Adding S-Video or RGB to TurboBooster Plus and CD Dock

Started by TheMilford, 06/13/2017, 08:26 AM

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I have two TG systems, one with a TurboBooster Plus and one is a full CD system. I've been slumming it with the AV out into my Samsung LED tv... but I just got a Sony PVM for my studio where I plan to keep one of the systems. It's a lower model PVM with only composite and S-video. I would like to do a clean S-vid mod on one of the units and possibly an RBG on the other. I'm capable of doing light tech work, I have modded a few Ataris for AV. So I know my way around a DMM and a soldering iron.

My LED only has Component (or Composite) a DB-15 jack labelled "PC" as well as the usual HDMI inputs. No S-video no RGB (unless that is what the DB-15 port is for. would like to explore the possibility of using this before dropping $$$ on a Framemeister.

Can you guys point me to some mod tutorials or some advice as to which path(s) to take.



It's unlikely that the DB15 will work for pure RGBS but you could try it. You would need to find a pinout for that connection to determine which wires you would need to hook up and to where. As well as the type of sync it expects. You could try doing a component mod but should test the tv first to see if it will work.


Go for the component mod or RGB with an external transcoder. The DB15 was made for VGA and up signals and I'd say there isn't even a %1 chance that it would work with 15khz RGB. I personally haven't seen anything made since the early 90s that did both SVGA and 15khz, nothing USDM anyway.  There wouldn't be much point in building it into TVs now.

Keith Courage

The s-video would have to be installed in the TurboGrafx system itself. It cannot be installed by using the docking station or turbobooster.

you would then use the RCA jacks out of the docking station  or booster for your audio.


BTW, what is the current state of the art for PCE s-video? I don't think many people do it any more since s-video inputs are gone from new TVs but I have a lot of old TVs so maybe I'm interested.

Keith Courage

S-video is excellent for the price/amount of work needing to be done. Obviously component is a bit better but depending on the TV I can hardly notice the difference with most games. Definitely a huge jump up in quality over standard composite.

Even though I do component and RGB mods as well, S-video is my choice for CRT gaming since colors look more like what I was accustom to as a kid.

here is the schematic I made for it way back.

Here is a pic of a pce with S-video installed.


Can you recommend a place to order the individual components from?
I'm the Wind, Baby!


Quote from: Keith Courage on 06/14/2017, 04:04 AMS-video is excellent for the price/amount of work needing to be done. Obviously component is a bit better but depending on the TV I can hardly notice the difference with most games. Definitely a huge jump up in quality over standard composite.

Even though I do component and RGB mods as well, S-video is my choice for CRT gaming since colors look more like what I was accustom to as a kid.

here is the schematic I made for it way back.

Here is a pic of a pce with S-video installed.
Ah, excellent. It's basically the same as Genesis, really easy. Using the full composite signal for chroma isn't ideal, to say the least, but I'm sure it's a significant upgrade to separate the luma. Thanks for the info!

PS: your image host sucks!


Thanks for the replies guys!

Would the component or rgb mods work from the booster/dock?

Also where are the kits for these mods?

Keith do you offer either of these upgrades?


I would do a component video mod to your booster.  Make sure your LED plays nice with 240p signal first by plugging the composite into the Y input.  If the picture is a perfect black and white (no distortion) you are good to go.  You can get component mod boards here:


My samsung component input is shared with the composite input. So the yellow composite video input IS the Y/green input.


You would still need to test it from my understanding.
"If I took this cigarette and put it out on you would you love me"


Quote from: Freeway2 on 06/16/2017, 11:35 AMYou would still need to test it from my understanding.
It cannot be tested the way described above because the composite IS the Y/green input. I've already got my TG-16 hooked up via the composite out of my CD dock into the Green input which doubles as the composite input if nothing else is plugged into the Red and Blue component inputs.


You have to select in in the TV's menu. They are the same physical jack but different inputs as far as the TV goes.

Google your manual, btw.

Keith Courage

most likely your TV will be compatible with the component mod. Every person I've done the modification for who owns a TV with the style of inputs you just described has had it work with no issues.