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TG-16 CD unit powers on.. gears not stuck yet no disk spin

Started by moondelight61, 02/23/2015, 07:37 PM

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Hi everyone.  I have had my unit s since launch day.. Worked fine.. Bern in storage for 13 years .. Took out .. TG is fine.. CD unit powers on get PC but CD does not spin... I opened cleaned.. Checked for gear lock..it's not..its ok.. But unit will jot spin disks via the motor..I can spin fine with my fingers..

I don't see any bad wires .. Is it a cap?

Thanks friends
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK


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An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK


I better check my US CD unit then. Maybe that us why the CD won't spin.

Keith Courage

Double check you didn't insert the ribbon cables the wrong direction. The larger ribbon cable should be inserted with the contacts facing outwards away from the center of the CD drive. 

Also, if the gears are too hard to move sometimes re-greasing does not help because the center of said gear swells up making it hard to move. A solution for this would be either to remove the gear and drill out the hole slightly larger or buy a new gear. The forum member choijimmy sells them for a great price.


Sometimes all it can be is the ground on one of the ribbon cables.
It's held on there by some sort of glue, and over time can get loose.

Keith Courage

that ground strip is not needed. you can remove it with no issues.

However, if it is loose and makes contact to any part of the motherboard then that can cause the cd player to not spin up as well.


Quote from: Keith Courage on 02/23/2015, 11:56 PMthat ground strip is not needed. you can remove it with no issues.

However, if it is loose and makes contact to any part of the motherboard then that can cause the cd player to not spin up as well.
Good to know.
I used electrical tape on one of my cd units wrt that ground strip. Still gives me issues from time to time.
So I needn't have bothered? Just remove that bugger altogether. Ok will do.

Keith Courage

I don't always remove them but if I see that they are about to fall off then yes just take the thing out  of there. More trouble than it's worth trying to tape the thing and have it fall off again later.


I am taking my CD unit to work and will check the grease ... The ribbon cable is set correctly.. I will double check the ground wire .. Will let everyone know today :) thanks to all of you for your input :) this is one of my fav units ... Want her back to glory days
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK


Well opened her up again...

checked gears, grease ..cables... all looks good..

still just powers on... PC and that's it.

i did open CD door, and pressed the latch to make it think its closed... i did not see the laser do anything... should i see any movement on that? 

Thanks guys
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK

Keith Courage

Your lens could be dead. The lens should move slightly and then you would also see a red light coming out of it. Double check your ribbon cables one more time to be sure.


God that would SUCK :(   . . . when i looked i made sure to see if there was ANY movement or red .. there was none... but will reset all cables again ..

I will do that.. thank you man.. are there any real replacements if that's the case?  boy shes been sleeping for so long and was working.. thought that was better then use 24/7 :(

thanks Keith C and everyone.. will keep you posted got stuck at work late so my baby is still at the office..so will check tomorrow.

An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK

Keith Courage

Unfortunately new lenses for these are very expensive. You are better off getting a used sony discman on ebay to get a working lens.

Models D-2 D-4 D-11 D-12 D-33 and D-34 I know have them.

D-33 and D-34 are the newest models that would have it.

Also, the lens should be at the inner most center of the drive in order for it to move/light up. Might want to make sure the lens position stop switch works because if that switch is bad then the lens will not engage. To test, hit play on the cd player with it open. push on the switch to see if the lens will move the other direction. If it doesn't then the switch is bad. Hopefully not since there is no where to get a replacement one without buying a broken pc engine CD drive for parts.


Thanks Keith courage .. I will give a go on her tomorrow and let you know results ..

Fingers crossed
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK


Quote from: moondelight61 on 02/24/2015, 11:54 PMThanks Keith courage .. I will give a go on her tomorrow and let you know results ..

Fingers crossed
Just want to say KC knows his stuff. I had the exact same problem as you; turned out the main board was fried. Listen to this man!


Figures... ,meeting after meeting and never got to my Drive today... :( so KC will look at tomorrow.

thanks ldeveraux I do believe he does..god I hope the main board is not fried... worked perfect in 2000 when I used her last.. just been in storage and in a good room too...

but will keep you all posted...
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK


good news everyone the drive is finally working don't ask me why or how but this little flex cable was somehow continuously dislodging itself took me a while to make sure it was really set properly checked again for Gear Lock and before I closed it up power on she's alive and workingThank Thank God thank you everyone for your help and input
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK


DAM a new problem 😥😥😥
Now she powers off after a few seconds ..

