Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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Can Anyone Help Me???

Started by BowsersBasement, 07/11/2014, 02:06 PM

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Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/31/2014, 08:24 PMThe only reason I asked was I was just curious if NecroPhile was as big and tough in real life as he acts on the internet. It's cool because his girlfriends screen shot for him lmao. If you started drama if real life you'd get your ass kicked so you decide that here makes more sense because I can't choke you out
To me?   LMAO....  Dream on madam.


So crazy how everyone here is a bunch of tough guys and on Nintendo age everyone is laid back and willing to help each other out. You guys make me laugh though lol


Shit, we're messin' with the other Slim Shady


I checked out his Reverb Nation page .. while his album covers are hilarious.  I must say his music has pretty good production quality, sound and beat.  Not my genre .. but I'll pay him a compliment. The track I sampled was pretty damn good.

But, this thread is hilarious. Either learn to ignore NecroPhile and any others that bust your balls, or stick with eBay and NA. 
My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm


I got you elderbroom. Btw pulling shit from like 2008 lmao. That's old man. And I will do if anyone has someone negative to say I will ignore. And yes this thread is funny. I'm glad I could entertain everyone

Psycho Punch

Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/31/2014, 08:37 PMSo crazy how everyone here is a bunch of tough guys and on Nintendo age everyone is laid back and willing to help each other out. You guys make me laugh though lol
No we are very laid back and helpful, but only with people who are actually interested in playing games and preserving history, not pseudo stock traders who only care about buying games cheap and selling them for higher prices. You're the joke. Now go back to nintendoage where sealing videogames in acrylic coffins and playing pretend museum are considered fun.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: Nulltard on 07/31/2014, 08:47 PMI like your style, elderbroom. Enjoy the lulz, yet stay neutral and constructive. Good stance to take, man.
I'm Canadian .. that's as badass as we get ! Sorry !   Unless you have our puck !  :twisted:
My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm


Well if you guys are ever interested in seeing my collection lmk. It will show you I'm a true collector. I said since the beginning. Later guys


Hail to the commonwealth!
Also in real life fighting is overrated. Unless there is some mad crazy guy attacking you its avoidable. I don't get why people get so angry about what they perceive to be slights against their person. It would not have been too hard to decide this was not the right place for you and move on, or if you wanted to stay rethink your approach and try to integrate.
My two pence.


Quote from: elderbroom on 07/31/2014, 08:48 PMI'm Canadian .. that's as badass as we get ! Sorry !   Unless you have our puck !  :twisted:
I keep think of Mad Dog Vachon
Maybe it's the French Canadians that are Badass? :wink:


I agree. That makes sense


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/31/2014, 08:54 PMWell if you guys are ever interested in seeing my collection lmk. It will show you I'm a true collector. I said since the beginning. Later guys
I can guarantee you that a good amount of the members here have way bigger and better collections than you but we don't compare our collections here to see who has the biggest baddest collections. There are members here who have almost every pce and turbo game but they are private about it and don't flaunt it like an e-dick competition like you want to. You won't be making anyone jealous if that's your goal.
 This isn't a showing off your wall of games community. This forum is way bigger/better than that. This forum is about appreciating the legacy of NEC consoles and playing our games, sharing scores, screenshots, stories, history and memories.
We don't like flippers because we are selfish NEC gamers who want to keep things real and keep the games in the hands of fellow NEC gamers who appreciate them. That's how we are different than Nintendo Age where hoarding, flipping, gouging, VGA grading are prevalent. I'm not even sure what a "true collector" means. I think you meant "true collectard".


Quote from: bowsersbasement on 07/31/2014, 08:24 PMThe only reason I asked was I was just curious if NecroPhile was as big and tough in real life as he acts on the internet. It's cool because his girlfriends screen shot for him lmao. If you started drama if real life you'd get your ass kicked so you decide that here makes more sense because I can't choke you out
Funny thing is the accuser is the actual one doing the Internet Tough Guy routine now. Did NecroPhile ever threaten your life or boast he could beat you up ? Nope, that's YOU, resorting to boasting that you could "choke him out." Heh.

So I found a photo of BowserInHisBasement. Better watch out!


QuoteSTEP 4: Threaten to beat up anybody who disagrees with anything you say.

The beauty of the Internet lies in its inherent power to make me a 16-year old white girl from California one moment and a 6'3" bodybuilding black man the next. Sometimes I'm people you know, other times I'm people you've never heard of, but through thick and thin, I'm never who I actually am. The Internet allows you to threaten bodily harm (and sometimes even death) without the hassle of having to actually follow it up and flail your puny, bleached-white arms in somebody's general direction, forcing them to roll a saving throw against Nerd Combat. If somebody fails to support your opinion regarding gun control, abortion, 17th Century British headwear, Anime, the most "attractive" porn star to be featured in "Girls of Cumming Age 38," or anything else ever, simply inform them of their impending doom at the hands of your, well, hands.


