10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Broke a nail deleting 3 emails, I'm angry! Who's responsible for this injustice?

Started by Joe Redifer, 10/02/2016, 04:43 PM

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Joe Redifer

I've already Kickstarted the damn game and I've gotten 3 announcements from this forum in less than 24 hours. One more and I'll unkickstart my copy.


Wow, are you seriously that butthurt about this enough to go temper-tantrum drama queen about it ? How about having taken a deep breath first and have politely probed before going on the attack ? I have an average of 3-6 SPAM emails from strangers I have to delete DAILY on my Yahoo.com, I don't cry about it, and in this case it was for a good cause and has a reasonable explanation! I can't tell if this is Joe Redifer sarcasm or serious temper tantrum, but here's what happened:

0) Only 1-2, that's right only 1-2 emails were sent to regular PCEFX members (~2500). Most got 2 that could be reached, 2nd WITH apology.

But from the beginning:

1) The mod/admin group got the 1st test newsletter as I figured things out and needed a quick way to email to a group, that's just a few of us (Necro, me, Aaron, Keranu, YOU, etc.). That's why YOU got 3...

2) When I was ready, and talked it over with Aaron, I sent the real email blast to everyone.

3) However, I realized some kind of bug prevented half of the email list from being processed, out of 5000 emails, only 2500 were used, so I tried once more, with an included apology for those receiving it the 2nd time:
QuoteGreetings fellow PCE brethren, apologies if you're receiving this email a 2nd time, but there's a Kickstarter project running for a new PC Engine/TG-16 homebrew CD game called Henshin Engine! We'd love your support/backing, the link is below, so check it out!! :D
This was meant to target the other half, 2500 email addresses, thinking a particular option might allow them to be emailed next time.

The BIG MISTAKE with you, I thought those of us in a mod/admin position might just be understanding about the first test run, I was evidently wrong about that so I'll make sure to exclude you with a test run if I ever make use of the feature in the future...

Sorry, snapperhead! So sorry if that 3rd email to us mods/admins RUINED your day...

So yes, you poor little darling, as a mod, you got 3 and only 3, but can you ever, ever forgive me ??


Thanks for your support, Joe! :) Looks like the multiple msgs are just a server glitch though. Hey, look on the bright side... at least you didn't get 9 emails from Nigerian princes and 26 lottery wins from countries no one's ever heard about... :lol:
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/02/2016, 04:43 PMI've already Kickstarted the damn game and I've gotten 3 announcements from this forum in less than 24 hours. One more and I'll unkickstart my copy.
I will throw in an extra $50 to my pledge if you pull support.


Is this really Game Sack Joe, is he really crying about this or pulling angry guy routine sarcasm or whatever ? I'm not quite sure, I'm shocked if he REALLY got this agitated given that 1st test email to us admins/mods and he clearly didn't read any of my explanations, I've been quite transparent about ALL of this! Before I saw his drama queen post, I was researching SMF tech support forums to learn why this bug excluded half of the emails...

Could you not have cut me some slack here or do you think THAT highly of yourself ?

Joe Redifer

Nightwolve you're resorting to personally insulting me over this? Seriously? Wow.


So that's your answer, not that *maybe* you overreacted and went drama queen over nothing ? Did 3 emails REALLY ruin your day enough to resort to an attempt to publicly embarrass me as I learned the email newsletter system, and the project  ??

Joe Redifer

Talk about overreacting! Read your own posts above.

Joe Redifer

OK let's set the record straight while we can:

-I got 3 e-mails. The first two were identical. One was sent to the mods only the rest were meant for the entire community. There were no way to discern between the two e-mails other than the times they were sent, approximately an hour and a half apart. I'm not sure why the mods got their own e-mail, but I must assume it was a test. The text should have been different in that e-mail indicating that it was mods and a test of the mass e-mail system. As far as I knew everyone got both e-mails.

-Nightwolve thinks I am trying to embarrass him over this. I had absolutely no way of knowing that Nightwolve sent these e-mails as they were signed "The PCEFX Team". The return address on all e-mails is Aaron's own personal e-mail address. If you ever wanted his personal e-mail address, well, there you go.

