10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Wii soft modding

Started by Bernie, 01/02/2013, 01:50 PM

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The Stage Select Code by inputting X-X!V''Q as your name in the English patch doesn't work for me



I finally got around to hacking my Wii. The Homebrew Browser sure sounds like it must have been nice, eh? Well, it's dead now so now we have to install more by hand. Apps are configured in different ways and require additional...software...things with acronyms for names. I have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm talking about.™So I'll be fucked if I can get SNES9x to work.

In a strange turn of events, Mednafen, an emulator that I basically can't even muster the brains to use in Windows is one of the only things I can get to run on my Wii. While it only takes minutes to initially crack a Wii it takes me dozens of trips back and forth between my computer and the Wii for each application I want to run. Every single dumb step is a fucking struggle. Oh yeah this was what it was like back before I could afford to just buy games...

Video quality is brilliant though. Component to a 27" JVC CRT. I wish I could get my actual PC Engines to look this good. Also, since my GBA flashcard died this is a great way to play through Mother 3 in English again.

So since I'm new to this, can someone post a short list of things worth downloading? Particularly emulators that would support the TvC fighting stick. I haven't yet figured out how to configure controls in Mednafen so I can't use my stick at the moment. Therefore right now I'm trying to think of PC Engine and NES games that don't require diagonals since the Wiimote strait sucks at them. 

Also, if anyone can explain in human what the steps are for getting SNES 9x to run or to configure my stick in Mednafen I would be very thankful.


When did the Homebrew channel go down?  I was unaware of this.  I may have a usable copy of it somewhere.  I assume a new update kills it?  I have wifi disabled on my soft modded Wii.
"You CAN'T prove Nulltard/DoxPhile caused ANY harm/damage/sabotage to PCEFX!! You have NO evidence he poached ANY members for his own failed PC Engine forum/site or was a conniving destructive saboteur! ZERO, ZIP, NADA!!! Nulltard did nothing wrong!"


I'm no expert on this (so I can't translate from emu to human) but I went to a friend that is and he suggested retroarch.


If it's not okay to link to this kind of stuff here, just lmk mods.


Quote from: Desh on 07/27/2016, 08:51 AMWhen did the Homebrew channel go down?  I was unaware of this.  I may have a usable copy of it somewhere.  I assume a new update kills it?  I have wifi disabled on my soft modded Wii.
I think he was talking about the Homebrew browser, last time I used it (about 6 months ago) it was working fine, it is just it's not being updated. For basic stuff it is still useful.

The most important thing about softmodding is keeping the IOS at the latest versions so everything works. IOS58 for example is vital.
Gaming since 1985


The most recent one is what was with Skyward Sword, right?
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


The homebrew browser failed to connect to the server, I think it said it was error 82. It continued to retry for hours. I went online to find a fix and I found people complaining about the same error in posts from years ago so I assumed it was dead.


I love my Wii for Emulators

But I was fixing it up on my rack where my other systems are, My front Plate comes off, I don't know if it has screws

But I got my SD Card Stot Jammed, Now the SD Card Slot won't work ..So I'm using USB


I heard from Phonedork that the Wii is capable of outputting RGB through a software mod. Has anyone tried this yet?


Quote from: crazydean on 07/27/2016, 04:52 PMI heard from Phonedork that the Wii is capable of outputting RGB through a software mod. Has anyone tried this yet?
Is it better than component? I use component on my wii on my Sony FD CRT tv and it looks slick.


RGB isn't really better than YPbPr. Not in any meaningful way anyway.

I'll try to post some artsy SD photos later. Video is incredible. I can't explain how much I don't give a shit about an XRGB when I'm playing this setup.

I would like some diagonals though. The WiiU classic controller doesn't work on Wii, does it?


The Wii classic controller pro is great, aside from its light weight it's one of my favorite controllers.

(they look expsensive now? wtf? I got mine with monster hunter 3 new for like 25$ bitd..)



For anyone interested in Wii RGB (NTSC), here is the Phonedork video:



May as well get Monster Hunter Tri with it. I agree with Gredler it's a nice controller. It always mildly annoys me when Wii games aren't compatible with it and force motion controls.


