10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Idiot of the month March 2018

Started by ClodBusted, 03/09/2018, 04:11 AM

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I find this smiley funny. Never noticed it before. Mouse-hover for revealing the funny alt-text:


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!

Psycho Punch

This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


I didn't even realize shoutbox censorship was a thing. 
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


It's less censorship and more anti-spam.  There's a few jackholes that think it's cute to spam their piece of shit site over and over again, which wouldn't be so annoying if they actually chatted and did more than spam and bitch.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: seieienbu on 03/09/2018, 02:21 PMI didn't even realize shoutbox censorship was a thing.
It isn't, abusive DoxPhile spam was deleted or edited. Now it's automatically edited script-wise. You have at least 4 clowns from DoxPhile DildoPhile . com that only saw the opportunity for spamming it when I set up the shoutbox.

I didn't go through all the trouble to set it up, spend work hours fixing bugs or other improvements, just so that it could become another platform for Psycho Nulltard/Bullity/Insanity/Doxxity and his merry gang of clown jobs to constantly spam that failed, dead site, a spam joke that is apparently still amusing to them even after the 20th/30th time. I don't have to tolerate it, it borders on harassment now, and I'm not going to.


Quote from: NecroPhile on 03/09/2018, 03:12 PMIt's less censorship and more anti-spam.
I agree. Sorry for calling it censorship in the poll.


I voted USB. If USB-C was on there, a horribly failed attempt to fix this issue, I'd vote for that one.

I read a thing once that said that the designers of the USB jack were particularly aware of the OG GB link port connector and took some inspiration from it (because DINs and DBs are very fragile and picky). They kinda fucked up though because the GB had a obvious directionality to it (as do DINs and DBs) and the USB connector has none.


I voted USB too - real world bad design, even though I know that the PCEFX Idiot of the Month is really "print is forever".


Oh, that actually makes the chat better.  If I go back to try to read the messages over the past hour it's a pain to get dragged down to the bottom only to read DoxPhile nonsense spam and then have to find my place again.

Thanks Nightwolve.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


I didn't go with deletion as you seem to have thought, I went with training DildoPhilers into deterrence so when they spam "DuoPhile," it instead randomly produces "I love PC EngineFX.com! I cannot lie!" or "Make PCEFX Great Again! Build a wall to keep Disturbed DoxPhilers out AND make THEM pay for it!!!," sentences they'd prefer not to say obviously.

They got jokes, we got jokes too! 2nd one was NecroPhile's idea so I added it. Sure, like immature manchildren being told to knock it off and instead deciding to up the efforts 10x times more for continued needling/irritation/abusiveness, they'd feverishly try rewrites to avoid it like "du0ph1le" or whatever, but they'll never get to type it normally again and when I do see it, I can just edit it to "DildoPhile.com" anytime.


I just want to say that I have no idea what DoxPhile is or who it is or what the shit any of you are talking about. I hear "DoxPhile" menioned here all the time but there's never enough context in the post to deduce WTF it/they is/are.


No loss Zeta, don't bother looking into it any further then.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/09/2018, 07:54 PMI just want to say that I have no idea what DoxPhile is or who it is or what the shit any of you are talking about. I hear "DoxPhile" menioned here all the time but there's never enough context in the post to deduce WTF it/they is/are.
It's the name of the JO crystal charging club that many forum posters here are contributing members of.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: CrackTiger on 03/09/2018, 09:23 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/09/2018, 07:54 PMI just want to say that I have no idea what DoxPhile is or who it is or what the shit any of you are talking about. I hear "DoxPhile" menioned here all the time but there's never enough context in the post to deduce WTF it/they is/are.
It's the name of the JO crystal charging club that many forum posters here are contributing members of.
Yeah, I missed the crystal thing too.


DoxPhile is great and I love Nulltard.

The end.


Nulltard was kind enough to ship me a crystal when I bought a Turbo Express from him.  He informed me that it was fully charged.  Thanks, Null!

