@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Started by tggodfrey, 09/02/2012, 10:47 AM

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Quote from: 420GOAT on 09/05/2012, 09:11 PMhey guys whats going on????
If you really are just getting tuned in, the story begins in the Michael Jackson thread. But I guess the unspoken consensus is to leave Xray the character-assassin alone given his raffle and what not as well as a general desire to keep drama to a minimum. Anyhow, I got my 2 cents in. I'm not wasting more time on him, I made his Enemies' List and that's good enough for me. ;) Still think he got off really easy and he still hasn't excised his "ya'll a bunch of pedo-defenders" defamation while Bernie removed his insults/comments (not that they were morally equivalent). It's all about the "high road" after all.


Old NightWolve has got damn near a dozen posts in this thread alone, and hes finally ready to move on !

Up next - "Was Charles Manson Really Such a Bad Guy ??"


Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 12:08 AMOld NightWolve has got damn near a dozen posts in this thread alone, and hes finally ready to move on !

Up next - "Was Charles Manson Really Such a Bad Guy ??"
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 09/03/2012, 02:20 AMEdit: Ehh NightWolve, obviously he wont really ignore you.
Heh. Looks like you called it, Mike! More dishonesty AND he falsely jacked up my post count to a dozen when 6-7 posts were related to him at that point! Apparently the argument is I should've spent less time on the little darling, I was too excessive in the time I have already spent. Always a convenient position to take when you're the object of criticism.

What happened to ignore, douchebag? If you're gonna say I'm on ignore, then stand by it!


Your girly rants are emailed to me, you are ignored, snookums - I'm not the one spending half my waking hours whining about a thread that died 4 days ago, that would be YOU !
tard (Large).jpg


Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 12:54 AMYour girly rants are emailed to me, you are ignored, snookums - I'm not the one spending half my waking hours whining about a thread that died 4 days ago, that would be YOU !
You didn't have to prove you put me on software ignore with an image, douchebag, I already know that you did from my profile - I stated as much in a previous post! I wear it as a badge of honor. But, it's the principle of the matter of you occasionally violating the *thought* behind it! If you're gonna say I'm on ignore, a clear-cut girlish move as far as most are concerned, and then directly respond to me, you continue to look like the fool and the hack that you are! And you certainly weren't emailed my 2nd-to-last-post - you responded right away! Why would somebody waste their time doing that for you anyway? There is a "SHOW" button next to an ignored post, so you're either clicking it, or, as you claim, somebody PM'ed you, but either way, the point is you're reading and responding now nonetheless, the butt-hurt "high roader" that you are, when in principle you made a statement that I would be ignored [indefinitely]!

Also, the fact that the other thread died is not really a reason to have allowed you to escape more criticism beyond there! That's your self-serving reasoning. It's understandable why the object of criticism wants to change the subject and declare it so so yesterday as well as minimize what was said like you've been doing ever since... Stick to making signs, at least you're evidently good at something... Being honest sure isn't one of them. I doubt anybody has a use for you beyond that.


Time for beddy by, Nighty ,, And don't forget the meds !



Again, what happened to ignore, tough guy ? The criticism getting to ya ?

Seriously, it was asked before, why is the community putting up with this certifiable jackass ? People want this arrogant asshole's signs that badly ?? Is he really somebody you wanna give your business to ??


Bernie has asked those of us who have spoken out to stop, so the matter can finally end, and he can put it behind him. Like it or not, we should respect bernie's wishes. Time to let it go.


Quote from: HercTNT on 09/06/2012, 02:10 AMBernie has asked those of us who have spoken out to stop, so the matter can finally end, and he can put it behind him. Like it or not, we should respect bernie's wishes. Time to let it go.
With all due respect to Bernie, there is more people involved there then just him though, so if someone wants to carry it on further and keep speaking their mind about the issue, its up to them as an individual, not Bernie to make that decision. And its true, the guy may hit that ignore button, but he's clearly either reading the post on here anyway, or via pm if he has some spineless snitch bitch of sorts sending him updates. Either way he clearly has no self control, no ability to refrain from reading anything posted about him, and then posting exaggerations or lies about said post. The high road seems to have many temptations along its path of enlightenment. He's also a copy cat. Crying kid pics are so 2011. I should know, I posted some myself. Clearly he has been reading my backlog of post.  :wink:


Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 12:08 AMUp next - "Was Charles Manson Really Such a Bad Guy ??"
www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
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<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Quote from: NightWolve on 09/05/2012, 11:17 PMStill think he got off really easy and he still hasn't excised his "ya'll a bunch of pedo-defenders" defamation
I've been called worse, even by this clown - he took it further and said I also touch kids.  How'd he know and when is he going to post pics of his pre-teen daughters?

For Bazzy:

Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Speaking of racism and other stupid Nazi crap:
The best game "White Power" has to offer up lol. Such a damn joke.


