RGBS Amped Core Grafx II - No sync on Sony PVM or 1084S

Started by scanline99, 07/05/2013, 10:52 AM

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Hi guys. Got a real head scratcher here. I recently obtained an RGB modded Core Grafx II system (not amped at the time). Despite the obvious dark colours, the image was otherwise fine on my Commodore 1084S monitor, but no sync on my Sony PVM (20M2DU). I understand the PVM likes a sync signal of at least 4V peak-to-peak and so I figured it must've just been a weak sync signal (I had this problem with my RGB N64 which had weak CSync, and tapping the luma pin solved that problem there) and so, went to work on making the PCE amp.

Having now built the amp precisely to the spec here: http://www.gamesx.com/grafx/pce_rgb.jpg, I first tested out the system on my LCD in the room where I work downstairs - success! Lovely rich colours and syncing just fine.

On my 1084S and PVM however, no sync - skewed image and fast rolling. It's worth adding that for both the PVM and 1084S I use an LM1881 sync-stripper - I doubt this should be an issue (and in the case of the 1084s, it is a requirement anyway) but I'm just making sure you know all the facts. I know the PVM can deal just fine without it, but it's built into the SCART-BNC converter I use and it's fine with a multitude of other consoles I use. I'm new to this modding stuff, and I've already blown a fuse on the PCE randomly switching out components so I figured I should do the sensible thing and get advice from the pros here. Many thanks in advance! If we can get things working, I shall reward with pretty photos, promise :wink:!

Edit: One more thing, I've modded using the EXT port method. I'm specifically getting my sync from pin 22C labelled "sync" funnily enough. Might it be worth trying one of the other pins (22A (Vid), 11B (HSn) etc)?


Got it. Popped the 5v onto pin 8 of the SCART and bridged to pin 16 with a 75ohm resistor. Both monitors now work!


Woot!  Congrats!

(And welcome to the Funny Farm, btw.)


Thanks much!

As promised, here's a picture of the working set-up:
