10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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"Splatterhouse" High Scores

Started by Keranu, 09/29/2007, 03:02 AM

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This thread is screaming for your name, 2X4 ;) .

Default Mode

#1 COUNT SMRIFNACK: 1,042,200
#1 PCEngineHell: 386,200
#2 Keranu: 90,800

Hard Mode

#1 Nat: 100,000 (completed with two credits and needs video proof)


Yeah I kinda blew it this turn (I was using an emulator :P ), but I'll probably try getting a higher score later. I was using the default difficulty, so please indicate if you use the trick to set it to hard mode.

A reminder to everyone competing in this game, I think the only way to see your score is on the actual ingame screen so you have to quickly snap a picture, screenshot, or write it down immediately after you die!

Important Note: Helgeson made a good suggestion in this thread that players posting scores on hard mode will need video proof from beginning to end so it's not faked as a default mode score. Scores without video proof will be noted.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


You inspired me so I just played through on Hard mode.

I died at the final boss and had to use a continue to restart the last level. You get 100,000 points for defeating the final boss which I did on the second try. Unfortunately, your score is reset when you continue. So my high score as of now is 100,000 on Hard mode. My score was higher when I got my "Game Over" but I forgot to check it. We'll just go with 100,000.

No picture because the scene faded out before I could take one (I tried pausing with no luck).
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Score added. I warned 'ya about saving those scores! :D This game would be so much nicer if it had a high score screen or something.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Since I'm playing on the real hardware, it's a real pain to try to put down the controller, pick up the camera and snap a picture before the scene fades. I can't just hit a hotkey to capture the screen or pause the emulation.

It doesn't help when the camera has turned itself off, either.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


I think you might be able to pause as your character is dying, but your score doesn't show on the pause screen. In that case, get your camera ready while it's paused and quickly snap a shot after unpausing it. Yeah that must be a total pain in the ass  :evil: .
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I just added PCEngineHell's high score, check out this thread for his pictures. By the way, Mike, was that score you got on the default setting or on hard mode? I have it on default for now.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Default,although I can do the same on hard mode also. Its not much harder. You just have to do things like work both shot guns to the chainsaw boss so you can kill him easier. The more energy saved on bosses is more energy gained for the next level.


Yeah I try to conserve as much energy as I can so I can try to have it full for the beginning of each stage.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I messed around for abit on hard mode for a few mins. These are pics from my first hard mode run Ive done in a couple of years. I goofed around for a bit so you can see in a early pic I was going strong but started to get sloppy after  abit till I died my last man. I need to go back and do it again sometime.

After sharpening my skills on that first run being on Hard mode I did a normal mode run.While doing so I learned a valuable lesson,dying more equals a higher score to a degree as long as you manage to not continue. How did I learn this? Well on this run I managed to die only twice,and because of this my new score is a tad lower then my current high score. How can I prove I died only twice? Check my men left over. :P I woulda actually had 5 but in the chapel I got totally sloppy and didn't line up my hits on the cross,and got killed the first time on it.

Chainsaw boss you ask? Didn't even touch me once.
So basically it should be stated that not only do I maintain the current "HIGH SCORE" but also finishing with the least amount of "deaths" currently listed here. I'm going to be honest with you Nat,and please don't take any offense to this,because this should apply to anyone else INCLUDING myself. Its useless to list a hard mode score with the goal to have it listed as the current high score,esp without any uploaded video without breaks with the title screen stating hard. Why? Because even by pics alone it cant be proven.They could just as easily be pics of gameplay on normal mode.

One day when the time is given I will make a tape on hard mode and see if Quoth can transfer it over for me and I will upload it. To me that is the only sure bet way to register a "Hard Mode" high score. Till then or until someone else can do so first on video uploaded Id kindly ask Keranu to remove the current hard mode score listed and just list normal mode scores,and only then if pics are provided for proof. Its the fair thing to do currently.

To that effect,here are my new run pics for "Normal Mode". I hope to see others update this thread besides me soon. :). Also,I am going to repost my old pics for my current high score here below these new pics so no one has to hunt the last man standing thread down to see them :)




Told you Id have new Splatterhouse news soon,did I not Joe  :wink:

Quote from: nat on 09/29/2007, 04:39 AMYou inspired me so I just played through on Hard mode.