I like the stuff that's scanned on DoxPhile.  I don't like the pointless spam in the shoutbox.  I figure most people are likely to know about it and don't need it spammed every 30 seconds to increase awareness.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


I would read the stuff around the checkbox but my eyesight is failing me.

...from charging my crystal, you see.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93

Psycho Punch

Am I officially a DoxPhilensis non grata yet? It's the price you pay for freshly charged crystals I guess.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


DoxPhile is harmless, and I got some good friends over there (sirhc, gredler, etc)

Besides, null got me a summer internship charging crystals for the DoxPhile servers. Pay is good too

Psycho Punch

Welp I'm done with PCEFX for a while, thanks NightWolve!
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: Psycho Punch on 03/11/2018, 02:35 PMWelp I'm done with PCEFX for a while, thanks NightWolve!
Since you and the gang kept spamming the greatness of DildoPhile . com so much, hey, just stay there for a while then! Good idea, Punch! Thank you too, take care!



So they're just like some high school glee club that won't STFU? That's weird. It seems harmless but then I haven't really noticed any of it.

I've never been to the forum. I don't plan on it unless this one goes away. I don't see any point in spreading out what little quality PCE conversation takes place in English.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/11/2018, 06:43 PMSo they’re just like some high school glee club that won’t STFU? That’s weird. It seems harmless but then I haven’t really noticed any of it.

I’ve never been to the forum. I don’t plan on it unless this one goes away. I don’t see any point in spreading out what little quality PCE conversation takes place in English.
That's a good way of putting it. It's a separatist tribe or gang of them, loyal to Nulltard and his dildophile... But I've gotten tired of their "us, as underdogs" v. "them, the big, bad PCEFXers" narrative to it, and in this case, they deliberately wanted to get on my nerves, shit they wouldn't pull in Aaron's face or if he was busy in the chatroom working on it himself, "But hey, it's just NW, let's fuck with him and we can spam what we want, when we want, however many times we want!"

Objectively, null's DildoPhilic spam job (the whole thing, his years here, his thread, etc.) and by his monkey-see/do loyalist gang was hoping to harvest out/steal some of Aaron's membership from behind his back, except it failed, and now it's just a bitter joke that won't shut up... A Ron Jeremy video, some scans, isn't gonna make a difference...and burning bridges to where I and others don't ever wanna f*cking hear about their damn dead site again most assuredly isn't going to help...

I've seen cases where it succeeded so it's not really that much of a joke to me, e.g. Seldane and his Ancient Land of Ys forum (it's mostly dead now, happy to say) here: seldane.proboards.com. He was my own Russian spambot "Nulltard" curse on Retro ISO Gaming Guild (rigg.servegame.com) and later nick.serveblog.net. One day, I took a look at his post history, 25% of it was just him, "Hey look, here's more discussion at: seldane.proboards.com." Unfortunately, it was much too late by then to have identified him for the parasite that he was...

I was lax, I didn't pay attention until my forum was dying, I questioned some people who left mine after his spamming and realized a significant purpose in him maintaining forum presence was to strategically and manipulatively wait for chances to spampost his website in an actual post, beyond normal marketing in a signature...

When the colluding, criminal XSEED C0ck-Flasher (AKA Jeff Nussbaum) rage quit his forum, compared him to the troll that leaked our Felghana software, Seldane totally deleted all his posts AND also attacked me for the first time! That's what I got for my troubles, he stole some of my forum membership, I even uploaded Ys IV once to him and his final spiteful gift was trashing me, plus one other vindictive act to please Tom-chan Lipschultz, before eventually quitting the forum himself...

Mind you, I'm not comparing the character of Seldane and Nulltard beyond the spamming, I'm pointing out some history as to why I don't really appreciate these objective forum thievery actions because they can be successful... I have another example at "The Next Level" forums and how it split off to "Got Next" where a faction and its head used bad behavior to justify it, etc. I've seen 2 cases really, my own and that one, but I've already written much, so I'll spare details.

