12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita

Started by ParanoiaDragon, 12/16/2015, 01:46 AM

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Woot!  I don't care who does it; I'm just happy it's gonna get a physical release.

I assume xseed lost it because they wouldn't commit to physical releases and/or a timeline Falcom liked.  Whatever the reason, Nightwolve should be pleased.  :mrgreen:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Definitely looking forward to purchasing this.  The only other PS4 game I play is Street Fighter 5.  Finally another reason to play the blasted thing.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Quote from: guest on 02/20/2017, 10:52 AMWoot!  I don't care who does it; I'm just happy it's gonna get a physical release.

I assume xseed lost it because they wouldn't commit to physical releases and/or a timeline Falcom liked.  Whatever the reason, Nightwolve should be pleased.  :mrgreen:
Hell yeah. I'm placing a pre-order for the Vita version on Amazon right now. I can't remember the last time I gave a shit about something NISA released. Maybe Disgaea 5 which is still sitting sealed since I haven't bought a PS4 yet.

I've been going through MoC again. The hype is real or something. This game looks damn good.

As far as XSeed... I'm intrigued to know the details but I'd bet it would be a long time before that info comes out if it ever does. If it's because they wouldn't commit to a physical release for freaking Ys they can eat a bag. The timeline thing wouldn't surprise me either, it has taken them a really long time to push out games before. And I get that Trails games are text heavy but still.


Ooo, nice.  I hadn't thought to look at Amazon.  $80 seems awfully steep for the LE, so $40 on just the game sounds better.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I think it just got posted to Amazon today. Prime discount isn't applying yet. I'll buy it either way, but it would be nice if it were $8 cheaper.


Anyone know if the LE versions will only be available thru NIS, or is there a chance to get them on Amazon at some point?


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 02/24/2017, 03:47 AMAnyone know if the LE versions will only be available thru NIS, or is there a chance to get them on Amazon at some point?
Yeah, normally they have done regular version, limited version, and then NISA Store version (which is limited + something extra).  But, it doesn't say the LE is exclusive to their store so maybe other retailers will carry it.

My guess is it would be a NISA store exclusive though, it sounds like they probably wanna keep all the cash on this one and not offer the 20% discount through amazon on the like to devalue it.  I'd love to be proven wrong though.  Still plenty of stock on both though so I plan on waiting for a bit to see what shows up.
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Quote from: guest on 02/24/2017, 02:36 PMYeah, normally they have done regular version, limited version, and then NISA Store version (which is limited + something extra).  But, it doesn't say the LE is exclusive to their store so maybe other retailers will carry it.

My guess is it would be a NISA store exclusive though, it sounds like they probably wanna keep all the cash on this one and not offer the 20% discount through amazon on the like to devalue it.  I'd love to be proven wrong though.  Still plenty of stock on both though so I plan on waiting for a bit to see what shows up.
I'm actually debating canning my LE preorder in favor of the regular edition.

$40 extra is pretty steep, I'm beginning to think that if i want an art book, i should just buy a straight art book, y'know?

Joe Redifer

I pre-ordered the regular-ass edition. The special edition doesn't have anything I'd spend a total of maybe 2 or 3 minutes of my life looking at. The soundtrack isn't even the full soundtrack. Plus, I already have the full 2 disc soundtrack. Kind of mediocre for an Ys game, actually. Hopefully it will grow on me as I play the game.


The prime discount is now working correctly so I actually went and place my order for the Vita version. $35 including tax, not bad at all.

I was tempted by the LE but ultimately reached the same conclusion Joe did. It's just so much extra shit I'd have to file away. The main draw for me would be if that 2nd book is like a mini-guide (appears to be) which could be helpful but really it's kind of hard to get stuck in newer Ys games. If the LE does go on Amazon I'll likely get tempted again though.


That is a good point, how often really will I look at the extra stuff.  Makes me think more about getting the regular editions of this & Tokyo Xanadu(another Falcom game coming this year), as the PS4 version of that is SUPER expensive & hard to justify.




Tokyo Xanadu is a game I want to play, but I'm wondering... Has it been said the differences in the PS4 version? Seemingly everything I clicked on just said it's "enhanced". Not sure if that's worth $20 more...


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 02/26/2017, 01:47 AMThat is a good point, how often really will I look at the extra stuff.  Makes me think more about getting the regular editions of this & Tokyo Xanadu(another Falcom game coming this year), as the PS4 version of that is SUPER expensive & hard to justify.


yeah, for me a figure is an automatic no buy for me.
I don't need that much extra shit, lol


I hope some European stores update a pre order soon. Import isn't really viable cos brexit.


Quote from: Gypsy on 02/26/2017, 12:34 PMTokyo Xanadu is a game I want to play, but I'm wondering... Has it been said the differences in the PS4 version? Seemingly everything I clicked on just said it's "enhanced". Not sure if that's worth $20 more...
From memory, I recall that the PS4 version is expanded, much like the PS4 version of Ys VIII.  More dungeons, more story elements, etc.  I'm gonna buy both of each game to support Falcom games, but probably will skip all the LE stuff.


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 02/26/2017, 07:43 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 02/26/2017, 12:34 PMTokyo Xanadu is a game I want to play, but I'm wondering... Has it been said the differences in the PS4 version? Seemingly everything I clicked on just said it's "enhanced". Not sure if that's worth $20 more...
From memory, I recall that the PS4 version is expanded, much like the PS4 version of Ys VIII.  More dungeons, more story elements, etc.  I'm gonna buy both of each game to support Falcom games, but probably will skip all the LE stuff.
Thanks for the info.

I searched for Ys and found exact stuff

Not enough for me to buy the PS4 version right away, especially since it's mostly stuff for playthroughs after the first. Really looking forward to playing both of these. NF has been consistently making good stuff.


Ok, I guess not quite as exciting as I thought, however, I know the PS4 has an improved frame rate, some claim it's pretty significant.

Found this on Tokyo Xanadu differences:


With Tokyo Xanadu eX+, you'll find new modes (Time Attack and Boss Rush), new scenarios that weren't depicted in the main story, an all new quest accessible after beating the game, a new playable character (White Shroud, a mysterious knight), and new monsters, dungeons, and bosses.


Mildly annoying that it can't all just be in the Vita version too. I think I'll just wait and pick up the PS4 standard on the cheap for TX.


I preordered regular versions of Tokyo Xanadu and Ys VIII yesterday.  I was okay with paying an extra $10 for xseed's LEs, but those goodies ain't worth an extra $30-40.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!



Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Same here. I'll get a PS4 eventually, but it's not a huge priority. I'll be upgrading my PC first for sure.


Fuck.  Not till almost 2018 for release?  Really?



Quote from: NecroPhile on 02/20/2017, 10:52 AMWoot!  I don't care who does it; I'm just happy it's gonna get a physical release.

I assume xseed lost it because they wouldn't commit to physical releases and/or a timeline Falcom liked.  Whatever the reason, Nightwolve should be pleased.  :mrgreen:
Haha! Yeah, I was just gonna comment on this after getting a chance to catch up on updated threads before you mentioned me...

I learned about this "NIS America" company this year and that they somehow won the localization rights to Ys 8 AWAY from XXXSEED Games... How they pulled it off, beats me, I dunno, as it seemed like the marriage with XXXSEED was solid and they were successful as far as what I hear... The only word from Tom-chan is they wanted to work on it but Falcom made a "business decision."

I have no evidence that Falcom knows about my boycott (either way), what XXXSEED did in their name, but I've been thinking I should write a summary about it some time, get it translated to Japanese, and send it to all of their emails in the hope it reaches a higher-up. In principle, Falcom deserves to know what was done in their name, that it caused a boycott, and that no fan should've been cheated just so XXXSEED could get a cheap sweetheart deal on pre-translated results and let Tom-chan Lipschultz use his company for personal revenge against somebody he was publicly starting feuds with to shame/ostracize/humiliate...

I still find it hard to believe this all happened, it's surreal, but I don't have to surrender to this kind of bullshit until they apologize and correct it which they could do ANY DAY - they won't though due to a certain sense of arrogance, stubbornness, bigotry, pride, self-righteousness, etc. Tom-chan proudly told me in an email, "You will never be credited!" where I was characterized as just a "Japanese text delivery boy" who "delivered text from point A to B" which amounts to just a "service." My custom translation software (a fact DeuceBag hid from the company) was just a "Microsoft Word" he said after he learned about it 3 years from the first case I was cheated on, so they can just "pretend" I had no IP Rights on something original/unique that was used one last time for commercial purposes...

