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What Turbo game are you currently playing?

Started by WandererFromYs, 02/28/2008, 12:22 AM

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Psycho Punch

Sorry for the double post but it's not my fault that people aren't obeying enough to post here!

My god Might and Magic 3 is great. I'm not a veteran of western RPGs but I love the few dungeon crawlers I've played before (King's Field on the PS1, Silent Debuggers, etc.), so I might be a little bit biased, but the game is extremely polished, the world seems to be huge and it is presented well by the graphics, making the atmosphere great. I just wish it wasn't laggy, the game's animations sometimes crawl to a snail's pace and your controls are kinda stiff because of it, which is specially weird for a game that is half menu navigation half walking! Another problem is that it takes the WHOLE duo memory so the only "save game" that can reside on the console is from M&M3 because of how much stuff the game has to keep track of. Aside from that the game is a treat, and a VERY good port from the PC in all departments!

Kinda sad that this isn't talked about much because of the prices it commanded for being a late TTi release, thankfully the "cease fire" discs provided by tobias is making this game accessible and I would say half of the users here at least have the means to play it as it was intended to be. Might and Magic 3 will probably be the only disc that will sit in my Duo's CD drive until I beat it. What a game. If you're a fan of western style computer dungeon crawlers/D&D style RPGs go seek a copy to play, you won't regret it.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: guest on 11/08/2015, 02:40 AMthankfully the "cease fire" discs provided by tobias is making this game accessible
Hah, purty apt way to put it. ;)


I've been playing Beyond Shadowgate courtesy of Bernie et al.  I've seen bits of it before but never actually played it for myself.  The game's art is fantastic; it looks like I'm walking through a bunch of paintings.  The animation is great and the game is interesting to play. 

I've been a fan of point and click adventures for years.  The Quest for Glory series is my favorite with the fourth game there being the pinnacle of the genre imho.  I also played the original Shadowgate on NES back when it was new.  Without mouse controls the game plays a little bit clunky but good enough for sure.  Being able to play an early 90s point and click adventure for the first time is a really great usage of my weekend.  Perhaps I'll hunt down a copy of Shadowgate 64 at some point now to finish the series up.

Quote from: guest on 11/08/2015, 02:40 AMKinda sad that this isn't talked about much because of the prices it commanded for being a late TTi release, thankfully the "cease fire" discs provided by tobias is making this game accessible and I would say half of the users here at least have the means to play it as it was intended to be. Might and Magic 3 will probably be the only disc that will sit in my Duo's CD drive until I beat it. What a game. If you're a fan of western style computer dungeon crawlers/D&D style RPGs go seek a copy to play, you won't regret it.
Well said and I'd add that this holds true for Beyond Shadowgate as well (though the genre specific stuff would have to do with point and click adventure games and not RPGs).
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


working on a 1cc for street fighter II championship edition. I can usually get to dictator then i lose. I use Ryu for the playthrough


Made it through Valis II today - fun game with some challenge for the last few levels.  The actual bosses are all a pushover, but it's kind of a nice reprieve after some of the frustrating enemies or cheap hits that you incur during the level.  The voice acting for the bosses is also some of the worst ever, haha.  I really did like the cut scenes though, a lot of nice uses of framing and the subject matter is surprisingly mature (both in content, like the severed limbs and blood, but also in delivery, as the ending resonates with a sophisticated sadness that you rarely see in games).  It's kind of a cheap and simple game, but it's fairly addicting trying to memorize the patterns and progress further in the game.  The epic music certainly makes it an easier grind as well.  I popped in Valis III just to test it out and that looks to be an improvement in terms of design, gameplay and presentation, although I can see already I'm going to be frustrated to hell with that jump back Yuko does whenever she's hit.

I also made some progress in New Adventure Island.  Pretty impressed so far - very lively worlds with animation and parallax on multiple planes, and that same fast, simple and fun gameplay that made me love the series all those years ago on the NES.  What's...uh...with the "Showtime" dances after you finish a world though?
I'm a notorious strange man.


Quote from: grolt on 11/08/2015, 04:16 PMWhat's...uh...with the "Showtime" dances after you finish a world though?
What? You don't like Master Higgins with a bra? ;)

A nice little diversion to give the player a break in between levels. One of several reasons why New Adventure Island is better than many 16-bit platformers, imo.


