Okay so I went to the bank today and

Started by RegalSin, 01/06/2012, 08:02 PM

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I went to deposit some money, and this teller decided to ask me for my social. Then he realized I wrote the account number. After pressing some buttons, and putting the money in some sorta machine. He turned around and began flipping threw a bunch of cards, that looked kinda alphabetalically stored. He was bent over for a very long time, looking threw a bunch of cards in a draw. Without writting anything he then gave me my slip.

Why was he looking threw a bunch of cards while he was servcing me?

I feel odd because non of the other tellers did this before. He was just looking at a bunch of cards for like a good minute or two, before he finished my transaction at the window???

That is the most oddest teller I have seen, if somebody here knows  banks, could you please tell me what he was doing??


I don't know what they were doing, but I'd have been a little nervous.  Maybe they thought you were a bank robber and wanted to verify you weren't. :D


Well that is the thing. I felt kinda, WTHell is this person doing? Shouldn't they wait for me, to leave before doing into a bunch of small library looking draws.

An older bank person came along, and asked him "are looking for cards again? that was strange.

This is my new bank DIME savings.

Before I had Chase ( because My Wamu got chased ) . Chase suckers everybody with a checking account and then tries to upgrade your account, by putting you into some plan. They switched my account policies without telling me, and charged me 12 dollars a month. However I had over drawn, wiithout knowing, and they would not even give me back my 35 dollars ( which is the bounce fee ).

I even had a United Commercial Bank ( A bank that is prolific and was popular in the US for a long time, during the 1980's), however they recently closed down, and I did not upgrade my account in time. They were even adding intrest on to my checking savings where I barely had nothing in it. ( they are now taken over by EastWest bank ). Who was even nice enough to call me about my account recertification. I want to go back to them but I don't have enough money, was hell looking for an outlit.

It seems that ever bank wants me to hold at least 500 dollars inside them. I mean their is nothing wrong, with that but I just want an simple account.


I use a credit union, they seem to be a little more relaxed on the whole minimum balance thing.
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Yeah, from what I hear, credit unions are probably the way to go right now.  I need to switch over to a local one one of these days.


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Regal, you can always ask them what they are doing.  Perhaps you showed up before closing and they were busy reconciling?

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It was morning when I wented to bank. I did not want to ask him
because I was speaking with a desk clerk ( whtever they are called )

What credit union are their, and how do they work compared to a bank?



Difference between a credit union and a conventional bank is that a credit union is not a for profit business.  As such, loan APR's and conventional bank fees are either lower or do not exist.  Banking at at credit union is where it's at.  You should really consider switching.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


+1 on using a credit union.

Quote from: MotherGunner on 01/07/2012, 03:47 AMRegal, you can always ask them what they are doing.
Stop talking sense!
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I also back using a credit union, I even have my mortgage through my local one because I don't wanna get raped in the ass some day when Bank of America decides they want my house.
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