The “What-Did-You-Buy-Today?” Thread

Started by Tatsujin, 06/15/2008, 05:45 AM

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Quote from: guest on 11/08/2015, 09:49 PMThat looks pretty badass man, is it already working at least?
Yes it works perfectly  8) - the only thing that has a problem is the force feedback (could be the drive board / the force feedback motor / the wiring => I have to check what is causing the fault).

I have it completely disassambled already  :dance:. Off to clean the thing  :P.


Ooo nice, I've not seen a Scud Race cabinet in over a decade.

The force feedback issue, would those cabinets use belts by any chance? Maximum Tune cabs  (earlier ones at least) use a belt where the teeth get stripped from people ragging on the wheel.


"Vintage" CAVE Ashtray for my Neo Candy Cab by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Just got this very cool ashtray in from the ever awesome voltronbadass on the NeoGeo forums.

I am not a smoker (Well, not regularly.  I do have the occasional cigar obviously.) But I had to grab one of these when I saw volty made more of them.  It's mainly going to be used to hold the keys for my cab but looks pretty smexy.  Very nice quality on them and the logo is even silkscreened on and not just like a sticker or something. 
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Quote from: guest on 11/11/2015, 12:06 PMIMG
"Vintage" CAVE Ashtray for my Neo Candy Cab by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Just got this very cool ashtray in from the ever awesome voltronbadass on the NeoGeo forums.

I am not a smoker (Well, not regularly.  I do have the occasional cigar obviously.) But I had to grab one of these when I saw volty made more of them.  It's mainly going to be used to hold the keys for my cab but looks pretty smexy.  Very nice quality on them and the logo is even silkscreened on and not just like a sticker or something.
Oh SHIT.  Do they make a Taito or Technosoft one?
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Quote from: nectarsis on 11/08/2015, 04:25 PMThanks to jtuuc for the sweet raffle win+ extras ;)
Glad they arrived safely. Sorry it took a little longer, school can ramp up and have me really busy unfortunately. Hope you enjoy it :)


I didn't strictly buy but got gifted a 28" Toshiba crt to replace my broken 24". Unfortunately at first test it appears not to be rgb capable. So composite will have to do. It has s video but I don't have that output :(


Got some random common stuff in my travels recently.

Got this SNES for next to nothing, Craigslist find in South Carolina

Got all of this for $5, same Craigslist find.

Got these games from 2nd and Charles, a REALLY cool chain store in Columbia South Carolina, lots and lots of games, books, CD's, movies, New Games/Systems, everything really.

Got all these from Games 4 Less in Tallahasse Florida, AMAZING STORE.  They have everything and at great prices.  So many young people in there picking up Retro stuff too.  I really like Burai Fighter and can't wait to play it again.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 11/11/2015, 09:00 PMGot some random common stuff in my travels recently.

Got this SNES for next to nothing, Craigslist find in South Carolina

Got all of this for $5, same Craigslist find.

Got these games from 2nd and Charles, a REALLY cool chain store in Columbia South Carolina, lots and lots of games, books, CD's, movies, New Games/Systems, everything really.

Got all these from Games 4 Less in Tallahasse Florida, AMAZING STORE.  They have everything and at great prices.  So many young people in there picking up Retro stuff too.  I really like Burai Fighter and can't wait to play it again.
2nd & Charles is a pretty nifty store.  Got my copies of Viewpoint for the Genesis and Driv3r for GBA there.
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Yesterday I bought a bunch discounted wii games and gamestop 4 for 10 stuff. Wii/PS3/360

Today Opoona

And Nintendo Direct hit me with Preorders of Twilight Princess HD and Fire Emblem Fates LE :( I still have Fallout 4 sitting unopened.


Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 11/11/2015, 01:18 PMOh SHIT.  Do they make a Taito or Technosoft one?
He has only made the cave ones to my knowledge, I think if there is sufficient interest they may make others though.   I really want a SNK/Neo Geo one.
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Simple pickups from 2nd and Charles and R U Game in Gainsville Florida.  Cheap Prices, great selection for sure.  I've been on a Gameboy kick lately, no idea why, but it's a great system for sure.

Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Man, I wanna collect GB again.  I basically had it in tandem with my TG-16 as my main source of gaming.  I used to own the original brick GB when it was new, and later I got a GB Color but sold that a couple years back mainly because I wanted something with a backlit screen (The LCD was nice on the color but the lack of light gives me no regrets in letting it go.)

What I really want is a GBA SP AGS 101, but net prices are insane.  That's the last Game Boy model that will play original GB games which is pretty much what I'm interested in collecting.

Anyone know of any place to look to find a decently priced one in a good shape?  There's a lot of confusion as some sellers online are not differentiating between the 001 and the 101 (front lit vs. back lit), cases are swapped for aftermarket cases, and in many cases the screen and case are in poor shape and sellers expect a mint for it.

