2/13/2025: Localization News - Cosmic Fantasy 3-4!

Rather earth-shattering news in the PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 community: Cosmic Fantasy 3 & 4 has been officially localized to English by Edia 30 years later for the Switch! Hard to believe! I know their script quality is poor given the 1&2 port but still good to see.
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I'm alive...

Started by Dicer, 05/09/2018, 05:35 PM

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Hey Folks.

I'm here just not all there.

Lets see what good Ole Dicer has been up to.

I got kicked outta my Aunts due to her mental insanity, and well, Mass get's cold I didn't even get to mail out a game and felt like shit, so I kinda faded off the interwebz while this was going on.
I managed to get just enough to make a move I now am in San Diego...always wanted to come to Cali, and I finally made it with .39 to spare when I bought the ticket., woo-hoo
I had some pay-pal credit and used that to stay at a hostel for a little bit, figured I'd grab a job and all would be well...not so easy the job market out here SUCKS, esp with the gap in my employment.
I made the bad choice of "hey I'm having fun out here, my depression must be gone" and stopped my meds, once the party ended (Hostel and foreign girls was a GOOD thing) the depression hit like a brick...
I almost ended it, but I turned myself into a hospital spent a week in a psuych ward (fun) then got sent to a "crisis house" basically a place to reset and chill for a bit, making sure you are getting better.
Form there I was refered to a shelter (most people gotta wait many weeks) and I've been there since, trying to get assistance and still trying to get some sort of work, really need a state ID, sent off for my birth cert but I never got it, so I need to do that again. Been on meds for my Blood clot they found before I moved (Lovenox is not fun) that shit pretty much sorted out.

Now the best most funnest part:

I was sleeping one night, and a wonderfully polite Brown Recluse decided to give me a nibble...didn't even feel it. Woke up had a little spot on my leg, that grew into a large pink/red spot, went to get it looked at. they gave m antibiotics and sent me back, over that night it went from pink/red to Blue/Black and I couldn't walk on it. Needless to say went back and spent a week in the hospital because the bite caused sepsis of the blood.
That was super duper fun, but I get to keep the leg and the area is mostly healed, luckily it didn't spilt open or anything uber gross.

So, I am alive my OBEY is packed away across the country, and soon as I get a stable place I'll have it shipped over...hopefully (Mental case family holding all my stuff)

I'm broke AF. but I get 3 hots and a decent bunk, so it could totally be worse.

I have a GF out here, that is mostly good, so that helps as well.

So, now you are basically caught up. Sorry I poofed but life wasn't worth talking about.

I'll be around :)



Glad your doing better dude.  One day at a time!
Games currently in play:
PS3: COD Ghosts
TG16: Boxyboy


Hey man, I just have to say... WHAT A STORY!  Jeeze I mean my life has been pretty boring of late but damn.  You're gonna have some tales to pass onto your grandkids.

Hope you get back into position soon, we'll be waiting for you.  And good luck :)
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Hey Dicer... Wow...

Well, I was hoping for more positive/upbeat threads/posts to improve the mood around here, not exactly what I had in mind but yeah, that's real life for some... :/

I'm hitting a funeral tomorrow for an old neighbor coincidentally, how about that ? Could be worse off... ;) Had 4 neighbors die off in recent years, 2 were close friends, one a bowling bud (liked to gamble in his bowling league).

Anyway, hope your situation improves of course... I'd be willing to donate some change if you got a working PayPal, maybe others too if it helps, let us know.


Quote from: NightWolve on 05/09/2018, 06:25 PMHey Dicer... Wow...

Well, I was hoping for more positive/upbeat threads/posts to improve the mood around here, not exactly what I had in mind but yeah, that's real life for some... :/

I'm hitting a funeral tomorrow for an old neighbor coincidentally, how about that ? Could be worse off... ;) Had 4 neighbors die off in recent years, 2 were close friends, one a bowling bud (liked to gamble in his bowling league).

Anyway, hope your situation improves of course... I'd be willing to donate some change if you got a working PayPal, maybe others too if it helps, let us know.
I owe paypal some cashola so that's a dead end.

I do have an Amazon locker nearby and I love surprises, lol.

I also forgot I'm gettin skinny, slowly.

Down to under 240 almost close to my goal, just more walking and getting sick (not so much the last part) lol


Good to hear you're alive and kicking. You still rocking that TG16 shirt you win in the raffle I had under my old name of Mitsuman?


Yes your paypal info would be great and I get paid on Friday so I can throw some scratch for you.


Quote from: CaptSlow on 05/09/2018, 09:08 PMGood to hear you're alive and kicking. You still rocking that TG16 shirt you win in the raffle I had under my old name of Mitsuman?
Yep I brought that with, and it's a little baggy now, but people dig it...


Dicer, good to hear you are a stubborn bastard who isn't going anywhere... except across the country.


Also, I didn't know that CaptSlow = Mitsuman. Damn!

Godspeed, Dicer.


@Dicer glad to hear you're conscious. A lot of folks here were worried.

If you're Paypal is locked, why not post the Amazon list here?

Sorry about the ID, I had the same trouble when I moved to the Republic. All I can say is once you establish residency, employers look at you a lot differently. SD is a good place to start to get on your feet.

And the spider bite is icing on the cake... that really sucks I've been bitten by a brown recluse before and its not any fun.

Anyway glad you're on the mend, and if I can help out with what little I can spare, I will. Sounds like you're on the right track to getting back on your feet. 

Good luck to you.



