@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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COMPLETE -- thanks everyone especially Phase for making this happen

Started by schweaty, 02/27/2014, 12:12 PM

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TIf you have the manuals I listed and a scanner, please PM me.  They don't need to come from the same person, so if you have one of these manuals and a scanner, we need your help.  Phase is going to put together some custom covers for these 2 games and we need some high quality scans to start with.  Thanks!

Edit:  1 down.  Just need Soldier Blade.


All is well. :)


i will pass it on to Phase.  He said he had a scan for Soldier Blade but he wasnt sure if he liked it or not.  Not sure if this is the one he has.  Thanks RoyVegas.


I'll chime in, Shweaty is requesting these two covers for the TCP TG16 DVD case project located here:  http://www.thecoverproject.net/forums/index.php?topic=4007.0

Scanning guide
These use the instruction manual cover (not the box)
For the scans its nice if you have a decent scanner thats not too old, then the scans should be 600dpi with descreen checked (some scanners have a magazine mode or picture mode)
Everything else is unchecked (like text enhancement etc.)
Also I usually preview scan then highlight just the cover area with a little extra room on each side. Then scan and save as a .tiff (they should be around 25 megs a piece)

Some techniques that I would recommend are
1- put black or dark paper behind the front cover
(this helps text from the back of the cover and page 1 to not show through)
2-put a black t-shirt over the scanner window and the cover, keep the lid up and put something hard and flat on top of the cover area (I have a piece of Plexiglas around the size of a dvd case)
then i put a 2.5 pound weight on top of the plexiglass.
the black t-shirt will keep light from bleeding in around the spine and rest of the cover
the flat object and weight will compress the cover better than the lid

You can zip them (it will be around 50 megs) and send them to my gmail if you don't have a storage site. ektophase at gmail .com


3 scans of Dead Moon cover here for you in one rar.  I have not edited these at all so take them as they are!

400 DPI
600 DPI
600 DPI with Screen at 133lpi


Sorry I don't have Soldier Blade


Quote from: SuperPlay on 02/28/2014, 04:39 PM3 scans of Dead Moon cover here for you in one rar.  I have not edited these at all so take them as they are!

400 DPI
600 DPI
600 DPI with Screen at 133lpi


Sorry I don't have Soldier Blade
You Rock!


Awesome thanks, I just checked them out and the second scan looks good.
The third is a bit too blurry.

So the second one is usable and good the only slight flaws are there is some light bleeding in from the sides creating lighter edges. If only the lid were black.. you could try the second tip from my last post.
Comparing your scan to an online reference the top of the manual could have been cropped slightly by the scanner (this could also just be how your manual was cut at the factory though) I usually keep the manual away from the edges and just straiten it in PS if its a little crooked.

Otherwise it looks good, I should be able to work on this later tonight but I'll save the cover for last encase you feel like taking another scan.


You are not wrong about the cropping of the scan. I have investigated and
this is noted in the scanners manual:

"An area 0.12 inch (3 mm) from the horizontal and the vertical sides of the scanner glass
cannot be scanned. If you place a document in the corner of the document table, move it
down and in slightly to avoid cropping"

I will re-scan again later.


If you scanned it already I could take a look
Otherwise your scan from yesterday turned out real good and should be fine.



Brilliant!  Any luck with the Soldier Blade image you have?


Negative, the Soldier Blade scan I have is a little too grainy and washed out.  :(




Still looking.  This is harder than I thought  #-o



I'll check the condition of mine tonight and try to scan it tomorrow.
All is well. :)



Just saw this thread... Hows this?



Looks Good, Thanks
I'll have to check it out on my other pc but looks good from what I can tell  :)

Edit: checked it out last night and this scan will work.  :)


Soldier Blade DVD Cover


Also just like to let people know that I also have these cover ready for the 8dp case.
I'll be releasing a finished 8dp cover pack soon.
If you want to know what an 8dp case is you can see some wip covers in this thread

Thanks for the cover scans, I will edit in a link here shortly to my tcp post.


Psycho Punch

Phase what font do you use to make the text look turbo-like? As in the "Soldier Blade" title at the back of the cover, with the TG16 logo font.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


I remade the turbo font using splines in 3ds a few years back, its basically vector art. So for the covers it takes me a few minutes to snap some letters onto a grid and render them. I plan to convert it to a real font sometime since I can just convert the measurements but have not got around to it. I actually tested it a while back and it converted nicely. I've just been working on other fonts usually when using the font program. Plus I'm just use to using my old method for covers.

Psycho Punch

Cool. Can you upload the vectorized text? Or am I asking too much?
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Well its like vector art or like creating vector art in illustrator but technically its a 3d object in a 3d program. As far as I know it can not be exported to a vector format. SeymorOnion did make a file a while back from my covers that should work for most things.



After seeing these I don't even really want to track down the loose boxes for some of my games, the art work on the console project looks great.  I really like that after you cut out the rings you can insert your complete jewel case/game. Between these and the MVS inserts I need for my shock boxes I'll be printing away for a while.  Does anyone offer a printing service for these like southtown?
Looking for Magical Chase and TG 16 loose game boxes.
WTB: CIB Turbo Duo, Duo RX and a CIB PC- FX


You must be checking out the 8disc poly case thread.
I should have a pack of finished 8dp covers to download very soon and I'll update that thread with some new pics and stuff.

Sorry no printing services out there - gotta diy, I plan to write up some info and tips for printing so hopefully that helps folks.


Correct I was checking out the 8disc poly case thread.
Can't wait to see the end results when it's all said and done.
Looking for Magical Chase and TG 16 loose game boxes.
WTB: CIB Turbo Duo, Duo RX and a CIB PC- FX