Now, do I think Nulltard would weep for PCEFX if all that spamming raised his forum activity 80% and ours dropped to 20% ? No, I don't. But it's a failed joke, he knows it, we know it, he can just hope Aaron one day shuts down and given the aggressive, abusive spamming, bordering on harassment, we'll know of one PCE forum option as replacement, his, except I ain't going there again after the shit his gang of clown jobs pulled here!

Any time I wasted having to call this shit out is time I would rather have spent on improvement ideas for the chatbox! I'll be damned if I was gonna let them somehow turn something I worked hard on become their personal spam dump for that failed f*cking forum! I don't know how many times, how many ways, you can transmit the same message for them to understand they need to f*ck off with it!


I once saw similar things happening at classic-zone.de retro gaming forum roughly ten years ago. One or two guys started an argument with the administration team for pretty stupid things, then created their own forum circuit-board.de and began advertising it heavily via both posts as well as PM to entice Classic Zone members away. They also stole content from the console modding section of Classic Zone, not just text but also photos and schematics.

Classic Zone has been closed down for some years now. Sad.


DoxPhile, almost in-spite of it's terrible name, is a pretty rad place to check out turbob stuff. I like the scans and the gaggle of goons that hang there are pretty cool. I think the usual spamming of the site here is usually in jest or self mockery of itself honestly. Nulltard is a cool guy.

Much love!
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 03/12/2018, 01:04 PMDoxPhile, almost in-spite of it's terrible name, is a pretty rad place to check out turbob stuff. I like the scans and the gaggle of goons that hang there are pretty cool. I think the usual spamming of the site here is usually in jest or self mockery of itself honestly. Nulltard is a cool guy.

Much love!


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 03/12/2018, 01:04 PMDoxPhile, almost in-spite of it's terrible name, is a pretty rad place to check out turbob stuff. I like the scans and the gaggle of goons that hang there are pretty cool. I think the usual spamming of the site here is usually in jest or self mockery of itself honestly. Nulltard is a cool guy.

Much love!
Yeah, I'm technically a mod there. I like this post, Josh. I hope y'all work it out, Nulltard and NW, there aren't too many of us PCEFX'ers around anymore, and I'm just stoked shoutbox is back and to have the shop set up again here on PCEFX!



(imho,) the incessant, ranting walls of text are way more obnoxious than the DoxPhile spam... at least DoxPhile is lighthearted and not to be taken seriously.
how about you all just shut the fuck up and talk about something other than websites?


Quote from: cabbage on 03/13/2018, 09:48 AM(imho,) the incessant, ranting walls of text are way more obnoxious than the DoxPhile spam... at least DoxPhile is lighthearted and not to be taken seriously.
how about you all just shut the fuck up and talk about something other than websites?
Spoken like yet another DildoPhile spammer, why am I not shocked at that ?


FYI, if DildoPhile spammers had STFU a week ago, we wouldn't be having this quarrel in Fighting Street. It's not THAT hard if you're not a petty, spiteful trollbag, but here we are!

And it's easy for Nulltard/bullity to be lighthearted over there because he doesn't have troll gangs trying to get under his skin, he hardly has ANY membership (hence his aggressive spam BS), so I don't buy that bullshit either!

I'm not interested in the efforts to save the reputation of the actual site, their relentless, spiteful spam jobs carried out by 4 of them in the chatbox last ~2 weeks is what needed to stop! Period. F*ck off with the excuses or complaints about "walls of text" because you can barely string a few words together yourself...


Wow, you sure called me out, Darkko! My bad!


