RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Your biggest Childhood toy disappointment

Started by in99flames, 08/03/2016, 07:16 PM

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As the title says! What is a toy you were so excited to get...but when you got totally sucked and was nothing like advertised(at least to you)?

Mom jokes are welcome.

Mine was definitely "Talkboy". I watched that pasty albino Macaulay Culkin(sp?) use one in Home Alone 2 as a kid. I thought it was cool. Then after I got chewed through batteries, the microphone sucked ass...the speaker wasnt was a total shitbox. Disappointing.

I am somebody's mommy!
----name that movie quote :)


Sinclair Spectrum Computer, these were massively popular here in the UK in the 80s so my parents bought me one, one birthday and I hated the thing. The games on tape cassette hardly ever loaded correctly and when they did they looked like complete shit compared to the awesome arcade games I would play in the local chippy (English thing).
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Speccy -> TRS-80 and Chippy -> Pizza parlour and you have the N.American thing.

I never had any big disappointments.  Minor ones were Sea Monkeys, Tiger LCD games, and the M.U.S.C.L.E. wrestling ring, which broke on its first day of use.



Quote from: crazydean on 08/03/2016, 08:05 PMWhat's a Chippy?
Chippy = Chip Shop

Chips are called fries in the US.

Here's what typical English chips look like, with battered fish.

Chip shops sell fish and chips and are everywhere here in England for the past maybe 80 years?
Most popular food here.
In the 80s and 90s they often had arcade machines in them.
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Talkboy...apparently you weren't a very smart kid. :)

I know that's kind of rude a kid cassette recorders were a huge part of my life. Most of them ran on batteries and had a microphone. There were THOUSANDS to choose from. The ones branded "Transformers" or "Barbie" or "Home Alone" aren't going to be the good ones. Even a kid knows that.

Maybe by the time the 90s came around kids had forgotten about the cassette recorder? At least enough that you could make a new one that offers no features you couldn't get from something Radio Shack had been selling for 20 years? I suppose that's possible.

I got this one when I was six:


I loved it. I took it everywhere and recorded all sorts of things. My asshole stepdad lost his shit and threw it at a wall at about 100mph and even though that broke the lid the thing kept going. Panasonic is such a good company. Apple and Samsung and Amazon are going going to burry them just like they burried Pioneer but they had a good run. Always stressing quality over flashy design or low prices. The good guys.

As for disappointments...I don't know. I usually stuck with action figures, which tend to be pretty predictable. If you liked Snake Eyes you'll like Cobra Commander too.

One time I made a trade with a friend. I had a Matchbox branded Gakken Legios and I traded it for...the GI Joe base. No idea what I was thinking. Such a choice makes buying a Talkboy look genius.


We were a lower income family so we got the cheapest (read crappiest) toys.  I wanted FFII for the SNES..I got Drakkhen...I wanted Jetfire I got Twin Twist/Topspin, etc, etc.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Missed the toy part, was too quick to respond :P

I guess my most disappointing toy would be a gameboy when my brother got a turbo express. That shit seemed so weak compared to the glorious obey he was blessed with. I ended up loving my gameboy, and he didn't even keep his express, so I guess it worked out. Initially, however, I was super sad and jealous :P

Biggest childhood dissapointment, that wasn't a toy, was adulthood. Fuck getting old.


Quote from: Otaking on 08/03/2016, 08:12 PM
Quote from: crazydean on 08/03/2016, 08:05 PMWhat's a Chippy?
Chippy = Chip Shop

Chips are called fries in the US.

Here's what typical English chips look like, with battered fish.

Chip shops sell fish and chips and are everywhere here in England for the past maybe 80 years?
Most popular food here.
In the 80s and 90s they often had arcade machines in them.
I knew that chips=fries and crisps=chips. I didn't know you guys had restaurants dedicated to fish and chips. After a quick google image search, I am a bit jealous because we don't have as much access to such foods. I have had fish and chips in the States, usually at places imitating the "British Pub" or "Irish Pub". It's quite good, but I've never seen the mushy peas. That part doesn't look so good.  [-X

Sorry to hijack the thead. I can't remember any disappointing toys. I'm sure there were several, but they don't stand out in my mind like the good toys because you never play with them. Now video games, I can name a few bad ones that I got.

