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The “What-Did-You-Buy-Today?” Thread

Started by Tatsujin, 06/15/2008, 05:45 AM

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Should keep me busy for the weekend:



Zanac FDS and NES are very similar games.  There are some tiny differences though, enough that Compile included both roms on the Zanac X Zanac release for PS1.

Zanac EX i(MSX 2) s based on NES version, but graphics are much improved.  Though overall I still prefer the original MSX1 Zanac with it's mono-chrome sprites.  It plays better imo, sub-weapons don't have levels, just pick the one you want and kick ass.

I've gotten quite lazy with my pic taking, but this is one I've wanted for a loooooooong time :)


Stronger Than Your Average Deadite


My recent pickups. Been waiting to get a Micro for awhile now. Glad i got this model, and its in good shape



I am too lazy to search for the Strider thread, so I will say I picked it up today for my XB1 here.

After playing about 90 minutes worth, I will say I am quite impressed.  The worst thing about the game is the fact you need to use the analog stick, instead of the d-pad, to control Strider.  Otherwise, for the price paid, I am pretty happy.

For all the people who want a retail release, I am fairly certain the game definitely has the "digital" feel.  It is a high quality digital game or course, but it isn't the type of game that needs a full retail release.


Quote from: munchiaz on 02/22/2014, 04:25 PMMy recent pickups. Been waiting to get a Micro for awhile now. Glad i got this model, and its in good shape
I was going to pick up Tropical Freeze today...  Tell me though, waggle controls or no?

Picked up a load of stuff from Opethian yesterday.  Thanks to Punkic Cyborg for the hookup on the XM29!  And also some other stuff that has trickled in over the past month or so...



[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Children of the sun


Quote from: BlueBMW on 02/23/2014, 08:04 AM
Quote from: munchiaz on 02/22/2014, 04:25 PMMy recent pickups. Been waiting to get a Micro for awhile now. Glad i got this model, and its in good shape
I was going to pick up Tropical Freeze today...  Tell me though, waggle controls or no?
Due to the tablet controller being the primary thing used, I am going to hope there isn't too much waggle...

However, I just bought DK: Tropical Freeze today because Toys R Us has a sale where you buy that game, you get 40% off another game.  HOWEVER!  I went online and it actually let me add 3 games to the cart at 40% off and then you can do in store pickup too.

I was able to add Wind Waker HD $30, Rayman Legends $23, and Scribblenauts Unmasked $23.  Wonderful 101 just missed the cut, but that one was $17 with the deal.  Also, it seems that Wii Fit U doesn't count for the deal, which is too bad because 40% off a $90 game would be great.

Also, if they don't have any of the games at the store near you (as was the case for me with Rayman and Scribblenauts), then those games will ship free.


There are no waggle controls in DK: tropical freeze. Also you dont have to use the gamepad controller. if you have the Wii U pro controller, you can just use that, which is what i have been using. There are actually no gamepad features. If you use the gamepad and are playing the game on the TV, the gamepad screen is just blank


Quote from: munchiaz on 02/23/2014, 01:50 PMThere are no waggle controls in DK: tropical freeze. Also you dont have to use the gamepad controller. if you have the Wii U pro controller, you can just use that, which is what i have been using. There are actually no gamepad features. If you use the gamepad and are playing the game on the TV, the gamepad screen is just blank
I'm afraid this is going to be the case more and more.  I wouldn't be surprised if they do a Wii U run without the gamepad entirely to bring the cost down.


I'm just glad there is no waggle!!!
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 02/23/2014, 03:18 PMI'm just glad there is no waggle!!!
Seconded! When I went into work today Ashe met me with a surprise in her arms. DK: Tropical Freeze added to teh "vault".  :P


The vault lol... stupid vaults hehe

Thanks for the tip on toys r us clash!
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Holy montey haul beamer!!!!

Theses are a couple games I picked up last night locally at a game store. I haven't bought a game locally in a very long time. Everything has been picked over here locally and it's all overpriced junk or stuff with no prices where the clerk takes the game to ebay and tells you the "market price"


Quote from: galam on 02/23/2014, 02:14 PM
Quote from: munchiaz on 02/23/2014, 01:50 PMThere are no waggle controls in DK: tropical freeze. Also you dont have to use the gamepad controller. if you have the Wii U pro controller, you can just use that, which is what i have been using. There are actually no gamepad features. If you use the gamepad and are playing the game on the TV, the gamepad screen is just blank
I'm afraid this is going to be the case more and more.  I wouldn't be surprised if they do a Wii U run without the gamepad entirely to bring the cost down.
They would have to allow you to access the shop and other things with the pro controller. Because right now, you need the game pad to go to the eshop, or to view system settings


Nice beams, some boxed goodness there..

Here is some of my pick ups... The scooter is a 24 volt with new batteries in stalled and the batman atv i juiced form a 6 volt to a 12 :) help get throw the snow.




Sparky has quite the score there, I love all three of those GB games.

Bad N' Rad was one of my most played games as a youth.