Oh fuck. I forgot I have a Wavebird and Wiis take GC controllers.

Hopefully I'll be able to use in in Mednafen. Then, armed not only with diagonals but also more than two buttons in a somewhat logical arrangement, I'll be able to play Genesis games other than Sonic.


Too bad the D pad on gamecube controllers are made for the tiniest thumbs on the planet. Though I did get really good at tony hawk on gamecube, so maybe it's great?? Lol, good to hear you dont have to cripple yourself buying gouged controllers for wii.


I have a Hori Gameboy Player Controller I paid $10 for. A Wavebird I got free from one of the old EB managers conventions in Vegas (even luckier, I didn't have to manage an EB or go to Vegas to get it) and two wired pads so from the GC perspective I'm rolling in it.

I think for all those controllers, 2 component cables, and the Cube I paid less than $60. The Cube was only a year old when I got it but I got it free from a friend. Lighting took out the composite video but the sound still worked as did the digital out. So I just used my componant cable (which I got for free, the other one cost me $10) until I realized that it was still under warentee so I had it swapped out by Nintendo. The GBP controller was $10 at a chain called Game Crazy that I think no longer exists. I bought the other two pads used but in perfect nick.

Whole prices are sorta crazy now, GC was *deeply* unpopular and on clearance everywhere for a long time. It pays to be aware enough to get the good stuff when you can.

A few years ago I put my spare componant cable on eBay with a starting bid of $0.99, no reserve, and a $80 BIN but still someone paid $120 for it despite there being 10 others on eBay at the same time.

Right now there is a bunch of WiiU junk at Target that nobody wants because they are buying PS4 and iPhone crap. Those same idiots are some day going to want to give me $300 for my Zelda LE that I got on sale and I'm going to tell them to go fuck themselves. You can't buy taste, but you can pay for it.


How can I get my SD Card Slot fixed?

It doesn't click in anymore, I have a 2 VC Game Drac X & SF2 both on the PC Engine..I don't feel like getting a new Wii


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 07/27/2016, 08:08 PMWhole prices are sorta crazy now, GC was *deeply* unpopular and on clearance everywhere for a long time. It pays to be aware enough to get the good stuff when you can.

A few years ago I put my spare componant cable on eBay with a starting bid of $0.99, no reserve, and a $80 BIN but still someone paid $120 for it despite there being 10 others on eBay at the same time.

Right now there is a bunch of WiiU junk at Target that nobody wants because they are buying PS4 and iPhone crap. Those same idiots are some day going to want to give me $300 for my Zelda LE that I got on sale and I'm going to tell them to go fuck themselves. You can't buy taste, but you can pay for it.
Yeah nobody wanted Cube stuff. My first copy of Path of Radiance was $8, from a store. Lots of people hated Windwaker and Mario Sunshine. Teenage me was too  :dance: to care about different video options though. Cube component does look sweet but I couldn't even bring myself to spend $100 back a few years or so ago when it was that price. I'll live with Wii component and Cube Svideo.

No one cared about the PSP at all even a little bit until the last few years. I still don't think the prices for PSP stuff are too bad but for awhile you could get basically any US released PSP game you could imagine for $20 or less. I know I picked up most of the PSP games I have for under $10, the only ones really being around $15 were some crappy LE sets that no one wanted (Ys Oath, Ys Seven, Lunar etc...).

I'm waiting for the Wii U to be clearanced like the PSTV. I'll likely pick up 3. It has more than enough good games to justify the purchase.


I'm pretty fucking sure you're never going to see clearances WiiUs, not like PSTVs anyway. The WiiU was pretty much a flop from the beginning and never sold anything even close to the way the Wii did. Any windows of opportunity for cheap WiiU stuff should be leaped upon at once because it won't be there the next time you see it.


You are definitely right that there are not a ton out there compared to other consoles. Wiis are extremely common. These stores will have to get rid of Wii Us eventually (edit: maybe they already have and I missed it, I haven't been checking a lot lately). I'm not expecting PSTV prices by any means. I recently missed a CL deal for $100 working with the gamepad. So close. :|


$100 for a WiiU from anyone who doesn't have urgent pressing need for money is honestly a really good price. I would assume $150 or so.

