Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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Super score !!! Tg16 cd player only obtained !!!

Started by Nec.Game.head, 11/06/2012, 02:04 PM

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Hey everyone .. Just posting up a question regarding the Tg16 cd maybe someone can help me figuring out this one .. A friend of mine randomly showed up to my house the other day with a Tg16 cd player by itself .. Now this dude doesn't play video games at all. He just mentioned to me that the last time he came over he saw me playing my Tg16 and he had asked me about it .. I told him it was a very advanced technical console from back in the day, I showed him my Tg16 Express and and explained to him how the game cards/Hu cards were interchangeable .. He was amazed !! I also mentioned to him about the cd add on for it called the Tg16 cd .. I told him it was the very first console with an ad on for cd support games .. He was amazed and shocked !! Now here's the cool part he was cleaning out his mothers garage the other day and found the Tg16 cd player and saw it had the word Nec on it .. He flipped it over upside down and read the word Turbografx 16 cd on it also.. He totally knew what it was for, so he brought it over for me as a gift .. I asked him how in the hell did this end up in your mamas garage ?? He said his mom bought it for him around 97 at a yard sale thinking it was a portable disc man .. He was never able to use it to say the least ..

I downloaded a few Tg16 iso and burned it, test it out and it fully played all the music sound tracks from the game .. Now here's what I'm wondering ?? Since it worked does it mean if I buy the docking station for it and the system 2.0 card plus the Tg16 cd ac adapter .. Should the setup work for me ?? I don't have any friends with a complete Tg16 cd to test out the cd player on it ..
Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!


I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.


Pics or it didnt happen

And congrats that a pretty sweet and random score


ASIDE: Events like this NEVER happen to me. Ever. IMG


Quote from: Nec.Game.head on 11/06/2012, 02:04 PMNow here's what I'm wondering ?? Since it worked does it mean if I buy the docking station for it and the system 2.0 card plus the Tg16 cd ac adapter .. Should the setup work for me ?? I don't have any friends with a complete Tg16 cd to test out the cd player on it ..
Yes, it should all work. A few recommendations about your search for parts:
*The original AC adapter for the TGCD is difficult to find and tends to be expensive. Buy an aftermarket one here:
*the docking interface is pretty common - there's one on ebay for $50+ - but try posting a WTB or asking some of the repair guys here first.
*The U.S. 2.0 card is cheap, but annoyingly uncommon. Don't get impatient and waste $25 on a BIN! Skip the 2.0 card entirely and buy a PC-Engine 3.0 card. They can be found for $10-20 and, believe me, you'll want to play Super CDs. Region mod your TurboGrafx or buy a dirt-cheap Chopsado converter to get around the card's region protection.

Have fun!
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Heh, nice friend.  +1 on VestCunt's advice, plus I'd inspect the gears for wear and/or dried up grease and repair as needed.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Nice score! Sounds like a working drive.  Cool of your friend to give it to you as a gift. 

As mentioned already, be sure to eventually inspect, clean, and lube the gears.  The middle gear is prone to get brittle and break teeth.


Awesome score! If only things like that would fall into my lap!

You should be good to go with the mentioned aftermarket A/C adapter, a docking base, and a system card. Good luck!
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


lol here's a picture of myself and my Tg16 cd player score !! Awesome I'm really glad to hear I maybe in luck with this one !! I'm hoping I can find a Tg16 cd docking station for a decent price, and will make sure to buy a less expensive after market ac adapter from retrogamecave.com .. I'm gonna buy some Obey region free mod chips from BlueBMW and mod it myself, buy a Jp system 3.0 card and I should be good to go !! thanks for the tips vestcunt & Necromancer .. Oh by the way ?? Is it fairly simple to service a Tg16 cd player ??
                                                THANK FOR ALL THE REPLY'S AND HELP YOU GUYS !!
Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!


Amazingly the great drive didn't destroy itself after being used for the first time in 15 years. You got lucky.


Wow It hadn't even occurred to me that the gears could have had been dry/stuck together from not having fresh grease on them anymore !! My friend recalls it being around 97 when his my bought the loose Tg16 cd player by it self .. Hm now I'm wondering at what point did that Tg16 cd player and the rest of it's components get separated ?? I guess I really did get lucky .. I most definitely need to take it apart and service it, cleaning the gears and greasing them up with some lithium grease .. Is that by chance difficult to do ?? I'm fairly good at taking apart consoles and working on them ..
Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!


lol, nice pic.  I hadn't thought about oiling the gears on mine, I'm going to do that this weekend I guess.  While I'm tooling around in there I'm going to see if I have leaky capacitors because I hear that's a thing, too.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Thats an awesome story, very cool of your friend to hook you up with a TG-16 CD!