I got Ghost Pilots and Bonk 3 PCE from SamIAm. also  MIDI setup on my X68030 and Fire Emblem GC
pics to come! Thanks to beamer powered by X5 :D


No new games for me lately, but I did get something game related: Ys Legacy DVD set, which has all the anime episodes.  I've only watched the first episode so far, but I'm really digging it and highly recommend it to any Ys fans here (coming from a guy that generally gives zero fucks about anime).  The only thing that bugged me is Adol being pronounced with a short a.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Go these from bartre! WHOOT WHOOT! Thanks BUD!



I've got a ton of crap that I need to photograph and post up...hopefully this week. Latest goodie is a minty copy of Keio Flying Squadron from our buddy xcrement5x. Thanks man!


Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/24/2014, 03:15 PMI've got a ton of crap that I need to photograph and post up...hopefully this week. Latest goodie is a minty copy of Keio Flying Squadron from our buddy xcrement5x. Thanks man!
Mega CD? Sega CD? the Saturn sequel?


GameStop is doing 75% off all PS2 Game so I stopped by last week to pick them over. 

2014-02-23 Finds by xcrement5x, on Flickr

PS2 Games Galore!

Fur Fighters
Enter the Matrix
All Star Baseball 2002
ATV Offroad Fury 2
Starsky & Hutch
Capcom Vs SNK 2
Kessen III
IHRA Drag Racing 2
Robotech Battlecry
Hitman 2
Fatal Fury Battle Archives 1

2014-02-23 Finds 2 by xcrement5x, on Flickr

A Boy and His Blob [Wii]
Harvey Birdman [PS2]
Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition [GCN]
Crimson Gem Saga [PSP]

I also grabbed a couple other things from GameStop that caught my eye.  But the Zelda Collector's Edition is from bartre!  Thanks again man!
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


^ MMMMmmmmmmm CVS2 was my first ps2 game that i purchased. During the whole memory card shortage. My local gamestops don't even have ps2 games anymore. good scores


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 02/24/2014, 04:24 PM
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/24/2014, 03:15 PMI've got a ton of crap that I need to photograph and post up...hopefully this week. Latest goodie is a minty copy of Keio Flying Squadron from our buddy xcrement5x. Thanks man!
Mega CD? Sega CD? the Saturn sequel?
Mega CD. The Sega CD version has gone into the realm of insanity pricing. Way too rich for my blood.

I picked up the sequel last year at MGC but haven't had time to run through it yet - it looks awesome.


Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/25/2014, 11:53 AM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 02/24/2014, 04:24 PM
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/24/2014, 03:15 PMI've got a ton of crap that I need to photograph and post up...hopefully this week. Latest goodie is a minty copy of Keio Flying Squadron from our buddy xcrement5x. Thanks man!
Mega CD? Sega CD? the Saturn sequel?
Mega CD. The Sega CD version has gone into the realm of insanity pricing. Way too rich for my blood.

I picked up the sequel last year at MGC but haven't had time to run through it yet - it looks awesome.
how do you go about playing mega CD games on a sega CD?


Quote from: munchiaz on 02/25/2014, 12:11 PM
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/25/2014, 11:53 AM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 02/24/2014, 04:24 PM
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/24/2014, 03:15 PMI've got a ton of crap that I need to photograph and post up...hopefully this week. Latest goodie is a minty copy of Keio Flying Squadron from our buddy xcrement5x. Thanks man!
Mega CD? Sega CD? the Saturn sequel?
Mega CD. The Sega CD version has gone into the realm of insanity pricing. Way too rich for my blood.

I picked up the sequel last year at MGC but haven't had time to run through it yet - it looks awesome.
how do you go about playing mega CD games on a sega CD?
I've got a Mega CD setup. I also have a region modded Genesis + SCD that *does* play Annette Futatabi and Ernest Evans, though I hear that both of those games don't have region lock, hence they work.


I forgot I preordered this in October but did anyone else get Tales of Symphonia chronicles?



The latest roundup - it's been a while. All are CIB:

1.) (Xbox) Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast - trying to complete my "every Outrun, every console" collection...this one is surprisingly rare, though not too expensive if you're patient. Got a decent deal on this one, though these jerkoffs put the sale stickers ON the actual cover insert...argh.

2.) (Xbox) Toejam and Earl III

3.) (PC) Bioshock 1 - this has been on my need-to-play list for a long time. Think this was like $3 shipped. This is the first PC game I've bought since Half Life 2.

4.) (SNES) Yoshi's Safari - for the MGC 2014 Lightgun Area

5.) (DC) Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram - also for MGC 2014; we'll have a dual Twin-Stick vs. setup for this one. I'm hoping I get lucky and come across a Dreamcast Vs. link cable at some point between now and April. Anybody got one they want to sell? ;)

6.) (DC) House of the Dead 2 - also for MGC 2014 Lightgun area

7.) (NES) Duck Hunt - ditto

8.) (PS2) Monster World Collection - took this one for a spin earlier and it's fantastic. M2 really did an awesome job with these retro compilations.

9.) (DS) Feel the Magic - quite possibly the most bizarre system launch title in history

10.) (PS1) Silhouette Mirage - You guys persuaded me to pick this one up...always been on the wishlist, though I was really after the Saturn import version. This'll have to do.