I've said it before, I've never seen anything quite like this company, although maybe my scope is very limited, but they really are clowns to me... From the final phone call with Ken Berry, using my Paypal icon as a reason to justify cheating me (when Jeff had one also on his website!), to how Tom-chan keeps getting away with everything, all the embarrassment that he's caused, his temp ban on the NeoGaf forums given his pedo-freak nature on underage anime depictions, general lobbying in support of animated child pornography "to protect real kids," his recent NightWolve=Trump=Hitler unhinged rant on election day, etc. He just keeps getting away with it, zero accountability... Bragging how he extorts the company, threatening them with his resignation if they censor some sexual content so he can virtue signal to fanboys in forums what a great anti-censorship champion that he is (while he's all too happy to go Nazi mod and has deleted plenty of posts in his time)...

While on this subject, I should mention that I got blocked on Twitter because of it, heh-heh... I joyfully expressed my glee to their Twitter account, I got 3 PMs sent, but within minutes I was blocked!!! Tom-chan worked fast, son-of-a-gun! It must've been from his phone, which is from where I also quickly sent the messages. So here's what I managed to send before said perma-block:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I also caused some butthurt on NIS' Twitter after thanking them for winning the Rights away from XXXSEED. Their nasty fanboys are bitter and have been on the attack in Steam forums and elsewhere because of this loss and the opinion that NIS doesn't do a great translation job. I dunno about their script work, I don't really care, if they can do a basic competent enough job, that's fine by me.

Anyway, this got longer than I thought, but the good news is I'll be able to purchase an officially localized Ys title, an act that hasn't occurred since Konami localized Ys VI for the PS2! I didn't think I'd live to see this day!!! Honestly, I thought those XXXSEED bastards had it locked up, and I'd keep having to avoid their work, so this came out of nowhere for me and many others it seems!

I don't have plans to ever buy a PS4, so I only care about the Windows PC version, which would be the best version anyway! I hope they do a good job building a port because Falcom only coded the PS4 copy. Thing is, the architecture is closer to a PC, so the porting should be easier than say previous PS consoles, so that's good, but we'll see. I hear their PC work is buggy, but there are sour grapes out there by fanboys throwing stones, so...


So yeah, I'm VERY happy about this, I don't care who does it, Mastiff Games, which localized Gurumin (I quickly purchased this on Steam as soon as I learned of it), and seems to have done a fine job on it, or NIS, just as long as XXXSEED continues to lose out in the future!

For folks who don't understand my feelings, imagine if you spent ~5 years of your life (on & off) on Ys fan translation projects from 2002-2007, you stayed unemployed to sustain/complete these projects (losing out $$$,$$$ in income, draining your savings), then this petty company comes along, sneaks around with the translator you recruited from his NeoGeo Forum cock-flashing stomping grounds, the translated results that were produced by our hard work, dedication, sacrifice get exported by him from my software, he pockets 100% credit/profit, disappears for 3 years, plays stupid, AND THEN you learn the guy who orchestrated these criminal deals was another former translator you worked with who hated and started a public feud with you... Years later I learned they had both organized another double-cross with the Ys Origin project also...

As a result of that significant chunk of my life spent on such projects and the drama that followed because of 99% freeloading (that's really what caused ALL of the drama at the end of the day), every time somebody says Falcom, Adol, or Ys, I am forced to remember EVERYTHING that happened with them, this petty company, all 4chan/GameFAQs trollbags like Psycho Kirsten Miller, John Schizomaniak of HG101, etc.! It's a permanent association, I couldn't forget it even if I willfully wanted to. So the act of buying an XXXSEED game, giving them money, having to read Tom-chan Lipshcultz' stupid edits and general writing, I simply can't do it... That's why, even if the NIS translator is worse, I couldn't care less, I am just thankful Falcom partnered with SOMEBODY ELSE and that I can legitimately support them!

/end article



Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Yeah I'm good with the game for $32.


What the fuck is a glicee?
does it come with a lube for that price?


Quote from: bartre on 05/18/2017, 06:50 PMWhat the fuck is a glicee?
does it come with a lube for that price?
"High quality art print"

No lube, it prefers to go in raw.



Quote from: Gypsy on 05/18/2017, 07:45 PM
Quote from: bartre on 05/18/2017, 06:50 PMWhat the fuck is a glicee?
does it come with a lube for that price?
"High quality art print"

No lube, it prefers to go in raw.

The name originally applied to fine art prints created on Iris printers in a process invented in the late 1980s but has since come to mean any inkjet print. It is often used by artists, galleries, and print shops to suggest high quality printing but since it is an unregulated word it has no associated warranty of quality.

Basically a big damn inkjet print.  I dunno why NISA does this, I bought their posters before when they were like $20.  I feel like they would sell more posters at $20 then massive inkjet prints at $250.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Heh interesting.

