that,theres gonna be hidden adds too
(14:47:59) OSG: You ate a girl out...ACHIEVEMENT! (in the background theres a poster... "Hungry? Come eat at TGI FRIDAYS!"


Latest haul....

Big thanks to Keith Courage for Loom. Love ya man! :)


I have such a soft spot for genny strider.  Good call on altered beast.  You need that cart for the strider cheat.


Quote from: galam on 12/11/2013, 03:47 PMGood call on altered beast.  You need that cart for the strider cheat.
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


From the interweb toobz: "Infinite Lives: Insert Altered Beast into the Genesis.  As soon as the title screen appears, remove Altered Beast without turning off the system.  Insert Strider and press Reset, then start a game as usual."
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Final Fantasy X International is one game I keep forgetting about. Maybe one day.

Quote from: guest on 12/11/2013, 05:09 PMFrom the interweb toobz: "Infinite Lives: Insert Altered Beast into the Genesis.  As soon as the title screen appears, remove Altered Beast without turning off the system.  Insert Strider and press Reset, then start a game as usual."
I remember doing this trick bitd. I may be mistaken but I don't think it has to be Strider that is used. It can be any game. Maybe I am remembering that wrong.


Quote from: Mathius on 12/11/2013, 07:31 PMI remember doing this trick bitd. I may be mistaken but I don't think it has to be Strider that is used. It can be any game. Maybe I am remembering that wrong.
The trick is for infinite lives while playing Strider, so yeah....
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 12/12/2013, 09:47 AM
Quote from: Mathius on 12/11/2013, 07:31 PMI remember doing this trick bitd. I may be mistaken but I don't think it has to be Strider that is used. It can be any game. Maybe I am remembering that wrong.
The trick is for infinite lives while playing Strider, so yeah....
Oh I had it backwards lol....I know that there is a trick where you power on the console with a certain game, wait for the SEGA logo to appear, pull the game out with the power still on, then insert Altered Beast. You should then get unlimited lives. :)


There is another good one for Altered Beast.
Put the game in, don't turn on the console, then take it out.

When you do this, you won't waste any real life time.


Quote from: galam on 12/12/2013, 02:27 PMThere is another good one for Altered Beast.
Put the game in, don't turn on the console, then take it out.

When you do this, you won't waste any real life time.
And it will take care of any loose dust too so, that is a bonus.
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


Went by the thrift last night to grab an ugly Christmas sweater and found a couple other things worth grabbing.  Most everything was $1-2 each.
2013-12-11 Finds by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Brain Boy - Used for hacking Pokemon games I guess.  You can also back up GB saves which is kind of cool and helpful for when I replace Pokemon batteries for people.

Monkey Island Madness - Monkey Island 1 & 2 on CD with Redbook soundtrack, score!

Star Wars Arcade - But it was so cheap!

Madden 95 - Will be used for a repro probably

Microsoft Gaming Mouse - Has adjustable DPI buttons and stuff too.  My current mouse is pretty damn old so this will be a nice upgrade.  I had to do some major cleaning on it, ewwwww.

Joe Montana Sports Talk Football 93 - A CIB Genesis game for a couple bucks is a no brainer.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)