Seriously, if anyone knows of any for sale, lemme know - I would love to get it and an Everdrive GB to keep me busy while I picked up some more real carts.. I have a few in fact left over from my GB Color days - Zelda, Shadowgate, and Hexcite - as well as a smattering of carts I picked up from a work friend.  Lock N' Chase, some Pokemon titles (I am willing to trade these as I am not a fan), Gradius Interstellar Assault, and some others...

Here's my meager collection of GB/GBA stuff and with some NGP and WS thrown in because I keep it in the same box.  I have original boxes for many of these but they are all in storage.




I need an SP as well but I must say that the Game boy color I just picked up has an amazing screen, it looks so good and clear.  I'm having a blast on it for sure.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Mine was brand new from being purchased when it came out, and I kept it in good condition too.  I just couldn't deal with the lack of a back light.  Glad you are enjoying it though!  I got a lot more use out of the DS Lite I got years later, for GBA games only though... wish it played original GB carts because then I wouldn't be driving myself nuts over getting a SP!


If you're looking for one of those later models with the better screen they only came in specific colors in the US, so I would learn the colors then keep an eye out on Craigslist or ebay auctions, maybe local store too and try and get one from someone who doesn't realize the difference.  I got my CIB 101 in a bundle from a lady on the rich side of town whos kids didn't use it anymore.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


your best bet is to find a beat up coral pink ags-101 and swap the cases.  not a difficult project and many YT vids to help you out.


Quote from: schweaty on 11/14/2015, 05:20 PMyour best bet is to find a beat up coral pink ags-101 and swap the cases.  not a difficult project and many YT vids to help you out.
Yeah, this is my plan at some point if I can't get an original, but what worries me is the screen.  I won't be happy if I get dust specs under the screen, you should have seen me trying to put a screen protector on my phone.  Wanted to avoid that whole scenario if possible.



Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


I'd give you a thumbs up but pop boy already did.

Did you order the limited edition art of Fallout 4 from Bethsida's website as well?


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 11/15/2015, 05:21 PMI'd give you a thumbs up but pop boy already did.

Did you order the limited edition art of Fallout 4 from Bethsida's website as well?
Oh no.  Just the game.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 11/15/2015, 05:52 PM
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 11/15/2015, 05:21 PMI'd give you a thumbs up but pop boy already did.

Did you order the limited edition art of Fallout 4 from Bethsida's website as well?
Oh no.  Just the game.
They are still available. Only $85 minutes tax. I am tempted to buy a second copy personally and make it a present for he holiday


evo and johnnykonami: you guys need Cosmo Tank.  :mrgreen:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 11/16/2015, 12:35 PMevo and johnnykonami: you guys need Cosmo Tank.  :mrgreen:
That game has always fascinated me since I saw it a magazine years ago, can't remember if it was Nintendo Power or Game Pro.  Like I mentioned in the Genpei Toumaden thread, I love games that switch between different modes of play, so it's certainly on my watch for list!

Still wrestling with Ebay to find a GBA SP that doesn't look too bad and is still backlit.  I might try to find a beater and swap out the case, they still run like 40 some bucks, I was hoping for something way cheaper for a console that is beat to hell and back.  The other route is to get a backlit modded orginal GBA, I've owned one in the past and the grip is gonna be more comfortable for sure, I just need that backlight.  Not sure how to figure out who does that best work/is most reputable yet.

Games I am looking to get off the top of my head are: Tail Gator, Revenge of the Gator Pinball (I have no specific interest in alligators, just coincidental!), Kirby Pinball Land, Game & Watch Galleries, Tetris DX, Mercenary Force, Mario Golf, Wario Lands, Gargoyle's Quest, Catrap, Castlevania II, Pokemon Pinball (more for the pinball than the pokemon), Survival Kids, maybe Resident Evil Gaiden since I'm a huge RE nut - even though it seemed not so great when I played it.

I just picked up Mole Mania and Motocross Maniacs 2, I'll post pictures when I get them!  I also wanna rebuy Motocross Maniacs 1 but I played a ton of a it so no hurry.  Motocross Maniacs Advance is also on my list one day.


Quote from: johnnykonami on 11/16/2015, 05:19 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/16/2015, 12:35 PMevo and johnnykonami: you guys need Cosmo Tank.  :mrgreen:
That game has always fascinated me since I saw it a magazine years ago, can't remember if it was Nintendo Power or Game Pro.  Like I mentioned in the Genpei Toumaden thread, I love games that switch between different modes of play, so it's certainly on my watch for list!