To Zeta, all kids are dumb and naive. That's part of being human, seeing a TV commercial about some stupid shit and getting all excited. Then, once you get it, you realize it's just garbage. That's where the saying "live and learn" comes from. I remember wanting a Talkboy after seeing Home Alone. My parents didn't buy me one, but I did get to play with a friend's once. I remember it being garbage, and I was glad that my parents didn't get it for me.


I am so drawing a blank on an example.

Kind of in the same boat in regards to poor family.

Nearly everything I owned as a kid was a hand name down from a cousin. The few things my parents bought for me new I thought were amazing as I was just happy it wasn't a hand me down.


One time for Christmas I received a remote control car that had a wire attaching the car to the remote.  I remember you could only drive the thing about 6 inches away from you, so it was essentially useless.

I enjoyed most everything I got growing up, mostly action figures or video games, I really had to think hard to come up with something bad.


GI JOE styrofoam glider did not work AT ALL. I tried even the lightest figures and the damn glider nosedived every time you threw it.

Every single cap gun I ever had broke after a few minutes. SUCH SHITE.


I saved up money for months and months to purchase a Grand Prix (Kmart) b/w mini TV!

I dropped it the third time I used never worked again.

Since I wasn't allowed to have my own TV...I was unable to return it to the store for a refund.

It was such an awesome little TV.

Loved this keyboard and accidentally fried it by using the wrong AC adapter like an idiot.

A loud POP! And it never worked again.



Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2016, 09:22 PM'85-'86

I saved up money for months and months to purchase a Grand Prix (Kmart) b/w mini TV!

I dropped it the third time I used never worked again.

Since I wasn't allowed to have my own TV...I was unable to return it to the store for a refund.

It was such an awesome little TV.
Wow, talk about a flashback!  I remember those "Grand Prix" branded TV's and radios back in the day.  They had them at Kmart as well as a regional dept store called AMES. 

As for my biggest disappointment, I'd have to say IKARI WARRIORS 2: VICTORY ROAD on the NES.  What I expected after playing the arcade version, and what was actually delivered in terms of a final product scarred me for life.  Such a soul-destroying disappointment to say the least.  I honestly felt bad that I begged my parents to spend the $$ to buy it.


As someone else said, I never really had a let down with general toys and action figures. You could always see/touch them in the store, so you knew what you were getting.

So most of my let downs were games. It sucked back then... No internet for reviews, limited game exposure in magazines.....

So here are my top gaming let downs:

Desert Falcon for 2600. I asked for the 7800 version, and got the 2600 version which wasn't as nice looking.

TMNT for NES. Everyone knows the complaints with this one.

Pools of Radiance NES. I was used to the C64 and PC versions. NES looked like ass in comparison.

Keith Courage. I really hated JP anime style cutsie games back then I.e. Kid Nikki NES.

Gun boat. Nuff said.

Those are the ones that really stand out.

Edit: Best gaming surprise for Christmas? Gaurdian legend NES. Got it randomly, didn't ask for it, and from the box and publisher I thought it would suck. Man was I wrong! That game rocked!


A couple of things I got were just my fault for not understanding how they worked.  I got a infra-red wireless nes advantage type controller I was sure I could hook up to my C-64 (I didn't even own a NES as a kid), I think I figured the serial type jack on the C-64 looked similar in my memory to the one on the NES, when it's obviously pretty different in all regards.  I found out at some point that ColecoVision (which I had), C64, and Genesis were all compatible controller wise, so that may have fed into my delusion.

Another time I got Sorcerer's Apprentice for the Atari 5200.  I only had a 2600 (Well, through the Coleco adapter) and I guess I didn't even know the 5200 was at the time.  Figured it out when I got the huge cartridge out of the box that would in no way fit into my system.  Got it like dirt cheap during the video game crash years at like a drugstore or something so it wasn't a big deal.

