Shubibinman- love it or hate it????

Started by PunkCryborg, 09/26/2012, 11:46 PM

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I decided to play through the fist shubi because after clearing Energy I didn't think I had had enough punishment..... Well things started off rocky, getting used to the weird icey controls, figuring out the map and how to buy stuff and upgrade your gear, learning the levels etc. I didn't think I was making any progress. I had only cleared maybe 3 levels and I wasn't getting anywhere.
After getting some skillz I started to knock levels out one by one, I was on a roll! Even though I could go straight to the last level I wanted to clear every level and get all the items. So there I was with one level left to clear, maybe 3 hours into this game, actually LIKING it and getting excited.... I was even bragging in the chat about how I was gonna clear it and then....GAME OVER. I guess I had a certain number of credits but I had no idea since all the dialogue was in moonspeak. Damn I can't believe I spent a whole afternoon on one of my days off playing this and then losing it all. So brutal NCS Masaya!
I don't know if I have what it takes to continue another night and go for a clear. I've come so far but the punishment of playing this game.... I don't know if I can take it again...... Yet I'm compelled to continue and maybe beat it by 3 am tonight

Anyone else played this through? What are your opinions? I can tell you this, I can't stand the freaking monkeys that jump all over the place. And the dragon that bounces all over the screen is a bitch!!

Sorry if this came off as a rant but I needed to vent. Maybe I'll post later with a triumphant all clear feel better about my PCE addiction??


I have never spent much time with this game. I always end up playing Ninja Warriors instead. :pcgs:


I told you you should've played Hatris - it's not at all frustrating.   :mrgreen:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


It's a great game. There's a learning curve in what levels to play to gain items to complete it (not really that difficult) and once you get used to the controls, there's some enjoyable platforming to be had. Music is also very nice.


I need to try the game again and give it a second chance. I liked #2 and #3 for sure.  hmmm

Just give it a few more days then go back and finish it. A little break goes a long way


It's way better than #2 if you can see past the ropey graphics.


Quote from: guest on 09/27/2012, 02:39 PMIt's way better than #2 if you can see past the ropey graphics.
I need to try it on the console itself or a computer emu, I tried it on my phone and the controls were just horrendous,when compared to #2, again Emu on phone not the best of ways to judge a game.


I enjoy all 3, though #3 is the best.
though it should be, since its a SCD game.
anyone tried the shubibinman game on SFC? I think it was a satellaview only game.


Quote from: guest on 09/27/2012, 02:39 PMIt's way better than #2 if you can see past the ropey graphics.
I agree with this.. and as for the music.. ^________^

one of those few pc-e hucard games where the music has such a warm sound.


Quote from: guest on 09/27/2012, 11:14 AMI told you you should've played Hatris - it's not at all frustrating.   :mrgreen:
Im actually going to get this soon!!


Well after getting some more practice I finally beat it! I skipped a couple stages that didn't have usefull items cause I was getting impatient but I did clear them last night so I don't think I'm missing anything. Despite my frustration from the first post I did end up enjoying this game and would recommend it to people who like platformers. It's actually quite fun and challenging but not too hard.


That game is so hard I wanna bape it, like no tommorow..................did I say something rwong


Can't say i put enough time into it to hate it.Still i was put off by it's controls,there just to damn loose agrhhhhh ! To me at least i think part 3 is the best one in the series follow by part 2.
Wii U:Progearspec


I've only tried it for a few minutes a few times, but I liked what I saw more than part 2, which I've played through a couple times but am not crazy about. I don't like part 3, which had potential but it looks and feels like an incomplete prototype that got cut short and released unexpectedly.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Well, I bit the bullet. I have a copy of it coming my way in the near future, thanks to Mishram!


Cool nando i'll give you some tips to get started on it in the chat when you get it



I want to get this, but I really thought I'd like 2 and 3 more.  In my head, I can't help compare them to Megaman, but they're nothing alike.  I want the characters to move slower, I just want the whole game slower and more platformey than twitch shootey.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


I don't really care, I think this and another game goes great horizins to give you something unique. I think I am down to at least ten or twenty games to get for the PCE, before I quit, and move on to the next frontier.

four of them consist of this game and that other game of a differnt title.