PC disk spins then PC goes dark and have to pull a/c cord and wait a few seconds and repeats

If I use a music CD and on its side open its fine.. Cold solder joint???
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK

Keith Courage

Hmm that is odd. Is the grounding strip bumping anything on the motherboard or did you remove it?

Also, it's not odd for the CD drive to power off every now and again when first attempting to power it on. However, if it does it after the 2nd try then something is wrong.

Also, try backing the CD drive off of the docking station slightly and see what happens. Sometimes the contacts can get dirty back there and having the Drive pushed in all the way can in odd cases cause power issues.

Clean out with toothbrush and rubbing alcohol on both the CD drive and docking station.


Had a very similar issue with my CD Drive.  Sent it over to TheSteve for repair and he mentioned it was something inside the motor.  Works now!

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Well unit is not in the dock.. When I closed it.. Would not power on.. Reopened .. Pull mother board out ..not fully out maybe 1/2 inch.. Ground wire is ok on bottom,plate..played music CD like this for 3 hours in,repeat more.. If I fuss with it.. Powers off and will not power on unless I fiddle with motherboards position .. Has to be a wire .. Or a joint?
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK

Keith Courage

check the ac adapter jack joints. they are known to crack and generally need to be resoldered


Will check the joints.  this is the lol easy part..now that it is working with the laser, tracking and drive spin..so close :)
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK

Keith Courage

So it is spinning but not reading the discs? I thought you said you could get it to read an audio disc before?


yes, if I leave it on its side with motherboard out about 1/2 inch it will spin and read disks.. 100% music disks since i plugged in a headphone and listed to the lol south park movie soundtrack and the display showed each track..played in repeat for 3 hours.. i put in a Turbo CD and it played track 1 and that's all i would expect.

but when i close it... the PC goes out and will not turn on.  i then reopen and pull out the mother board a bit..so yes it does work..if open and yes reads the disks if open :)

sorry KC if i mixed you up  :idea:
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK

Keith Courage

Double check all the colored wiring going from the motherboard to the PCB where the play/stop buttons are. One or two of those wires could have shorts in them.


Yes, been looking them over..so far at least have not found the bastard yet.. of course took about like 10 times and now that i get the drive spinning again and reading lol now she still fighting me..
I want to play Y's 4 English patch i now have (yes I own the jap version) :)
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK

Keith Courage

Have you tried making any small adjustments to the potentiometers yet?


An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK

Keith Courage

Well I was just wondering if sometimes it reads and sometimes it does not because something may not be adjusted correctly.

Try making some very small turns to any of the black potentiometers to see if it helps things. Just try one at a time and make sure to remember where it was before you started in case you need to turn it back. I would start with the black pot closest to the two whote pots.

Leave the white potentiometers alone. Generally those do not need to be touched.


OMFG... How stupid am I...

It's working now.. Issue..omg well CD unit is always in the dock..so power plug always in dock so never thought to check how well connector fits in CD player... The plug as wiggle room and that was the cause of strange power off ... Omg so stupid..

Unit is now 100% working .. Thanks everyone and kc ..
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK


OMFG...I feel very stupid the CD Drive is now working perfectly there was no short inside the unit the power problem was being caused by the power connector from the AC brick to the barrel jack the unit is and always has been used in the docking station never powered directly by the AC so looks like this little play between the center pin in the outer part that hugs the barrel connector so every time I was with main board that's all it was so I open this thing up dozens of times messed with all the wires for nothing thank God they all still are ok thanks kc and everyone else for the assistant
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK



Ok.. Opened again.. Replaced the center gear ..yep the thing in comparison to old gear was very tight on the shaft.. New gear was not molded perfect and had to trim a bit.. Put that ring back on to hold the gear..not easy .. But been playing Ys Book I and II..and III But ahhh looks like I need a super system card to play my Ys 4 ..Lol least of my worries .. She works!!! Lithium greased the worm gear and she's works.. Thank u!!
An Classic Gamer just want to keep them alive to show others that graphics aren't everything .. the Classic systems ROCK