Games that disappointed me over the years.... GB:  Alleyway, Dr. Mario.  TG-16/Duo: SimEarth (returned that to the store!), Space Harrier, Double Dungeons.  Saturn: Quo Vadis.  In general I was a pretty content kid/teen with my stuff though.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/03/2016, 08:24 PMTalkboy...apparently you weren't a very smart kid. :)
Well maybe i wasnt, but I was probably 9. I was watching a popular movie with a popular actor using a recorder and he did some funny things with it in the movie. Being a kid...naturally i wantedl one thinking i could do similar stuff. Yea it sucked and i got fooled into saturation advertising. I think we all have at one point with regards to something :-P
I am somebody's mommy!
----name that movie quote :)


Quote from: guest on 08/03/2016, 09:50 PMPools of Radiance NES. I was used to the C64 and PC versions. NES looked like ass in comparison.


Edit: Best gaming surprise for Christmas? Gaurdian legend NES. Got it randomly, didn't ask for it, and from the box and publisher I thought it would suck. Man was I wrong! That game rocked!
Funny you should mention that, Pool of Radiance (C64) was one of my best Xmas gaming surprises!  I think it was popular at the time in stores, and my parents probably just asked what was good.  Loved that game!  Guardian Legend is something else I also hold in high regard, but I discovered it long after the NES era was over (probably around the time PSX/Saturn were out.)  One of the few NES games in my small collection for it I had to own.


Quote from: in99flames on 08/03/2016, 10:12 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/03/2016, 08:24 PMTalkboy...apparently you weren't a very smart kid. :)

I know that's kind of rude a kid cassette recorders were a huge part of my life. Most of them ran on batteries and had a microphone. There were THOUSANDS to choose from. The ones branded "Transformers" or "Barbie" or "Home Alone" aren't going to be the good ones. Even a kid knows that.

Maybe by the time the 90s came around kids had forgotten about the cassette recorder? At least enough that you could make a new one that offers no features you couldn't get from something Radio Shack had been selling for 20 years? I suppose that's possible.

I got this one when I was six:


I loved it. I took it everywhere and recorded all sorts of things. My asshole stepdad lost his shit and threw it at a wall at about 100mph and even though that broke the lid the thing kept going. Panasonic is such a good company. Apple and Samsung and Amazon are going going to burry them just like they burried Pioneer but they had a good run. Always stressing quality over flashy design or low prices. The good guys.

As for disappointments...I don't know. I usually stuck with action figures, which tend to be pretty predictable. If you liked Snake Eyes you'll like Cobra Commander too.

One time I made a trade with a friend. I had a Matchbox branded Gakken Legios and I traded it for...the GI Joe base. No idea what I was thinking. Such a choice makes buying a Talkboy look genius.
Well maybe i wasnt. I was 9. I was watching a popular movie with a popular actor using a recorder and he did some funny things with it in the movie. Being a kid...naturally i wanted one thinking i could do similar stuff. Yea it sucked.
Aye, don't take it personal. Zeta shits on everyone's threads.


Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2016, 09:22 PMGI JOE styrofoam glider did not work AT ALL. I tried even the lightest figures and the damn glider nosedived every time you threw it.

Every single cap gun I ever had broke after a few minutes. SUCH SHITE.


I saved up money for months and months to purchase a Grand Prix (Kmart) b/w mini TV!

I dropped it the third time I used never worked again.

Since I wasn't allowed to have my own TV...I was unable to return it to the store for a refund.

It was such an awesome little TV.

Loved this keyboard and accidentally fried it by using the wrong AC adapter like an idiot.

A loud POP! And it never worked again.

Yeah, you're as dumb as the Talkboy kid. That GI Joe glider most certainly did fly. I threw that thing a million times.

However, I only actually wanted it for the tan colored Grunt which had "swivel arm battle grip" ahead of any other figures, IIRC.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/03/2016, 09:12 PMOne time for Christmas I received a remote control car that had a wire attaching the car to the remote.  I remember you could only drive the thing about 6 inches away from you, so it was essentially useless.

