PC-Engine GT - the never ending Story... need a replacement Display

Started by Xenogears, 05/22/2018, 02:54 PM

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Yes. Just as I thought, I  made it, I realized the Display has Color Disortion. Usually Green Objects on the Screen are shown in yellow/orange. I thought, there was a kind of saturisation-Poti on the LCD-Screen PCB but found out, the Top Poti is for centering the Pic, the right one for the Light-Brightness. If the Issue is known and there would be a solution, I would be very happy if you could let me know. But I believe it´s easier to ask, if someone could sell me a complete and working original Replacement-Screen. I am from Germany...

I´m lookiong forward to your answers - thanks a lot !

Keith Courage

Sure, I have a bunch of extra original screens here. How about $8 plus shipping?


Well, this is the perfect opportunity for a 3.5" LCD upgrade mod if you're willing to go the distance!

Starts here: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=9334.0

Something to possibly consider instead of strict replacement.



I thought about the LCD-Mod but would like to keep the unit original. So I take Keith´s offer. What I am looking for, would be someone in that universe, that is able to convert Analoge R G B S using an FPGA or CPLD to Digital R G B S for connecting to a modern LCD-Screen instead of C-Video as a source. That would be great and I lost hope, McWill would be able to deliver a Mod simlilar to GameGear - Lynx in the next years to come.

On the other hand - an LCD-Display driven by C-Video delivers a better image, than the original PT/TE Screen does...Thanks to Nightwolf and Keith Courage for your Answers and your help !


Yes, that's the one sticking point for me too, thesteve couldn't find a new LCD panel that can easily be adapted to accept the raw analog RGB video signal...

There was an expensive LCD model that took S-Video, but yeah, at present all our known PCE modders (thesteve, turbokon, Jodi) are doing this by generating a Composite signal (with a $15 USD model).


My idea is to somehow downsize the Framemeister/OSSC-Technic optimized for just the NEC-Video-Output. Or a way to create a 31KHz Video Sync for using VGA-Displays... I will kindly ask Mark if he could create such a device. That might be a better solution than endless search for the right Display.


Thanks to Mr. Keith Courage my PC-Engine GT now works great again... well. There was one more tiny little issue added to the faulty Display: Hu6260 had a dead "Blue Pin 51" That was the main reason for not showing the correct Colours...   ](*,)