@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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taking apart the interface unit

Started by mbannick, 03/26/2013, 04:25 PM

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So my interface unit arrived today and its in decent shape. The only problem is it is literally the dirtiest thing I've ever owned. I managed to clean it up quite a bit but the area where the lock switch and all the areas where the top and bottom meet are just caked in black crap. So I want to take it apart and deep clean all the plastic. While it wasn't hard to get the screws out I'm stuck trying the separate the pieces (I don't know if they are tabbed together or if there are some hidden screws somewhere). Does anyone have some pictures or a tutorial on opening this thing up? My searches around google haven't yielded anything useful so far.


Try posing in the repair section.
 I am shore I came across a website with a rgb mod for the inter face unit with full instructions on taking it apart worth having a look for that, if I find it will post it back here.
I always wanted a thing called tuna sashemie

"All your base are belong to us"


Quote from: fraggore on 04/02/2013, 08:34 AMTry posing in the repair section.
 I am shore I came across a website with a rgb mod for the inter face unit with full instructions on taking it apart worth having a look for that, if I find it will post it back here.
Yeah I was thinking I should have posted there. Anyway, I ended up finding what I was looking for using google image search. Turns out there are two clips on each side of the tray. Used a medium/soft guitar pick and it popped open pretty quick.


Also, I would like to add when I opened my unit up there was no metal shielding under the components is that a revision? Maybe someone already opened this up and forgot to put it back? Another thing: the cdrom unit itself doesn't fit  flush with the back of the unit. I suspect it may be due to some really long solder blobs hanging from the bottom of the cd connector. Could someone take an up close picture of their units cd connector? Maybe level so I can see how much of the solder work hangs from the board its soldered to.