-The 3rd e-mail came in today saying "Sorry if you received this twice" but no explanation beyond that. If it had been explained that there was a server glitch and this was an attempt to reach those who did not receive the original, I'd likely be far more placated.

-As far as I could tell, the e-mails were gonna keep coming and coming. Maybe this was all discussed in a thread somewhere? I'm not sure as I only read about a dozen threads here unless a new one piques my interest. But from the view of an outsider getting 3 e-mails, it sure seems spammy. And its the outsiders you're trying to inform with these e-mails, not the ones who already know about it.

-Here we are.



With this stunt you *were* trying to embarrass whoever was responsible, be it Aaron or whoever, as well as embarrass the project! That intent was clear, even to the point of threatening to pull your pledge!

Yes, it was ALL discussed in the Henshin Engine thread that you posted in, you just didn't bother to look at any previous posts... Yes, I should've added "test" somewhere the first time around, I just did it quickly, but I couldn't have predicted such an overreaction on your part. You had no good justification to make such a public scene about this, you could've emailed/PM'ed Aaron, me, looked at previous posts I made about this, etc.

The apology didn't go into detail to keep that final/2nd email short and simple still, to reach the other half that was missed, etc. And since you pointed out that you read the apology, that undercuts your premise that "as far as I could tell, the e-mails were gonna keep coming and coming." You SAW the apology, but STILL pulled a public stunt to embarrass the project, and whoever was responsible (me)...

This was a "shoot first, ask questions later" approach on your part and totally needless, unnecessary, etc. Yes, I could've done a little better, but you could've cut this some slack instead of going full drama queen about it...

I delete 3-6 damn spam emails every day from strangers, do the math on how much that equals per week, per month, per year... Was this shit REALLY necessary for a PCECD fan project when all these explanations could've been given to you privately or if you just bothered to look a few posts prior in that thread, and read them yourself ?? I guess so according to your actions... Hope your venting was worth it!

Joe Redifer

Sure, I'll admit that I overreacted, but so did you. Even more so. Anyway it is not my responsibility to read any threads on this forum. My post in that thread came after this one, look at the time stamps (not first like you say). I only posted there because I didn't know if anyone would even look in this sub-forum (I never do). So apologies for the multiple postings. At least I didn't go into personal insult territory like someone did. But you've called me a drama queen here multiple times, in that other thread and I believe over PM now. Takes one to know one, as they say in elementary school where is seems like we're all from here. Is this what PCE fans are really like?

QuoteIs that Harambe?
It's Chewbacca.


You know I have an IRL friend who reminds me of Joe and Nightwolve. He sort of looks like Joe and has similar mannerisms, but politically he aligns perfectly with Nightwolve. Sorry, to detract from this fun discourse, but I've wanted to say that for awhile.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/02/2016, 07:03 PMSure, I'll admit that I overreacted, but so did you. Even more so. Anyway it is not my responsibility to read any threads on this forum. My post in that thread came after this one, look at the time stamps (not first like you say). I only posted there because I didn't know if anyone would even look in this sub-forum (I never do). So apologies for the multiple postings. At least I didn't go into personal insult territory like someone did. But you've called me a drama queen here multiple times, in that other thread and I believe over PM now. Takes one to know one, as they say in elementary school where is seems like we're all from here.
If you're gonna pull a public shaming stunt when there were posts that explained what was going on that could've avoided it entirely, over 3 FRIGGIN' EMAILS (last one WITH apology) it was prudent of you to try to first read a little bit or email/PM Aaron, etc. BEFORE coming in guns blazing!!! Not a persuasive argument when it comes to admitting you feel you don't have to be responsible, prudent, etc. before going on the attack! That thread you posted in had all these explanations!

What was so hard about emailing or PM'ing Aaron, "Hey, I got these 3 emails, what's going on ?" instead of this stunt ?

QuoteIs this what PCE fans are really like?
Now you're generalizing other PCEFX members that had nothing to do with it for my actions, while playing the victim on top of it... You deny this was drama queen behavior on your part ? And if I do or say something, everybody around me is also guilty by association just for being registered here ?