Still wrestling with Ebay to find a GBA SP that doesn't look too bad and is still backlit.  I might try to find a beater and swap out the case, they still run like 40 some bucks, I was hoping for something way cheaper for a console that is beat to hell and back.  The other route is to get a backlit modded orginal GBA, I've owned one in the past and the grip is gonna be more comfortable for sure, I just need that backlight.  Not sure how to figure out who does that best work/is most reputable yet.

Games I am looking to get off the top of my head are: Tail Gator, Revenge of the Gator Pinball (I have no specific interest in alligators, just coincidental!), Kirby Pinball Land, Game & Watch Galleries, Tetris DX, Mercenary Force, Mario Golf, Wario Lands, Gargoyle's Quest, Catrap, Castlevania II, Pokemon Pinball (more for the pinball than the pokemon), Survival Kids, maybe Resident Evil Gaiden since I'm a huge RE nut - even though it seemed not so great when I played it.

I just picked up Mole Mania and Motocross Maniacs 2, I'll post pictures when I get them!  I also wanna rebuy Motocross Maniacs 1 but I played a ton of a it so no hurry.  Motocross Maniacs Advance is also on my list one day.
Pinball Dreams is another one to check out.


I got my HD version of the Pier Solar Dreamcast Collector's edition and the hint guide.

Say what you will about WaterMelon (and I've got plenty to say) but they do a hell of a job with the packaging.

Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Quote from: agent_orange on 11/16/2015, 06:31 PM
Quote from: johnnykonami on 11/16/2015, 05:19 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/16/2015, 12:35 PMevo and johnnykonami: you guys need Cosmo Tank.  :mrgreen:
That game has always fascinated me since I saw it a magazine years ago, can't remember if it was Nintendo Power or Game Pro.  Like I mentioned in the Genpei Toumaden thread, I love games that switch between different modes of play, so it's certainly on my watch for list!

Still wrestling with Ebay to find a GBA SP that doesn't look too bad and is still backlit.  I might try to find a beater and swap out the case, they still run like 40 some bucks, I was hoping for something way cheaper for a console that is beat to hell and back.  The other route is to get a backlit modded orginal GBA, I've owned one in the past and the grip is gonna be more comfortable for sure, I just need that backlight.  Not sure how to figure out who does that best work/is most reputable yet.

Games I am looking to get off the top of my head are: Tail Gator, Revenge of the Gator Pinball (I have no specific interest in alligators, just coincidental!), Kirby Pinball Land, Game & Watch Galleries, Tetris DX, Mercenary Force, Mario Golf, Wario Lands, Gargoyle's Quest, Catrap, Castlevania II, Pokemon Pinball (more for the pinball than the pokemon), Survival Kids, maybe Resident Evil Gaiden since I'm a huge RE nut - even though it seemed not so great when I played it.

I just picked up Mole Mania and Motocross Maniacs 2, I'll post pictures when I get them!  I also wanna rebuy Motocross Maniacs 1 but I played a ton of a it so no hurry.  Motocross Maniacs Advance is also on my list one day.
Pinball Dreams is another one to check out.
Yeah!  I want to play these more seriously one day, Pinball Dreams/Fantasies - I forget the 3rd title.  I don't know what the definitive version is though, it's on so many platforms.  I have a feeling most would say the Amiga, which I don't have one of.  There is a version on which is some permuation of these tables, too.  So many great video pinball games out there, I wish I had realized how much I liked it in my younger years beyond Alien Crush!


Quote from: guest on 11/16/2015, 06:43 PMI got my HD version of the Pier Solar Dreamcast Collector's edition and the hint guide.

Say what you will about WaterMelon (and I've got plenty to say) but they do a hell of a job with the packaging.
Me too after a 3 year wait. Pretty game though I really do wish they would've updated the spritework


My first experience with Amazon resellers was not a good one...



^^Jeff, do you think that is that a Genesis game? Well it's clearly a light gun! lol


Can YOUR Lightgun also play Joe Montana Sports Talk Football?!


Joe Montana! 

Is the title Joe Montana Sports Talk Football, Joe Montana Football II: Sports Talk Football, NFL Sports Talk Football '93, or NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana? (Yes these are all real titles) :P
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Quote from: guest on 11/17/2015, 09:42 AMJoe Montana! 

Is the title Joe Montana Sports Talk Football, Joe Montana Football II: Sports Talk Football, NFL Sports Talk Football '93, or NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana? (Yes these are all real titles) :P
It's one of the latter releases - '94 I think...unfortunately it is not a Nyko Recoil Light Gun that was purchased to be used at MGC 2016, haha. Let's see how good their return policy is...


Quote from: jeffhlewis on 11/16/2015, 09:58 PMMy first experience with Amazon resellers was not a good one...
Yeah, Amazon resellers can be really bad.

I've had at least four experiences where I was sent the wrong item, or the item didn't match the description.