The King of Kong - Roy Awesome Disinformation Clip
70/95 US Turbochips


I am a true collector. I collect what I like. That is what a true collector does. A true collector does not collect a bunch of random shit to flaunt, and a true collector does not have to prove how "true" they are to anyone. I don't care if my e-penis is the smallest on this forum... at least I have the biggest e-boobs. :lol:
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: elderbroom on 07/31/2014, 08:39 PMTalesfromtheDarkside-Massaka.jpg

holy fuck/thanks for that


Quote from: HailingTheThings on 08/01/2014, 05:21 AMTalesfromtheDarkside-Massaka.jpg


holy fuck/thanks for that
Coffee. Dripping. Nostrils.


HONEST QUESTION: What the fuck?


This isn't me doing Photoshop .. you just can't fake this.  This is his Reverb Nation page  you can actually see all his photos.


This was the album cover that cracked me up the most.  But his new album is called "Make Money Not Excuses" .. guess he carries that sentiment into gaming also.   But as I said, I did sample his track "Light Em Up" and it wasn't bad.  Not my genre of music, but much much better than I expected.  And this was easily found as the third search result from google on just his fullname that was included in the facebook screen caps earlier in this thread. So no stocking going on .. just pages that Bowser intentionally made public to showcase his music.
My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm


Quote from: elderbroom on 08/01/2014, 07:46 AMThis isn't me doing Photoshop .. you just can't fake this. 
That is so true.   The human imagination suffers no boundaries in the creation of cornball artistic impressions, particularly when vanity comes into play... 

Cheese produced for the sake of cheese will always be bested by cheese produced with the honest intention of wetting vaginas or creating a bad ass alter-ego.  Guaranteed.


Quote from: Nulltard on 08/01/2014, 08:02 AMHow ironic... what started as a forum intro turned flame war is concluding by "lighting up" bowser's music career. This new wave of interest and visits to his reverb nation page is bound to catch the eye of some big time label. :D
Hey maybe NecroPhile will turn his hat sideways, loosen his belt to let his pants sag, adopt the thug life and become Massaka's biggest fan.  Not bloody likely, but you just never know !

I'm just trying to bring people together .. a natural peacekeeper  ;-)  (or passive shit disturber .. you be the judge)
My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm


Quote from: Nulltard on 07/31/2014, 08:47 PMI like your style, elderbroom. Enjoy the lulz, yet stay neutral and constructive. Good stance to take, man.
I hate to rehash something here with you Nulltard, but I just noticed this and it kinda bothers me... That's BowserInHisBasement's face in this thread now from a public photo that elderbroom Googled for somewhere and it turns out that he's some kind of amateur rapper, correct ?

Cause when I went for that link of DarkKobold's amateur modeling photoshoot which is also 100% public, and I took a handful of photos from it, you, not DarkKo, came into that thread and morally equated the action as wanting to post his home address, social security number, cock shots even as a joke, but the point was you characterized it as a major privacy invasion. DarkKobold laughed it off like Bowser is right now in his first posts, even started using photos from that shoot to make memes, but after you came in with the privacy charge, he grabbed on to that theme like flies on shit and gave me hell back'n'forth with his creepy creepy creepy charges, that any Google searches were creepy, etc.

So, yeah, the point being, I'm a little surprised to notice you approving of this... The difference being, you like DarkKobold better than this BowserInHisBasement guy or an amateur public rapper is more different than an amateur public model ?


Quote from: NightWolve on 08/01/2014, 08:37 AM
Quote from: Nulltard on 07/31/2014, 08:47 PMI like your style, elderbroom. Enjoy the lulz, yet stay neutral and constructive. Good stance to take, man.
I hate to rehash something here with you Nulltard, but I just noticed this and it kinda bothers me... That's BowserInHisBasement's face in this thread now from a public photo that elderbroom Googled for somewhere and it turns out that he's some kind of amateur rapper, correct ?

Cause when I went for that link of DarkKobold's amateur modeling photoshoot which is also 100% public, and I took a handful of photos from it, you, not DarkKo, came into that thread and morally equated the action as wanting to post his home address, social security number, cock shots even as a joke, but the point was you characterized it as a major privacy invasion. DarkKobold laughed it off like Bowser is right now in his first posts, even started using photos from that shoot to make memes, but after you came in with the privacy charge, he grabbed on to that theme like flies on shit and gave me hell back'n'forth with his creepy creepy creepy charges, that any Google searches were creepy, etc.

