@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Weight Loss Challenge #2

Started by esteban, 11/06/2016, 11:40 PM

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CHART WITH LE DATA: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YL8wf7XM3FXCYz6jNoSVbCbz4Bpf9HHQAMi5xV7f_bw/edit?usp=sharing

--> Weigh-In (Google Form) <-- (No sign-in necessary)

WEIGH-IN: https://goo.gl/forms/4hPeURJDSdQ0BiHC3

NOTE: Not sure if I set this up correctly. I did not want to force people to sign in to Google (I hate that).

For consistency from week to week, please put in your "username" exactly the same...


I liked the previous weight loss challenge... it was not about the $$$, but about the fact that I tried to stay on track.

Unfortunately, I ate horribly the last few days and gained back a few lbs. HENCE THIS THREAD.  :)


PRIZE: We could make this fun... the winner gets to request _________ that will serve to "inspire" a creative/crafty TG-16/PCE-related item. Winner keeps this item, or gift it to someone else.

OBLIGATORY LINK TO OLD CHALLENGE: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=21288.0


Ahhh Yeah! I love these challenges and the disappointment I feel when they are done!



Does this challenge start now or are we waiting until after Holiday Madness?


Quote from: guest on 11/07/2016, 02:54 PMHeh, as I went to sign up Esteban's mother, I saw that someone already signed me up. Lol

Starting weight between 140 and 400? What bullshit! I tried 69 first, then 420 but it was too high!
Hahahahahhaha. :)


I signed up, weighing 242 today, time to stop this upward curve!


Quote from: guest on 11/07/2016, 11:58 AMWoo!

Does this challenge start now or are we waiting until after Holiday Madness?

Quote from: khyron65 on 11/07/2016, 11:31 AMAhhh Yeah! I love these challenges and the disappointment I feel when they are done!
Exactly! :(


UPDATE: Go to the first post... you'll see a link for a bar chart/spreadsheet. It's more fun that way. :)


So great thanks for all of the effort and time you've put into this mr esteban!


I don't want these links to get lost so I'm bumping them. :D


I should track my weight even though I'm not trying to lose anymore weight.   I'm under the 140 pound minimum to enter my data.

Currently at 128.6 lbs.  Surprisingly I haven't gain any since the last challenge. 

Good luck to everyone in the challenge.


Quote from: csgx1 on 11/16/2016, 02:52 PMI should track my weight even though I'm not trying to lose anymore weight.   I'm under the 140 pound minimum to enter my data.

Currently at 128.6 lbs.  Surprisingly I haven't gain any since the last challenge. 

Good luck to everyone in the challenge.
I will change that. I am a silly person who didn't think anyone would be <140...



Quote from: csgx1 on 11/16/2016, 02:52 PMI should track my weight even though I'm not trying to lose anymore weight.   I'm under the 140 pound minimum to enter my data.

Currently at 128.6 lbs.  Surprisingly I haven't gain any since the last challenge. 

Good luck to everyone in the challenge.
Holy chit mang! Im 5'11" and if I got down to 190 i would be in low single digit body fat % I couldnt imagine getting down to 128 lbs. I bet my head would look HUUUUGE!


Well, I'm fairly short at 5'4".  130 lbs. seems like a good weight for my height.  I started my diet back in June this year and I was definitely overweight at 180 lbs.

Quote from: esteban on 11/16/2016, 03:22 PMI will change that. I am a silly person who didn't think anyone would be <140...

Thanks, but not really necessary to change it just for me since I'm not actually competing in the challenge or trying to lose weight.  Just need to maintain the weight through the difficult holidays.  BTW, nice setup with the charts.


FOLKS: I updated the chart so it is MUCH EASIER and NICER to look at.

Quote from: csgx1 on 11/16/2016, 06:07 PMWell, I'm fairly short at 5'4".  130 lbs. seems like a good weight for my height.  I started my diet back in June this year and I was definitely overweight at 180 lbs.

Quote from: esteban on 11/16/2016, 03:22 PMI will change that. I am a silly person who didn't think anyone would be <140...

Thanks, but not really necessary to change it just for me since I'm not actually competing in the challenge or trying to lose weight.  Just need to maintain the weight through the difficult holidays.  BTW, nice setup with the charts. 
Don't worry, it was SO EASY to fix.

If it doesn't work, just tell me.



Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


I see you bastards are trying to avoid the scale.


I just weighed in. Look at the CHART for some progress (first link in first post)...



Quote from: esteban on 11/22/2016, 09:58 PMI see you bastards are trying to avoid the scale.


I just weighed in. Look at the CHART for some progress (first link in first post)...