11.) (PS1) RayStorm
12.) (PS1) RayCrisis - got a good deal on both of these together...I actually had no idea that they were related to Layer Section.

13.) (Mega CD) Keio Flying Squadron - Thanks xcrement5x!
14.) (Mega CD) Microcosm - little bonus item that xcrement5x threw into the Keio box. you rock man!

...and that's probably my last set of purchases until I head to the Midwest Gaming Classic and give CDamm and Carlson all my money.


Awesome haul, Jeff! I am hoping to find a copy of that Wonder Boy for PS2 at MGC. Can't wait!

Take a hair dryer to that sticker on Outrun and see if you can warm the glue up any. Don't melt the clear plastic though. ;)


I got two CEs of Chronicles from Namco and Amazon.

Also got a standard edition off of Amazon which was free, and the CE came to $21.

CE from Namco was regular price though.

So far I got the Namco one today and the number was 8822

I posted an unboxing video:

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles -CE- Unboxing!


Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Quote from: Mathius on 02/25/2014, 11:46 PMAwesome haul, Jeff! I am hoping to find a copy of that Wonder Boy for PS2 at MGC. Can't wait!

Take a hair dryer to that sticker on Outrun and see if you can warm the glue up any. Don't melt the clear plastic though. ;)
Either that or just find a replacement box. The real problem is when the seller puts the label in the artwork, I hate when people do that.
Gaming since 1985


Misc stuff, Symphonia was bought through GameStop, the rest I found at a local media place.

2014-02-26 Finds by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Collector's Edition [PS3]
Guardian Legend [NES]
Bushido Blade 2 [PS1]

My copy of Bushido Blade 2 is missing the back insert, so if anyone has a complete copy and would be willing to scan both sides of the case insert for me I'd be very appreciative!  :)
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


New pickups. A big thanks and shout out to BLUEBMW who donated Alien Crush to my collection! Thanks again man!



Quote from: guest on 02/27/2014, 07:29 PMNew pickups. A big thanks and shout out to BLUEBMW who donated Alien Crush to my collection! Thanks again man!

Bat Man has awesome music.  As does much of Sunsofts games.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Recent pick ups. Got everything except Astal and Alisia dragoon from goodwill





Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 02/28/2014, 12:35 AMAlisia Dragoon is good!
Was that one released before or after Castlevania?


Quote from: Nando on 02/28/2014, 08:40 AM
Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 02/28/2014, 12:35 AMAlisia Dragoon is good!
Was that one released before or after Castlevania?
Do you mean Bloodlines on Genesis?

Alisa Dragoon was an early Genny game, 1990. So long after the first few 8-bit Castlevania games. But a few years before Bloodlines.


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 02/28/2014, 08:52 AM
Quote from: Nando on 02/28/2014, 08:40 AM
Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 02/28/2014, 12:35 AMAlisia Dragoon is good!
Was that one released before or after Castlevania?
Do you mean Bloodlines on Genesis?

Alisa Dragoon was an early Genny game, 1990. So long after the first few 8-bit Castlevania games. But a few years before Bloodlines.
Yes, Bloodlines.

I really like the familiar/pet switching ability on Alisa. It's been a bit since I've played it, but I recall it having a bit of a Castlevania like vibe to it.


Quote from: Nando on 02/28/2014, 09:46 AM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 02/28/2014, 08:52 AM
Quote from: Nando on 02/28/2014, 08:40 AM
Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 02/28/2014, 12:35 AMAlisia Dragoon is good!
Was that one released before or after Castlevania?
Do you mean Bloodlines on Genesis?

Alisa Dragoon was an early Genny game, 1990. So long after the first few 8-bit Castlevania games. But a few years before Bloodlines.
Yes, Bloodlines.

I really like the familiar/pet switching ability on Alisa. It's been a bit since I've played it, but I recall it having a bit of a Castlevania like vibe to it.
It def reminds me of castlevania for sure. The game is pretty great. So glad i picked it up


Argh...my copy of Geograph Seal for the X68000 appears to be floating out in the pacific somewhere. That's what I get for not using EMS.

Retrogamecity on eBay sold it to me, and to their credit I got a full refund, no questions asked.

This is literally the first item in 15 years of eBaying that I've never received.




Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/28/2014, 09:00 PMArgh...my copy of Geograph Seal for the X68000 appears to be floating out in the pacific somewhere. That's what I get for not using EMS.

Retrogamecity on eBay sold it to me, and to their credit I got a full refund, no questions asked.

This is literally the first item in 15 years of eBaying that I've never received.
Did you go SAL Small Packet (Under 2kg) or Surface?  I'm going to do my first test on surface shipping shortly, I've never had issues with SAL though, except my own impatience.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Just did the cheapest option which I believe was surface. I've done it a million times with Yamatoku, even though it takes 2-3 months depending on the item. With certain things though it's just worth the extra 10 bucks EMS to get it pronto.



Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Turok 1

Both N64.


Effed around online, got a random phone call from an old friend who needed a ride to work. lol


Quote from: HailingTheThings on 03/02/2014, 08:55 PMEffed around online, got a random phone call from an old friend who needed a ride to work. lol
A stripper?