Quote from: guest on 11/08/2015, 06:10 PM
Quote from: grolt on 11/08/2015, 04:16 PMWhat's...uh...with the "Showtime" dances after you finish a world though?
What? You don't like Master Higgins with a bra? ;)

A nice little diversion to give the player a break in between levels. One of several reasons why New Adventure Island is better than many 16-bit platformers, imo.
Between this and the Bonks, is there a Hudson platformer that DOESN'T feature cross dressing of some sort!?  :D
I'm a notorious strange man.


I've been playing Bonk's Adventure this weekend. It's been a long time since I played through the original, and it's been a fun little romp!
Keith Courage is #1. Alpha Zone inhabitant for life. Thanks to this forum for rejuvenating and continuing my interest in all things Obey.


Quote from: guest on 11/05/2015, 10:34 PMJust beat Lords of Thunder. What an amazing game!

Great stage design, imaginative enemies and an epic soundtrack. And a cool shop.

Definitely the "Rondo of shooters". A+ stuff
I agree. I consider LoT and Rondo of Blood the top reasons to own a PCE Duo.

I'm currently playing Formation Armed F and I'm absolutely floored at how good it is. I know "underrated" gets thrown around liberally, but in this case, it's absolutely applicable. This game is not only underrated, but I'm finding it to be absolutely brilliant, with great level designs, wonderful music and tough, but fair gameplay. I've found that using the continue trick is an absolute must to learn the levels, but after memorizing sections, it's actually very doable to complete in a single credit, and the journey is very rewarding. This one will be in circulation until the day I die, along with the all time greats!


Quote from: nopepper on 11/08/2015, 11:51 PM
Quote from: PukeSter on 11/05/2015, 10:34 PMJust beat Lords of Thunder. What an amazing game!

Great stage design, imaginative enemies and an epic soundtrack. And a cool shop.

Definitely the "Rondo of shooters". A+ stuff
I agree. I consider LoT and Rondo of Blood the top reasons to own a PCE Duo.

I'm currently playing Formation Armed F and I'm absolutely floored at how good it is.
These two statements do not mix...It's nice to meet a fellow Lords of Thunder fan but I'm confused how you can consider AMF in the same league.

I have given Formation Armed F an honest try, but it most definitely isn't a top level pce shooter. The music is okay but repetitive, the graphics are really weak, dull level design and boring stretches of nothing.

What other shooters have you played? I'm kinda curious.


Just beat Cosmic Fantasy 2

Always wanted to finish that game but man was that a test of my patience.  The last part of the game had random encounters every few steps.  The plus side was I didn't really need to grind to finish the game.  Now on to the next game which I am not sure what it is just yet.


I threw in Buster Bros. for a little bit last night, been years since I played it last.  I don't think I ever got totally to the end.  This time I think I got to the Taj Mahal, I forget exactly but about 20 levels in or so.  Great game and glad to have it in my library.  Gotta love that easy listening CD music!


Quote from: guest on 11/09/2015, 07:08 PM
Quote from: nopepper on 11/08/2015, 11:51 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/05/2015, 10:34 PMJust beat Lords of Thunder. What an amazing game!

Great stage design, imaginative enemies and an epic soundtrack. And a cool shop.

Definitely the "Rondo of shooters". A+ stuff
I agree. I consider LoT and Rondo of Blood the top reasons to own a PCE Duo.

I'm currently playing Formation Armed F and I'm absolutely floored at how good it is.
These two statements do not mix...It's nice to meet a fellow Lords of Thunder fan but I'm confused how you can consider AMF in the same league.

I have given Formation Armed F an honest try, but it most definitely isn't a top level pce shooter. The music is okay but repetitive, the graphics are really weak, dull level design and boring stretches of nothing.

What other shooters have you played? I'm kinda curious.
What other shooters have I played? How much time do you have?!?