Damn dicer you been through hell to say the least with you're story.I hope you can get back on you're feat then asap.
Wii U:Progearspec


take care Dicer hopefully you'll be back up and running in no time


Glad your ok man, chin up and hope things keep getting better. Just find yourself a sugar momma out there and your gold :)


I knew a guy who was fucked up on drugs and a complete mess.  He moved to San Diego and somehow he cleaned up, met his wife, and had some kids...  now he's a boring family man.  Maybe San Diego is a city of transformation?


It's the weather out there Clash. It does wonders.


Quote from: blueraven on 05/10/2018, 02:42 AM@Dicer glad to hear you're conscious. A lot of folks here were worried.

If you're Paypal is locked, why not post the Amazon list here?

Sorry about the ID, I had the same trouble when I moved to the Republic. All I can say is once you establish residency, employers look at you a lot differently. SD is a good place to start to get on your feet.

And the spider bite is icing on the cake... that really sucks I've been bitten by a brown recluse before and its not any fun.

Anyway glad you're on the mend, and if I can help out with what little I can spare, I will. Sounds like you're on the right track to getting back on your feet. 

Good luck to you.

I don't have a list but the locker is Amazon Locker - Rafi
Feel free to shower me with random crap...lol

This city def has a large homeless population but they also have way better services to deal with it, plus it's not freezing my nuggets off...

As long as no more critters bite me I should be ok, thank you all for keeping me in them thoughts  :dance:


Great to read you are doing alright. What a wild story, life is crazy sometimes.


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 05/09/2018, 09:24 PMYes your paypal info would be great and I get paid on Friday so I can throw some scratch for you.
He's got an old GoFundMe set up, about it, and no clue about an "Amazon Locker." We need a link, whatever that is.


I kinda figured PayPal was out of the question as you need a checking account to move funds into the real world for cash purchases, at least that's the only way I know how to do it. But anyway, he used their credit/loan system by the sound of it and owes them money...

Well, if nothing else, we could go old school if he provides a P. O. Box or address privately to send an envelope with cash. Had a guy mail me a $20 years back in a Christmas card or something and that's how my Godmother would slip me a $50 now and then as a kid. Old school! ;)

My only obvious stipulation would be it doesn't go for say smoking the "good stuff," booze, or whatever other substance-abuse vices... If I take time out of my day to mail something out to help, even though it'd just be a small bandaid in your case, I wanna know it's going for food, shelter, clothes, a clean shave, etc.


I imagine you are getting SSDI. In which case I think you need to have a bank account for he money to be deposited into.


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 05/12/2018, 05:08 PMI imagine you are getting SSDI. In which case I think you need to have a bank account for he money to be deposited into.
SSDI is an ongoing process, and frankly a giant pain in the ass, almost got cash relive while that arrives. As for substances, never really been my thing, I don't drink and any weed i smoke is minimal and I never buy it, always when offered as it helps with hands. I can get mail here if that's a thing. Also you can see it actually goes to the shelter.

The gofundne is long closed, so snail mail is the best bet. If anyone wants to toss me a on and I'll have the address at the ready. I don't expect anything but not going to turn help away at this point either.

I'm hanging in, just a bunch of hurry up and wait, thankfully I haven't had to pay any medical cause I'd be right fucked, lol.


Alright, I went old school with 2 Christmas cards to conceal cash. Mailed it off today, hope it makes it, heh... I should've asked though if he could handle a personal check or money order to avoid risk, but figured cash will be easiest for him at this time.

For anybody else, there is the more "high tech" way with a gift card but the extra charges to load it are unappealing, $4 to $7 to send about as much as I did plus tax. I forgot about Credit gift cards at first, but saw them at Dollar Tree, Walgreens and Walmart days later.

Anyway, BigusSchmuck donated about as much to me years back, so it's a PCEFX pay-it-forward and all that! ;)


Quote from: NightWolve on 05/24/2018, 10:55 PMAlright, I went old school with 2 Christmas cards to conceal cash. Mailed it off today, hope it makes it, heh... I should've asked though if he could handle a personal check or money order to avoid risk, but figured cash will be easiest for him at this time.

For anybody else, there is the more "high tech" way with a gift card but the extra charges to load it are unappealing, $4 to $7 to send about as much as I did plus tax. I forgot about Credit gift cards at first, but saw them at Dollar Tree, Walgreens and Walmart days later.

Anyway, BigusSchmuck donated about as much to me years back, so it's a PCEFX pay-it-forward and all that! ;)
It should be fine, people get amazon and shit delivered to the shelter which boggles my mind, people homeless with big ass Bluetooth speakers and iPhone's, I guess I'm doing it wrong lol

Only nicety I really want it a Bluetooth controller for my phone, obey on a touch screen is depressing.

I got some nice kicks from my next door bunkmate, so that helped as my left legs been a crabby bitch lately.

I post from the library, so mind if they are fewish and farish inbetween



Guess what....

I'm still alive, sorry  [-(

I'm still at the shelter but the end is nigh, I've been approved for housing and I finished my course and internship (valedictorian no less) So now the job hunt is underway.
I miss playing on real hardware, but this trusty cheap ass lil Chromebook has kept me going.

Hope all is well with everyone and will have to check in on all and any drama I may have missed.


Awesome to hear your doing better Dicer.  Sounds like you'll be out of the shelter soon.  Positive actions build on each other.  Keep it up!
"There's something out there in those trees and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die."


Wow what a story!!!  What's your back ground maybe I can look into a job.  I know some Vendors out there.  You sure picked an expensive state to live in.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 10/11/2018, 05:15 PMWow what a story!!!  What's your back ground maybe I can look into a job.  I know some Vendors out there.  You sure picked an expensive state to live in.
Work would be cool, lemme know...

And update, I'm sans homelessness  :dance:

Got into a studio, thank you housing commission. Now it's time to obey again, eventually.