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Started by soop, 06/03/2013, 10:31 AM

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Quote from: guest on 03/13/2015, 09:22 AMFunny side note, I just recently noticed that Evo's nick is not Evil Evoli X. Dumb me.
It's Based upon a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX (Hence all the riveting wing humor) and I chose evilevoix.  I like these cars and had two of them and then a DSM in the past, basically anything with a turbo or boosted catches my attention.  I race it and work on it and it's just fun.  Great cars I highly recommend them although IX's are pretty scarce as they were only made for one year.  VIII's are far more common as they were made from 03-05.

Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


I gotta say that I in all complete seriousness prefer the Genesis Altered Beast over the PCE version too. :)


Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/13/2015, 09:20 AM
Quote from: Opethian on 03/13/2015, 08:54 AMyou only know about Tonk from that one thread you don't even know the story so stop talking about it and stop deflecting the issue.
That one issue where he defrauded tens of thousands of dollars in a well orchestrated scheme of counterfeit goods including shady airport deals and lying about SNK connections?  You mean that one?

  If you care to toss that away in light of just bashing me then have it, just be aware of the hypocrisy of pushing aside someone who caused real issues Vs me as someone who likes the M68000 Chip a little too much.
And 100% of this has nothing to do with you and never has. Quit deflecting. Fellate more AV cables


Quote from: Opethian on 03/13/2015, 09:36 AM
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/13/2015, 09:20 AM
Quote from: Opethian on 03/13/2015, 08:54 AMyou only know about Tonk from that one thread you don't even know the story so stop talking about it and stop deflecting the issue.
That one issue where he defrauded tens of thousands of dollars in a well orchestrated scheme of counterfeit goods including shady airport deals and lying about SNK connections?  You mean that one?

  If you care to toss that away in light of just bashing me then have it, just be aware of the hypocrisy of pushing aside someone who caused real issues Vs me as someone who likes the M68000 Chip a little too much.
And 100% of this has nothing to do with you and never has. Quit deflecting. Fellate more AV cables
I'm beginning to think you don't like me.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Nully is my biggest fan, I gotta say I am quite impressed that some Hayseed from Kansas has taken such a liking to me.

That CPU Vs thread had me posting that the 68K was faster and well someone posted that as well.

Quote from: guest on 05/28/2013, 12:23 PM
Quote from: touko on 05/28/2013, 12:16 PMBut my questions are especially on game logic ..
IMO i think in this area,the 6280 can compete easily, but i don't know the 68k enough ..
The 68k has a faster speed, and it's actually 16 bit, with more registers (unless you want to split hairs with the zero page shit on the 6502).   Plus the instruction set is nicer than the 6502 and allows for less brain damaged coding, IMHO. 

but, game logic speed alone is a bad comparison, as the CPU is also running the rest of the system.  Even if it's faster, there are other things to consider.

the 68k is a higher end CPU in general.  It's better. 

EDIT: Just realized Md = Megadrive.  I was reading that as M as in Motorola.   Even so, the MD is still (slightly) faster than the PCE, and the code for game logic will likely execute faster because of the above stuff I just said.
That's it, go read it (if you can sift through the shit)

  I generally agreed with this and shit hit the fan and yes I trolled and trolled and a ton of people bit and took it seriously; what else was I supposed to do?  Yes I like Sega and I can see that really effects you to some asinine level of obsession that caused our relationship to break up.   I pissed off some mid west cornfed PCE Fanboi to an extent to draw a sub par picture which he claims is me and then declares victory on some level of internet power I'll never begin to understand.

  IDK what I am supposed to think of that level of dedication and mediocrity not to mention the countless dick pics he keeps sending me (thank you).  The Picture he sent I would have believed one of his kids drew it but I digress it's not making the splash he wanted so I requested another picture to be drawn by someone more capable.  I mean look at DoxPhile, why even keep that failure up?  It's embarrassing.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/13/2015, 09:58 AM.... I trolled and trolled and a ton of people bit and took it seriously; what else was I supposed to do?
Get banned?  You better stick to Fighting Street, tex.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


For such 'poor drawing skills', it's pretty funny that I was able to guess who it was when you showed it in chat, not yet finished and sans title.  You truly captured the essence of evo; if the drawing is shit, blame the source material.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 03/13/2015, 10:21 AMWhat was amazing about that thread was that it was a technical discussion. Nobody was trash talking sega or the 68000. Nobody disputed that the 68000 was overall a more capable processor. And then you showed up to evangelize the 68000.  If the discussion had been "hey, the weather sure is nice today" you would barge in screaming "NO, THE WEATHER IS FUCKING GREAT TODAY! BEST WEATHER OF THE YEAR! YESTERDAYS WEATHER SUCKED."