The Wii was a system that totally owned it's competition. They sold over 100 million Wiis, which is *crazy*. The WiiU on the other hand was a system that got owned *by* its competitors, only 13M. They lost over %85 of their sales.

Mario Kart Wii sold 36M units. Mario Kart 8 was 7.7M

You know the price difference between stuff on Genesis and stuff on Saturn? It'll be like that, probably worse. I'm not saying anyone has to have a WiiU by any means, I honesty prefer the origin I think, but don't be cheap or you might not be getting one.


Honestly at that price I was wondering if it was stolen but it was already gone when I contacted them.

I'm hoping (probably against hope) that due to the Zelda game still on the slate that they will mildly support it through another holiday season and I will just pick one up on Black Friday. I'm not opposed to spending around $200 to get one brand new after taxes and potentially shipping fees. It has around 12 games I want, and most are pretty cheap.

And yeah, everyone bought a Wii, it was madness. Any given Saturday going to enough garage sales will yield multiple Wii lots typically.



for the record, pikmin 3 is $17.50 at gamestop.
if you can find an OG print copy, pick it up.
all of the pikmin games are at least kinda expensive, and before the nintendo selects print it was a $50 used game.

What else is really good on Wii U?
aside from zelda/mario etc.


Wonderful 101 is pretty cool. Aside from this and that shitty Micky Mouse game all I have are Mario and Zelda games.


Quote from: bartre on 07/29/2016, 11:26 AMfor the record, pikmin 3 is $17.50 at gamestop.
if you can find an OG print copy, pick it up.
all of the pikmin games are at least kinda expensive, and before the nintendo selects print it was a $50 used game.

What else is really good on Wii U?
aside from zelda/mario etc.
I've heard really good things about Lego City Undercover. If you like GTA games, it's probably worth a go.


I bought a nodded Wii on here from someone a few years back.  It has about 75% of what I want on it, so it was a good purchase.  However, the 25% it is lacking does kinda drive me nuts, especially since I have no clue how to put anything new on it.

Wii U is an incredible system.  Easily the best system of this generation and my most played hands down.  Splatoon alone has gotten more time than my PS4.

When NX comes out there will be clearance, because Nintendo won't have the clout to have shelf space for 2 systems at most retailers.  However, since there weren't as many Wii U systems made and because rumor states NX will not be compatible, I imagine any clearance will go quick.


As promised, very close and often abstract pictures of my display.


OK, that last one was just pure entertainment.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 07/30/2016, 03:13 PMI bought a nodded Wii on here from someone a few years back.  It has about 75% of what I want on it, so it was a good purchase.  However, the 25% it is lacking does kinda drive me nuts, especially since I have no clue how to put anything new on it.

Wii U is an incredible system.  Easily the best system of this generation and my most played hands down.  Splatoon alone has gotten more time than my PS4.

When NX comes out there will be clearance, because Nintendo won't have the clout to have shelf space for 2 systems at most retailers.  However, since there weren't as many Wii U systems made and because rumor states NX will not be compatible, I imagine any clearance will go quick.
Coming from an X360/Wii combo I couldn't agree more the WiiU feels like the best system of this gen, at least it felt refreshing, and it felt like the only one that brought something new to the table (or at least they tried). IT doesn't have many titles but most of what's available is good.

I don't think there will be a "clearance" as many retailers gave up on the system some time ago.
Before the NES mini announcement I would have thought some may even be reluctant to carry the NX.
Gaming since 1985


I just wanted to update you guys on my Wii RGB. I got it working with a really cheap $4 cable off ebay. It was pretty easy once I downloaded USB Loader GX and got that working. Currently, the cable is pretty much garbage. I have to be very precise in connecting it to the console or it will lose an audio or color signal. Also, the colors look good, but there is a HUGE amount of noise. The cheap cable was just to see if it would work, and it did! The official cable is supposed to be the go-to.

I just ordered an official Nintendo cable off ebay for about $32 shipped, which is a good price. If anyone else is interested, the guy has another: http://www.ebay.com/itm/152256713114?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT