12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.
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Tokyo underworld

Started by Nando, 11/19/2013, 11:10 AM

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For those of you that enjoy all the sides of JP culture


From the site:
There are very few gaijin (foreigners) who know what happens on the dark side of the rising sun like Robert Whiting. Whiting is an American author and journalist living in Japan, one of the rare ones who has written great books published in both English and Japanese language after he first set foot in Japan in 1962, when he was 20.

His most popular book, Tokyo Underworld: The Fast Times and Hard Life of an American Gangster in Japan, published by Pantheon, N.Y. 1999, and Vintage Departures, 2000, has been optioned for being made into a major motion picture several times but still hasn't made it to the silver screen. It's not surprising that the book would appeal to Hollywood. The main protagonist in the book seems to pop out of a movie! But he isn't, Nicola Zappetti, aka "The Mafia Boss of Tokyo," an Italian American GI whose pizza restaurant in Roppongi became the informal headquarters of the Tokyo underworld, really existed and lived in the country where you would think modesty and order reign.


Im an ex american gangster. Thanks for the link.
Im a real life Sadler, just take me to the nearest item shop.

I have aspergers, and am a recovering Tonicholic


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!



I listened to a guy on NPR who talked about sex clubs in Tokyo which are not open to non-Japanese.

One of them you go into a fake subway car and there are paid women dressed as schoolgirls around you.  The car shakes like it was a real ride, and you get to rub up against the women and grope them.

Another club he talked about you go into a basement and there is a glass ceiling.  You look up and there are a bunch of girls in skirts paid to sit there and just act like they are in a coffee shop while you enjoy the up skirt view.

Japanese people are almost as creepy as me...


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<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..

Psycho Punch

Quote from: TheClash603 on 11/19/2013, 06:59 PMOne of them you go into a fake subway car and there are paid women dressed as schoolgirls around you.  The car shakes like it was a real ride, and you get to rub up against the women and grope them.
So if I were japanese I would be able to reenact one of the scenes of that Charles Bronson movie, Kinjite? Cool.

Quote from: Xak on 11/19/2013, 12:40 PMIm an ex american gangster. Thanks for the link.
I was Nicola Zappetti, thanks for the link.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: TheClash603 on 11/19/2013, 06:59 PMJapanese people are almost as creepy as me...

One thing I appreciate about the JP culture is that they seem to be okay with acting on their fetishes. It's what happens when desert patriarchal religions don't take hold. ;)


Quote from: Nando on 11/19/2013, 09:55 PMOne thing I appreciate about the JP culture is that they seem to be okay with acting on their fetishes. It's what happens when desert patriarchal religions don't take hold. ;)
And yet statistically they are the most sexless at all stages of life compared to all developed countries.


Quote from: SamIAm on 11/19/2013, 10:03 PM
Quote from: Nando on 11/19/2013, 09:55 PMOne thing I appreciate about the JP culture is that they seem to be okay with acting on their fetishes. It's what happens when desert patriarchal religions don't take hold. ;)
And yet statistically they are the most sexless at all stages of life compared to all developed countries.
Anthony bourdain did a thing on Tokyo with CNN and it actually covered some of this. Children of the atom and what nots.


Quote from: Nando on 11/19/2013, 09:55 PMIt's what happens when desert patriarchal religions don't take hold. ;)

What's the point in believing in a God that just acts like a nanny-tyrant with a stick up his ass? I already have parents for that! :lol:

Political Correctness and being forced to conform to a culture's self-constructed idea of morality instead of common sense morality is for the f**king birds anyway.

One of the problems with organized religion in general is that every person has different needs, and a one-size-fits-all solution just doesn't work for that very reason. Imagine if we had religious law in America. Does a person being gay instantly make him a bad person? What about watching porn? Any person who says yes is hypnotized by religion and has no understanding of what it means to be a human being. And assuming the Christian God really does exist, I personally think based off of his taught commandments that he has no understanding of human beings either.

In my opinion, every good religion has some level of goodness and truth to it, but no religion is perfect. They're all put to paper and taught by human beings, who are all far from perfect after all.

I apologize if my post offends anyone. I'm just using my first-amendment rights while I still can.
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Im a real life Sadler, just take me to the nearest item shop.