I died at the final boss and had to use a continue to restart the last level. You get 100,000 points for defeating the final boss which I did on the second try. Unfortunately, your score is reset when you continue. So my high score as of now is 100,000 on Hard mode. My score was higher when I got my "Game Over" but I forgot to check it. We'll just go with 100,000.

No picture because the scene faded out before I could take one (I tried pausing with no luck).
You made me realize another thing here. Any score listed should be from a first run only,not a continued run,since beating the game defaults you 100,000. This way we can better gauge our skills at the game by pushing for higher 1 credit scores :)


You're right as far as proof goes for high scores (video, photos, etc). It's a point I've made countless times in these threads.

My score contribution was more just something to help participate and get some friendly competition going. I thought I had been pretty upfront about that score, if not, let me reiterate. I played through the game on hard mode. I died frequently, and near the end of the noxious cave level I actually had to use a Continue. This resets your score to 0 when you do. After using the continue I did make it through the final level and dispatch the Big Boss. You get 100,000 for beating the final boss at the end of the game (at least you do in Hard mode) so that's what I reported my score as. I can't beat the game in Hard mode without using a continue, though, and I didn't take note of my score when I got that Game Over (though it's safe to say it was probably quite a bit higher than 100,000). So I used the lesser of the two.

As far as holding the high score, well, I'll gladly hand that honor to you if it means that much to you.  :D Keranu can feel free to make a notation next to my score that it was done using 2 credits.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat on 03/08/2008, 02:18 AMYou're right as far as proof goes for high scores (video, photos, etc). It's a point I've made countless times in these threads.

My score contribution was more just something to help participate and get some friendly competition going. I thought I had been pretty upfront about that score, if not, let me reiterate. I played through the game on hard mode. I died frequently, and near the end of the noxious cave level I actually had to use a Continue. This resets your score to 0 when you do. After using the continue I did make it through the final level and dispatch the Big Boss. You get 100,000 for beating the final boss at the end of the game (at least you do in Hard mode) so that's what I reported my score as. I can't beat the game in Hard mode without using a continue, though, and I didn't take note of my score when I got that Game Over (though it's safe to say it was probably quite a bit higher than 100,000). So I used the lesser of the two.

As far as holding the high score, well, I'll gladly hand that honor to you if it means that much to you.  :D Keranu can feel free to make a notation next to my score that it was done using 2 credits.
No,I don't currently hold  a Hard Mode score either like I said above. Like I said,I think Hard Mode Scores should only be considered if validated via a video with no breaks in it from Title Screen to end and be done on a 1 credit basis. Not trying to offend you either Nat,as I said above applies to all of us,the goal to me should be to push ourselves harder to get the highest scores on one credit only,as the game can be beaten on one credit. Me,you,anyone else should strive harder and harder to do this and prove our highest scores on 1 credit only on either mode. To me this is the top way to get competition going and I wish others would post their scores up on this thread too and give Splatterhouse sum luv like it deserves :)


It's funny you brought this up tonight since I sat down with Splatterhouse last night for the first time since I posted that score last year whenever that was. I still can't beat it in Hard mode on one credit.  :P It's that fucking noxious cave level that gets me every time [in Hard mode]. I can do fine up until that point but I swear victory over the "boss" of that level revolves around luck alone. I usually eat a whole credit there before making it to the fire level.

I can one-credit the game in normal mode though so maybe that's what I oughtta do and post it up...
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Yea as a young teen that part got me alot on normal level early on until I started playing the game alot. Ill def keep  a eye out for your update :)


Ok I took Helgeson's advice, but I edited my opening post with a couple of notes and reminders.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"

Ceti Alpha

I can't wait to get this game.  :dance: How do you play in hard mode? Is there a special code, or is it in the menu?
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


It's basically just at the main menu, press SELECT and "Hard" will be displayed. Then start the game normally.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Bah,you got my hopes up,thought new scores were posted when I saw there was new post here :(


Sorry... I'll try to remember to play this game this weekend to give you some competition.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games



Alright, I pic. documented a half drunk Friday night run-through on the default difficulty.  Here goes.....



