12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.
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Star Trek Next Generation Collectards

Started by Gredler, 01/13/2017, 08:57 PM

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I am catching up on Star Trek, I've never watched any of it so for the past few months I've filled white noise with Star Trek Next Generation - I've gotten to where I really like it. Episode 22 of season three made me laugh when I realized it was a about collectarding to a certain extent.


I can't post a link to it, but I was wondering if anyone else has watched this and imagined collectors of videogames in the future :P


Classic episode.

Wouldn't class myself as a trekkie but always have just loved Star Trek TNG.
Recently watched it from the first episode all they way through to near the end now.
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


I got the TNG bluray set for X-Mas. Once I start an episode, it draws me in more than ever and each scene is now an easter egg hunt.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Should this get moved to chit chat?! I thought I was being controversial using slanderous terms and callin out names.


When I saw this I was reminded of how the same story had been used in a million other stories, mostly comics. There is a 2nd Doctor story with the same plot, IIRC. It's been at least 5 years since I did a run through Next Gen though so maybe it was before collectards had really arrived in the video game world.

Btw, Trekonomics was the book of the year. Go get it. It's thin and not very expensive.

As for DS9...sorry. The characters range from unappealing to repellent. They seem to fight and squabble with each other more than an episode of ER. The make-up is dumber than ever. They don't have a ship to speak of and rarely explore anything. Half the cast is more racist than a Trump benefit for cops, etc.  I realize it has its high points, but it's also lousy with Ferengi.

I would make a good source for a Laserdisc gun game because I want to shoot almost everyone on screen.


I like TNG. The most toys is a great episode. I blasted through all the episodes and all the DS9 episodes last year. DS9 hmm. I used to detest it but now it's my favourite. I find it compelling. Now watching voyager. Skipping a lot of episodes. So much filler that adds nothing.


I am going to have to rewatch the episode, I watched TNG when it originally aired...and I never missed an episode.

TNG was a big event in my family because I grew up watching the original series with my dad...one of the few times I could watch TV when I was a kid (normally, the TV was in the basement and not used).

Of course my brothers and I sneaked into the basement and watched TV when my dad was at work...but think of all the stuff we couldn't watch because it aired during "Prime Time."

Anyway...I  didn't get to see the first season of TNG in *color* until the second or third season?

Yeah. B/w TV.

I don't think we got a color TV until...1986-87.

This anecdote may explain some of my obsessions.

PBS, Dr. Who, Star Trek.

For the record: OG > TNG.



Back on topic...

COLLECTARDISM, as Zeta mentioned, has been a facet/gag in many TV shows/pop culture...

'Nuff said.



I've been hoping (dreaming) for years they would bring back TNG, with all the the original cast, before they (Patrick Stewart mainly) was too old or passed away.

Also speaking of DS9 aren't the Ferengi the very definition of collectards?? I'm sure we've said this before on the forum.

Gold pressed latinum = VGA graded video games

Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Trekonomics makes a pretty good case for Ferengi and therefore DS9, I have to admit. There is more to it than I realized before I read the book. However I still can't stand to watch the show.

On the other hand, I went all the way through Enterprise and while it is cringe worthy on occasion it's still pretty good.


Quote from: SignOfZeta link=msg=482980 date=1484418269

On the other hand, I went all the way through Enterprise and while it is cringe worthy on occasion it's still pretty good.
I have never given enterprise a real chance, don't think I've even seen an episode all the way through . I shall do once I plough through voyager.


My friend just watched all of Voyager and gave it his endorsement.  I watched basically every TNG when it was new and never moved past, which series should I go to next?  Are these streaming on any service?


Quote from: TheClash603 on 01/14/2017, 04:44 PMMy friend just watched all of Voyager and gave it his endorsement.  I watched basically every TNG when it was new and never moved past, which series should I go to next?  Are these streaming on any service?
If you want a thrilling, gripping story arc DS9 is the way to go. Give it time , it builds and I think the character development is most in depth. All star treks are on Netflix. Well in U.K. they are.


I have seen every episode of TNG 2-4 times.

Quote from: wildfruit on 01/14/2017, 04:47 PMIf you want a thrilling, gripping story arc DS9 is the way to go. Give it time , it builds and I think the character development is most in depth. All star treks are on Netflix. Well in U.K. they are.

