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Your Daily Dose of Gaming.

Started by Ninja Spirit, 07/15/2005, 01:03 AM

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Ninja Spirit

Y'all might know this breed of threads at other gaming forums as "Currently Playing/Daily Check" Threads. Post whatever you played for the day, or big accomplishments, brag about getting your new game or tell how great that underrated game you tried was.


Let's see here....Currently playing:

PC: Battlefield 2 (WAY fun)
PSP: Coded Arms, Midnight Club 3, Dead to Rights (renting all of them)

In the queue: Ys VII (PC)
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]


I haven't been doing much gaming the past month because I have been a bit busy. However the other day I spent some time playing Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu for TG16 and had a fun time making it all the way to that last level.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Well I have been playing, when I get a chance to, I been playing Gate of Thunder or Lords of Thunder.
A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


I've been trying to organize my PCE collection for the last week or so.  Popped in Vigilante and Lode Runner for a little bit.

But, the games I've been playing on and off for the last few months are:
Spikeout Battle Street
Virtua Fighter 4 FT (arcade)
Tekken 5
Resident Evil 4
Gradius 5
Tatsujin (PCE)

I tend to lose interest in the new games quickly these days.  Just can't bring myself to turn them on.  I was playing MGS3 for a while and just stopped.  Not because of lack of interest, but just don't feel like committing much time to it.  Same with RE4.  

I guess I have a short attention span. :)


Killer 7 (GCN), Meteos (NDS), World of Warcraft (PC), Psychonauts (XBX).

Ninja Spirit

Practiced PC Guilty Gear XX #Reload on my new laptop. Runs a whole lot better than it did on the desktop.

<<<<< Johnny, my avatar

Ninja Spirit

Taking a break from homework playing Guwange on MAME right now.


Turbo - Sapphire
Gamecube - Metroid Prime: Echos
Linux - Several betas of games that will be out soon


About the only game I play on a regular basis is RuneScape. :D
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


I was playing Sapphire, Dragon Slayer, Cosmic Fantasy 2, Valis 3 and Valkyrie Profile but I got Ys: Oath in Felghana like a week ago and I haven't even touched another game since. Really the job Falcom did on remaking 3 is just amazing. Its music is beyond awsome, its gameplay is an enhanced verison of 6, and they tweeked the story abit to fit in with the rest of the games. The game difficulty is also back with a vengence. Its about 10 times harder than the SNES verison on normal with a Hard, Nightmare, and recently released (from the lasest patch) Inferno mode. Hard is rough enough but Nightmare and Inferno will likely make me brake my moniter in frustration. Then again I don't have a controller for my PC so I'm using a keyboard.

I need to beat Ys on Nightmare so I can go back to playing those other games. That and I need to finish Dragon Force 2. I've still got a month before college starts up though so I should have the time.

Sorry about the off topic Ys rambling, but I just couldn't help myself. :oops:


Quote from: "Paladin"I was playing Sapphire, Dragon Slayer, Cosmic Fantasy 2, Valis 3 and Valkyrie Profile but I got Ys: Oath in Felghana like a week ago and I haven't even touched another game since. Really the job Falcom did on remaking 3 is just amazing. Its music is beyond awsome, its gameplay is an enhanced verison of 6, and they tweeked the story abit to fit in with the rest of the games. The game difficulty is also back with a vengence. Its about 10 times harder than the SNES verison on normal with a Hard, Nightmare, and recently released (from the lasest patch) Inferno mode. Hard is rough enough but Nightmare and Inferno will likely make me brake my moniter in frustration. Then again I don't have a controller for my PC so I'm using a keyboard.

I need to beat Ys on Nightmare so I can go back to playing those other games. That and I need to finish Dragon Force 2. I've still got a month before college starts up though so I should have the time.

Sorry about the off topic Ys rambling, but I just couldn't help myself. :oops:

Any word on a stateside release or a translation for this? Are you playing in Japanese?


Yeah I'm playing it in Japanese. So far no one I've heard has stated they are going to be fan translating it. Even if you have absolutely no knowledge of Japanese it doesn't hinder the game too much in terms of gameplay. There are already a couple FAQs out there and they get the job done.