Thanks man .. I'm actually using it right now on my stereo receiver and listening to the audio sound tracks from Y's Book 1 & 2 !!! I'm soo happy that If I take my time and search for the rest of the components, in no time I will have my very first Tg16 cd for cheap !!! I don't like looking at ebay for Tg16 stuff cause it's soo expensive and it bumbs me out to see those idiots making a profit off of our passion for Nec gaming ..
Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!


Nice score, great pick!! i have a duo, but its my dream to own an original cd setup again.


Dude, what an awesome way to get into the CD side of things!  Congrats.  I'll second that retrogamecave is a great place to get AC adapters.  I have 3 in my collection currently (Duo, Briefcase Unit, Express).


www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Congrats,good luck trying to find a docking station.Trying to peace together a TG16 and Turbo-CD can be really difficult.
Wii U:Progearspec


Right on you guys .. Thanks for the reply's .. What I'm planning on doing is to take my time on this Tg16 cd project .. What I'm starting off with is region free modding my Tg16 next week once I receive my Obey chips from BlueBMW, then order a ac adapter from retrogamecave.com .. After that just play the waiting game till the time comes for me to get a Tg16 cd docking station for, I'm hoping around $75.00 including shipping .. When that's all done, I'll order a system 3.0 card from hitjapan, thanks Vestcunt .. But what I'm really really looking forward to is hopefully being able to buy my very first Turboduo-r if all plans go accordingly next week .. Right now I'm using my Tg16 cd player to enjoy the kick ass audio sound tracks from Lords Of Thunder on this rainy California morning ..
Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!


IMO, skip the sys card 3.0, and go straight for the arcade card pro.
that way it'll work on your apparent future TG+CD setup, and on the Duo-R I'm planning on selling to you!


Suggestion noted and accepted !!! That sounds like an even better idea .. I'm a huge Neo Geo fan also, not to talk about something different but I also have an Neo Geo Aes console and can't afford anything on that thing, so I'm also looking forward to eventually collecting all the Neo Geo ports that were released for the Tg16 cd .. Can't wait to have my very own Duo-r !!! Your the man bartre !!!  :dance:
                                                                        Thanks for the advice !!!

Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!


lol at the pic.
you could always get an IFU + PCE/CGX setup to use that CD drive.
might be cheaper, will definitely be easier to find.


Quote from: Nec.Game.head on 11/08/2012, 11:21 AMSuggestion noted and accepted !!! That sounds like an even better idea .. I'm a huge Neo Geo fan also, not to talk about something different but I also have an Neo Geo Aes console and can't afford anything on that thing, so I'm also looking forward to eventually collecting all the Neo Geo ports that were released for the Tg16 cd .. Can't wait to have my very own Duo-r !!! Your the man bartre !!!  :dance:
                                                                        Thanks for the advice !!!

Quote from: Nec.Game.head on 11/08/2012, 11:21 AMSuggestion noted and accepted !!! That sounds like an even better idea .. I'm a huge Neo Geo fan also, not to talk about something different but I also have an Neo Geo Aes console and can't afford anything on that thing, so I'm also looking forward to eventually collecting all the Neo Geo ports that were released for the Tg16 cd .. Can't wait to have my very own Duo-r !!! Your the man bartre !!!  :dance:
                                                                        Thanks for the advice !!!

Off topic,but if you can't afford buying for the aes.Then i suggest selling it and switching to a consolized mvs.
Wii U:Progearspec


I still have a boner for my Aes and could never sell it !!! I still to this day collect some of the cheaper priced Neo Geo Aes games like The King Of Fighters and the Samurai Shodown series ... For the real expensive games, if I really had to have them at home i would just play them on my Big Red Neo Geo 4 slot Mvs cabinet, or buy a Super MVS to AES Neo-Geo Converter II so I could play them on my tv .. I would like to get those ports for the Tg16 cd because their really good ports and wouldn't cost me 80.00 plus dollars to own and try out ... I just meant at this point in my life I can't afford to buy Aes games, but I am looking forward to the day that all changes and I can continue to do so again ... I'm a super Nec fanboy and will always be. But I do have a special place in my heart for Snk gaming also ... But what really maters is, I'm super excited to complete my Tg16 cd setup soon so that I can enjoy it with my girlfriend and buddies !!!

                          Thanks all you guys for the help and suggestions in helping me out with my Nec addiction !!!  :D
Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!


heh, IMO, the best way to play neo is on a big red cab.
maybe that's just nostalgia talking though, used to play metal slug at godfathers because my mom wouldn't let me hang out at the arcade in the mall.