I have seen every episode of DS9 twice. I really like it, and will get into that in subsequent posts.  Zeta is totally right: there's no fucking ship other than the Defiant (i mean come on... its a shuttlecraft on steroids), the character development is trash in the first two seasons, the racism is everywhere and there is also an amount of religious Zealotry with half of the characters... Jean Luc Picard turned his back on Miles O'Brien twice in one episode of TNG because of his Cardassian hatred... to show the difference between the two series. In the later episodes... "The Magnificent Ferengi" comes to mind... Iggy Pop makes an appearance as a Vorta. The whole series is based on conflict in an occupied space station and a war between the Bajorans and Cardassians. I know a lot of ppl hate Quark's bar episodes, but "Who Mourns for Morn" was also a great, wacky offbeat episode. I guess it's the unconventional lack and subsequent character development from TNG that got me into it. Also the rigidity of Starfleet protocol being absent until season 4 made it pretty chaotic. Anyway, I wouldn't be so hasty to dismiss DS9. It's unconventional, and gets better until the last season. The fact that they packed the war into two episodes was mind-boggling. They could have had a full season on all of that shit. 

I always liked this meme as a DND junkie summarizing the difference of the characters:


I have seen every episode of Voyager twice.

I have never watched Enterprise.


Found another collectarded episode. Seinfeld season 9 episode 6, the merve Griffith show. The glass is shattered!


I will say this for the record. The Vic Fontaine episodes are terrible. I would rather eat old boot leather than watch them. Its like the writers just went on vacation or a dozen jelly doughnuts in and still no ideas... Although it is pretty cool when Worf trashes the holodeck, lol.

And Garak is badass. I won't give you any spoilers other than that.


TNG as a whole is fantastic, sure there is some cheese but it's a product of it's time...

I'll also say Voyager get unfairly shat on, Janeway was a badass bitch.


Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.




Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Quote from: Gredler on 01/13/2017, 08:57 PMI am catching up on Star Trek, I've never watched any of it so for the past few months I've filled white noise with Star Trek Next Generation - I've gotten to where I really like it. Episode 22 of season three made me laugh when I realized it was a about collectarding to a certain extent.


I can't post a link to it, but I was wondering if anyone else has watched this and imagined collectors of videogames in the future :P
BTW Data intended to kill Fajo at the end.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: Dicer on 01/19/2017, 03:34 PMTNG as a whole is fantastic, sure there is some cheese but it's a product of it's time...

I'll also say Voyager get unfairly shat on, Janeway was a badass bitch.
Voyager is the bomb.  And I agree with you that most people shit on it, but the series is so much fun to watch.  The Doctor alone makes the later several seasons incredibly entertaining.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


+2 for DS9

It takes a season or two to get hooked but once you are in its fantastic. Basically I feel the stories and characters are deeper then any other trek franchise.

Next is Voyager

It really fleshes out the Borg more then STTNG and its really not bad as a whole.

Star Trek Enterprise is meh for me. That being said dont miss out on that one either. Its pretty solid and even though I didnt like it as much as the others I can see that its pretty solid as well


Quote from: guest on 01/29/2017, 02:00 AM
Quote from: Dicer on 01/19/2017, 03:34 PMTNG as a whole is fantastic, sure there is some cheese but it's a product of it's time...

I'll also say Voyager get unfairly shat on, Janeway was a badass bitch.
Voyager is the bomb.  And I agree with you that most people shit on it, but the series is so much fun to watch.  The Doctor alone makes the later several seasons incredibly entertaining.
Tuvix deserved to live!

jk Janeway did the right thing
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: khyron65 on 01/30/2017, 02:09 PM+2 for DS9

It takes a season or two to get hooked but once you are in its fantastic. Basically I feel the stories and characters are deeper then any other trek franchise.

Next is Voyager

Star Trek Enterprise is meh for me. That being said dont miss out on that one either. Its pretty solid and even though I didnt like it as much as the others I can see that its pretty solid as well
I am currently giving Enterprise a proper go. Did not give it a proper chance when it was actually broadcast. It seems better than I remember. Except for the translator woman. She's not a very good actress and her character is lame. So far.


I could never get past the Michael Bolton theme song for Enterprise.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


TNG>>> DS9>> ST V>> OG ST>>>>> Enterprise
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Quote from: Otaking on 01/31/2017, 12:48 PMTNG>>> DS9>> ST V>> OG ST>>>>> Enterprise
This guy knows whats up!