I'm really starting to wonder why this forum attracts so many creeps like Xray here. From what I've seen, this guy should've been banned already. If you guys think you're going to get him to back down, don't. People like him live for insulting others on the Internet. Yes, it's pathetic, but there's not much we can really do about it.

...But, then again, I fly off the handle sometimes, too. I used to have a HUGE grudge against PCEngineHell, and I threw some nasty insults myself. Then, I tried to ignore some of his more inflammatory posts, and he became (IMO) a decent guy who contributed to the forum outside of Fighting Street, and I haven't fought with him since.
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Talks much but has nothing to say.



Quote from: Arjak on 09/06/2012, 01:30 PMI'm really starting to wonder why this forum attracts so many creeps like Xray here. From what I've seen, this guy should've been banned already. If you guys think you're going to get him to back down, don't. People like him live for insulting others on the Internet. Yes, it's pathetic, but there's not much we can really do about it.

...But, then again, I fly off the handle sometimes, too. I used to have a HUGE grudge against PCEngineHell, and I threw some nasty insults myself. Then, I tried to ignore some of his more inflammatory posts, and he became (IMO) a decent guy who contributed to the forum outside of Fighting Street, and I haven't fought with him since.
You guys really ought to rub a bit of salve on your hurt little butts, and move on.
Damn straight, I won't back down from either brown nosing forum sycophants like you, or loud mouthed, vulgar muckrakers like PedoProfessor -  But neither will I indulge your apparent passion for bickering.
You Xray haters have probably outposted me by 20 to 1 in these 2 threads, that should tell you a little bit about "people living to insult others on the internet".

As far as getting me banned, instead, you ought to be thanking me.
I have probably provided you and your crew with the most excitement you've had all summer.


Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 04:57 PMYou guys really ought to rub a bit of salve on your hurt little butts, and move on.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, ya know?

Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 04:57 PMBut neither will I indulge your apparent passion for bickering.
Nope.  You're not arguing at all.  :roll:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 04:57 PMAs far as getting me banned, instead, you ought to be thanking me.
I have probably provided you and your crew with the most excitement you've had all summer.
Nope that glory goes to Fenix and the many alts of Swiss.


Oh man.... You guys have a crew

I wanna join.

Can we serve some people too?

Speaking of which Annnnd bringing it  back around here... Can we compete to be America's next best dance crew and meet Randy Jackson, MJ's brother?
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


Quote from: guest on 09/06/2012, 12:15 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 09/05/2012, 11:17 PMStill think he got off really easy and he still hasn't excised his "ya'll a bunch of pedo-defenders" defamation
I've been called worse, even by this clown - he took it further and said I also touch kids.  How'd he know and when is he going to post pics of his pre-teen daughters?

For Bazzy:

Haha, love this image.

Question is, if this was the real tattoo, is he still found guilty?


Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 04:57 PMAs far as getting me banned, instead, you ought to be thanking me.
I have probably provided you and your crew with the most excitement you've had all summer.
Actually, that award probably goes to RegalSin, as much as I hate to say it. -_-
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 04:57 PMBut neither will I indulge your apparent passion for bickering.
Says the guy who has nothing better to do with his life than constantly insult people he's never met. :lol:

You call us names, act all big and tough, and then say you're not going to indulge OUR bickering? Sure, whatever. :roll:
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Now girls, girls, girls, quit your bickering, and start stripping down to your leggings.


Quote from: Arjak on 09/07/2012, 02:20 PM
Quote from: Xray on 09/06/2012, 04:57 PMBut neither will I indulge your apparent passion for bickering.
Says the guy who has nothing better to do with his life than constantly insult people he's never met. :lol:

You call us names, act all big and tough, and then say you're not going to indulge OUR bickering? Sure, whatever. :roll:
"I'm uh warning ya, Arjak... Don't make me angry... you wouldn't like me when I'm angry! Raaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrr!"  :wink:

Quote from: HercTNT on 09/06/2012, 02:10 AMBernie has asked those of us who have spoken out to stop, so the matter can finally end, and he can put it behind him. Like it or not, we should respect bernie's wishes. Time to let it go.
I appreciate where Bernie's coming from, but this hothead just keeps asking for it. Right after I felt I had sufficiently gotten my 2 cents in and stated I'm not gonna waste more time on him, he pops back in the thread, and does a, "Haha, I'm not really ignoring you all the time!" and mocks the post, inviting yet another round of slapping him around! He's counting negative posts against him as if that is supposed to indicate something. If 20 to 1 posts were of us saying what a great guy he is, he'd be saying thanks and keep 'em coming - it's hypocritical. But no, instead, we're talking about what a piece of shit he is, and rightfully so, thus he's trying to deter further posts of that nature. How can Arjak be "butt-hurt" after that first post in here? The hothead made more negative posts in here than Arjak, so by his own logic he admits he's butt-hurt and even without that, it's pretty clear to everybody that he is...