Quote from: NightWolve on 03/13/2018, 02:47 PMWow, you sure called me out, Darkko! My bad!
What? I'm agreeing with you! Down with DoxPhile spammers!
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Cabage doesn't have the Energy to spam adverts for the phile


C'mon, man, read for context.  The first is (jokingly) trying to get rid of ninnypants and the second is making fun of DoxPhilers.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: Gredler on 03/13/2018, 03:38 PMCabage doesn't have the Energy to spam adverts for the phile
Cabbage is low energy. #SAD!
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: NecroPhile on 03/13/2018, 03:42 PMC'mon, man, read for context.  The first is (jokingly) trying to get rid of ninnypants and the second is making fun of DoxPhilers.
Where is the smiley where I evilly point up at this quote with a grin


I just want it to be known that the band of DildoPhilers DoxPhilers that are planning to take down PCEFX prefer to be called either Phile Masons or Duominati.  First PCEFX... then the world!
"You CAN'T prove Nulltard/DoxPhile caused ANY harm/damage/sabotage to PCEFX!! You have NO evidence he poached ANY members for his own failed PC Engine forum/site or was a conniving destructive saboteur! ZERO, ZIP, NADA!!! Nulltard did nothing wrong!"



Quote from: Desh on 03/13/2018, 04:51 PMI just want it to be known that the band of DildoPhilers DoxPhilers that are planning to take down PCEFX prefer to be called either Phile Masons or Duominati.  First PCEFX... then the world!
We have meetings. Desh makes great cookies.
For a good time with the legendary DarkKobold, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Yay, solidarity with DoxPhile DildoPhile . com!!! Yay!!! All the cool kids hang there AND we got all the free dildos to help recharge your JO crystal unlike those jerks at PCEFX!! We got your back Nulltard and will excuse any spam harassment, trolling, etc. don't worry!! DildoPhiler shills back each other up, WORD!


Sorry Nightwolve, I don't plan to stop using DoxPhile anytime soon. I've always felt welcome there and I've bolstered some of my pcefx relationships. Of course, I still come here regularly. Am I supposed to pick "the ethical side"?


That's a disingenuous premise you put forth, this is PCEFX for PCEFX members, and I'm tired of the divisive DildoPhile spam gang these last ~2 weeks harassing the chatbox I installed/upgraded with said spam...

Nully is a mostly failed forum-thief, this is fact, and his actions inherently were about siphoning off membership from this PCE forum onto his PCE forum (from day one). As I said, none of the shit they pulled in the chatbox would've been done in Aaron's face...

Anyway, I just wanted the spam troll game to stop, what outside forums you visit isn't really my concern/business, is it ?


I love the shoutbox, and am so glad you took the time to generously create it and manage it for us - thanks NightWolve! But DoxPhile is it's own thing that can exist in conjunction to PCEFX. No one is going to dethrone PCEFX, and no one is trying to. I think this molehill has been blown up enough, for goodness sake it's all just different ways that we have to communicate with eachother about the PCE which we all love! This in-fighting is ridiculous, and completely unnecessary.


See above, his premise is disingenuous. We know that Nulltard is mostly a failed forum-thief, doesn't mean it should be ignored, and doesn't mean he can have a divisive spam gang bombard the chatbox almost daily for ~2 weeks amongst 3-4 of his buddies alternating the spamming...


NW if you honestly think Nulltard has/is trying to rob forum members I recommend trying one of the following: Risperdal, Clozaril, Seroquel, or Geodon.

Every single person that is a member there is a member here and don't plan on leaving either site.  It's obviously more light hearted and any "spamming" is typically making fun of DoxPhile itself/ perpetuating that DoxPhile itself is a joke.  The chat over there was created as an additional option to communicate in real time.  Also, the scans and such are very cool and as a fan of PCE/TG if you can't appreciate the effort put forth to digitally preserve all of that stuff then it's kind of a shitty way of thinking.

I don't visit here (or DoxPhile) as much these days because life and mostly being away from home for my kids' sports, etc.  When I saw chat box for the first time I thought it was cool that THIS forum now had an option to communicate in real time.  Kudos to you for putting it together and running it.  I think everyone, including dildophilers, appreciate the effort.  However, you're blowing this way out of proportion.  Perhaps you somehow take this all personal for some reason?  If Null was truly trying to shut this place down I'm surprised he hasn't already made wall of text posts complaining the chat box itself is robbing DoxPhile of it's 5 members.
"You CAN'T prove Nulltard/DoxPhile caused ANY harm/damage/sabotage to PCEFX!! You have NO evidence he poached ANY members for his own failed PC Engine forum/site or was a conniving destructive saboteur! ZERO, ZIP, NADA!!! Nulltard did nothing wrong!"