My FM Marty high score is even higher yet....not that it counts :(

Ceti Alpha

hehe. It may not be pce/tg, but still impressive. :)
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


Ok,gave it a new run tonite. Went ahead and played on the briefcase unit on my Samsung tv.
Anyway,here we go:


So my current high score is 269,100. One day Ill give it a go and beat that one too. Cant let my skills slip up any.


 :shock: Looks like Mix Master Mike just put the kabosh on Count Magillacutty's high  =D> Well done Mikey
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


 :shock:  The more I drink, the better I Splat :D



Lol,alas,Ill have to play sum more in my spare time Sun evening or when I get home today if I have the time.


I did a run on my Express this morning.  I beat the level 6 boss and had 193,200.  My camera would not take a pic that would allow the score to be read though, so I turned it off.  Would have been so close to 300k ](*,)  Any higher points run will just be a matter of how long you can stay alive in certain place and get kills.


Quote from: COUNT SMRIFNACK on 07/05/2008, 11:31 AMI did a run on my Express this morning.  I beat the level 6 boss and had 193,200.  My camera would not take a pic that would allow the score to be read though, so I turned it off.  Would have been so close to 300k ](*,)  Any higher points run will just be a matter of how long you can stay alive in certain place and get kills.
Exactly,the womb area. Nuthin like battling it out in a demon baby death match extreme inside Hell's womb.


For the sake of bringing balance back to the world,and because just hitting the 300,000 point mark you mentioned Count seemed so wimpy at the time when I knew I could do better with no real effort. Heres my new score,mostly obtained in the Hell womb. :)


Ceti Alpha

Nice Score! I love the high score forums.  :dance:

I also like the Megatron and Starscream figurines on top of your TV Mike. Especially Megatron, who is looking quite awesome. Who's the guy in the middle though?
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


Robocop Ceti :)
Yea Im glad Count has been playing too,if not for him is not have bothered to post a score past 300,000 even. Well,now Im at 386,200,so now its his turn,although I may not wait for him and Monday evening if I get the time may gun for 600,000 or something close,maybe even past that. Really its not a matter of dying so much,its a matter of how long I have to play at sittings before I have to stop to do other things.

Ceti Alpha

Quote from: PCEngineHell on 07/05/2008, 09:46 PMRobocop Ceti :)
Yea Im glad Count has been playing too,if not for him is not have bothered to post a score past 300,000 even. Well,now Im at 386,200,so now its his turn,although I may not wait for him and Monday evening if I get the time may gun for 600,000 or something close,maybe even past that. Really its not a matter of dying so much,its a matter of how long I have to play at sittings before I have to stop to do other things.
Ahh, Robocop.  :idea:

lol @ 600 000 points.  :shock: :shock: :shock: That's some commitment. hehe No guts, no glory I guess. :)
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"



Must rest thumbs now :)



HAHA, this thread is awesome. Keep at it you two. I want to see 1,000,000 broken by the end of the week.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat on 07/06/2008, 12:23 AMHAHA, this thread is awesome. Keep at it you two. I want to see 1,000,000 broken by the end of the week.
Too late, already did that :P


I really just did it to see if it would count up that high.  It seems you stop getting bonus lives for points at some point, I think at around six or so, I'm not sure.  But you definitely can collect at least 5, even though only 4 show.


Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games

Ceti Alpha

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


There really is no end to how high we "could" go.  It took me about an hour to do the 1 million point run.  The thing is there is no killer blue orb to end any stalling for points like on the arcade and FM Towns versions, like this...

(this is from the Towns version, the blue orb comes and kills you if you stall in a place that the fog ((also not in the tg/pce version)) doesn't come)

Ceti Alpha

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


Yeah, I guess it came in with porting the arcade version.  I mean once you figure out a pattern, you can stay in certain spots for literally hours, as you can see by my score.  I guess they needed a way to prevent this on the arcade cabs :-k

Now I just wish there was a way to prove "hard" mode scores without video.  I really feel like I'm exploiting/cheating the game when trying to get a really high score on the default mode.