I will say this about the original though. I am absolutely fascinated by the use of light and color! so dynamic! This show was made in the early days of color tv, not everyone had one so they way they used light and shadow is amazing to me! For the lucky ones that had color they went overboard and everything is so "bright"


The TOS episode Space Seed is better than the entire Voyager series.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: Gentlegamer on 01/31/2017, 05:38 PMThe TOS episode Space Seed is better than the entire Voyager series.
I watched that last night, I shifted from TNG to TOS and have not regretted it - I will go back to TNG after finishing TOS - but this episode is one of the best yet for sure - KAAAHNN


Here's another great pair of episodes complimenting each other from TOS to TNG:

Journey to Babel

Spock and Data, Unification pt 2
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: wildfruit on 01/14/2017, 07:24 AMI like TNG. The most toys is a great episode. I blasted through all the episodes and all the DS9 episodes last year. DS9 hmm. I used to detest it but now it's my favourite. I find it compelling. Now watching voyager. Skipping a lot of episodes. So much filler that adds nothing.
Oh ya voyager! Been so long since I have watched and god bless "7" or was it "9" either way thank you.



Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.



Hell yeah guys, I want to change the name of this thread and move it off of fighting street, Star Trek is freaking rad I had no idea.

I've now made it through all of the OG episodes, and I have about 4 more episodes left of TNG.

I've watched the second and third movie, the first one isn't on any of my subscription streaming services so I haven't seen that one yet.

Where should I go after TNG... Voyager? Or DS9? Enterprise? Track down the rest of the movies that cover OG and TNG?


Quote from: Gredler on 03/03/2017, 01:47 PMHell yeah guys, I want to change the name of this thread and move it off of fighting street, Star Trek is freaking rad I had no idea.

I've now made it through all of the OG episodes, and I have about 4 more episodes left of TNG.

I've watched the second and third movie, the first one isn't on any of my subscription streaming services so I haven't seen that one yet.

Where should I go after TNG... Voyager? Or DS9? Enterprise? Track down the rest of the movies that cover OG and TNG?
Deep Space Nine for sure.

Aside from 2, the only other good movie is 4.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


God I love this forum. Thanks for those links Dicer and Otaking.


Here's a whole playlist of TNG edits

youtu .be/S1XD2o1qX7E
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: Gredler on 03/03/2017, 01:47 PMHell yeah guys, I want to change the name of this thread and move it off of fighting street, Star Trek is freaking rad I had no idea.

I've now made it through all of the OG episodes, and I have about 4 more episodes left of TNG.

I've watched the second and third movie, the first one isn't on any of my subscription streaming services so I haven't seen that one yet.

Where should I go after TNG... Voyager? Or DS9? Enterprise? Track down the rest of the movies that cover OG and TNG?
DS9 is "serious" Trek,  Voyager get's a lot of flack but the Doc alone makes it worth it, it's def got some camp and WTF moments, but it's a solid watch.


Voyager is trash and so are you.

Now this thread can stay in Fighting Street.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


I really liked the third movie - I watched 2 and 3 back to back and loved it. I thought Bones being pseudo spock was rad!

Thanks, the conflicting suggestions make me consider watching them in production-chonological order (og, tng, then the next one that was made)

From a production artist's perspective it's nice seeing how the makeup/costume, set, and effects artists tackled various design requests with available budgets and technology; the progression from the beginning of the show to the end in production quality is really nice to see. It will be fun to see what the next show after TNG looks like in terms of production quality; season 7 has some very nice work!


Quote from: Gredler on 03/03/2017, 04:12 PMI really liked the third movie - I watched 2 and 3 back to back and loved it. I thought Bones being pseudo spock was rad!

Thanks, the conflicting suggestions make me consider watching them in production-chonological order (og, tng, then the next one that was made)

From a production artist's perspective it's nice seeing how the makeup/costume, set, and effects artists tackled various design requests with available budgets and technology; the progression from the beginning of the show to the end in production quality is really nice to see. It will be fun to see what the next show after TNG looks like in terms of production quality; season 7 has some very nice work!
Here is my scorching hot take about the original 6 and TNG movies: they are all pretty much watchable and enjoyable enough.


Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Quote from: Gredler on 03/03/2017, 04:12 PMI really liked the third movie - I watched 2 and 3 back to back and loved it. I thought Bones being pseudo spock was rad!