As far as a stateside release I've heard that it might be ported to the PSP if Ark of Napishtim sells fairly well on it. Of course that is just people talking; it isn't official. I would rather see it ported to a console, but I'll take what I can get.

I should really make some screenshots, and, or movies to show off the game.


currently playing:

SMS: Shinobi, Wonderboy
Famicom: Formation Z

friendly competition with friends:
Apple ][: Lode Runner , Archon
(my friend still uses his Apple ][, not just for gaming, but as a word processor and has a dot matrix printer!!!)



I give major applause to your friend, Steve! Using an Apple ][ for necessary needs today is ultra hardcore! He must be a radical person.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Yeah, Apple II rox.  Your friend still get those ink ribbons for those old printers!?

Back on topic...

Recently been playing Kyuukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra) on PSP.  I don't even play PSP games anymore, just the PCE emulator.

Also beat Crest of Wolf (Riot Zone) for the first time over the weekend.  I used the cheesy rapid punch technique to kill the final boss in like 5 seconds.  :lol:

Ninja Spirit

I've been trying to find a K-Tiger MP3 of the first stage music (Break a Leg

Played lots of SF3 3rd Strike on PS2 with a few guys after school last night. I got a 10 win streak with Yun. Even got that funny but obnoxious "A! A! A! A! AAAAA!!!" cheer that those Japanese fighting game crowds like to do when they see Yun's big combo or any juggling combo.


this is the last month or so:

[.] Coded Arms [PSP] [ignore every review you have read]

[.] Rondo of Blood

[.] Ys Book 1&2 [first time ever! fucking virgin style!]

[.] Magician Lord [Neo]

[.] World Heroes 2 [Neo]

[.] Panzer Dragoon Zwei [Saturn]

[.] Phantom Dust [XBOX]

[.] Advent Rising [XBOX]

[.] Rise of the Kasai [PS2]

[.] Outbreak File #2 [PS2]
NEC n.(en•E•shee)


Capcom Classic Collection

Been trying to finsh Ghost'N Goblins it's driveing me crazy :x
Wii U:Progearspec


I just got Shape Shifter and Forgotten worlds this week so i've been playing a lot of those. Shape Shifter is a really underrated game. A little too hard for my liking but still pretty unique and well done. Forgotten Worlds is great too, a big improvement on the genesis version. Just beat it today on easy, now i'll have to try out normal and hard. Excellent soundtrack as well.


Just beat Bionic Commando.  Still an awesome game after all these years. :)

I can always remember the first time I beat the game.  I was at a friend's house and we played like all afternoon.  We were determined to beat it.  The coolest thing about it was during the ending sequence, there's a picture shown with a date on it.  That happened to be the exact date we beat it!  My friend was underwhelmed by the coincidence when I mentioned it.  However, for some reason it stuck with me, because to me, it seemed like it was me and my friend in that picture and not the characters from the game.

That had to be one of the most memorable gaming moments of my life all because of that date.

Ninja Spirit

April 7, 1989.

Yeah I first learned to beat the game around that time too. I was like 7 years old in the first grade and Bionic Commando was my first really tough game that I mastered.

Played Gun.smoke (NES) last night. Almost got game rage on the final battle with Wingate. It's his goons distracting me to death.


Quote from: "akamichi"Yeah, Apple II rox.  Your friend still get those ink ribbons for those old printers!?
Believe or not, yes! As late as 2000 (probably to this day), many places were still using dot matrix printers (i.e. older pharmacies, video rental places, etc.) so you can still buy supplies. Granted,it's a limited selection (I don't know if you can get color)... we used to work at a pharmacy and he would "borrow" office supplies...

He recently told me that I could probably still get some printer ribbon for my old DAISYWHEEL printer (attached to an old Brother word processor).  Here's how cutting-edge Daisywheel technology works:  Say you have a few words in a letter that you have italicized. To type in italics, the printer would pause, then you'd have to manually switch the typewriter head thingie, press a button for printing to resume and it would type out the italic words, then it would pause again, waiting for you to swap the typewriter head thingie again. Even if you didn't have fancy font effects, it would take a long time to print a page. A LONG TIME :)

Anyway, I've been playing some famicom games:

Balloon Fight (famicom) -- I never get sick of this game. it's been my "wind down and relax / relieve stress" game for many, many months now.

Joust (2600) -- ditto. nice relaxing game when you get into a groove.

that's it...


I recently bought a PC-FX plus five games off of ElSeven, so I have been enjoying that for the past few nights.

Battle Heat - Very awesome idea for a game and now I am getting the hang of the controls and enjoying it much more now. It's really incredible.

Team Innocent - Wasn't impressed at first really mainly because the controls were hard to get used to, but after getting used to them I enjoy the game much more now and it has great atmosphere. Most people won't agree with me here, but I love the graphic style myself! I think it's going to be the style I use for a game I have in mind to make for the PC-FX.

Yuna FX - I haven't played much of this game, but the previous owner of the PC-FX appearently played quite a lot of it and unlucked all of the mini games, so I played with those which were a nice addition to the game. The story mode of the game seems cool too, but I probably won't try playing through this game in awhile. Oh yeah and the omake mode was pretty nice; better than I thought!

Der Langrisser FX - Haven't played much of it, but seems to be a pretty decent strategy game in with a style mixed between Millitary Madness and Shining Force, which I both enjoy. I'll play more of this game some other time, but if I ever get Farland Story FX, I'll probably be playing that one more since it's more linear. (The PC-98 ones are great)

Last Imperial Prince - Ahh, this game is excellent! I love platform RPGs, but this one is a little different. It's not so platformer-ish when it comes to the battles; instead the battles are kind of turn-based in a way but still play like a platformer. Also the graphics are very nice with tons of color and awesome parallax. I love it, and I can seem to understand the story well even without speaking a lick of Japanese-a!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I've been on a (mostly) fighting game tear the past 4 weeks... picked up:

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES)
Street Fighter Zero 3 (Saturn)
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (Saturn)
Eternal Champions (SegaCD) (finally got around to getting it... haha)
D-Xhird (Saturn)
Dead or Alive Ultimate (XBox)
KOF 2002 + 2003 (XBox)
SNK vs Capcom (XBox)
Capcom vs SNK 2 EO (XBox)
Capcom Fighting Evolution (PS2)

Shinobi Legions (Saturn)
Metal Slug 3 + 4 (XBox)
Shining Force Neo (PS2)
Digital Devil Saga 2 (PS2)
Trizeal (Dreamcast)
Capcom Classics (PS2)

Winter Heat (Saturn)
Virtua Tennis (PSP)
NBA 2K6 (XBox)

Now, my problem is finding the time to play everything!!!!!  :shock:


Quote from: "Keranu"I recently bought a PC-FX plus five games off of ElSeven, so I have been enjoying that for the past few nights.

Congrats on the PC-FX!  :D


Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Finally finsh Ghost'NGoblins :D  on CCC playing Legendary Wings now.
Wii U:Progearspec


Been putting in hours on Art of Fighting and Last Blade 2 and Magican Lord MVS.
Prob hit OutRun here in a bit on my Genesis.


Went back to my NeoGeo again.

Any ways been playing these two games.

Aero Fighters 2
Samurai Shodown 2

I'll probably take out the, SS2 once, Bust a Move gets here :wink:
Wii U:Progearspec


Guitar Hero, my friends...GUITAR HERO!

Best game I've played all year, without a doubt.


Quote from: "Tron"Went back to my NeoGeo again.

Any ways been playing these two games.

Aero Fighters 2
Samurai Shodown 2

I'll probably take out the, SS2 once, Bust a Move gets here :wink:
Hahaha. I played a lot of Aero Fighters 2 yesterday... but at the laundromat! They have Metal Slug 5 as well as Raiden 2...


P.S. I'm re-doing my kitchen, so I can't use the washer/dryer/dishwasher/stove... I can't wait until things return to normal, but I'm gonna miss going to the laundromat (never thought I'd ever say that).