And yeah it sounds like they went to the Japanese model on the art stuff. They probably figure anyone heavily interested will pay that much anyway. So they don't care about bulk of sales, but squeezing the most they can out of the most dedicated fans.


Hey guys, stopped by to share this:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

We now have a release date for the Ys 8 PC Steam port: Sept 12. To celebrate NIS America's snatching of the Ys series away XXXSEED, I decided I'll be buying 3 Steam codes, 1 for myself, and 2 for running a contest here! 2nd place prize will be a Steam or GOG code for Gurumin. I got the idea after reading on XXXSEED forums that some of their shill trollbags threatened to pirate Ys 8 under NIS to stand in solidarity with their precious XXXSEED, also it provides a way for me to make up for the boycott I was forced into given their shenanigans.

Anyway, yeah, I'll start the contest in Sept when it goes on sale. Anyone who wants to enter will just need a 200 post minimum here. Another FYI, when Elmer and SamIAm finish the Xanadu patches, I have an extra real copy of the first Xanadu I'll raffle off as well, along with prepatched CD-Rs of I & II. Xanadu raffle will likely be my first here unless NIS beat team elmer in Sept. ;)


Make Ys Great Again.  :lol:

The PS4 and Vita versions are also slated for a 9/12 release date, and Tokyo Xanadu is coming out at the end of June.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Yep. I am anxiously awaiting my Vita copy. I actually just got a PS4, but I'm going to stick with the Vita pre-order because I am les cheaps.

Nice giveaway you have planned wolfy. Obviously I won't be entering since I'm buying the game anyway, but still, very nice.


Quote from: Gypsy on 05/31/2017, 10:14 AMYep. I am anxiously awaiting my Vita copy. I actually just got a PS4, but I'm going to stick with the Vita pre-order because I am les cheaps.

Nice giveaway you have planned wolfy. Obviously I won't be entering since I'm buying the game anyway, but still, very nice.
Keep in mind, there's a lot more going on in the PS4 version.  New scenario's, bosses, & such that are not in the Vita version.  That put's the PS4 version over the top for me personally.  Plus, it's nice to play Ys on a console rather then a portable.


Heh, I've got used to playing it on handhelds and PC. It kind of felt weird using a controller when I fired up Ys IV Dawn of Ys.

I'll probably buy it on GOG too, assuming it makes its way there. On a sale of course.


I'll probably snag it off GOG eventually as well.  It'll go nicely with the Ys four pack I got in that sale in Nov. 2015..... which I've still not yet downloaded, let alone played.  :oops:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Sorry guys, but GOG is apparently not NIS America's style...They keep their games under the Steam engine, probably for the slight DRM aspect... I'm pretty sure this is the case, but feel free to verify. The XXXSEED KKKlowns were good for mirroring a PC release on GOG and that "Humble store" which I'm not familiar with but yeah, not everybody does this...


Good to know. I will now strongly consider getting the PS4 version, since I was thinking I could get the extra content with the PC version but I don't really do Steam.

Laughable if that's the reasoning, given that everything gets cracked in the end I would figure.


Dang.  If it's steam only, I guess I won't be getting it. 
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Eh, it's not that bad, I own Gurumin from Mastiff Games on Steam...but only because I saw it on Steam first and didn't know they mirrored it on GOG... When Shovel Knight caught my interest, I went to GOG and got it there.

But yeah, given a choice, I prefer an independent EXE installer that's not calling back to a server all the time AKA permanently requiring an Internet connection, collecting usage and system stats, etc. Steam should be around a long time, but all games are broken without their server... The pirate groups do crack the Steam API out of their games though, if you wait...


I hear xseed is bringing Zwei II to the US this summer.  Even though they're skipping the first one, lately it's been an embarrassment of Falcom riches!
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Kinda bizarre they're skipping the first one, I've heard it's a dope game.  It seems really well put together from what I've played, as I have the Ps2 &  PSP versions, would really like to play them in english though!


The Soundtrack for the original Zweii is awesome too.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


PS4 version is down to pre-ordering for $45 on Amazon.


Vita version is down to pre-ordering for $39.96 on Amazon.

Thanks for the three cents, motherfuckers!  :lol:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!



NISA actually sent out an email recently saying the LE was down to the last 25% as well.  After delaying for months I finally put in my preorder though, so huzzah.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Has anyone played this yet? Videos of the graphics make me sulk, but I am curious to hear people's opinions