Thanks, the conflicting suggestions make me consider watching them in production-chonological order (og, tng, then the next one that was made)

From a production artist's perspective it's nice seeing how the makeup/costume, set, and effects artists tackled various design requests with available budgets and technology; the progression from the beginning of the show to the end in production quality is really nice to see. It will be fun to see what the next show after TNG looks like in terms of production quality; season 7 has some very nice work!
The TNG battle bridge is the bridge from Wrath of Khan.

And that bridge set was both the Enterprise bridge and the Reliant bridge, redressed. Shatner and Montelban were never on set together, their scenes were filmed months apart.

DS9 has the best space battles of the whole franchise. Also, from season 4 to end, it's the only actually serialized series: the Dominion War is a multi season arc and each episode follows from the last.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


this is great. I understand so much now


Quote from: Gentlegamer on 03/03/2017, 06:21 PM
Quote from: Gredler on 03/03/2017, 04:12 PMI really liked the third movie - I watched 2 and 3 back to back and loved it. I thought Bones being pseudo spock was rad!

Thanks, the conflicting suggestions make me consider watching them in production-chonological order (og, tng, then the next one that was made)

From a production artist's perspective it's nice seeing how the makeup/costume, set, and effects artists tackled various design requests with available budgets and technology; the progression from the beginning of the show to the end in production quality is really nice to see. It will be fun to see what the next show after TNG looks like in terms of production quality; season 7 has some very nice work!
The TNG battle bridge is the bridge from Wrath of Khan.

And that bridge set was both the Enterprise bridge and the Reliant bridge, redressed. Shatner and Montelban were never on set together, their scenes were filmed months apart.

DS9 has the best space battles of the whole franchise. Also, from season 4 to end, it's the only actually serialized series: the Dominion War is a multi season arc and each episode follows from the last.
The problem with DS9 is the first 3 seasons are all over the place in quality and consistency.  The end of it is quite well done, I will easily agree to this.  But I feel like Voyager knew what it was going in and kept with it and continued to grow the characters. 
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


A while back I found the remastered Season 1 DVD set of TOS at Target for less than $10 in the clearance bin.  Been watching a few episodes this weekend on my PVM, and I have to say that they look incredible.  They added in a bunch of special effects, and they look awesome without looking out of place.  I think this remastered version is also available for streaming on Amazon Prime.  I never really gave TOS too much of a chance because I got into Star Trek when TNG came out, but so far I m really enjoying these episodes.


Quote from: guest on 03/05/2017, 01:36 PM
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 03/03/2017, 06:21 PM
Quote from: Gredler on 03/03/2017, 04:12 PMI really liked the third movie - I watched 2 and 3 back to back and loved it. I thought Bones being pseudo spock was rad!

Thanks, the conflicting suggestions make me consider watching them in production-chonological order (og, tng, then the next one that was made)

From a production artist's perspective it's nice seeing how the makeup/costume, set, and effects artists tackled various design requests with available budgets and technology; the progression from the beginning of the show to the end in production quality is really nice to see. It will be fun to see what the next show after TNG looks like in terms of production quality; season 7 has some very nice work!
The TNG battle bridge is the bridge from Wrath of Khan.

And that bridge set was both the Enterprise bridge and the Reliant bridge, redressed. Shatner and Montelban were never on set together, their scenes were filmed months apart.

DS9 has the best space battles of the whole franchise. Also, from season 4 to end, it's the only actually serialized series: the Dominion War is a multi season arc and each episode follows from the last.
The problem with DS9 is the first 3 seasons are all over the place in quality and consistency.  The end of it is quite well done, I will easily agree to this.  But I feel like Voyager knew what it was going in and kept with it and continued to grow the characters. 
You're kidding, right? Voyager abandoned its premise in like half a season and then wrote Janeway as about five different characters, all of them unlikable.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 03/05/2017, 09:22 PMA while back I found the remastered Season 1 DVD set of TOS at Target for less than $10 in the clearance bin.  Been watching a few episodes this weekend on my PVM, and I have to say that they look incredible.  They added in a bunch of special effects, and they look awesome without looking out of place.  I think this remastered version is also available for streaming on Amazon Prime.  I never really gave TOS too much of a chance because I got into Star Trek when TNG came out, but so far I m really enjoying these episodes.
I've only seen the remastered version, and my dumb ass was thinking how good the effects looked for the time, like these are the best miniatures ever created...... The remaster holds up well :)