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Duo AV Cord

Started by TrûMisery, 06/06/2011, 06:05 PM

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Ok, so I replaced  5 capacitors on my Duo since the audio was starting to go bad and I plugged in the duo and it worked like a charm, but through my excitement, I unplugged the AV cables from the TV so I could put them in my switch without turning the Duo off (I know, stupid! stupid! stupid!) and I heard a popping sound and then there was no longer any sound coming from my Duo... so I opened it back up, checked all the caps again and then plugged it in... and boom... no sound...

I started to check everything on the inside of the Duo since I tested my TV and still had sound through the ports I had used... and I couldn't find anything... thinking for the worse, I picked up a used Duo rather cheap (All Things Considered) and just for the heck of it, I tried the AV Cables that came with the Duo (which just arrived today) and presto, my original Duo had excellent sound as does the other one I picked up! So it was just something bad with my Duo AV Cable!

So comes the question, is it worth trying to repair the old Duo cable? Buy a replacement? Or is it possible to mod the system to use a standard AV cable rather than the 5pin that the duo comes with since I have a ton of those cables handy? If the latter is good to go, what would I need to do so? I don't recall seeing any information on how to do an AV mod, just the RGB mod...

How hard is the region mod? I'v seem some pictures, but no step by step direction...

Thanks in advance for the answers/suggestions...
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Adding standard RCA jacks to the rear of the Duo is what I would do.  Some of the guys here on this board can do that for ya.  I have had it done to both my Duo and my Duo-R.  Why?  Space saver for me.  The stock 5 pin sticks out the side a little too far IMO.  Plus, the port tends to have issues at some point.  The standard jacks added to the rear is a big space saver, and very convenient.  :)

If you decide to just buy a replacement, shoot me a PM.  I have a couple extras, and I will send ya one for nothing.  Save ya a few bucks from Ebay.


ZCheck my sig for some instructions. I would just get another cable
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Keith Courage

I can get you a new cheap cable for $10 including the shipping.


if you want to fix it a replacement din plug is easy to install.
i have seen the pinout on here once, but im not sure which thread.
normal rca jacks would be a very easy mod.

the region mod is the same as any other TG16/PCE system


If you're buying unofficial made cables, or doing a 3 port RCA mod, or just making your own/repairing one... please be aware of the "video cable' requirements. The video cable is specifically made for 75ohm load transmission (audio cables aren't made for this and even look different if you cut them open and look at them). It keeps the high frequencies of the signal from reflecting back into the line (ghosting and other anomalies). Any, just a FYI.


partly true
a common low quality cable can cause image degradation, especially over longer runs.
a good audio cable is 75ohm rated as well.
as a rule any cable is acceptable under 5'
a good quality cable will be needed for lengths over 5'


Quote from: thesteve on 06/06/2011, 09:42 PMnormal rca jacks would be a very easy mod.
I'm pretty handy at fixing and modding (such as mod chips/cap replacement and other soldering) provided I have something to go with... do you know of any guides for doing the RCA mod?

I did read up on the region mod, and think I may go that route... just so I don't need my converter (slightly modified to fit in a duo)...

Thanks again for the answers so far... I am thinking though that an RCA mod might be better...
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There are only 2 races on this planet... the Intelligent and the Stupid...


its a CBT3383 chip atached directly to the board
i have closer pics where i installed it in an express
post 118


Quote from: thesteve on 06/07/2011, 01:43 AMpartly true
a common low quality cable can cause image degradation, especially over longer runs.
a good audio cable is 75ohm rated as well.
as a rule any cable is acceptable under 5'
a good quality cable will be needed for lengths over 5'
I've yet to see any analog 75ohm audio cables. Audio frequency is way to low to really have any impact. 44k-96khz vs 5.4mhz-10.7mhz. Unless the audio cable is high speed digital; it'd be needed than. Anyway, you can see the difference in the cable make itself if you ever spliced open a specific composite video cable vs just a regular audio rca cable.


Quote from: tru on 06/07/2011, 12:10 PMI'm pretty handy at fixing and modding (such as mod chips/cap replacement and other soldering) provided I have something to go with... do you know of any guides for doing the RCA mod?

I did read up on the region mod, and think I may go that route... just so I don't need my converter (slightly modified to fit in a duo)...

Thanks again for the answers so far... I am thinking though that an RCA mod might be better...
As far as wiring up the RCA jacks... connect the positive of your jack to the appropriate solder point for the A/V DIN jack on the motherboard, and the negative to a ground on the board somewhere.  You might have to do some checks to figure which solder point is which (comp video, audio left, audio right) but nothing a multimeter couldn't accomplish for you.
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Keith Courage

I have done RCA mod to many duo systems. Just trace the pin out with your eyes to the solder point. It is very easy to see. Use this for reference http://www.gamesx.com/avpinouts/duoav.htm


Quote from: Keith Courage on 06/07/2011, 09:16 PMI have done RCA mod to many duo systems. Just trace the pin out with your eyes to the solder point. It is very easy to see.
I'll take a look this weekend and see if I can figure it out...
Thanks for the info.
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