And you're too stupid to even realize how stupid it makes you look. You might not be as stupid as you look, but damn you're good at looking stupid.

Also, by all means, continue giving DoxPhile some more free publicity. And criticize my drawring skillz. It bothers me not in the slightest. I understand your motives and feel a bit sorry for you. Defense mechanisms are funny things... I'm sorry that you don't have any talents of you own. Chin up buddy... There is something to be said for smelling like feet and living like a pig. You've got those nailed.
All those barbs you throw, I know they are formed in passion.  As much as I see now that we are never getting back together and your pickup line to me was based on Duphile being a resounding success (all lies!!!!) I'll always remember the time we spent together and how it smelled when we were both done.

Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: Nulltard on 03/13/2015, 09:47 AMI don't even remember him saying he prefers Altered Beast on genny. He is entitled to that opinion.

To be fair, you should probably read up on some of the tech threads as the general consensus of "fuck that guy" is not based on Altered Beast preference. Even if you're willing to accept his excuses and absolve him from the racism and pedophilia, there is no getting around the fact that he has derailed countless threads with his trolling.
Wait, wait, hold on a second here! I'm did no such thing!


Quote from: Nulltard on 03/13/2015, 10:43 AMI had a blast drawing it and sharing updates along the way. I think I was chuckling the whole time. :D
hahaha... he has not missed a meal has he?


The only thing I learned in this thread is that there are people who think that the PCE version of Altered Beast is better than the Genesis game.

On a completely unrelated note, for some reason I have this weird image in my head of two guys with Down's syndrome getting into a slap fight with each other.  Not sure where that might have come from.  I haven't had any coffee yet this morning.


This is getting confusing....


Quote from: guest on 03/13/2015, 12:51 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 03/13/2015, 12:32 PM... for some reason I have this weird image in my head of two guys with Down's syndrome getting into a slap fight with each other.  Not sure where that might have come from.
Jibs, if you'd said "two guys sumo wrestling" then I'd have a clue where it came from, but two guys with downs slapping at each other? I can only assume you picked a fight with a mirror again.
What does two well-trained titans who have dedicated their lives to a storied and noble sport have to do with this thread?  Or is that what you think you're doing?


Quote from: guest on 03/13/2015, 01:23 AMTo be fair, Evo got way too much flack for saying he prefers the Genesis version of Altered Beast. He wasn't pulling a Nintega or Xak or anything with those comments.

Edit: I feel kind of dirty even say that much.
You probably came in during his 16th (in this forum alone) evolving comment on Altered Beast and aren't familiar with his history of stating it as proof that the PCE is an NES with a larger palette. For years he went on pulling crap from his ass about how the Genesis version has way more animation and how animation is the ultimate measure of 16-bitness. He jumped into technical thread of processors by programmers and crapped all over the discussion screaming about Altered Beast is all you need to know about the pros and cons between the inner workings of cpus.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: guest on 03/13/2015, 01:57 PM
Quote from: Bernie on 03/13/2015, 01:00 PMThis is getting confusing....

Quote from: CGQuarterly on 03/13/2015, 01:37 PM
Quote from: guest on 03/13/2015, 12:51 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 03/13/2015, 12:32 PM... for some reason I have this weird image in my head of two guys with Down's syndrome getting into a slap fight with each other.  Not sure where that might have come from.
Jibs, if you'd said "two guys sumo wrestling" then I'd have a clue where it came from, but two guys with downs slapping at each other? I can only assume you picked a fight with a mirror again.
What does two well-trained titans who have dedicated their lives to a storied and noble sport have to do with this thread?  Or is that what you think you're doing?
you lost me, bruh.  Stop threadshitting in the evo-shitting thread. There are plenty of null-shitting threads for you to shit in.
But people are more likely to read a Evil bashing thread before a Null bashing one! Think of what's best for DoxPhile you selfish git! :P


Quote from: guest on 03/13/2015, 01:57 PMyou lost me, bruh.
I'm not surprised.



I was going to post something but this thread fried my brain receptors.




Jib? Nully is just fucking around.. Let's direct our energy to the worthless ones like evil.


This fellow's reputation is well earned apparently.   Can't  forget Brick New Jersey.  Poor Matthew.


Quote from: Ned_Slade on 04/02/2015, 04:21 AMThis fellow's reputation is well earned apparently.   Can't  forget Brick New Jersey.  Poor Matthew.
I am confused.

But I do know of Brick, NJ.



Quote from: Ned_Slade on 04/02/2015, 04:21 AMThis fellow's reputation is well earned apparently.   Can't  forget Brick New Jersey.  Poor Matthew.
Please elaborate