So basically, you admit you're ignorant, you weren't here, didn't see his spam gang in action the last ~2 weeks, so "I imagined the whole thing," and "I must be blowing this way out of proportion." and yet you smear me with a meds joke, parroting Nulltard ?

Nope, sorry! Just because Nulltard is your friend, doesn't mean you get to lie about what happened in his defense, try to minimize it and keep pointing to the greatness of DildoPhile in the process as further spam for something I'm tired of hearing about. With that bias, you should've recused yourself like others here.

Quote from: NecroPhile on 03/09/2018, 03:12 PMIt's less censorship and more anti-spam.  There's a few jackholes that think it's cute to spam their piece of shit site over and over again, which wouldn't be so annoying if they actually chatted and did more than spam and bitch.
Did NecroPhile imagine it ? No!

So, let's recap this for you.

* Nully, sirsuckman, Punch and DK all took part in collectively spamming DildoPhile.com in the chatbox as soon as it went up, Nulltard was the first as far as I know.

* sirsuckman was the nastiness spiteful troll of them to start, Nulltard has now topped him though. He was the first to play the "What about XSEED?" card, something personal, after I kept preprending & appending "RIP..." to his spam so it'd become "RIP DildoPhile.com... RIP..." "What about XSEED?" was essentially trying to use a kryptonite of mine, something that cuts deep, something to hurt and dispirit me with, etc. That MADE it personal! THEN, Nulltard copycatted that attack, and so did DK, so 3 of the 4 played the XSEED card.

* After all the text spamming, RIGHT as I got image embedding to work, sirsuckman showed up and found an image of DildoPhile.com, and spammed it. I didn't feel like rewriting RIP in that, I just deleted it. Then, when NecroPhile came later, suckman commented that "I'm deleting posts" to play the mod abuse card, when the abuse was his SPAM, in direct violation of Aaron's own rules! That is how the censorship comment made it to Clod's poll here.

* Punch and DK rolled in towards the tail end of this, I saw DK spam it with nully, and by himself, after I did the rewrite scripts where any time they spammed it, I no longer had to edit it, it would produce a joke text instead, this was option #2.

* Nulltard spammed it the most, 2nd to sirsuckman, and DK & Punch the least I would say, in this gang of ~4.

Got the picture so far or you need further help before sticking your face further in this and making final judgements on me like you know what the f*ck you're talking about ? This occurred almost every day, not sure I can say "every day" point blank, but ALMOST daily.

Now, as to Nulltard objectively being a forum-thief, are you REALLY gonna sit there and claim he didn't harvest any members over years with his spamming ? Are you really gonna try to pass that lie off ?

He has, but is he a great threat ? I already repeatedly said he's mostly a FAILED forum-thief since you can't read! Doesn't mean he gained 100 in membership from here, doesn't mean 0 either! That is not something I can count/measure nor would try!

I don't care about the details about that, how much, how little, so LISTEN TO EXACTLY WHAT I SAY on this point: I JUST want his spamming bullshit to STOP! End of the f*cking story, so STOP trying to make excuses, minimize it, or otherwise outright lie about it, fling insults declaring me in the wrong, and him/his gang in the right, etc. because he's your JO crystal-recharging dude-bro! F*ck that!

That chatbox was NOT set up to be his and his gang's almost daily personal spam dump for DildoPhile.com, that is the ONLY takeaway message here!

Got it ? Good!


NW, you're an admin right? If you think we DoxPhilers are so toxic and dangerous, can't you just ban us from the chatbox?


Another false premise, where did I use the word dangerous ? Who's blowing this out of proportion ? Divisive, sure. ANNOYING AS ALL F#CK, sure!


pls dont ban me I want to chat in both rooms