2/13/2025: Localization News - Cosmic Fantasy 3-4!

Rather earth-shattering news in the PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 community: Cosmic Fantasy 3 & 4 has been officially localized to English by Edia 30 years later for the Switch! Hard to believe! I know their script quality is poor given the 1&2 port but still good to see.
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Can Anyone Help Me???

Started by BowsersBasement, 07/11/2014, 02:06 PM

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Hi Im Looking to near complete my Turbo Grafx 16 Set. I say near because Im not spending even 2k for Magical Chase. Below is a list of what Im looking for and also what I have for trade. Im willing to buy as well. They need to be CIC or card and manual. Im at 70 CIC and these are the remaining ones I don't have and that's why Im looking for these titles in particular. Im new to this page but have already purchased games from someone (BLUEBMW) who can give me great feedback. Thanks!

Looking for.......
Air Zonk
Andre Panza Kick Boxing
Bomberman 93
Bonk 3
Boxy Boy
Champions Forever Boxing
Darkwing Duck
Davis Cup Tennis
Dead Moon
Klax (hu card only)
Legend of Hero Tonma
Neutopia 2
Ninja Spirit
Parasol Stars
Samarai Ghost
Soldier Blade
Super Star Soldier
Time Cruise
Timeball (hu card only)
World Sports Competition

WHAT I HAVE FOR TRADE..... (wont let me upload pics for some reason)

Keith Courage CIC
Double Dungeons CIC
Alien Crush CIC
Final Lap Twin CIC
Dungeon Explorer CIC
Yo Bro CI
Moto Roader CI
Super Volleyball CI
Victory Run CI
Drive to the Hoop CI
Sidearms CI
Double Dungeons CC
Hit the Ice CARD
World Class Baseball CARD (yellowed)
Power Golf CARD
Klax Card (yellowed)
Devils Crush CASE
Keith Courage CASE
Galaga 90 CASE
TV Sports Basketball CASE
Dragon Spirit CASE
Bloody Wolf CASE

2 Brand New Turbo Sticks CIB

Dragon Slayer w/ Map
Forgotten Worlds
Valis III
It Came from the Desert
Fighting Street
Monster Lair
Cosmic Fantasy 2
Sherlock Holmes


Note to useful PCEFX members: don't help this leech.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


L...O...to the mother fucking L

"I own a store..."   HAHA!

I can hear the ron jeremy public service announcement already.


I said I run a store because people like NecroPhile get all butthurt. So I figured be honest. No one has to help if they don't want to it was a question. Thanks though



Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/11/2014, 02:06 PMHi Im Looking to near complete my Turbo Grafx 16 Set. I say near because Im not spending even 2k for Magical Chase. Below is a list of what Im looking for and also what I have for trade. Im willing to buy as well. They need to be CIC or at least manual & card. Btw before anyone gets butthurt and starts whining like sensitive little girls on the internet I do run a store. I do sell video games but Im a collector as well. Im at 70 CIC and these are the remaining ones I don't have and that's why Im looking for these titles in particular. Im new to this page but have already purchased games from someone (BLUEBMW) who can give me great feedback. Thanks!
Insulting the people your asking for help from is a classy move.


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/11/2014, 01:52 PMBecause I run a store to sell all my doubles that makes me a reseller? If I was a reseller then why would I be looking for the games I don't have? Oh Ill answer that for you. BECAUSE IM A COLLECTOR AS WELL. Do you ever think for a second the reason those TG games are so high on ebay is because I truly don't want to sell them at all. Id rather trade them for items I need. I put them up like that because if someone wants to pay that I wont stop them but like I said I prefer trade. Before you attack a stranger that you know nothing about you should know his motive and not automatically assume the worst. In the end it just makes you look like a "ass hat"
You are a idiot


The only person I'm insulting is necromancer.  No one else. He accused me of being here for the point of reselling. Sony just wanted to state that before he opens his big mouth. I have nothing to hide so I'm just being honest. BTW I go to yard sales and thrift shops to resell. I go to fb game groups and forums to collect. It's cool though.


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/11/2014, 03:05 PMHe accused me of being here for the point of reselling.
I said that you are a reseller in general; I made no claims about your purpose here.  Learn to read.

Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/11/2014, 03:05 PMSony just wanted to state that before he opens his big mouth.
Sony?  :lol:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Sorry bitch tits my phone auto corrected.  Btw what I do with my stuff is none of your business you little fuck boy


Grrr, here comes the lolrage!
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/11/2014, 03:05 PMBTW I go to yard sales and thrift shops to resell.
I hope you mean you sell TO those dealers.