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 11/17/2015, 10:55 AM
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 11/16/2015, 09:58 PMMy first experience with Amazon resellers was not a good one...
Yeah, Amazon resellers can be really bad.

I've had at least four experiences where I was sent the wrong item, or the item didn't match the description.
I've had mixed luck.  I always go into expecting the worst really, and when I get it I am normally pleasantly surprised.  I bought a carboard box Genesis game like a month ago and it was actually packed quite well!
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


I made the mistake of buying a couple Saturn games on Amazon :(


Quote from: guest on 11/17/2015, 11:08 AMI've had mixed luck.  I always go into expecting the worst really, and when I get it I am normally pleasantly surprised.  I bought a carboard box Genesis game like a month ago and it was actually packed quite well!
I'd say it's been 80% positive on Amazon.

But I've run into wrong items, or "new" DVDs where they were missing the inserts and clearly shrinkwrapped using a hairdryer and saran wrap.


While at work a few packages arrived

the reproductions of  Beyond Shadowgate, Might and Magic III, and Dracula X Rondo of Blood for PC Engine (Turbografx-16)

and 5 new HDMI cables


and a new video capture card to replace the defective HDPVR2 I have had for a year. I got a Black Magic Designs Intensity Pro 4K! I found it weird the Drivers, Software, and Manuals come on SD Cards


I got some goodies in the mail over the past two days



Ooooooo next time I'm over we have to play some Windjammers. Fingers crossed that the load times aren't horrendous


Quote from: guest on 11/17/2015, 06:23 PMOoooooo next time I'm over we have to play some Windjammers. Fingers crossed that the load times aren't horrendous
It's not Last Blade terrible


Caved and bought a graphite GBA SP off of ebay for $60 bucks, looked like pretty good condition, so fingers crossed!  If it is nice, I should be all set for GB stuff.  Off to purchase some accessories for it!


Quote from: guest on 11/17/2015, 06:23 PMOoooooo next time I'm over we have to play some Windjammers. Fingers crossed that the load times aren't horrendous
Windjammers rocks!


Yesterday's mail brought me copies of Sol Bianca, Builder Land, Mine Sweeper, Tenchi Muyo, Power Golf 2, Fushigi No Kuni No Angelique, and a couple Secret Santa goodies.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 11/19/2015, 11:27 AMYesterday's mail brought me copies of Sol Bianca, Builder Land, Mine Sweeper, Tenchi Muyo, Power Golf 2, Fushigi No Kuni No Angelique, and a couple Secret Santa goodies.
Nice!  I really need to crack into my copy of Power Golf 2.  Picked up Revenge of the Gator for GB last night (well, got it for cheap off Amazon.  Here's hoping it's in good condition, they said it had the protective shell and manual, so that's a good sign I think.  for ~$5, to start off my GB pinball collection).


Elemental Master and Sigma Star Saga! by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Got a couple new titles, one of which I'd wanted for a VERY long time... Elemental Master!  Prices kept going up on it and a decent deal for a CIB copy popped up so I decided to jump on it before it got worse (as seems to be the case with all shooters anymore). 

As well I picked up Sigma Star Saga CIB in nice shape.  This one has always had an interesting concept to me and the price is pretty reasonable still so I felt compelled to grab it.  It's also developed by WayForward (of Shantae fame) and they have always made pretty decent games in my opinion. 
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


I think I am ready to play some Blackthorn!  I now have two 32X games Blackthron and Night Trap. Apart from those the only other three that interest me are Space Harrier, After Burner, and Tempo. Anyone recommend any other must plays for the 32X?


The 3.0 system card was a sweet $14 free shipping pick up. And well Teranigma. I am very interested to play this PAL game. And in English.


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 11/19/2015, 04:37 PMI think I am ready to play some Blackthorn!  I now have two 32X games Blackthron and Night Trap. Apart from those the only other three that interest me are Space Harrier, After Burner, and Tempo. Anyone recommend any other must plays for the 32X?


The 3.0 system card was a sweet $14 free shipping pick up. And well Teranigma. I am very interested to play this PAL game. And in English.
Blackthorne on the SNES AND 32x?  You RAWK! 

And you pretty much nailed it.  Other than Kolibri and Knuckles Chaotix (overpriced, overrated) you named most of the good ones. :/ Still an awesome system to have though! 

Stellar Assault is also fun if you like such games.  Star Wars arcade is difficult as balls, but affordable & therefore worth owning.  I'll update this post if I think of anymore.
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!



I saw this game at the local retro game store.

Don't have a CDi but this one game interest me as a point and click game.


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 11/19/2015, 07:53 PMI saw this game at the local retro game store.

Don't have a CDi but this one game interest me as a point and click game.
I own that game without the lightgun or mouse it is almost impossible to play. The response time expected on the scenes are way tougher then like dragon's lair required