Cleaning Vinyl Covers?

Started by Kan Yozakura, 12/13/2005, 05:00 PM

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Kan Yozakura

I'm new.  Hello to everyone; forgive my newbieness.  Anyway, my question...

I just got a Turbo Duo bundle,  and everything is mint/fine...except that a couple of the vinyl Hucard covers are yellowed to a nasty piss color.  Is there any way to safely bleach/clean them?


I have some like that too, but I never even thought about cleaning them before. I'm sure they would be easy to clean just by soaking them in clean water or bleach, but don't take my advice :) .
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
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Kan Yozakura

I was thinking about that...I've read some other threads on this board about soaking a PCE shell in bleach with great results, but I don't know how it would react with the vinyl.  If I had an extra, torn up one, I would test that, but I'm short. ;_;


I think he's talking about the hucard sleeves.....I only have one that is kinda dirty, but havent thought about cleaning it.

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