I will do an end of day today fatsgiving's eve weigh in and update. Thanks for the bump, I forgot about this as I pounded a carne asada shrimp and french fry burrito last night.


work has been crazy. I only have a few weeks till my break. Im going to break all weight gain records!!!!


Quote from: khyron65 on 11/29/2016, 02:57 PMwork has been crazy. I only have a few weeks till my break. Im going to break all weight gain records!!!!
I mastered this (gaining weight) for over a decade.


Please have fun as you eat :)


I go away for two weeks and you guys let this thread reach the second page! Shame on you lazy bastards. I was on vacation for two weeks.... well I was supposed to be anyway but god had to step in and destroy my back! First day into vacation I mess my back up bad, practically bed ridden for 4 days. Then I go to urgent care and get some drugs and an Xray. Xray doesn't show anything so I get an MRI. Still waiting for  the DR to get back to me. The end of my vacation though the pain went from off the charts to just 10 out of 10. As of today the pain goes from like 4 to 7, I am hopeful to be back in the weight loss game in a week or so.

So how is everyone else progress lol.


Quote from: guest on 01/03/2017, 04:40 PMSorry to hear about your back problems!

I fell off the wagon for Thanksgiving and stayed off until Jan 1st.  In that time I put back on 25 lbs. Boggles the mind! I thought the daily pint of liquor would offset the 5 daily drive-thru upsized combo meals, but it seems they work in tandem.
I am back up too, jeans aren't fitting as loose after the holidays. I am back in with you guys, let's get healthy!!


Me three! I have been too scared to weigh myself. Worried....


Quote from: esteban on 01/03/2017, 04:57 PMMe three! I have been too scared to weigh myself. Worried....
Same here. I have not stepped on the scale, but the fact I can't bend over in my smallest pair of jeans means shit went very off the tracks this break.


Wise man once said. "Its not what you do between thanksgiving and new years. Its what you do between new years and thanksgiving".

I was reading a forum or some shit and there was this fitness guru to the stars on there and everyone was asking what can they do on the holidays to lose/ keep fit etc. He basically told everyone to eat whatever they want and dink whatever they want and workout when you can. That time between thanksgiving and new years is about family and enjoying life and to not be a miserable prick lol. If you are doing what you are supposed to for the rest of the year then you can slack on the holidays.

So lets go!!!


Quote from: guest on 01/03/2017, 04:40 PMSorry to hear about your back problems!

I fell off the wagon for Thanksgiving and stayed off until Jan 1st.  In that time I put back on 25 lbs. Boggles the mind! I thought the daily pint of liquor would offset the 5 daily drive-thru upsized combo meals, but it seems they work in tandem.
I like to booze it up too! It took a looooooong time to master but now I can slam booze all day and not eat shit food at 1am. I remember walking downtown getting totally shit faced (I usually started the walk hammered) then finish off my night of 18+ beers with 4000 calories of the greasiest crap I could get my hands on. What really opened my eyes one day was I bought 3 burritos at 7-11 one night, when i woke the next morning I looked at the wrapper and EACH ONE WAS LIKE 1000 cals!!! So just that day alone I consumed 2 to 3 days worth of calories! Now I stay away from beer and no longer do the late night binge eating so it probably cut those calories to half!


Quote from: khyron65 on 01/03/2017, 05:28 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/03/2017, 04:40 PMSorry to hear about your back problems!

I fell off the wagon for Thanksgiving and stayed off until Jan 1st.  In that time I put back on 25 lbs. Boggles the mind! I thought the daily pint of liquor would offset the 5 daily drive-thru upsized combo meals, but it seems they work in tandem.
I like to booze it up too! It took a looooooong time to master but now I can slam booze all day and not eat shit food at 1am. I remember walking downtown getting totally shit faced (I usually started the walk hammered) then finish off my night of 18+ beers with 4000 calories of the greasiest crap I could get my hands on. What really opened my eyes one day was I bought 3 burritos at 7-11 one night, when i woke the next morning I looked at the wrapper and EACH ONE WAS LIKE 1000 cals!!! So just that day alone I consumed 2 to 3 days worth of calories! Now I stay away from beer and no longer do the late night binge eating so it probably cut those calories to half!
That was my weakness as well. I wouldn't eat much during the day, but after a few+ beers I'd be eating anything I could find in the kitchen. Now I've gotten into the habit of not drinking regularly and being more conscious of what I eat throughout the day. I keep track with an app on my phone called Lose It! and it's made a huge difference. It's easy to enter stuff because it has a barcode scanner built in and there's a huge searchable database.

My lunchtime walks are getting harder and harder to do though. Today it was 7 degrees out when I went for my walk. Still managed almost 3 miles though!



Understood. Stage #3 arriving soon.