C'mon guys, really? This isn't a huge deal. :(
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II

Joe Redifer

I agree with Rover. I'm done with this issue.


Gee, thanks, what a swell guy... Good looking out! So glad you can be reasoned with.

So, no "finisher" that you'll now be buying all of XSEED Games' titles twice over to tweak me some more ? I know you deleted my reply to Tom-chan "WyrdWad" Lipschultz (the XSEED employee responsible for everything) when he showed up in your Ys Origin Game Sack video way back... But that's alright, Joe, I learned the lessons long ago never to expect any kind of loyalty or "backing up" from anyone. Hard lessons, but once learned, it doesn't bother you like it used to...

I think sour grapes at some level somewhere played a role in your stunt here. If the last email apologized for the repeat, and you could've easily handled it better by first emailing or PM'ing Aaron before coming in hot, guns blazing, other factors were at play than just 3 damn emails (in your particular case as a mod)!

An average email account gets >3-6 daily SPAM emails that the filter can't catch requiring a user to select them for deletion on a DAILY basis, so what was the great crime in the case of a PCECD fan project for you to go all "protest warrior" on us, the team, whoever was responsible, etc. ?? HOW was it different than any other day when one deals with their email account ?? Moreover, why did your petty drama on something like this deserve its own thread with a false, ignorant headline implying "perpetual" emails are continuing ?

I trusted that PCE fans would easily forgive a 2nd email, and certainly expected this to be the case for us mods here who got 3, oh, but not you, I was wrong about you, you just had to be a dick about it (at a CRUCIAL moment in the final days no less), and objectively act as a saboteur when I was trying to counteract another sabotaging action from DreamCast fans in coming up with this idea in the first place... Once again, I hope you got the satisfaction that you wanted out of this stunt! Thanks much, brah!

You can have your thread back, enjoy!


In b4 lock!

Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Holy crap, this thread has been incredible.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat



Honest question: what is kickstarter? And what is this "Hessian Injun" that is constantly being referenced...sounds like a steampunk detective story? Or similar?


Why didn't I get any Henshin Engine e-mails? Joe got even THREE. That's unfair.


Quote from: guest on 10/03/2016, 03:34 AMWhy didn't I get any Henshin Engine e-mails? Joe got even THREE. That's unfair.
I was going to post this very thing, but I was afraid more crying would follow.


There's some kind of bug in SMF's email system, half the PCEFX membership of 5000 accounts can't be emailed... If only this joe was one of the 2500 that the system skips/excludes... :/


I received several email, I'm not kickstarting, but I don't mind the messages for this one.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


I'm not mad, throwing a hissy fit, or otherwise upset or terribly inconvenienced by the emails, but the fact remains that they are spam.  No matter the good intentions or purpose, nobody should be getting emails from this forum unless they have notifications turned on or if it's something directly related to their account.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


In case it's brought up again, this email marketing was done with Aaron's (owner/admin) permission/approval, turned out he tried using it before but couldn't get it to work.


Quote from: NecroPhile on 10/03/2016, 09:49 AMI'm not mad, throwing a hissy fit, or otherwise upset or terribly inconvenienced by the emails, but the fact remains that they are spam.  No matter the good intentions or purpose, nobody should be getting emails from this forum unless they have notifications turned on or if it's something directly related to their account.
I agree 100%.


Quote from: Nulltard on 10/03/2016, 11:19 AMNightwolve has dethroned me as the spam king?!

This is a sad day for the 'phile.

Brought to you by Henshinphile.com
Evidently you have been demoted to "Queen" of Spam. Maybe you could start a restaurant chain specializing in musubi?


What a quintessentially PCEFX thread. Someone complains about nothing, multiple Bible-length posts discussing who's a bigger asshole follow.

You're both pretty big assholes. Let's call it a tie.



Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/02/2016, 07:03 PMS Anyway it is not my responsibility to read any threads on this forum.
No, its deff. not the responsibility of a mod to mod the forum you mod. ya mod?

Serious note: I didn't get any of these 3 emails.


Quote from: 780racer on 10/03/2016, 01:55 PMSerious note: I didn't get any of these 3 emails.
You only were meant to get 1 or 2 as a regular member, the 2nd with apology if repeated.