Shooters, shoot em ups, shmups, etc. are probably my favorite genre. So I've played pretty much...everything. If it helps put things into perspective, here are some of my favorites:

Lords of Thunder
Thunder Force III
Radiant Silvergun
Battle Garegga

We should see how Armed F ages among some of my favorites, but I truly like it a lot and I never felt the "dull level design and boring stretches of nothing" you mention. On the contrary, I feel like it's consistently intense and every level brings forth a new challenge. I also think the music is fantastic. The graphics are nothing special, but I don't think of them as ugly.

In a lot of ways, this game reminds me of the classic Mega Man games. Challenging and satisfying games with great level designs, with not technically impressive graphics that are still pleasing, and with fantastic music.

I know it must be sacrilegious to make these comparisons and put this shooter up there with some of the best games ever, but I really feel it's brilliant. To each their own...


I've been playing Imagefight here and there. Game is really hard. It has that R-type (makes sense its IREM) feel where if you die in a certain spot and lose your power ups you are pretty much fucked, and are better served starting over.


Been playing Exile the last two days and I am quite surprised how good this game is.  My brother played this game when it came out and I never got around to playing it.  I really like the mixture of RPG and action and how everyone let's Sadler do all the work lol.


Quote from: ginoscope on 11/10/2015, 02:09 AMJust beat Cosmic Fantasy 2

Always wanted to finish that game but man was that a test of my patience.  The last part of the game had random encounters every few steps.  The plus side was I didn't really need to grind to finish the game.  Now on to the next game which I am not sure what it is just yet.
I am playing this now and I am not sure if I am going to be able to do it.  The amount of random battles is ridiculous, it really hamper exploration when you feel you get punished for making a wrong turn.


Quote from: ginoscope on 11/12/2015, 09:03 PMBeen playing Exile the last two days and I am quite surprised how good this game is.  My brother played this game when it came out and I never got around to playing it.  I really like the mixture of RPG and action and how everyone let's Sadler do all the work lol.
Exile is a favorite of mine, I've always loved the theme and the music from the game.  I still have my original Exile, but I think I had some kind of disdain for the sequel so I traded it away.  I wish I hadn't though, I'd like to give it another spin and see what I think of it today.  I at least finished it a few times before I traded it though.

Quote from: ginoscope on 11/10/2015, 02:09 AMJust beat Cosmic Fantasy 2

Always wanted to finish that game but man was that a test of my patience.  The last part of the game had random encounters every few steps.  The plus side was I didn't really need to grind to finish the game.  Now on to the next game which I am not sure what it is just yet.
I don't think I could play through CF2 today like I did as a kid for the reasons you stated.  I think even then I remember being frustrated with the RPG part of the game.  Awesome cutscenes though, and for that it will always have a special place in my heart.


Quote from: grendelrt on 11/13/2015, 12:08 PM
Quote from: ginoscope on 11/10/2015, 02:09 AMJust beat Cosmic Fantasy 2

Always wanted to finish that game but man was that a test of my patience.  The last part of the game had random encounters every few steps.  The plus side was I didn't really need to grind to finish the game.  Now on to the next game which I am not sure what it is just yet.
I am playing this now and I am not sure if I am going to be able to do it.  The amount of random battles is ridiculous, it really hamper exploration when you feel you get punished for making a wrong turn.
Early on in the game is the worse because you tend to only have one character.  So you hit once and then wait for each enemy to hit.  The loading is kind of slow but overall I enjoyed it.  At the end of the game with 4 character the battles get a lot easier.


Quote from: ginoscope on 11/13/2015, 02:21 PM
Quote from: grendelrt on 11/13/2015, 12:08 PM
Quote from: ginoscope on 11/10/2015, 02:09 AMJust beat Cosmic Fantasy 2

Always wanted to finish that game but man was that a test of my patience.  The last part of the game had random encounters every few steps.  The plus side was I didn't really need to grind to finish the game.  Now on to the next game which I am not sure what it is just yet.
I am playing this now and I am not sure if I am going to be able to do it.  The amount of random battles is ridiculous, it really hamper exploration when you feel you get punished for making a wrong turn.
Early on in the game is the worse because you tend to only have one character.  So you hit once and then wait for each enemy to hit.  The loading is kind of slow but overall I enjoyed it.  At the end of the game with 4 character the battles get a lot easier.
Yeah I have been using the turbo switch to get through battles right now lol


Still grinding away, literally, on Auleria. The game is in its final act and things are starting to get very tedious.