Anyone still doing the challenge?  You guys are slippin'!

Well, I gained about 10lbs since the last challenge 3 months ago.  Time to get back on it.


Im still down for a challenge. I hope to emerge from my 2 month food cocoon and do some serious weight loss damage.


I am plateaued at same point, I think. I'll start another one. I forgot to reboot this, because, well...

...brain malfunction.


I dropped a bit of weight, plateaued, then around the holidays, I put on a little bit of the lost weight. Now I need to get my ass in gear and get back to it.



I'm still slowly plugging away. I've lost 40 lbs since October, but then I did something to my hip and this past week I've had to hobble everywhere. It's starting to feel better now and I'm hoping to get back into my routine.


Jesus, I keep forgetting about this.

I have plateaued for..Jesus...2-4 months now?

What's funny is I have to see if I remember the password for the account (fat bastard or something is the username?)


Quote from: esteban on 03/08/2017, 07:13 AMJesus, I keep forgetting about this.

I have plateaued for..Jesus...2-4 months now?

What's funny is I have to see if I remember the password for the account (fat bastard or something is the username?)
Plateaued for Jesus!




im down to do a challange. ive been slacking these past 3 months! Need to get back on it!!!


This thread has helped me stay motivated. I've lost about 45 lbs since October!


Quote from: guest on 03/17/2017, 11:15 AMThis thread has helped me stay motivated. I've lost about 45 lbs since October!
Holy Cripes!

That's awesome.


My back is almost %100 but my weight is still the same!!! What will it take to get me to lose weight!!!


Quote from: khyron65 on 03/20/2017, 05:53 PMMy back is almost %100 but my weight is still the same!!! What will it take to get me to lose weight!!!
For me, I've used a combination of things, so if I slack in one area, I can pick up in another and continue to lose weight.

Probably one of the biggest influences has been using a calorie/exercise tracking app on my phone. There are a bunch out there, but I've been using "Lose It!" It really helps keep me in check. And it's free. It's got a barcode scanner so makes adding food fairly painless. And it links to Runkeeper.

So that's probably my number 2 helpful app. I go out for a walk *every day*. It doesn't matter if it's below freezing or raining or the weekend, I make time to go for a walk. I started at 2 miles and, until I recently hurt my hip, I was up to 3.5 miles on average. Usually on my lunch break at work I can fit in a 2+ mile walk. And on weekends I tend to shoot for more. I try to get in a 5k or 10k every weekend.

My knees aren't a big fan of running, so I stick to walking.

Tying into that, I have a cheap pedometer attached to my belt. I try to get 10-15k steps in every day. My work offers a wellness program and I generate lots of points just by walking every day. Every month or so I earn enough points to cash in for a $25 Amazon code, which is pretty slick.

Finally, I workout with the old Xbox game, Yourself Fitness almost every day. Sometimes it's only 15 minutes and sometimes it's an hour. Afterwards, I've gotten into the habit of doing crunches, pushups, and some weight lifting.

I don't always get all of these things in every day, but as long as they're fairly consistent, I can guarantee I'll lose 2-3 lbs a week.

Now I'm pretty much at my target weight so I've shifted a bit from lots of exercise to finding a diet I enjoy and can maintain that doesn't go nuts on calories and doing more weight training. But slow and steady wins the race in my book. I don't want to push myself and end up quitting it all. :)

My wife has also started exercising more since I've started doing this, and my son likes to keep me company during the Yourself Fitness sessions and he comes up with his own exercises so I've been lucky to have a supportive family.

My main push was to get to a healthy weight for MGC, so I'm hopeful that it'll continue once MGC has passed. :P


Quote from: guest on 03/16/2017, 11:27 PM
Quote from: cr8zykuban0 on 03/16/2017, 10:39 PMim down to do a challange. ive been slacking these past 3 months! Need to get back on it!!!
I know man! it sucks. Kinda burnt myself out. I was doing so good going 4 to 5 days a week for a decent majority of 2016, then it got cold in vegas. Then i stayed inside and did some small workouts at home but its hot enough to go back hahah


Quote from: guest on 03/20/2017, 11:00 PM
Quote from: khyron65 on 03/20/2017, 05:53 PMMy back is almost %100 but my weight is still the same!!! What will it take to get me to lose weight!!!
For me, I've used a combination of things, so if I slack in one area, I can pick up in another and continue to lose weight.

Probably one of the biggest influences has been using a calorie/exercise tracking app on my phone. There are a bunch out there, but I've been using "Lose It!" It really helps keep me in check. And it's free. It's got a barcode scanner so makes adding food fairly painless. And it links to Runkeeper.