I always wanted a thing called tuna sashemie

"All your base are belong to us"


Quote from: Nec.Game.head on 11/07/2012, 12:02 AMlol here's a picture of myself and my Tg16 cd player score !! Awesome I'm really glad to hear I maybe in luck with this one !! I'm hoping I can find a Tg16 cd docking station for a decent price, and will make sure to buy a less expensive after market ac adapter from retrogamecave.com .. I'm gonna buy some Obey region free mod chips from BlueBMW and mod it myself, buy a Jp system 3.0 card and I should be good to go !! thanks for the tips vestcunt & Necromancer .. Oh by the way ?? Is it fairly simple to service a Tg16 cd player ??
                                                THANK FOR ALL THE REPLY'S AND HELP YOU GUYS !!
:D haha, that photo rules!
-region/s-video modded PC Engine Duo w/Arcade Card at www. multimods .com
-region modded Super Grafx
-region modded PC Engine original
-PC-FX w/Zenki, Zeroigar, Chip-Chan, Battle Heat, Der Langrisser FX

Will this complete me?


So I'm back with an update on my super score .. From the past four days I have tested my Tg16 cd player with different burned iso images, these are the results .. The first day it fired right up from a 15 plus year nap with no problems .. The second day it wouldn't spin so I opened it up and moved the little gears where the motor is to move the laser, assembled it and it worked fine .. The third day It worked fine in the morning .. Later that day I tried it out it wouldn't spin again, I didn't open it up again quite yet and tried out a original music cd and it worked fine with that .. In fact I tried several disc original and copied, all worked fine but would not read any of my iso's anymore .. So I opened it up wiped the the gears off and lubed them up very lightly with some tri flow lubricant .. Reassembled it again and nothing same thing as last, it only played my music cd's .. The fourth day which is today I opened it up to check the gears to see if they were stuck, they seemed fine so I decided to try my best to wipe off the gears to make sure they were not all wet with lubricant and and used a sowing needle to clean off the dried/wet lubricant and grease that was on the brass colored long gear .. It had very little gunk but never the less it was dirty .. Reassembled it and tried it out, this time it worked again with my burned iso images .. I tried tapping lightly on the sides to make it skip to see if it would go back to the song it was playing .. It did but made a weird sound, tried it again and the audio track got stuck .. So I skipped to the next song and it continued to work fine .. Right now I'm letting it play through all the audio tracks for Lords Of Thunder from track 1 to 24 .. It started skipping on track 17 so I skipped to 18 and that played fine skipped back to 17 and it worked fine for a bit and started skipping again .. It seems from track 17 to 24 it has problems with skipping ..

Is their someone I could send it to ?? So I can have it fully serviced and tuned ?? I would do it myself, but theirs so much going on in that little Tg16 cd player with cables that need to be unplugged and ground cables that need to be unsoldered, then theirs disassembling the laser assembly .. I just don't feel comfortable messing with it .. It would be a damn shame if I screwed it up over the lack of experience and knowledge on Tg16 cd repairs .. Any help out their ??  [-o&lt;
Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!


1) CD-R's are bad for Turbo hardware (or at least half of us think so).
2) Play ISO's on a computer. Save the hardware for real games.
3) Don't open up your CD player all willy-nilly everyday; the screws will strip the plastic eventually.
4) Time to start a thread in the repair forum! Chop5 and the thesteve worked wonders with my TGCD.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: guest on 11/10/2012, 04:37 AM1) CD-R's are bad for Turbo hardware (or at least half of us think so).
2) Play ISO's on a computer. Save the hardware for real games.
3) Don't open up your CD player all willy-nilly everyday; the screws will strip the plastic eventually.
4) Time to start a thread in the repair forum! Chop5 and the thesteve worked wonders with my TGCD.
1) yeah, that's right
2) meh, isos are fine, provided you're okay with the extra wear and tear
3) eventually, yeah, but it would take lots of screwing
4) Keith Courage is also awesome!


Right on guys .. I downloaded the iso's simply because I didn't know if the Tg16 cd player was gonna work in the first place .. I just downloaded them to simply test it out .. I'll probably keep just keep the iso's and just get MagicEngine on my pc to use them on that since they seem to work .. I also have a soft modded xbox with a Tg16 emulator on it .. And I'm gonna stop opening up my Tg16 cd since I'm not gonna service/repair it myself .. Now I just need to get in contact with one of those people you guys recommended ..
  Once again thanks you guys for the help and tips .. I freaking love this place !!!  =D&gt;
Finally playing these games I couldn't get my hands on back in 91' !!! Nec fan always !!!