So, yeah, the point being, I'm a little surprised to notice you approving of this... The difference being, you like DarkKobold better than this BowserInHisBasement guy or an amateur public rapper is more different than an amateur public model ?



Sorry, I was trying to defuse the situation.  I actually made it clear to Bowser that I was jokingly busting his balls. Also complimented his actual music.  But it was an earlier post that showed a screen capture from a Facebook discussion that revealed his full name. Once someone has that .. anything that person has publicly posted on the internet is presumed something they are okay with people seeing. And if this does spark something for him in the way of opportunity, music sales, show attendance .. then excellent.  This was very light hearted and I don't plan on making memes out of it. I was sure to not alter his artwork in anyway. It was from 2008, so is dated ... and Bowser acknowledged that.  Personally if I was him, I'd lock the damn thread and hope it just all blows over. I truly believe he's a collector, and hopefully a gamer also. I have nothing against the guy .. and think this is just all hilarious.
My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm




Have to be honest, I checked the link and if you like that kind of music it isn't half bad. He does sound a lot like slim shady though...
Titles to complete... Caught them all....


Quote from: NightWolve on 07/31/2014, 09:54 PMIMG
17th Century British headwear
You talkin' about my hat?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


This shit is out of control, but oh so funny. When my day gets shitty and I need a laugh, I always come here. This place is the best. ^-^

Bowser... Havent you had enough of the meat grinder?


Quote from: Lost Monkey on 08/01/2014, 08:02 AMCheese produced for the sake of cheese will always be bested by cheese produced with the honest intention of wetting vaginas or creating a bad ass alter-ego.  Guaranteed.
hahaha, oh ya.
the guy needs to lego his ego.


Quote from: elderbroom on 08/01/2014, 09:00 AMSorry, I was trying to defuse the situation.  I actually made it clear to Bowser that I was jokingly busting his balls. Also complimented his actual music.  But it was an earlier post that showed a screen capture from a Facebook discussion that revealed his full name. Once someone has that .. anything that person has publicly posted on the internet is presumed something they are okay with people seeing.
Oh no, don't misunderstand, I am enjoying the lulz from this thread and would not deny you your fun here! I had to say much the same thing to DarkKo in fact. The point was all directed at Nulltard because he gave DarkKo ammunition which he fully seized upon and that in turn gave me extra grunt work to combat him, etc. DarkKo associated his full name to his alias which made possible finding his photoshoot via Google searches. Once you write your alias with your full name somewhere, you've given up all privacy and anything can be found out about you. DarkKo knew all this, his photoshoot was found 1.5 years ago because of his fighting with Professor, but he was feigning all this outrage with me to score points and so forth when I looked up that link and used more photos from it besides the one with him walking around with a shotgun.

SPOILER: DildoKKKobold stole the identity of another Kyle Thomson who did creepy online photoshoots/modeling. Nulltard, Punch, and their whole DildoPhile gang played along as part of their overall war against PCEFX: Nulltard sucking up to rejected members so he could recruit them over to his PCE forum/group, and defend him while maintaining a presence here, etc. You get the idea. DarKKKobold has been a loyal BFF and attack dog for Nulltard ever since! Lifetime gang loyalty was earned!

Anyway, I don't wanna take the spotlight off Bowser the Brawler here any further. However, I will say, I don't think your Google search or whatever found his actual photo, I still think it's the one that I found. I also think NecroPhile better watch his back, because you wouldn't want Chris to rain his hammer of chaos down upon you. ;)


Don't mess with the best, or you'll be choked to death like the rest! Heh-heh! You've been warned NecroPhile, better back off, buddy! ;)


I still refuse to believe that "The Alien" has graced us with his presence!

Also, I know that Elder is messing with me when he claims that he didn't PhotoShop a goofy album cover. There is no way that "Welcome to the Darkside" is a real, sincere album. No. Way.


crispy cream is dope. at first i was thinking what the fuck is ma sa ka? ohh now i get it, its a fucked up nickname. but really that fool is gangster. but really the space alien shit and such was done by cool keith and many others.
I want to be more like 337.

The Wolf: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the fucking car.


Personally I love when new people sign up here and stir up shit with an initial post.  I mean, you can't make this stuff up.  It's much more entertaining when people are publicly outed through their own stupidity. 

This thread has turned into a massive 10 out of 10 for me.  Some people just deserve what they get and I can't help but smile ear to ear after reading the updates on this one.  Hell I went back to post #1 and re-read all of it just to laugh again.

BTW, I'll take 3 copies of your latest workout album.  Send me a PayPal invoice.
I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.


Quote from: esteban on 08/01/2014, 10:44 AMI still refuse to believe that "The Alien" has graced us with his presence!