This pizza place near me used to have a 3-slot with Top Players Golf, King of the Monsters, and World Heroes (2 I think). Yeah not such great games hehe, that's why I would go to this arcade in the Mexican neighborhood instead which was loaded with KoFs.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "Keranu"This pizza place near me used to have a 3-slot
What? There is no 3 slot there's only a 1 slot,2 slot,4 slot and a 6 slots MVS boards.
Wii U:Progearspec


prob means a 4 slot running 3 games.It happens alot around here where I live.Most vendors place a 4 slot on a location with a puzzle game,fighting game,and a shooter.they typically leave the forth slot blank.


Quote from: "PCEngineHell"prob means a 4 slot running 3 games.It happens alot around here where I live.Most vendors place a 4 slot on a location with a puzzle game,fighting game,and a shooter.they typically leave the forth slot blank.
That's what i thought some times i've seen, 4 slots that are broken with only the other 3 just working.
Wii U:Progearspec


Traded in Blazing Star to a local arcade vendor for Cyber Lip,World Hereos,and Burning Fight,and some mvs boxes,and mini inserts,and a FF2 move list sticker for a cab,so I could place it on my arcade stick supergun. So basically I have been playing World Hereos today.
I put in plenty of hours into part 2,but never owned 1 on NeoGeo untill today. Id have to say now more then ever the Snes port by Sunsoft was a let down. This si still a really good fighter to me even now,since 1992 it hold well amongst my other games. For 1992 I def like it more the SF 2 World Warrior for that matter.And I like some of the stages in part 1 way more then in part 2.Just really nice all around for such a old game.
Whats really nice is,Ill pay like 26-27 bucks for soemthing liek Blazing Star,and around here,the local vendors love to get ahold of shooters,but are clueless as to what all was on Neo,so they will give 2-3 carts,depending on the game,along with extra stuff like inserts to other games you might need,just to get a new shooter for a 4 slot,somthing besides Metal Slug and Aero Fighters 2.Its really funny and sad at the same time.If i would have tried to buy all this stuff I got today for Blazing Star,Id have spent well into 50 bucks on ebay,but thanks to good all cheap Blazing Star as a barter item,I can save time and money hunting down older MVS carts.I didnt think I was going to get another CyberLip so easily,esp with the marquee insert.
Prob order a couple more Blazings just to trade in again.


Quote from: "PCEngineHell"Traded in Blazing Star to a local arcade vendor for Cyber Lip,World Hereos,and Burning Fight,and some mvs boxes,and mini inserts,and a FF2 move list sticker for a cab,so I could place it on my arcade stick supergun.So basically I have been playing World Hereos today.
I put in plenty of hours into part 2,but never owned 1 on NeoGeo untill today.Id have to say now more then ever the Snes port by Sunsoft was a let down.This si still a really good fighter to me even now,since 1992 it hold well amongst my other games.For 1992 I def like it more the SF 2 World Warrior for that matter.And I like some of the stages in part 1 way more then in part 2.Just really nice all around for such a old game.
Whats really nice is,Ill pay like 26-27 bucks for soemthing liek Blazing Star,and around here,the local vendors love to get ahold of shooters,but are clueless as to what all was on Neo,so they will give 2-3 carts,depending on the game,along with extra stuff like inserts to other games you might need,just to get a new shooter for a 4 slot,somthing besides Metal Slug and Aero Fighters 2.Its really funny and sad at the same time.If i would have tried to buy all this stuff I got today for Blazing Star,Id have spent well into 50 bucks on ebay,but thanks to good all cheap Blazing Star as a barter item,I can save time and money hunting down older MVS carts.I didnt think I was going to get another CyberLip so easily,esp with the marquee insert.
Prob order a couple more Blazings just to trade in again.
Can't say i buy used mvs carts.. too much any more on ebay.

These days i perfer to use, neo-geo.com "selling forum" to get what i want plus i know who am dealing with :D
Wii U:Progearspec


I just sold my arcade Neo Geo but I kept my copy of Blazing Star out of it incase I build supergun at some later date.   Personally Blazing Star is my favorite shooter of all time, it just sucks my high scores are on my old arcade cabinet (I'm gonna miss seeing SIR HUNG and BALLZDEEP on the high score table).