It is not very climactic when the enemy's primary way of killing you is merely running into you, abusing your small amount of invincibility-frames between hits and the slowness of your attacks. This is especially aggravating when on the game's Castlevania-esque stairs, where you are guaranteed a few pot-shots from enemies while you awkwardly lumber upward. The way enemies randomly spawn offscreen, constantly, means you are almost always assured of being blindsided as you move forward, with teeth-grating results.

I feel that at the end of the game I should be using my skills against truly fearsome foes and demons, not small gray rodents that take off 25% of your health because they dumbly run into you and you can't move out of the way. Though there are probably some out there that say I'm not playing with enough "strategy." The only strategy in the game is to crouch in front of an enemy and mash the attack button.


Finished Exile and what a great game I can't believe I have never played this before.  I have owned the game for ages.

So I started playing Exile Wicked Phenomenon and this game is stupid hard.  I wonder if there are any codes for this game.  I usually don't resort to that but I hear working design screwed up the enemies in this game.


I found that the game gets better once you flip the power switch.


Quote from: ginoscope on 11/17/2015, 04:07 PMFinished Exile and what a great game I can't believe I have never played this before.  I have owned the game for ages.

So I started playing Exile Wicked Phenomenon and this game is stupid hard.  I wonder if there are any codes for this game.  I usually don't resort to that but I hear working design screwed up the enemies in this game.
It is very hard but beatable. A couple of tips:

1. Grind levels, it is annoying but will make most of the game a little easier, at least till you hit the level cap.
2. Use 2 of the same healing items in a row, without leaving the menu. This has a chance of fully restoring your health. I think this works with any of them, but I am sure it works with the best healing item the peyote (sp).

If I remember correctly people complained the first one was too easy so Working Designs tweaked it to make it harder, and they ran out of time and tweaked it too hard. I think they weren't sure if it could be beaten, it can but the last level took some memorization and in some sections I took less damage just walking through and past an enemy instead of trying to kill them.


Quote from: IvanBeavkov on 11/17/2015, 04:31 PM
Quote from: ginoscope on 11/17/2015, 04:07 PMFinished Exile and what a great game I can't believe I have never played this before.  I have owned the game for ages.

So I started playing Exile Wicked Phenomenon and this game is stupid hard.  I wonder if there are any codes for this game.  I usually don't resort to that but I hear working design screwed up the enemies in this game.
It is very hard but beatable. A couple of tips:

1. Grind levels, it is annoying but will make most of the game a little easier, at least till you hit the level cap.
2. Use 2 of the same healing items in a row, without leaving the menu. This has a chance of fully restoring your health. I think this works with any of them, but I am sure it works with the best healing item the peyote (sp).

If I remember correctly people complained the first one was too easy so Working Designs tweaked it to make it harder, and they ran out of time and tweaked it too hard. I think they weren't sure if it could be beaten, it can but the last level took some memorization and in some sections I took less damage just walking through and past an enemy instead of trying to kill them.
Awesome thanks for the tip I am already on level 7 with my characters.  Last boss I fought I just memorized his pattern and never got hit but I was hacking at him for a long time lol.


Quote from: ginoscope on 11/17/2015, 05:38 PM
Quote from: IvanBeavkov on 11/17/2015, 04:31 PM
Quote from: ginoscope on 11/17/2015, 04:07 PMFinished Exile and what a great game I can't believe I have never played this before.  I have owned the game for ages.

So I started playing Exile Wicked Phenomenon and this game is stupid hard.  I wonder if there are any codes for this game.  I usually don't resort to that but I hear working design screwed up the enemies in this game.
It is very hard but beatable. A couple of tips:

1. Grind levels, it is annoying but will make most of the game a little easier, at least till you hit the level cap.
2. Use 2 of the same healing items in a row, without leaving the menu. This has a chance of fully restoring your health. I think this works with any of them, but I am sure it works with the best healing item the peyote (sp).