I enjoyed most everything I got growing up, mostly action figures or video games, I really had to think hard to come up with something bad.
I also had one of those!!  Such a moronic concept when you think about it...yet i still had fun with it :-P
I am somebody's mommy!
----name that movie quote :)


Quote from: in99flames on 08/03/2016, 10:22 PM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/03/2016, 09:12 PMOne time for Christmas I received a remote control car that had a wire attaching the car to the remote.  I remember you could only drive the thing about 6 inches away from you, so it was essentially useless.

I enjoyed most everything I got growing up, mostly action figures or video games, I really had to think hard to come up with something bad.
I also had one of those!!  Such a moronic concept when you think about it...yet i still had fun with it :-P
Those did suck. You just had to walk behind them. Although I did get one of those one year, and it was a tank with a built in cap gun that fired the plastic ring caps. It was the perfect scale for GI Joe, and a figure fit perfect in the hatch.

That thing was great for Joe battles. You could drive the tank, fire the cannon, or make other sound effects like gunfire with the remote. It was awesome!


Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/03/2016, 09:12 PMThat thing was great for Joe battles. You could drive the tank, fire the cannon, or make other sound effects like gunfire with the remote. It was awesome!
Yea that does sound like it would have been cool.

Im with cap guns broke a lot too :-(
I am somebody's mommy!
----name that movie quote :)


This piece of shit:


The Snake Mountain microphone only exceeded my high expectations.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Cap guns and Alleyway on this list?  You guys are nuts.


Quote from: guest on 08/03/2016, 10:32 PMThis piece of shit:
I still have mine!
Seemed pretty cool on the TV commercial though.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/03/2016, 10:53 PMCap guns and Alleyway on this list?  You guys are nuts.
Cap guns were pretty cool, at least once.  I remember that smell from like it was yesterday.  Alleyway though, while not technically bad, it was just a bit plain at the time.  I mean coming from Breakout with the actual paddles on the 2600, and then going to something like Kirby's Block Ball, it just had no pizazz and was kinda basic.  No special items like Arkanoid even.  I would get it again for my collection one day just because it's a 1st party Nintendo title (and I love the Japanese label) but I won't be playing it a ton when I have Block Ball to play instead.


Cap guns were a lot of fun to me. But again...always broke on me
I am somebody's mommy!
----name that movie quote :)


F***in' Rattle Me Bones.
I feel like this commercial could be one of my very first memories, aside from falling down the stairs. (Yes, that's why I'm retarded.) I wanted it for quite a while and got one after what felt like an eternity because it was on clearance? Maybe? I remember being really pissed off when playing with it. I was little, though, so idk maybe its not as bad I remember. The commercial makes me wanna get one and play a drinking game with friends or something. Maybe.


Quote from: HailingTheThings on 08/03/2016, 11:44 PMF***in' Rattle Me Bones.
I feel like this commercial could be one of my very first memories, aside from falling down the stairs. (Yes, that's why I'm retarded.) I wanted it for quite a while and got one after what felt like an eternity because it was on clearance? Maybe? I remember being really pissed off when playing with it. I was little, though, so idk maybe its not as bad I remember. The commercial makes me wanna get one and play a drinking game with friends or something. Maybe.
Looks pretty cool from the commercial lol...

Rattle me bones... Skeletons do not actually dance and sing to you....

Maybe you missed that fine print lol


Quote from: HailingTheThings on 08/03/2016, 11:44 PMF***in' Rattle Me Bones.

I feel like this commercial could be one of my very first memories, aside from falling down the stairs. (Yes, that's why I'm retarded.) I wanted it for quite a while and got one after what felt like an eternity because it was on clearance? Maybe? I remember being really pissed off when playing with it. I was little, though, so idk maybe its not as bad I remember. The commercial makes me wanna get one and play a drinking game with friends or something. Maybe.
Man that looks awesome!  I never even heard of this.


After what seemed like forever for a 5 year old, I'd finally gotten the 6th and final Decepticon to form Devestator.  I got Hook, the crane who sat at the top of the mighty villain on a Saturday morning.  I got home, opened him up, and broke his foot off the very first time I was transforming him.  I told my mother and she was rather annoyed at me "You just broke your NEW transformer?"  In the end, I learned to just play with him without the leg.  I still have him, broken foot and all.