I have aspergers, and am a recovering Tonicholic


Quote from: Arjak on 11/20/2013, 02:09 AM
Quote from: Nando on 11/19/2013, 09:55 PMIt's what happens when desert patriarchal religions don't take hold. ;)

What's the point in believing in a God that just acts like a nanny-tyrant with a stick up his ass? I already have parents for that! :lol:

Political Correctness and being forced to conform to a culture's self-constructed idea of morality instead of common sense morality is for the f**king birds anyway.

One of the problems with organized religion in general is that every person has different needs, and a one-size-fits-all solution just doesn't work for that very reason. Imagine if we had religious law in America. Does a person being gay instantly make him a bad person? What about watching porn? Any person who says yes is hypnotized by religion and has no understanding of what it means to be a human being. And assuming the Christian God really does exist, I personally think based off of his taught commandments that he has no understanding of human beings either.

In my opinion, every good religion has some level of goodness and truth to it, but no religion is perfect. They're all put to paper and taught by human beings, who are all far from perfect after all.

I apologize if my post offends anyone. I'm just using my first-amendment rights while I still can.
I have half-jokingly suggested that there is a huge market for Christian porn for years. I know it sounds silly, but it would sell better than Stryper albums in the 80's.

Basically, the concept is dead simple: every film would involve a married couple, who are good citizens, attend church regularly, and have sex to procreate.

No perversion of Bible or it's teachings. No risqué settings (bedroom only,). Straight-up heterosexual missionary basics. No gratuitous anything. No facials. Nothing controversial.  Basics.

This keeps production costs low. Also, in a world where porn is getting more and more XTREME and increasingly specific sub-genres...lots of folks just want some good old-fashioned


Now, to make more money, it would be great to cross-promote Christian musicians in the films by including their inspiring music.


Christians aren't as uptight as we sometimes stereotype them to be:

QuoteAlthough sex between unmarried couples was theoretically a crime in Puritan society, that hardly slowed them down. It just meant that their society was rife with shotgun weddings. According to some studies, up to 1 in 3 Puritan women were pregnant when they were married. The odds of becoming pregnant from one act of intercourse are a lot lower than that, so that's a lot of deviant behavior for a group that cheerfully crushed people to death for looking "witchy."

Given that they lived in such a repressive and extremist society, these dangerous criminals must have carried out their illicit affairs with discretion, right? Not even close. The Puritans had sex everywhere. They had sex in churchyards. They had sex in ditches and in hedges. They had sex in bars and in bean patches and on porches. One of the most common places for Puritan servants to have sex was in the kitchen, often while the other servants watched.

It's not even like the clergy were uptight about a little action in the bedroom or bean patch. The Puritan church not only condoned sex for pleasure between married spouses, it actually required it. Sex was mandatory not only because it produced offspring, but because the Puritans believed that sexually pleasing one's spouse was a religious duty. At least one man was excommunicated from the Puritan church for refusing to have sex with his wife. Impotency or poor sexual performance was considered grounds for divorce, and a man was not to withdraw from his wife in case he ruined her orgasm.

So, how could the Puritans justify awesome sex for married couples but no sex for the unmarried? The Puritan church believed that because marriage was between a man, a woman and Jesus, sex should also be between a man, a woman and Jesus. This wasn't even a metaphor: The Puritan church sought converts by describing the "voluptuous delights" that awaited them in heaven with their "heavenly husband." Yeah, they're talking about sex with Jesus.


Sex with Jesus LIVE in TIJUANA!


Quote from: SamIAm on 11/20/2013, 08:34 PMA whole lot of shocking stuff that blew my mind.
Wow...references for where you got this info or it didn't happen! :shock:
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


If you google "puritan sexuality" you'll get a whole bunch of results about this (admittedly from a lot of places like cracked.com). However, as I search for sources, I find that a number of people are referencing this book, and it seems pretty legit: http://www.wtsbooks.com/worldly-saints-leland-ryken-9780310325017?utm_source=dkjos&utm_medium=blogpartners


Well, I haven't looked this up (Puritan Sexy Love), but my vision of porn was to go anti-XTREME and make tame, banal, boring stuff (and, of course, this would be it's selling point).

This probably exists already. I just don't know much about what the porn industry offers.

I'm afraid to start looking up the crazy Puritan stuff linked above. Ha! I'll be getting pop-up ads for burlap condoms.



Quote from: Nando on 11/24/2013, 09:18 AMCinemax?
Average married couples + average sex? If so, then....yes!  :pcgs:

I never had/watched Cinemax, but I think it has erotica in the evenings? Or something like that? That's probably too risqué for my plans.