HAHAHAHA! SIR HUNG and BALLZDEEP! Classic! I can't remember if you could even type score names that long in that game! I'm gonna have to think of some good ones next time I play.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I love Blazing Star also,but its a easy buy on ebay these days.
It i swithout a doubt one of the best shooters of all time for me eitherway it goes.And it stomps the fuck out of Aero Fighters series.


Haha yeah Keranu you can type like 10 or 12 characters, it's hilarious too because I had mine at a game store (made a whopping $5 a week in qaurters off of it, woo yeah!) and it would flash SIR HUNG all huge on the attract screen since I had the top score and NO ONE could ever beat.  Many tried, all failed.


Quote from: "GUTS"Haha yeah Keranu you can type like 10 or 12 characters, it's hilarious too because I had mine at a game store (made a whopping $5 a week in qaurters off of it, woo yeah!) and it would flash SIR HUNG all huge on the attract screen since I had the top score and NO ONE could ever beat.  Many tried, all failed.
Awesome :)


HAHAHAHA! I wouldn't be able to control my laughing if I saw that in real life, with customers checking out the screen and all. You should have tried writing something really long on the score list by writing parts of the sentence in each score rank so it would look something like:

 #3 LIKE A
 #6 OFF
 #7 ...
 #8 ...
 #9 ...
 #10 ..."
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "GUTS"I just sold my arcade Neo Geo but I kept my copy of Blazing Star out of it incase I build supergun at some later date.   Personally Blazing Star is my favorite shooter of all time, it just sucks my high scores are on my old arcade cabinet (I'm gonna miss seeing SIR HUNG and BALLZDEEP on the high score table).
Blazeing Star is good but it's a little too easy if you ask me.

Any ways my favorites shmups on the Neo so far.

1st Pulstar
2nd Viewpoint hard but great music.
3rd Last Resort
4th Strikers 1945 Plus best WWII shooter on the Neo barnone!
5th Aero Fighters 2
6th Blazeing Star

Btw no thoughts on, Aero Fighters 3 i need a kit of that still.
Wii U:Progearspec


Aero Fighters sucks ass.Im tired of everyone hyperboling Aero Fighters 1-3.If Im going to play a vertical shooter,its going to be GigaWing 1-2,Ikruga,Raiden,Radient Silvergun,1942-3-XX,and a whole slew of others done way way better.Aero Fighters is to shooters what Ninja Combat is to beat-em ups,except ADK knew not to release another Ninja Combat thank god.

Ninja Spirit

Just beat Megaman 4 in Navi mode on Megaman Anniversary Collection (PS2) to hear the remixed music. I typed this post right after I put the last hit on Wily.

Had several funny moments.

I double KO'ed with Bright Man and final Wily.

The game let me pass when I DKO'ed with Bright Man in the Skull Castle boss chamber room but as for Wily, it didn't let me get away with it this time. :D


Last Blade
Blazeing Star/Feel like seeing how high a score i can get on it.

Parodius Da! Deluxe Pack
Wii U:Progearspec


Samurai Shodown 2 alot late last nite.
 I am waiting for 4 mvs carts that are supposed to arrive this week,Metal SLug X,Blazing Star again lol,Real Bout Fatal Fury,and Art of Fighting 3.
For Genesis Im waiting for Splatterhouse 2 and Double Dragon to arrive.
WHne all this stuff gets in Ill play alot of it Im sure.


I picked up Kenshin Dragon Quest the other day.  Played it only for about an hour so far.  Pretty fun considering the controls.  If you've never heard of it, it's a self-enclosed unit that connects directly to your TV like those shady NES/N64 controllers.  But this uses some kind of motion detection technology.  Basically you stand in front of the TV swinging the sword controller and just wreaking havoc on all the slimes and skeletons that cross your path.

Even though all you do is swing the sword to play, there's a number of things you can do.  By holding the sword in front of you,  you can block attacks (a transparent shield appears on the screen).  It's also possible to cast magic by holding the sword close to the game unit which calls up a magic window where you can select magic.

Overall, it's seems to be a simple game, but it's just fun (and funny) trying to slash everything in sight.