If I remember correctly people complained the first one was too easy so Working Designs tweaked it to make it harder, and they ran out of time and tweaked it too hard. I think they weren't sure if it could be beaten, it can but the last level took some memorization and in some sections I took less damage just walking through and past an enemy instead of trying to kill them.
Awesome thanks for the tip I am already on level 7 with my characters.  Last boss I fought I just memorized his pattern and never got hit but I was hacking at him for a long time lol.
Ah yes, memorization of the boss patterns is key. There is more than one boss that took 30 min to beat. Now granted I was using Rumi who has the weakest attack.

The JP version is much much easier. I got that one a couple of years ago just to see how much easier it was. I beat the entire game in a little over 2 hours and I was not at max level at the end.

Psycho Punch


Underrated game. That shitty HG101 review (which was obviously done by loading the game in an emulator for half an hour max) doesn't help.
This is a game that really stacks everything against your favor and you cannot die even once because of the power up system, but it is a solid, challenging game. I'm hoping to beat it this week (which will be essentially a 1 life clear, because anything else is basically impossible).
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


What's the best route for Darius? Farthest I could ever get was stage 5

Psycho Punch

Quote from: PukeSter on 11/17/2015, 11:07 PMWhat's the best route for Darius? Farthest I could ever get was stage 5
I like to do ABDHL-- taking into consideration the difficulty of the bosses but as you can see it's not a full path since I didn't beat it yet. Not sure about L, it has a very difficult layout to navigate (and crashing ship into background is one of the few things that are guaranteed to kill you with one hit)

Boss from A and B are easy, D is ok but G is overly difficult. I was trying to do all up (ABDGKPZ) but G boss is really that hard. Shame because the level layout is fun.


edit: arafgafgafcdf almost beat it. I shouldn't stay up late to play 1986 arcade shooters though.


ABDHMRW was the path taken.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: guest on 11/17/2015, 10:40 PMI'm hoping to beat it this week (which will be essentially a 1 life clear, because anything else is basically impossible).
If you can manage to upgrade your shot all the way to the Wave powerup, you will be very-well set for beating the game.

The levels are fairly accurate to the arcade (which I have 1CC'd), despite the screen change.

I don't know how much this will help, but the arcade route that is typically the easiest is ABEIMRX, with X-Octopus being the easiest of the final bosses. However, since Super Darius has different bosses in stages 2-6 (fun fact: these were actually originally cut from the arcade game due to space constraints), so it might be different.

I typically find that the stages are far harder in Darius than the bosses are, though i don't have enough experience with Super Darius' bosses.


Just finished up Book I of Ys: Book I&II. Book II will have to wait until later when work settles down.  :roll:

My only prior experience with the Ys series was playing Ys III on the SNES as a kid, so the over the top world view instead of side scrolling was a bit of an adjustment. I didn't even know about Book I & II, so I was always curious why there was suddenly a game III that was out when I had never heard of the first two.

All I can say is... WOW... what a great game! :)

Admittedly, I was skeptical at first about the "bump into your enemies instead of swinging a sword" gameplay but I found I adjusted to it fairly quickly. It also made grinding and leveling up seem easier. There were some cryptic moments to the game that left me puzzled (the mirror section mainly) but overall, I was really, really, impressed by the game (and I'm not even technically done with it yet, Book II awaits!).
It is another example of where I wish I could go back in time and visit "8-year old me" - show myself this game and say "The TurboGrax exists and you are SO missing out by not having one!!".


Quote from: MattJ on 11/18/2015, 03:39 PMIt is another example of where I wish I could go back in time and visit "8-year old me" - show myself this game and say "The TurboGrax exists and you are SO missing out by not having one!!".
Ignorance is bliss.

Unlike you, I was fully aware of the existence of this game when it came out, but I (meaning, my mom) was already invested in the Sega Genesis, so there was no way I was getting a TGCD as well. I had played part 1 in the SMS and it was one my favorites, which made my anticipation to play the Turbo version even more arduous. I had to wait until I had enough disposable income in my early 20s before I could play it.

So yeah, ignorance is bliss.


Just started Ys IV, I am using NightWolve's english translation (thanks man!) and I'm looking forward to completing the Ys saga as far as the PCE is concerned.  I beat the other 3 games as a kid many times, but I only got a copy of IV a few years ago and hadn't really sat down to play it just yet.


Started on Bikkuriman World the other day and I like it despite my many complaints about the game, so far I've made it to level 8 and will probably stick with it for a bit.


Played through some Beyond Shadowgate last night and kept an open mind.  I know the game isn't for everyone, but I am actually enjoying it so far.  My son is getting a kick out solving the puzzles, so I think I am going to see this one through. 

Johnny, I'm hoping to get in to Ys IV at some point soon as well - how are you enjoying it?


Quote from: Miracle_Warrior on 11/19/2015, 01:14 PMPlayed through some Beyond Shadowgate last night and kept an open mind.  I know the game isn't for everyone, but I am actually enjoying it so far.  My son is getting a kick out solving the puzzles, so I think I am going to see this one through. 

Johnny, I'm hoping to get in to Ys IV at some point soon as well - how are you enjoying it?
Still a bit early but it's great so far.  Gonna play some more tonight probably, I'll post some more impressions after that.  Some cool looking cinemas so far, not half bad english VO so decent work by the guys who recorded it, and a nice classic Falcom feel overall which is something I've missed from their newer releases.  Nothing against the newer games, but I prefer the art style from this era, the newer ones are a little bit more sterile feeling to me.


Still working on Exile Wicked Phenomenon I got to the very last stage and died at the mid boss.  Some kind of genie but I have not figured out his pattern yet.  The sucky thing is it takes forever to get to him.  The entire last stage is super cheap.

This game is super tough but I am determined to beat this soon.


Quote from: ginoscope on 11/22/2015, 11:13 AMStill working on Exile Wicked Phenomenon I got to the very last stage and died at the mid boss.  Some kind of genie but I have not figured out his pattern yet.  The sucky thing is it takes forever to get to him.  The entire last stage is super cheap.

This game is super tough but I am determined to beat this soon.
Ugh, I hate that guy. He is probably that hardest boss in the game. Once you beat him you will be in the home stretch. I used Rumi to beat him, attacking from across the screen gives you a little more time to dodge his attacks. Unfortunately though Rumi's attacks are so week it takes 2 hits to knock of one row of pixels from his life bar.



Quote from: blueraven on 11/22/2015, 03:37 PMAbout to try beyond shadowgate...
Enjoy it one of my favorites since it came out in the 90s.  You will die a lot but it's a good game.

Psycho Punch

Quote from: EmperorIng on 11/18/2015, 01:18 AM
Quote from: Psycho Punch on 11/17/2015, 10:40 PMI'm hoping to beat it this week (which will be essentially a 1 life clear, because anything else is basically impossible).
If you can manage to upgrade your shot all the way to the Wave powerup, you will be very-well set for beating the game.

The levels are fairly accurate to the arcade (which I have 1CC'd), despite the screen change.

I don't know how much this will help, but the arcade route that is typically the easiest is ABEIMRX, with X-Octopus being the easiest of the final bosses. However, since Super Darius has different bosses in stages 2-6 (fun fact: these were actually originally cut from the arcade game due to space constraints), so it might be different.

I typically find that the stages are far harder in Darius than the bosses are, though i don't have enough experience with Super Darius' bosses.
I saw the list of bosses/areas for the original darius, it is quite different! In Super Darius there is an unique boss for each area, not so much for arcade Darius. I tried my best to beat the game but I can't even get to the last areas anymore... sigh. I have my path memorized but the bosses are just unfair, specially with 1/3 of the screen to share with the boss and his projectiles.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: blueraven on 11/22/2015, 03:37 PMAbout to try beyond shadowgate...
without this game, i may have lost interest in video games all together if this game wasnt released when it was.  it certainly has its flaws, but so unique.  save frequently.  you will thank me for that advice.

retro junkie

Dracula X on the Duo. Awesome fun.  =D>


Legendary Axe II!

I've only beat the game once. It was pretty challenging originally.

This time I decided to use sword instead of axe in the final level and it worked out better. So at least I have a strategy for more playthroughs.

I think I like both LA I and II equally. Both bring different things to the table but both are shining stars. They are the best hack and slash platformers aside from the Castlevanias.