If not, great, so you pillage our last bastion to obtain good deals just like all the other "store owners" who look like morons with their bar code zappers to see if a game is worth buying?
Do you use ebay as your price guide?  Because every small shop certainly reaches the same audience as ebay does, so Cotton MUST be worth $300 on a brick n mortar shelf. Maybe you dont approach it this way, but too many "stores" do.  Just strikes a cord. Retro game stores are usually a joke because they dont really get the market. Or, its just a way to stroke a collection and price too high because they dont really want to sell. We have both around here, and frankly, i have never seen a retro store actually think outside the box.
Most stores reach a very small audience that are willing to spend money on old games. Owning a store is about moving inventory. Too many owners will sit on a copy of legendary axe for example, until they get that $25. Even if it takes 5 years.

Psycho Punch

Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/11/2014, 03:18 PMSorry bitch tits my phone auto corrected.  Btw what I do with my stuff is none of your business you little fuck boy
Marketing & Public Relations 101
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


If Ron Jeremy tells me to not be a "collectard," you can bet I'm going to listen. LOL
70/95 US Turbochips


We ban asshats like you off of the Neo Forums. People like you have destroyed childhoods with your fake ass collecting.


I have a few your looking for.  Since your not a well respected member here, I am sorry but no price deals.

Bomberman 93 CIC  175.00
Falcon sealed in box  135.00
Air Zonk CIC   192.50
World sports Competition Sealed in Box 175.00
Champions forever Black Hu CIC  95.00
Champions forever Red Hu CIC 145.00

Thats all I can think of but I will look for more!

Games currently in play:
PS3: COD Ghosts
TG16: Boxyboy


For what its worth guys bowsersbasement was pretty cool to deal with.  Didnt come off as a collectard asshat.  Maybe cut him a slight bit o slack?  Plus his username is clever imo.  :)
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


I came here to find games for my collection. I have 24 more to go. If no one wants to help Im ok with that. I asked for help, I never demanded it. BMW thanks for the games man I appreciate it. The way things are looking on this forum it may take me a while lol. I appreciate you not assuming the worst and actually welcoming a new member and assisting me get a few more games towards the collection. Off to ebay I go


Honestly its just sad this is how they treat new members. Assume the worst and push them away, rather then welcoming you and giving some trust until they've given a reason not to trust you



Bowsersbasement, you did use some inflammatory language out the gate, and that can raise hackles. Your opening post didn't do you any favors. On the other hand, this forum is not always a very friendly place and is actually a little notorious with the broader Turbo community as being very knowledgeable and also very prickly. Some folks are constantly looking for threats in new members. That said, there are some truly good folk around here, including some of the grumpy and stand-offish ones (once you get used to the rough edges). BlueBMW is one of the outstanding community members, for sure, and not one of the grumpy ones, either.

I can't help you find what you seek, however, because I don't collect CIC games. A little too rich for my budget. I'll take anything that works as long as it's something I'll enjoy playing.


Putting items on eBay at high prices and waiting for suckers who don't know any better isn't very nice. Perhaps if you gave new collectors honest deals from the outset instead of fishing for pidgins to fleece off eBay people would be kinder.


This is the PM i just got from the OP

"Im not respected because the first person to comment started bashing the fuck out of me and just because he has thousands of posts everyone else just followed suit. This is how you welcome new members? Now I know why I purchase most of my games on ebay. So I wouldn't have to deal with forums. I don't have time to act tough over the internet. I came here to buy games not talk shit. And honestly you could sell me air zonk for $50 bucks right now and out of principle I wouldn't buy it because I refuse to give people like you my money. Id rather just buy it on ebay at that point. More money but less drama. "

Off to ebay you go little one......
Games currently in play:
PS3: COD Ghosts
TG16: Boxyboy




Holy crap.  And he thinks we owe him some sort of respect?
Games currently in play:
PS3: COD Ghosts
TG16: Boxyboy


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/11/2014, 11:36 PMHonestly its just sad this is how they treat new members. Assume the worst and push them away, rather then welcoming you and giving some trust until they've given a reason not to trust you
No, sorry, this is not how we treat new members. This is how market leeches are treated. Your first post are involving deals. You posted on no other threads, and never bothered to do a introduction thread. Its a bad sign for a member to be hitting the buy/sale threads with something below like 30-40 post as is, and when you are doing it right from jump street it tells everyone right away what your real priorities are. Said it before, and will say it again, buy/sale threads should be hidden/inaccessible to new members until they reach a certain post count. Until that happens, this leeching off pcefx community to  "complete mah collection" shit is going to continue.