Quote from: COUNT SMRIFNACK on 07/06/2008, 10:40 PMYeah, I guess it came in with porting the arcade version.  I mean once you figure out a pattern, you can stay in certain spots for literally hours, as you can see by my score.  I guess they needed a way to prevent this on the arcade cabs :-k

Now I just wish there was a way to prove "hard" mode scores without video.  I really feel like I'm exploiting/cheating the game when trying to get a really high score on the default mode.
Not really,the exploit areas are still present no matter what,normal or hard,and you are still going to put in about the same amount of effort into those areas no matter what. What you really need to aim for is a video done of hard mode beaten without dying,or on one credit,and focus less on the high score aspect of hard mode. Honestly,you die alot it seems even on default,like maybe you are getting lazy or sumthin after you get so many points. I get a tad lazy too near the end after Ive got the score Im pleased with or get near it. Originally it seemed only fair to present  a low score here others could beat,but now you and I both are so far out there way more so then the normal person is going to put effort into to get such high scores,kinda similar to my Override score thread.

At any rate:
TOP SCORE for PCEngineHell with 3 lives in spare 1,446,500.



Holy Moly!!!!!  :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Nice run there!

Turbo D

This thread is starting to get exciting! What a competition!  8)
Quote from: MissaFX on 01/06/2008, 12:10 PMMy idea of gaming is a couple of friends over, a couple of drinks, a couple of medical-handrolled-game-enhancing-cigs and a glowing box you all worship.


This is perhaps the greatest thread ever.  It's like the King of Kong- only different.    :)
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 07/07/2008, 12:06 AM
Quote from: COUNT SMRIFNACK on 07/06/2008, 10:40 PMYeah, I guess it came in with porting the arcade version.  I mean once you figure out a pattern, you can stay in certain spots for literally hours, as you can see by my score.  I guess they needed a way to prevent this on the arcade cabs :-k

Now I just wish there was a way to prove "hard" mode scores without video.  I really feel like I'm exploiting/cheating the game when trying to get a really high score on the default mode.
Not really,the exploit areas are still present no matter what,normal or hard,and you are still going to put in about the same amount of effort into those areas no matter what. What you really need to aim for is a video done of hard mode beaten without dying,or on one credit,and focus less on the high score aspect of hard mode. Honestly,you die alot it seems even on default,like maybe you are getting lazy or sumthin after you get so many points. I get a tad lazy too near the end after Ive got the score Im pleased with or get near it. Originally it seemed only fair to present  a low score here others could beat,but now you and I both are so far out there way more so then the normal person is going to put effort into to get such high scores,kinda similar to my Override score thread.
That's what I meant about a hard mode run, doing it not for points but for making it with dying the least.

I don't die alot (see 405k score pics).  I purposely ran down my lives to one mask left before beating the level 6 boss on the 1 million point run. 

Anyways, this is fun, but I don't know if I'll get a chance to spend to beat your score anytime soon, so others should join in.  Come on guys get out your Splatterhouse and kick a little monster ass!


Wow I had some spare time on my hands this weekend :-"


I think I slipped into a coma around the 3rd hour or so and lost alot of lives.  It was actually hard to stay focused THAT long.


Dude I want a video of your runs!!! I can't get nowhere near that. I have this for the Marty and PC Engine. I will post some pics from the Marty version as it looks way better but I like the color of his mask in the TG16 version. Did they do that in the US market to distingush him from Jason I wonder??


That is my guess as to why they changed the mask color.  The FM Towns version through s-video is awsome :!:  I don't have any way of making a video.  To get high scores you have to stall at the boss of level 6....forever :shock:


Yea the Marty looks freakin sweet but I don't play that often due to the fact all I have are bootlegs ATM and it is a Marty1 so it is even older.. Well I have Ultima 1-3that came with the console. You got any resources on Marty stuff like games reviews?? Anything, all I can find are ISO's :lol:


Why did you swap to the TG version silly. Go back to PCE! Ill mess with it more later this week,I got plenty of time now :) Its been forever too,is the US one easier then the PCE one,I dont remember? I havent played it in a few years,ditched it in favor of the PCE version. Anyway,awesome score,good job!