P.S. Incredible soundtrack.


Quote from: guest on 11/22/2015, 09:08 PMLegendary Axe II!

I've only beat the game once. It was pretty challenging originally.

This time I decided to use sword instead of axe in the final level and it worked out better. So at least I have a strategy for more playthroughs.

I think I like both LA I and II equally. Both bring different things to the table but both are shining stars. They are the best hack and slash platformers aside from the Castlevanias.

P.S. Incredible soundtrack.
I love l.a. 2... The boss of level 4 or 5 gets me livid... The little guy with the wrecking ball... I have beaten him but I haven't figured out the trick or pattern to attacking him yet


Quote from: Jason_dicarlo85 on 11/23/2015, 04:01 AM
Quote from: PukeSter on 11/22/2015, 09:08 PMLegendary Axe II!

I've only beat the game once. It was pretty challenging originally.

This time I decided to use sword instead of axe in the final level and it worked out better. So at least I have a strategy for more playthroughs.

I think I like both LA I and II equally. Both bring different things to the table but both are shining stars. They are the best hack and slash platformers aside from the Castlevanias.

P.S. Incredible soundtrack.
I love l.a. 2... The boss of level 4 or 5 gets me livid... The little guy with the wrecking ball... I have beaten him but I haven't figured out the trick or pattern to attacking him yet
One of the easier bosses. Just stand still. When he tries to hit you he will miss, and then you strike when he pulls back.

Psycho Punch

I always get close to beating the game but then I screw up in a dumb way. I had gotten to X in another playthrough but I didn't record it. X is too difficult EmperorIng! I'd rather go to W and waste all my lives on the final boss.

I also really need to invest real money into a elgato or something to record my playthroughs. That glorious 30fps interlaced from my shitty usb thingy isn't helping.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


was playing ai cho aniki last night with my boy sarumaru and what an interesting game to say the least! lol


Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: IvanBeavkov on 11/22/2015, 02:10 PM
Quote from: ginoscope on 11/22/2015, 11:13 AMStill working on Exile Wicked Phenomenon I got to the very last stage and died at the mid boss.  Some kind of genie but I have not figured out his pattern yet.  The sucky thing is it takes forever to get to him.  The entire last stage is super cheap.

This game is super tough but I am determined to beat this soon.
Ugh, I hate that guy. He is probably that hardest boss in the game. Once you beat him you will be in the home stretch. I used Rumi to beat him, attacking from across the screen gives you a little more time to dodge his attacks. Unfortunately though Rumi's attacks are so week it takes 2 hits to knock of one row of pixels from his life bar.
Woot finally beat Exile Wicked Phenomenon man this game was tough and thanks for the tips.  The hardest part were those annoying blue devils in the final stage.  The mid boss was easy once I knew his pattern and the last boss was a joke.  Now the next game I play is going to seem easy lol.

This game ranks up there with Mega Man and Ninja Gaiden as far as tough games I have finished.


Quote from: ginoscope on 11/25/2015, 03:49 PM
Quote from: IvanBeavkov on 11/22/2015, 02:10 PM
Quote from: ginoscope on 11/22/2015, 11:13 AMStill working on Exile Wicked Phenomenon I got to the very last stage and died at the mid boss.  Some kind of genie but I have not figured out his pattern yet.  The sucky thing is it takes forever to get to him.  The entire last stage is super cheap.

This game is super tough but I am determined to beat this soon.
Ugh, I hate that guy. He is probably that hardest boss in the game. Once you beat him you will be in the home stretch. I used Rumi to beat him, attacking from across the screen gives you a little more time to dodge his attacks. Unfortunately though Rumi's attacks are so week it takes 2 hits to knock of one row of pixels from his life bar.
Woot finally beat Exile Wicked Phenomenon man this game was tough and thanks for the tips.  The hardest part were those annoying blue devils in the final stage.  The mid boss was easy once I knew his pattern and the last boss was a joke.  Now the next game I play is going to seem easy lol.

This game ranks up there with Mega Man and Ninja Gaiden as far as tough games I have finished.
Congratulations, It really feels satisfying when you beat that game. It is probably the hardest game I have beaten.

I think of the last boss as your reward for making it that far.