I got a gem of a PM too, but its really not worth sharing. No good lulz. Just a waste of time.


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/11/2014, 11:36 PMHonestly its just sad this is how they treat new members. Assume the worst and push them away, rather then welcoming you and giving some trust until they've given a reason not to trust you
To echo Professor's post—I eagerly embrace anyone who is here because he/she is genuinely curious and/or serious about playing the damn games.

However, I have very little patience for folks who:
1) don't take the time to become a part of the community PRIOR to treating it as merely a marketplace/swap meet
2) only post in the sales threads
3) fault the PCE Community for not being "friendly"



This is just sad. Dude how the hell do you even come up with a number like $198 for a turbostick? That's just totally ridiculous. OP should be ashamed and really just needs to go. Nobody here wants to trade with you. We are gamers and want to keep out turbo games in our circle of NEC fans that we know will appreciate them and play them and not flip them for 10x their value. Seriously just leave please


estaban- maybe that's where I went wrong. no introduction and I apologize for that. I literally made a post and started getting bashed straight out the gate by necro. from there what do you expect me to do? Be friendly?

Psycho Punch


This should be common sense because it applies to all online message boards: lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post lurk before you post
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


punky- that's the problem what is something like that worth? I have no idea. so do I list it for 20 bucks and rip myself off or do I list it high and slowly lower the price until someone buys. the only thing im relatively familiar with is tg 16 hu cards because ive been researching the ones I need on ebay. other then that the TG world is still new to me.

Once again, if someone wants to help they can if not ill buy from ebay its no big deal. that's what ive been doing the whole time anyways. and you know what, this is why. I was welcomed by NecroPhile calling me a fucking leech. so all good. you wanted me out before I was even in. see you later

thanks bluebmw & Brooklynfever nd anyone else whos helped me out. I appreciate it


Well there something that is applicable pretty much everywhere in Real life ; when you arrive to a new place, a different country or you get a new job, make sure to check the way it works before imposing yourself. You are the new comer here, take the time to read the policies, check around what people are doing, then you get a better sense on how to act:

There is a few guide lines stickies around here, and obviously, if you are into pc engine collecting like you say you are, you know how the market is, and you should understand easily why people would be on the defensive at first with a guy that comes asking to buy tons of gAmes and is also the "ennemy" : a reseller. I dont like most game shops, i don't like resellers, so I would never sell games to someone i have doubt about his intensions. I wouldnt go as far as insulting the person, in this case you, but i would have big reserves.

I helped many collectors on different forums with an export service, and some ended up reselling for twice as much the games i worked hard to find them at a good price. Collecting is a passion, and its hard enough to find some games by urself for a decent price, the last things we need is someone to "steal" a game from the communtiy to put the game at a "out of reach " price and doesnt get to be played.

I sold a few games here, and I have no problem selljng them the price i paid for, not the price chart shows. Why do i do that, and many others here? because we are passionate, and we care about those precious games, and when we say we want those games to be in a good home and love(played), we do really mean it.

this forum isnt a business and thats what i like about it. there is differenr type of personallith, but we all share one thing in common, and its the love for that one ofma kind console that is the pc engine. ive never felt so connected to a system and i do want to share this passion. i'm glad to be useful to this community when i can, and i apprecite the help from other members.

Anyway, first impression counts, and in your first post ever, you insulted and used bad language to well respected member of this small community. I don't know a single place in the world where as soon as u join a group, that kind of bevior would be acceptable.

good day senior, sorry for my english, not a native speaker


I hear everyones concern and I don't disagree with that but until ive given someone a reason not to trust me I don't see why bash. would it make everyone feel better if I took a picture of my collection?


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/12/2014, 01:08 PMpunky- that's the problem what is something like that worth? I have no idea. so do I list it for 20 bucks and rip myself off or do I list it high and slowly lower the price until someone buys.
I don't think an explanation of what's wrong with the mentality of "ripping yourself off" will sink in, so I will just point out that 20 - $30 actually is what TurboSticks go for on eBay, where prices are inflated due to huge fees (and misc).

Your 'listing high and lowering until someone buys' strategy hopes to take advantage of an equally Turbo-oblivious buyer and rip them off.

You've admitted to knowing what eBay is, so if you really wanted to solve the mystery of what a TurboStick is "worth", it would have taken 20 seconds. As is pointed out too often with newer members who never leave the buy/sell sections, you could simply list an item on eBay with a minimum bid of 99 cents and let the market determine the 'true value'.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


...or dont look at it like "ripping myself off".  Fuck whatever price it sold for in the past, what do YOU want for it? 
Caring about what others got is the problematic mentality. If you ask $100+ for something, find out its worth only $20, then drop your price to match this so called "market", what the hell you asking $100+ for in the first place?