As I explained, half the membership cannot be emailed which I'm 100% sure is a bug (we have about ~5000 members, so 2500 didn't get the 1-2 emails sent to them).

Joe's "enough is enough" was due to a test run, where I selected ONLY the mod/admin groups for mailing, a handful of us, so Aaron, me, him, nat, Keranu, and NecroPhile received that one, so that equaled 3 for us... I thought this slight would be easily forgivable, but clearly not.

I deactivated the email queue, and Aaron will never wanna use it again after this, so that's that...


I got 3 2 emails. Thanks for your consideration.


Quote from: NightWolve on 10/03/2016, 02:04 PMYou only were meant to get 1 or 2 as a regular member, the 2nd with apology if repeated.

As I explained, half the membership cannot be emailed which I'm 100% sure is a bug (we have about ~5000 members, so 2500 didn't get the 1-2 emails sent to them).

Joe's "enough is enough" was due to a test run, where I selected ONLY the mod/admin groups for mailing, a handful of us, so Aaron, me, him, nat, Keranu, and NecroPhile received that one, so that equaled 3 for us... I thought this slight would be easily forgivable, but clearly not.

I deactivated the email queue, and Aaron will never wanna use it again after this, so that's that...
Thanks for the explanation NW, I wasn't complaining, more just commenting that I was completely unaware this was even something going on, haha.  #Useless2Cents


Quote from: 780racer on 10/03/2016, 02:08 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 10/03/2016, 02:04 PMYou only were meant to get 1 or 2 as a regular member, the 2nd with apology if repeated.

As I explained, half the membership cannot be emailed which I'm 100% sure is a bug (we have about ~5000 members, so 2500 didn't get the 1-2 emails sent to them).

Joe's "enough is enough" was due to a test run, where I selected ONLY the mod/admin groups for mailing, a handful of us, so Aaron, me, him, nat, Keranu, and NecroPhile received that one, so that equaled 3 for us... I thought this slight would be easily forgivable, but clearly not.

I deactivated the email queue, and Aaron will never wanna use it again after this, so that's that...
Thanks for the explanation NW, I wasn't complaining, more just commenting that I was completely unaware this was even something going on, haha.  #Useless2Cents
You are forgiven if you pledge at the $800 level. Thank you.



Quote from: esteban on 10/03/2016, 03:18 PM
Quote from: 780racer on 10/03/2016, 02:08 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 10/03/2016, 02:04 PMYou only were meant to get 1 or 2 as a regular member, the 2nd with apology if repeated.

As I explained, half the membership cannot be emailed which I'm 100% sure is a bug (we have about ~5000 members, so 2500 didn't get the 1-2 emails sent to them).

Joe's "enough is enough" was due to a test run, where I selected ONLY the mod/admin groups for mailing, a handful of us, so Aaron, me, him, nat, Keranu, and NecroPhile received that one, so that equaled 3 for us... I thought this slight would be easily forgivable, but clearly not.

I deactivated the email queue, and Aaron will never wanna use it again after this, so that's that...
Thanks for the explanation NW, I wasn't complaining, more just commenting that I was completely unaware this was even something going on, haha.  #Useless2Cents
You are forgiven if you pledge at the $800 level. Thank you.



Got two emails.  Thought that was a nice reminder.  Should send another one actually.  :)
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Got two emails as well.

BTW, this is a fun thread.


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 10/04/2016, 12:23 PMGot two emails.  Thought that was a nice reminder.  Should send another one actually.  :)
Nah, Aaron will never have it used again, I'll mention why after the KS is over. (Hint, we possibly had a Nintega account registered here that my newsletter reached or another saboteur with an ax to grind at PCEFX or Rover...)

Psycho Punch

DoxPhile never sends me any emails.

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/02/2016, 07:03 PMAnyway it is not my responsibility to read any threads on this forum.
Then why on earth are you a mod, Joe?
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" on Neo-Geo.com
For a good time, reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!

Psycho Punch

Quote from: esteban on 10/02/2016, 11:34 PMHonest question: what is kickstarter? And what is this "Hessian Injun" that is constantly being referenced...sounds like a steampunk detective story? Or similar?
It's the fan sequel to Valis.