"Waaaaah! Waaaaah! Stop criticizing me! STOP IT! STOP IT! Or, or, uh, I'll put you on ignore! I swear I will! I've done it before, and I'm not afraid of doing it again!!! I proved it with an image!! What do you mean I'm the crybaby? NO, you are!!! You are! Leave me alone! Stop it already!!!!! Leave me alone! Change the subject!! Waaaah! Waaaah!!!!!!! Stop stalking my threads with negativity you sycophantic ball sniffers, only positive, appreciative posts are allowed!!!!! I'm doing you all a favor, I brought the signs and some entertainment right along with it!!!!!

There are better things to talk about like, I dunno, the greatness of my TG-16 signs! C'mon, c'mon, let's move on! Move the hell on! What the hell? Just bunch of flame cravers! That's all!!!! This was 5-6 DAYS AGO! According to me, the statute of limitations is up already! Get over it, you butt-hurt flame cravers! Get over it!!! HELLO MOVEON.ORG!!!!! Only positive posts allowed!"

Quote from: XRayDamn straight, I won't back down
"I never back down! Never I say! NEVER!!!!! Even when I'm making a complete ass of myself! HMPH!!!!!"

I'll say this too, I was perfectly happy with my first post in this thread, I established him as our new resident character-assassin and I called him out for his extreme comparisons (via the Hitler card, etc.) - I would've left it at that, but he popped in here, the weasel that he is, smarted off and invited a continued game of "whack the weasel." So I obliged anyway. He's not gonna establish a narrative that he was the victim after accusing Bernie, Arkhan, Professor and anyone else that defended the possibility/plausibility of MJ's innocence as being boy-loving, ass-shoving pedophiles or sympathizers themselves...

Quote from: PCEngineHell on 09/06/2012, 08:08 AMThe high road seems to have many temptations along its path of enlightenment.
Hehe! I thought this was signature-worthy, but I don't have room for it with all my links.


NightFag just can't let it drop, type of guy that always has to get in the last 2,000 words.
Only thing you have slapped around here is your limp pecker ,,, But keep dreaming, if it makes you feel all warm n fuzzy !
[Lets see if that provokes yet another 14 paragraph infantile rant from the resident drama queen]


Quite the dilemma for poor little XGay, he claims he wants to be above the fray (AKA "high roading it"), but he just can't seem to stay away... Even though he can't make up his mind, whether to have dicks or fingers go up in his behind, it doesn't stop him from accussing others of the same kind of thing, how pathetic that these are the caliber of insults that he likes to bring... ;)


Reduced your rant to a measly couple little 1 liners at my suggestion, soooo predictable. Fingers & cocks up the ass huh ?? And you wonder why I call you "NightFag" ? I'm sure your foster mother didn't raise you to talk vulgar gay smack like that, even on the internet !


Quote from: XGay on 09/08/2012, 10:07 PMReduced your rant to a measly couple little 1 liners at my suggestion, soooo predictable.
I don't take suggestions, douchebag. And if any of my "rants" have been "too long," it's only because there's so much material that can come from trash like you. You're gonna find something wrong with the critic and the criticism, never your disgusting self seems to be the pattern here anyhow... Of course, for someone that dropped pedophilia charges against people here, being lectured about "excess" by the likes of you is laughable. You seem entirely oblivious to your hypocrisy throughout this thing, that's for sure.

QuoteFingers & cocks up the ass huh ?? And you wonder why I call you "NightFag" ?
Your memory seems fuzzy.

Quote from: Xray on 08/30/2012, 08:56 PM...you can stick your finger right up your ass, don't have the time of day to bicker with you either, pedo defender.
You seem so intimately familiar with the concept, so I'd say it's a case of projection. ;)

QuoteI'm sure your foster mother didn't raise you to talk vulgar gay smack like that, even on the internet !
Next up, "your mama" jokes.

Getting under your skin now, douche? Am I fully off software ignore Mr. "Highroader" or are you as conflicted about that as you are about everything else ?? I know Professor got first place at the top of your Enemies' List (that's fine, he earned it), but I would like to at least earn 2nd place... ;) I guess my competition is Jibbajaba and even Arjak who managed to get sand in your vagina after only one post and yet I did all this work! Not as much as Professor certainly, but damn, give credit where credit is due!!

"You're all just a bunch of, of, uh, haters, yeah, that's it, haters! And haters gonna hate! All I did is equate Michael Jackson's guilt to that of OJ Simpson (he's black too!), Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson (which I thought was particularly cute), and then after Bernie told me to STFU, I acussed him, Arkhan, Professor, Necromancer of being boy-loving, pedophilia-defending jerks! What's the big deal? WHY OH WHY are we still talking about this? Why would that still be offensive/inflammatory beyond a couple of days afterwards? What's there to hate about little ole me? What, nobody found my "apology" genuine?? Stop the hate, I say! Stop the hate!!!!!! Can't we all just...get along??? *sniff*"