Some years passed, however, and I was at a nerd-y convention at one point and there was a guy with a booth selling old Transformers.  He had a complete Devestator for, iirc, $100.  I asked how much Hook cost alone, he informed me that he was half the price, $50.  When I asked why he responded "Because every kid in America broke the foot off right out of the package."

I was disappointed as a youth thinking that I broke him.  As an adult, I'm miffed at Hasbro for selling me a product made from inferior construction.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


I wanted a game boy. My dad got me this pos lcd game.
He eventually relented and got me a real one.


Lol game child!!! I dobremember rattle me bones. Never player it...def remember that commercial.
I am somebody's mommy!
----name that movie quote :)


Quote from: wildfruit on 08/04/2016, 03:26 AMI wanted a game boy. My dad got me this pos lcd game.
He eventually relented and got me a real one.
Ha ha! Did it only play Wisdom Tree bible games?


Quote from: seieienbu on 08/04/2016, 02:13 AMAfter what seemed like forever for a 5 year old, I'd finally gotten the 6th and final Decepticon to form Devestator.  I got Hook, the crane who sat at the top of the mighty villain on a Saturday morning.  I got home, opened him up, and broke his foot off the very first time I was transforming him.  I told my mother and she was rather annoyed at me "You just broke your NEW transformer?"  In the end, I learned to just play with him without the leg.  I still have him, broken foot and all.

Some years passed, however, and I was at a nerd-y convention at one point and there was a guy with a booth selling old Transformers.  He had a complete Devestator for, iirc, $100.  I asked how much Hook cost alone, he informed me that he was half the price, $50.  When I asked why he responded "Because every kid in America broke the foot off right out of the package."

I was disappointed as a youth thinking that I broke him.  As an adult, I'm miffed at Hasbro for selling me a product made from inferior construction.
My brothers and I "only" had 3-4 of the dudes for Devastator...I am happy to report that *not one* of us three kids broke Hook (whatever his name was).

Fluorescent green-yellow? I wonder if they are still in my parents' attic?

Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/03/2016, 10:53 PMCap guns and Alleyway on this list?  You guys are nuts.
So you have THOUSANDS of caps left to shoot, because you convinced your nana (grandma) to get some EXTRA AMMO (she just wanted me to be distracted for as long as possible!) and the gun breaks after 1-3 rolls of caps...

So, you have to get a stone (or if you are lucky, a hammer/wrench) and manually smash the rest of the caps.

Sure, this is fun for a bit, but it gets pretty tedious... Since you are stuck in one spot....I WANTED TO AROUND AND SHOOT CAP GUNS, not hunch over the sidewalk.


...I wanted to shoot the sky...


Quote from: wildfruit on 08/04/2016, 03:26 AMI wanted a game boy. My dad got me this pos lcd game.
He eventually relented and got me a real one.
Unlike the real Gameboy they decided to take away one of the action buttons and instead add 2 more shitty little grey buttons?  Horrible design choice.

I never saw this thing until now.  I assume it had built in games and not cartridges?


It had one built in game. Some mech dodge the obstacles type thing. I think.


I don't remember anything too disappointing.  The worst was probably getting some Go Bots when I really wanted Transformers.

As for videogames, there were a few that weren't as fun as I had hoped they'd be, but I was just happy to have something new to play.  You can learn to enjoy most anything when your options are limited.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 08/04/2016, 10:19 AMI don't remember anything too disappointing.  The worst was probably getting some Go Bots when I really wanted Transformers.

As for videogames, there were a few that weren't as fun as I had hoped they'd be, but I was just happy to have something new to play.  You can learn to enjoy most anything when your options are limited.
As a kid I got go bits and transformers mixed up. At one point I thought go bots were the prequel to transformers.  So I didn't mind getting go bots as a kid. Mostly because I thought the motorcycle villain was kind of cool.