To be honest the turbo sticks I see on ebay go for around $50...but that's too high. If I spend $50 on a single game controller, it better be wireless and give me a handjob. :/
70/95 US Turbochips


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/12/2014, 01:29 PMI hear everyones concern and I don't disagree with that but until ive given someone a reason not to trust me I don't see why bash. would it make everyone feel better if I took a picture of my collection?
By 20 post it's pretty clear things are not going to work out for you here at this rate. So you have three options.

Option A: Stay in the sales section and take the abuse. It will get worse as time goes on as you made enemies right from the start by jumping in here, and trying to defend yourself at this point is only going to burn more bridges then build them. The only people here who are going to end up dealing with you are the shady overpriced types.

Option B: Leave. Find another forum. Use ebay or whatever to complete your collection.

Option C: Get out of the sales sections, and stay out of them for a couple months until this nonsense dies down. Until it does, try building yourself a reputation on the forum as a new contributing member. Right now your rep as it stands is forum market leech. There is no enjoyable future here with that kind of reputation.


Quote from: slinkyturd on 07/12/2014, 10:05 PMTo be honest the turbo sticks I see on ebay go for around $50...but that's too high. If I spend $50 on a single game controller, it better be wireless and give me a handjob. :/
The only one on eBay right now has a Buy-It-Now of $35 and if you click on the link I posted, you'll see that it has been actually selling (as opposed to ending without selling) for $20 - $30.

Asking prices are only that and don't mean anything.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


I only paid $40 last year for my new in box TurboStick from the UK.  If anyone wants to buy it off me for $100 I'll gladly sell it to them.  You save $98!
I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.


Hmmm. Interesting. I've never had one. Are they worth buying for use? If so, for which games? Schmups, I assume.
70/95 US Turbochips


So 40 50? But for used ones CIB right? Just so you guys know they aren't just CIB. They're brand new never used before still wrapped in all the plastic. That would have to increase the price correct?



I think there was a listing recently for two like new unboxed turbosticks for $60. Still had the protective film on them.


The Turbosticks NEW in Box sell for 35-55.00 on ebay when the price inflating vultures arent around.  What part of that arent you getting?

You have given everyone here a reason to bash you.  Do you honestly believe people here have not seen your attempted sales gouging before?  That alone is all the reason we need.  People like you just dont get it no matter how much we attempt to explain it.  Do us all a favor and just leave.
Games currently in play:
PS3: COD Ghosts
TG16: Boxyboy


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/13/2014, 10:21 AMSo 40 50? But for used ones CIB right? Just so you guys know they aren't just CIB. They're brand new never used before still wrapped in all the plastic. That would have to increase the price correct?
I didn't take the time to search for more than the uncommonly known proper name of the TurboStick. Looking at "Turbo Grafx Stick" on eBay, I see that recent used ones sold for $1 - $11 and a few New In Box ones sold for $40 each and used ones were part of lots including games and/or a TurboGrafx-16 system which sold for $40'ish total.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/13/2014, 10:21 AMSo 40 50? But for used ones CIB right? Just so you guys know they aren't just CIB. They're brand new never used before still wrapped in all the plastic. That would have to increase the price correct?
Maybe my post was unclear.  Mine was NIB.  I stated this in my post.  Original factory styrofoam with original bags and manual and still had that new factory smell.  I peeled off the protective stickers myself.  The smell reminded me of new stereo equipment from the 80's-90's.

It was $40.  $45 shipped.  I bought it as a BIN off eBay.

$198 is retarded.  Actually, even a retard knows better than to sell it for that price.  I'm talking truly retarded.  Not Rain Man shit, like dumb as a post stupid.
I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.


Yes mine are just like that. Styrofoam, plastic film, baggies everything. NIB!

BTW most of these games have just been traded for NES RARES that I needed. No one seemed interested here so someone on Nintendo Age scooped a bunch. Ill update the list of whats still available

Psycho Punch

Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/14/2014, 04:58 PMNo one seemed interested here so someone on Nintendo Age scooped a bunch.
News at 11.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/14/2014, 04:58 PMYes mine are just like that. Styrofoam, plastic film, baggies everything. NIB!

BTW most of these games have just been traded for NES RARES that I needed. No one seemed interested here so someone on Nintendo Age scooped a bunch. Ill update the list of whats still available
my nipples explode with delight