This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" on Neo-Geo.com
For a good time, reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!




Unless Joe holds the website on his shoulders like Atlas and approves a ton of accounts, I think he does two things:

1. Responds to criticism on his thread with questions like "Who are you again?" and "Why do you matter?"

2. Occasionally resurfaces to ban Arkhan, leaving all of the actual mod duties to.. well.. Necro.

Valis is a great book. Horselover Fat. What a name for the protagonist, I mean, author.

Here's my book review...
Thanks to whomever drew that.


I'd rather have Joe not doing much moderating than NightWolve abusing his mod. powers to change a perfectly appropriate title into a childish insult.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


His title was ignorant, not "perfectly appropriate" as it implied the newsletter mailing was out of control. Yes, us mods got 3, but he saw the apology on the last one, yet he still implied with his public temper tantrum that more were coming and created an impression it happened to everyone. Members got 1-2 emails, that's it. He could've easily handled this privately before going this route, not caring to risk embarrassment to the KS.




It's a mocking expression given his temper tantrum using his OWN brand of sarcastic humor/joking, etc. No, I think it's funny and if anything he should've just changed it to something neutral when it was all explained to him. Yes, it was objectively embarrassing both here and in the HE thread and it was unnecessary. I've seen a lot worse here if you wanna lecture about "immature" comments...

EDIT: Oh, in riding to his defense, you say he didn't know what future plans were, but he admitted he saw the apology on the final one, which undercuts that claim. You could discern the sender didn't want you to receive that additional email, which is why the apology is there. 


Quote from: NecroPhile on 10/05/2016, 09:27 AMI'd rather have Joe not doing much moderating than NightWolve abusing his mod. powers to change a perfectly appropriate title into a childish insult. ... The only one throwing a tantrum, tossing around personal insults, and embarrassing himself is you.
It's kind of bizarre pot kettle black. It might be fine reading this from most anyone else on this forum, but not from you or say SignOfZeta. Technically, the title is a little humorous mocking based on his anger and attitude over it.

Now, if you wanna get on a hypocritical high horse and talk about mod abuse, alright... OK, I'll get on mine, we can do that publicly as well.

There have been several times that I have regretted asking Aaron to mod you and I'm not alone as you may well know... But, I've publicly kept quiet about it until now because I'm unfortunately responsible for "Necromancer Unleashed" and I'm stuck with all the bad and the occasional good since you'll always be here in case a Nintega account snuck in and started trouble...

I also keep quiet about it because I have my own baggage, excesses, such as with the reseller wmac, and DarkKobold. Of course, picking on DK was the result of watching him hound you, VestCunt and Black Tiger and created the justification years back.

Examples: I thought your temp ban on tbone was petty, you once threatened to ban a guy for a minor back'n'forth, and then there's your general verbal abuse, calling people cunts, ignorant pieces of shit, etc.

If there's one thing that I'd point to, it's your abuse on freshmen, when they didn't start any kind of fight, and were being civil, the "throwing pennies at them" which has created enemies of this forum that wanna see it burn down as a result and who resort to guilt by association and run off to generalize the forum as a whole because of it... And once again, I'm not alone in that conclusion...

This is all hypocritical at some level for me to point out, given my own admitted baggage, but you got on the hypocritical high horse first, so there it is! Simply put, you're the last person whose criticism I'd respect when it comes to personal insults, childishness, mod-abuse, etc.

QuoteThere's nothing in the emails that says it's a one-time thing, so it's not outrageous to assume that there'd be more emails coming to update the status of the campaign.
Undercut by the fact he admitted he saw the apology in the final one. And he still had many other options instead of calling out all responsible in a public fashion. He embarrassed the effort, Aaron was made aware of the backlash, and that factors into why it'd never be used again.

I'm waiting for the email address responsible for what I mentioned when Aaron passes it along which is the main reason the newsletter would never be used again... We can then find out if it was one of Necro's vengeful "satisfied customers" or bad blood with Rover, etc.


I got 14 new reminders yesterday.  Thank you guys, now I'll never forget to Kickstart Henshin a Go-Go!

Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!