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teh "what did Bardoly buy today"-thread

Started by VestCunt, 07/08/2014, 11:05 PM

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In the interest of segmented forum redundancy, and because FS didn't have a buy-stuff thread, this is the place to talk Bardoly's latest purchases and stroke his... collection.

What did he buy today? What will he buy next? How rare and valuable are his latest purchases? More importantly, did he get a good deal? Is his stuff a collection or more of a library? Was his latest stuff on ebay or "in the wild"? OBEY or disOBEY? Stuff or just a bunch of things? Where's he going to put all of this stuff? After he gets all of the Turbo stuff, will he move on to other stuff? Will he post a full "haul" video or just a money shot? Did he finally track down that outer cardboard sleeve for Exile II?

The answers to all of this and more are soon to be revealed!
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Ha!  Don't ever change VestCunt.

Please make a duplicate thread for PCE stuff.  :mrgreen:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Come on now, you know that I want a minimum of the following:

teh "what did Bardoly buy today?"-thread (as in today, today, not other day, today)
teh "What will Bardoly buy next?"-thread
teh "How rare and valuable are the latest purchases which Bardoly bought today?"-thread
teh "Did Bardoly get a good deal on what he bought today?"-thread
teh "Is Bardoly's stuff a collection or more of a library conclusions from what he bought today?"-thread
teh "what did Bardoly buy on eBay today"-thread
teh "what did Bardoly buy "in the wild"today"-thread
teh "what OBEY did Bardoly buy today"-thread
teh "what DISOBEY did Bardoly buy today"-thread
teh "what stuff did Bardoly buy today"-thread
teh "what bunch of things did Bardoly buy today"-thread
teh "Where's Bardoly going to put all of his stuff that he bought today"-thread
teh "After Bardoly gets all of the Turbo stuff, will he move on to other stuff conclusions from what Bardoly bought today"-thread
teh "Will Bardoly post a full 'haul' video or just a money shot of what he bought today?"-thread
teh "Did Bardoly finally track down that outer cardboard sleeve for Exile II today?"-thread

And Necromancer pointed out the salient fact that the following threads are also required:

teh "what PCE stuff did Bardoly buy today?"-thread (as in today, today, not other day, today)
teh "What PCE stuff will Bardoly buy next?"-thread
teh "How rare and valuable are the latest PCE stuff purchases which Bardoly bought today?"-thread
teh "Did Bardoly get a good deal on what PCE stuff he bought today?"-thread
teh "Is Bardoly's PCE stuff a collection or more of a library conclusions from what he bought today?"-thread
teh "what PCE stuff did Bardoly buy on eBay today"-thread
teh "what PCE stuff did Bardoly buy "in the wild"today"-thread
teh "what OBEY PCE stuff did Bardoly buy today"-thread
teh "what DISOBEY PCE stuff did Bardoly buy today"-thread
teh "what PCE stuff did Bardoly buy today"-thread
teh "what PCE stuff bunch of things did Bardoly buy today"-thread
teh "Where's Bardoly going to put all of his PCE stuff that he bought today"-thread
teh "After Bardoly gets all of the PCE stuff Turbo stuff, will he move on to other stuff conclusions from what Bardoly bought today"-thread
teh "Will Bardoly post a full 'haul' video or just a money shot of what PCE stuff he bought today?"-thread
teh "Did Bardoly finally track down that PCE stuff outer cardboard sleeve for Exile II today?"-thread


Good luck getting that PCE Exile II sleeve.  It's as rare as hen's teeth.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: NecroPhile on 07/09/2014, 11:42 AMGood luck getting that PCE Exile II sleeve.  It's as rare as hen's teeth.
I know.  I know.  Once I get it, it will be VGA graded, then framed and displayed next to my rare collection of Rhode Island Reds dentures.









www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Quote from: NecroPhile on 07/09/2014, 11:42 AMGood luck getting that PCE Exile II sleeve.  It's as rare as hen's teeth.
Really?  I got mine off ebay and I know i didnt pay much for it.  Granted that was 2 years ago but still.
Games currently in play:
PS3: COD Ghosts
TG16: Boxyboy


Quote from: Nulltard on 07/18/2014, 08:55 PM
Quote from: tggodfrey on 07/18/2014, 08:44 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 07/09/2014, 11:42 AMGood luck getting that PCE Exile II sleeve.  It's as rare as hen's teeth.
Really?  I got mine off ebay and I know i didnt pay much for it.  Granted that was 2 years ago but still.
For the JP PCE version???
dude who DOESNT have that


Quote from: Nulltard on 07/18/2014, 08:55 PM
Quote from: tggodfrey on 07/18/2014, 08:44 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 07/09/2014, 11:42 AMGood luck getting that PCE Exile II sleeve.  It's as rare as hen's teeth.
Really?  I got mine off ebay and I know i didnt pay much for it.  Granted that was 2 years ago but still.
For the JP PCE version???
ps your website is down


Quote from: Nulltard on 07/18/2014, 09:02 PMno shit! Lol... (I'll cut you)
Is it because you are adding more smilies to the chat room?




I like how Bardoly is like scroodge mcduck....

I wanna swim in his money bin of games......