Also, I know that elder is messing with me when he claims that he didn't PhotoShop a goofy album cover. There is no way that "Welcome to the Darkside" is a real, sincere album. No. Way.
Seriously man .. this is all his.  On page 7 of this thread someone posted a Facebook discussion where Bowser was trying to get info on NecroPhile.  That outed his fullname John Massaka Rhodes.  From his Facebook you can clearly see he's into the music industry.  If you google his full name it comes up to his Reverb Nation page where artists can post info, and their music. Goto the following page :  https://www.reverbnation.com/massaka/ and see for yourself.  Click on "All Photos" and his various album covers come up. That is a straight image link to his page.  No Photoshop, no messing with his stuff. Check it for yourself.
My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm


Quote from: elderbroom on 08/01/2014, 03:10 PM
Quote from: esteban on 08/01/2014, 10:44 AMI still refuse to believe that "The Alien" has graced us with his presence!

Also, I know that elder is messing with me when he claims that he didn't PhotoShop a goofy album cover. There is no way that "Welcome to the Darkside" is a real, sincere album. No. Way.
Seriously man .. this is all his.  On page 7 of this thread someone posted a Facebook discussion where Bowser was trying to get info on NecroPhile.  That outed his fullname John Massaka Rhodes.  From his Facebook you can clearly see he's into the music industry.  If you google his full name it comes up to his Reverb Nation page where artists can post info, and their music. Goto the following page:  reverbnation.com/massaka/  and see for yourself.  Click on "All Photos" and his various album covers come up. That is a straight image link to his page.  No Photoshop, no messing with his stuff. Check it for yourself.
I'm not clicking that link. I'll get scurvy. But, you almost tricked me!  :pcgs:


Quote from: elderbroom on 08/01/2014, 03:10 PM
Quote from: esteban on 08/01/2014, 10:44 AMI still refuse to believe that "The Alien" has graced us with his presence!

Also, I know that elder is messing with me when he claims that he didn't PhotoShop a goofy album cover. There is no way that "Welcome to the Darkside" is a real, sincere album. No. Way.
Seriously man .. this is all his.  On page 7 of this thread someone posted a Facebook discussion where Bowser was trying to get info on NecroPhile.  That outed his fullname John Massaka Rhodes.  From his Facebook you can clearly see he's into the music industry.  If you google his full name it comes up to his Reverb Nation page where artists can post info, and their music. Goto the following page: reverbnation.com/massaka/  and see for yourself.  Click on "All Photos" and his various album covers come up. That is a straight image link to his page.  No Photoshop, no messing with his stuff. Check it for yourself.
Yee-uh yee-uh... Its massaka live and in effect.... With DJ Al -Ahmed Ashir and Chris the Crazy Cracker Chaos! Check check it. We be Stars!! Making yo ears bleed in this muthafucka


I'm not so sure that he'd be able to "choke out" NecroPhile. Just sayin'.


Do you think he is still wondering if he'll ever get played on the rade-ee-ee-o?
70/95 US Turbochips


Quote from: slinkyturd on 08/02/2014, 01:12 AMDo you think he is still wondering if he'll ever get played on the rade-ee-ee-o?

As others have already stated, this has become one of my favorite threads.

There is so much entertainment to be found in this music/video thing. I concur—the production values are high.

I think the guy has plateaued, though.

Also, I find it immensely amusing that, in his lyrics, he has positioned himself as a potential savior of hip hop/rap—given the chance, if course— since commercial radio us filled with "fruitcakes", amongst other things.




Gotta remember that SNL anniversary (scripted) interruption;
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I think this Euro Massaka could choke out our Massaka.   And this  Euro Massaka had to make his YouTube channel MassakaOfficial   ... so I guess that makes Bowser MassakaUnofficial   :?
My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm


Angry European rap is scary. I remember hearing this one at the end of District B13 and thinking, what the hell did I just watch?
Iron Sy - Resistant (District 13 / B13 / Banlieue 13)
70/95 US Turbochips


Rap isn't scary, chandeliers on an auto, that's scary.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I got that beat. How bout a drink at this bar?
SKATT BROS - Life At The Outpost (1980)
70/95 US Turbochips


"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Better use of a dog:
Santa's Slay: Opening Scene
70/95 US Turbochips


The nanny?

Dogs have done better, in 30 seconds;

That dog's part snake, so it makes sense.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


70/95 US Turbochips


Well, that's  like a full shitter;
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I prefer him playing the piano
Three Amigos - My Little Buttercup HD
70/95 US Turbochips


I preferred the other guy's special purpose;

You know, you can tell so much about a person by the way they live, just looking around here, I can tell, you're a genuinely dirty person.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".