Quote from: soop on 10/02/2012, 10:41 AMI want to get this, but I really thought I'd like 2 and 3 more.  In my head, I can't help compare them to Megaman, but they're nothing alike.  I want the characters to move slower, I just want the whole game slower and more platformey than twitch shootey.
The first is all platforming. The second one looks more polished but yeah it's just not as much fun in my opinion. I like using the  sword a lot better. The third definitely looks the best and has some awesome music but it's not very challenging and is almost kind of glitchy.


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 10/02/2012, 11:51 AM
Quote from: soop on 10/02/2012, 10:41 AMI want to get this, but I really thought I'd like 2 and 3 more.  In my head, I can't help compare them to Megaman, but they're nothing alike.  I want the characters to move slower, I just want the whole game slower and more platformey than twitch shootey.
The first is all platforming. The second one looks more polished but yeah it's just not as much fun in my opinion. I like using the  sword a lot better. The third definitely looks the best and has some awesome music but it's not very challenging and is almost kind of glitchy.
#3 is pretty as all get out but man it's rather linear with a few boxes and things placed around. Fast paced though.



I'm in the love it camp. Sure, it has shitty hit detection, but it's playable after you learn its quirks. I don't find it that hard, other than maybe the last stage.

It's characteristic of Masaya games: somehow feels polished and kinda sloppy at the same time. I love their games, really I do.


Never played the first two, but my friend had #3 which I borrowed and loved.  Music, graphics and controls were great from what I can remember.  I also remember it being way too easy.  Of course, that was about 20 years ago.


Quote from: arex on 10/04/2012, 04:07 AMNever played the first two, but my friend had #3 which I borrowed and loved.  Music, graphics and controls were great from what I can remember.  I also remember it being way too easy.  Of course, that was about 20 years ago.
Your memory is pretty accurate. #3 is the best in the series for sure. Only weakness is the easiness.


shubi 3 > shubi 2 > shubi 1

and yeah, shubi 3 can be a first run clearer with ease.
also i don't like some frowsy programmings here and there.

but all around it's an impressive game, especially for a simple cd-rom. - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Hmmm after playing all three back to back im going to go 1>3>2


I actually think the second looks the best.  Bigger sprites don't always make a game prettier.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


This thread is helping me actually care (a bit) about the Shubibinman series. I never played all three at the same time, so I have a very disjointed view of them. I've spent the most time with Shubi 3, which I considered far too easy, but with so much potential to be 100% ROCK-N-ROLL. If only Masaya had made the default difficulty higher and fixed a few things. GODDAMN.

I definitely want to play the first two Shoobee's now and compare them.


well been given the first game a bash and have to say its a bit poop hate the flootie controls, shame i realy like the third game its easy yea but fun to play.

never played the second game gonna fire up magic engine and see what's its like.
I always wanted a thing called tuna sashemie

"All your base are belong to us"


The second game is a big improvement might thing about picking that up.
I always wanted a thing called tuna sashemie

"All your base are belong to us"


well the controls and the graphics are definitely better in 2 and even more so in 3 but the game play in 1 is definitely the most challenging and enjoyable.


I played the second game for awhile this weekend and while I don't have the 1st game to compare it against, I think I'd enjoy that more than 2.  The shooter levels were hard for me to deal with (since I suck at shooters) so I shut it off after dying a bit to frequently for me to continue enjoying the game. 

I do have Shubibi 3 and really enjoy that game, so maybe I'll look into picking up the first game on the cheap if I can find it.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


think i am going to track down the second game.
I always wanted a thing called tuna sashemie

"All your base are belong to us"


Well, I've played the game for a bit. As I'm getting used to its biases and how the dev's wanted the characters to behave, I'm enjoying the game more and more. Keeping the game in context of age and when it was developed helps to truly enjoy it.  I found #2 to be WAY more Megamanish than this one. 

Graphics are for sure not as good as the other two, but that isn't taking anything away from it.  The whole platforms dropping and leaving you in the air cartoon style for a few milisecs was different enough that I kinda liked it.  Still barely scratching the game though.