Quote from: esteban on 08/04/2016, 08:04 AMSo, you have to get a stone (or if you are lucky, a hammer/wrench) and manually smash the rest of the caps.
Naah, if you have the paper cap strip, you can just let 'em off with your thumbnail and startle your friends.


Or wrap the caps round an old coin or something similar, and when you throw it and they come in contact with something they bang!
We called them exploding ninja stars.
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


For toys it was Big Jim Olympic Ski Run

Impossible to put together and even if you did get it together you were rewarded with suck.  The dude couldn't get down the hill - would usually fall over as soon as you took your hand away. 

For  video games it was Atari Pacman.  I saved up my pennies to get that game and as soon as I flicked on the Atari I was heart crushingly disappointed.  My parents talked me out of trying to return it.


I remember my parents buying me a RC boat from Gemco when they were closing down in the '80s.  The boat was a clearance, open box item with no returns.  The second time I played with the boat in a swimming pool it sank, filled up with water and stopped working.  I was showing it off to my friends, so it was an embarrassing and disappointing moment.


I can't remember regretting any toy I got as a kid.  Typically if I wanted something it was because I had already played with it at a friends or played with a display at a store.  Also, my parents weren't rich but would spoil us for birthdays and Christmas.  For that reason we had to be damn sure the list of items we would want was only top notch.  My toy timeline was basically Transformers, Ghostbusters, TMNT, and Jurassic Park with Hotwheels mixed in.  I also remember getting some Incredible Crash dummies stuff back in the day which I also loved.  That's all pretty good stuff so no complaints.

I do remember saving up lots of grass cutting money to buy MK Mythologies Sub-Zero.  How could I go wrong with Mortal Kombat, a franchise that I had owned every game to up to that point?
"You CAN'T prove Nulltard/DoxPhile caused ANY harm/damage/sabotage to PCEFX!! You have NO evidence he poached ANY members for his own failed PC Engine forum/site or was a conniving destructive saboteur! ZERO, ZIP, NADA!!! Nulltard did nothing wrong!"


Actually my biggest disappointment was something I didn't get. It was a couple weeks before my 14th birthday. My mother asks me what I would like. We walk past a shop called poundstretcher. I see in the window a robot play set that is obviously for a younger child, but I really like the look of it. It has a sort of base and some small figures. It was about £15. That's all I want, I tell her. Birthday comes round, no robot play set. I probably got a couple of mega drive games and some other stuff that was surely nice, but it really was all I wanted. To this day I mention it every year to make her feel bad.


Quote from: wildfruit on 08/04/2016, 05:21 PMTo this day I mention it every year to make her feel bad.
Damn, that's cold.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 08/04/2016, 05:23 PM
Quote from: wildfruit on 08/04/2016, 05:21 PMTo this day I mention it every year to make her feel bad.
Damn, that's cold.
Whisper to Necro: wildfruit was a ward of the state and lived in an orphanage in Liverpool until he was 26.



Quote from: wildfruit on 08/05/2016, 05:55 PMNo tea there.
Nana! Where's my teabag?

(it's not supposed to make sense)



Wow....  I read this whole thread and feel like I'm some kind of weirdo.... Most of them would have been awesome presents.... I remember the rattle me bones advert... Never got anything that up market... We were never a poor family... But everyone else seemed to think buying utter shit in the January sales was the way to go.... I remember being 14 and getting an echo mike... This shitty plastic microphone thing with a spring inside to have a echo effect...  Bear in mind at 14 I could get served for booze in a pub getting a luminous pink microphone was a bit of a kick in the balls...  Specially as the gran who got me it for some reason gave me a video of a lingere catwalk show....  Wow...  On writing that I realize my family is a bunch of fucking retards and perverts...  Explains a lot really..  Lol... Not long after I requested money to but my own shit..... Probably not better as I always managed to wait to buy the latest console 2-3 hrs before they gave it a 50% reduction.... Happened with ps2, n64 Dreamcast and PS3,... Twats...

P.s. the zx spectrum was amazing!!! That's why I still have 3!!! And have just built one from a board... Lol!!