2/13/2025: Localization News - Cosmic Fantasy 3-4!

Rather earth-shattering news in the PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 community: Cosmic Fantasy 3 & 4 has been officially localized to English by Edia 30 years later for the Switch! Hard to believe! I know their script quality is poor given the 1&2 port but still good to see.
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Raffle: Turbo Duo system... Winner chosen!

Started by Sparky, 09/05/2015, 10:29 PM

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Ya so been thinking about raffling this thing off, but it is not complete...

I got a repro card door replacement for it, from the "man "on here... and it comes with the power supply and a controller, sorry needs the av hook ups, I could not find a spare, having sound issues off and on, but people fix it here :)

It works great with the card slot...but like I said it is off and on with the sound when you play a cd game.

You need a 300 post count to enter.

Good luck folks... I will draw at the end of September as regulars do not show up every day so giving them some time.



Who's in...

Lost Monkey
Damon Plus

I swear on my life I pressed the random button once and our winner is! Bernie... Do not fuck this one up man :P



Sweet raffle! +1 turbob karma to you good sir.
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


The quality of our raffles are going up! Love too see good raffles! +1 turbo karma for you sir!
Don't enter me, i have one but good luck to those that enter  :dance:


Quote from: hoobs88 on 09/05/2015, 10:37 PMSweet raffle! +1 turbob karma to you good sir.
Damnit hoobs, you beat me by 27 seconds grrrr!





Wow Sparky!

Please consider me in your raffling activities.


Sticky this thread to show collectards and resellers what is meant by community.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Awesome raffle bud! I already have a duo of duos (one Duo-R and my original U.S Duo) so best of luck to the winner!


Woah!  Generous!  Don't count me in as I have my original Duo that I am saving up to send to Keith Courage so he can pimp it out.  But I hope this one goes to a good home! 


Count me in as well.  If I win this and get it working 100% my brother will love it as gift.  He loved Dragon's Curse a lot back then and I'm sure he'd appreciate TED to play 100's other games


What a fantastic raffle, Tossing my hat in the ring been wanting a secondary system for the downstairs...

Good luck and Turbokarma to OP and everyone else.



+1,000 Turbo Doodles Kudos Karma, Mister Sparky, If I didn't already have a Duo-R I'd totes be like "Hey." So don't enter me, but keep being cute, it looks good on you.



Quote from: Gentlegamer on 09/05/2015, 11:37 PMSticky this thread to show collectards and resellers what is meant by community.
Damn straight. Major kudos to you, Sparky. Don't add me as I already have a Duo, but seriously, just wow.


Wow sparky . Please sign me up my son would love his own setup.


Whoever wins should have Sparky just ship it to Keith Courage for refurb.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


This must be the most generous community on the entire internet. I'm blown away by this.

(Disclaimer: wasn't trying to enter as I'm not eligible anyway)

GreatBlue Swirlof99

Quote from: bozo55 on 09/06/2015, 11:03 AMThis must be the most generous community on the entire internet. I'm blown away by this.

(Disclaimer: wasn't trying to enter as I'm not eligible anyway)
I gotta agree with you, it's really the best community, the people are nice and helpful(unlike some places!)
The Dreamcast is still alive, so go play it before it kills your family!


Hmm, count me in. :) If I win it and can get it working well again I could use it. Has it been recapped yet? If not maybe it just needs that and a laser calibration. My son is wanting a TG deck, so I could give it to him to play if I won. :)


I will ad you folks later :) and this has been done before by BlueBMW who offered a perfect duo unit with all the bells and whistles :) just want it to go to a good home and get played, poor thing.


Wow, another generous raffle Sparky!  Don't add me as I already have two CD systems even though its been a life long dream to own a US Turbo Duo.

Let's not forget Sparky also generously raffled off Bonk 3 a few years back.  Didn't think that raffle would be topped. 


Wow, that's the first time I've seen one of the replacement card slot covers.  It looks great!  Please don't enter me in the raffle, but kudos to you for doing this.



I just wanted to say to everyone but also Sparky. This community is prob. one of the best I have ever seen on Teh Internetz and want to also give you all my Kudos for making this such a awesome place.

I don't meet the required posts, but also do not need this as I already OBEY my US Duo. Just wanted to say thank you.



Awesome raffle! Good luck to everyone. The community is indeed first class :]


I'd be dumb if I didn't say count me in Sparks! Killer raffle!

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Wow what a generous raffle.
I'd be honored if you enter me for this item.


If you can't find a controller, I'll thow it in if the winner doesn't have one / wants to give it to a family member ect.   (You've been generous enough no need to go seeking out a controller on top of it)

P.S. You're my hero sparkster.
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!

Psycho Punch

Why couldn't you reveal this raffle before I bought my Duo? Fuck you sparky.

Fuck you.


PS: Was it you the person who raffled another DUO here a while ago?
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: Psycho Punch on 09/06/2015, 05:31 PMWhy couldn't you reveal this raffle before I bought my Duo? Fuck you sparky.

Fuck you.


PS: Was it you the person who raffled another DUO here a while ago?
BlueBMW raflled one, and I do believe one other one was raffled as well before this, but I can't remember anymore, I've read so many threads going back to the begining here they all run together. :)
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


Quote from: Psycho Punch on 09/06/2015, 05:31 PMPS: Was it you the person who raffled another DUO here a while ago?
Quote from: guest on 09/06/2015, 01:46 PMI will ad you folks later :) and this has been done before by BlueBMW who offered a perfect duo unit with all the bells and whistles :) just want it to go to a good home and get played, poor thing.


Enter me please. Hugs!  Outstanding raffle.


Sparky, please don't enter me, just wanted to say that it's stuff like this that keeps the Turbob community so friggin' cool. You Tha' Mang for doing this raffle. Nice to see peeps giving to the community instead of flipping them the bird by overpricing on Evilbay. Awesome Sparky...just awesome.  :wink:


Please enter me, I'd love to have a duo again.


Whats kind of funny... these days I just have a Duo R and part of me wants a US duo again lol.  I actually gave away two duos hehe.  One on here and another to a friend.

Ahh hell, toss me in the hat Sparky if you dont mind.  The US Duo has some bit of nostalgia that I didn't quite realize until not having one for a while.  I have a controller and power supply etc so I wouldn't need any of that jazz.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Clearly the best raffle I've ever seen on here.  I'd like to be included in this raffle; if I win I'll give it to my girlfriend as she's enjoyed playing some Turbo games as of late and I'd rather she had her own setup than just kept borrowing mine.

Thanks a lot, Sparky!
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Blown away by the generosity of this forum...Sparky you're one of the good ones. Maybe I'll have enough posts to enter by the time the end of the month rolls around, but regardless, sexy piece of hardware and kudos again for the raffle. Someone is going to be very happy when all is said and done!
I'm a notorious strange man.


holy shit, that's an awesome raffle from you to give away such an awesome system.

i'd like to enter please!


What an awesomely generous raffle! Major kudos!

I've already got one, so don't want to enter, just wanted to say "thanks".  :wink:


Can you please add me to the raffle.

Amazing, I've been wanting to pickup one of these in Canada.  I would have bought this had it been for sale, knowing you are local.  Major kudos on the raffle.

My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm


Umm I would have not sold it, got this pretty cheap, a few years back, Like $60 and the new door was $25.

I have a job, so when it comes to my hobbies/ pleasures it is never about the money.
I do not get the gougers, find a real job and quit fucking over this system.

Ps: some of you that have inquired about this system that already have a duo but have a story to explain your reasons for another, that is fine but if you ever decide to get rid of it I expect a raffle or people pay what it cost you to fix it and no more.

Just remember it was free.. It's going to cost me over $20 to ship this to the USA and I am including that free as well. Pay it forward my friends that is all I ask, do not disappoint this community. That is my  little rant sorry (( blush))

Anyone can raffle these types of things off but my god so many people see just the money and will never.
Thanks for the kind words.


As cool as it would be to have an authentic Turbo Duo to pair with my TurboGrafx-16, I have a nice Duo-R that I'm very happy with.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: guest on 09/07/2015, 08:30 PMI have a job, so when it comes to my hobbies/ pleasures it is never about the money.
I do not get the gougers, find a real job and quit fucking over this system.

Anyone can raffle these types of things off but my god so many people see just the money and will never.
Thanks for the kind words.
these quotes are the truth! mad props and my respects to you sir.


Thanks for the awesome raffle. Count me in!!


Quote from: MasonSushi on 09/08/2015, 07:46 AMThanks for the awesome raffle. Count me in!!
Congrats, you won!
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Amazing raffle, very generous!  Good luck to those that are entered!


I already have a Duo so don't enter me but mad props to you for doing this.
"You CAN'T prove Nulltard/DoxPhile caused ANY harm/damage/sabotage to PCEFX!! You have NO evidence he poached ANY members for his own failed PC Engine forum/site or was a conniving destructive saboteur! ZERO, ZIP, NADA!!! Nulltard did nothing wrong!"


Very nice to see this raffle!! Obviously don't enter me, I have a duo and my post count is low. Just wanted to say good luck to all the people entering, and that this makes me want to be more active on these forums and do some raffles myself.


Sparky, you are amazing and I'd like to enter as well.  I don't know my post count though.

+10 Kudos and +100 TurboKarma to you good sir!
glazball's game collection and wantlist


Very cool Sparky.  I still have that Bonk III you raffled off.  I thought that was a massive raffle, but this one is bigger.

Don't enter me, I just wanted to say thanks for everything you do around here.

I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.