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Sooooo Metroid + Flight of the Navigator -+ Japanese exit sign = Portal series

Started by RegalSin, 01/27/2012, 02:52 PM

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So I like portal....... Only because on of my favorite artist made that Amiga animation refereced it. That is how I found out about Portal.

Have you ever wondered why portal is popular?

Apparently they took the best parts of Metroid's backgrounds (going threw doors, riding the transporter, and navigating threw rooms
that are huge ) and morphed into a testing facility.

I had an idea like that too. Make a videogame where Samus runs threw a testing ground. However in portal they just took Digi-pen's
work ( they got GCN devkits as a gift, Digipen ), and stuffed
it into the half-life world. I am guessing they makers of this game are probably in my age group 20-40 years old, because at some point you can hear tetris being played in the background along with metroid/Phantasy Star exploration music being played.

Then of course their is the A.I. thingy which is no doubt is sappose to be the big bad Mother Brain. However she does not wear makeup and fights Captain N.

But when we get to her, she is not a tape box.
She is Flight of the Navigator without Pee-wee
Hermans voice. She is the complete opposite.

Then the second game comes along

They have that forsaken exit sign which was designed by a Japanese person, in alternative to the exit sign. Let me give you a hint. The Asians are taking over. Wherever you see that sign, that means Asians no doubt are present. We are talking about Chinese in America.

Then they have the eyeball guy, who is exaclty like flight of the navigator. They even make the walls laugh. Do not even look up the voice actor. Terrible sight.

It is just like my idea, of where Samus is in a big testing facility. Maybe they got the idea from playing Fusion which was a science lab. That is why I like this game.

So it just occured to me. This game is basically another Metroid. No
Prime crap, no super suit, no alien monsters. Just what made Metroid good. Tubes, doors, big-rooms, and mother brain. Then they replaced the brain with Flight of the Navigator at the very end, instead of a real computer room. Instead of using friggin missiles or defeating gigantic guardians like 8-man you have to slove puzzles. Metroid has some puzzle elements but they do not make it obvious.



PSN: Dynastic_Hero
Steam: Dynastic_Hero


Wii U:Progearspec


Believe it or not i actually see were regal is going with this. Regal, its not uncommon for game companies to draw inspiration from other sources. Movies, books, tv shows, and even historical accounts can all make their way into games one way or another.  Sometimes the reason is to pay homage to a classic book or movie.  Sometimes its just because copying a good idea can increase sales. I disagree that portal is even remotely related to metroid, or flight of the navigator, but i have no doubt that it "borrows" elements of those and many other sources. The Stalker pc games draw elements from a movie, a book, and many various sci fi novels for example. But the finished games have nothing in common with the sources it borrowed from sans trace elements.


For those original NES fans, who watched the animation or read the comic. Rememeber when Mother Brain would
create a warp, that would act as a seeing mirror? I am not talking about prime, or super metroid. I am talking about Metroid before it the SNES. When it was pure and simple.

I can see it, a Metroid mod for portal 1 and 2. Where king egg-plant men turrets line the walls, with his high-pitch annoying voice. Samus dressed in her suit, or we just make the main character blonde. Weatly is really a virus from Dr. Mario. The voice has even been remix to sound like Mother Brain from the animation series. Then the two robots, could be the robots from reboot, Hack and Slash, or Crane and Squid Shredder.
You could explore deep into Zeebs. It could be like a peace mission with the exception of the Mama Brain.