So that's probably my number 2 helpful app. I go out for a walk *every day*. It doesn't matter if it's below freezing or raining or the weekend, I make time to go for a walk. I started at 2 miles and, until I recently hurt my hip, I was up to 3.5 miles on average. Usually on my lunch break at work I can fit in a 2+ mile walk. And on weekends I tend to shoot for more. I try to get in a 5k or 10k every weekend.

My knees aren't a big fan of running, so I stick to walking.

Tying into that, I have a cheap pedometer attached to my belt. I try to get 10-15k steps in every day. My work offers a wellness program and I generate lots of points just by walking every day. Every month or so I earn enough points to cash in for a $25 Amazon code, which is pretty slick.

Finally, I workout with the old Xbox game, Yourself Fitness almost every day. Sometimes it's only 15 minutes and sometimes it's an hour. Afterwards, I've gotten into the habit of doing crunches, pushups, and some weight lifting.

I don't always get all of these things in every day, but as long as they're fairly consistent, I can guarantee I'll lose 2-3 lbs a week.

Now I'm pretty much at my target weight so I've shifted a bit from lots of exercise to finding a diet I enjoy and can maintain that doesn't go nuts on calories and doing more weight training. But slow and steady wins the race in my book. I don't want to push myself and end up quitting it all. :)

My wife has also started exercising more since I've started doing this, and my son likes to keep me company during the Yourself Fitness sessions and he comes up with his own exercises so I've been lucky to have a supportive family.

My main push was to get to a healthy weight for MGC, so I'm hopeful that it'll continue once MGC has passed. :P
Yourself Fitness is actually supposed to be quite a solid game in terms of the weight loss genre.  I used a copy as well for a couple months before I was able to get a membership and it has just the right amount of diversity and interactivity. 
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Quote from: guest on 03/21/2017, 02:46 PMYourself Fitness is actually supposed to be quite a solid game in terms of the weight loss genre.  I used a copy as well for a couple months before I was able to get a membership and it has just the right amount of diversity and interactivity. 
It's got its fair share of bugs, but I really dig it.

It mixes up the workout routines based on what equipment you have and what you want to focus on. You can tell it if you have hand weights, an exercise ball, heart rate monitor, etc., and if you want to focus on weight loss, upper body, lower body, core, etc. Then you can mix it up by changing the location and background music so it never feels like you're doing the same thing. And it introduces new and more challenging exercises the longer you use it.

I really wished they had come out with a revised version that fixed some of the bugs though.


Back to it, bruh! You can do it! :D Setbacks are setbacks, not failures. You don't fail until you are DickfaceTAS.

hey man! you are absolutely right! i need to stop being a little bitch and just DOOOOOOO IIIIIIT!!!!!!


Quote from: guest on 03/21/2017, 04:12 PMDamn. Now I kinda want an og Xbox.

I never dreamed I would say that.

Edit: Oh thank cheezits... this is on PS2 and Wii as well.
Lol, the OG Xbox rocks!

I didn't know it came out on the PS2 either. I might pick up a copy to see if it runs any better (though then I'd lose all the neat graphical data I've created on the Xbox...).

There's a newer version on the Xbox 360 but it uses the Kinect to watch you. Eff that.


checking in. Still no weight loss AND im going to get an MRI done on my shoulder now. I seperated it mountain biking many moons ago. I want to see if there is some non evasive procedure that I can get done while im somewhat young to make it a little better.

On a side note. I got a PVM this weekend. It has re ignited my turbo sickness. So im going to be on the hunt for games again. Soo much better to play them how they were intended!


Quote from: khyron65 on 04/17/2017, 03:24 PMOn a side note. I got a PVM this weekend. It has re ignited my turbo sickness. So im going to be on the hunt for games again. Soo much better to play them how they were intended!
Lol. While I love professional monitors, no one was designing games and expecting them to be played this way.


Yeah, MGC threw me off my rhythm too. I need to get back to it!


Quote from: crazydean on 04/17/2017, 04:48 PM
Quote from: khyron65 on 04/17/2017, 03:24 PMOn a side note. I got a PVM this weekend. It has re ignited my turbo sickness. So im going to be on the hunt for games again. Soo much better to play them how they were intended!
Lol. While I love professional monitors, no one was designing games and expecting them to be played this way.
I dont want to derail the weight loss thread but man, it is waaayyyyy better then playing on a modern tv. I suppose if i had a frammeister I could tweak it so it looks and plays satisfactory on modern tvs but i dont own enough retro consoles to justify the purchase. Alien Crush looked like a hot mess on new tvs. even with RGB mod and upscaler. Also the small size of the PVM is perfect till i get a house...If I ever get a house.

Also, didnt ride to work today or hit the gym :(