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Turbo Duo R633 resistor value?

Started by vacantrain, 10/22/2015, 05:10 PM

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Hi guys, I just bought a broken Turbo Duo from ebay.  The case is mint, so I really want to fix this one because I have not owned a Duo in like a decade.  I'm pretty handy at repair and it looks like the audio caps leaked, and someone screwed up the cap replacement, which is what the ebay auction said.

I noticed tho that R633 (which is the small surface mount resistor next to C311 to the right of the two heatsyncs) is missing on my duo and was sloppily jumpered with a sliver of wire.  Does anyone know the proper value I could replace it with?  Help greatly appreciated!


Also it might have a 3 digit number on it, if anyone could post that I could figure out the value, none of the pics online are high enough resolution so I could read it.





This site has a list of all of the capacitor values and has a map of all of the cap locations.


It is what I used when I recapped my Duo.


Quote from: thesteve on 10/23/2015, 01:37 AM33K
marking is 333
Thank you very much, this is what I was looking for!   8)


0805 is the physical size of the SMD chip, which is about 2mm long by 1.25mm wide. Any resistor can be used as long as it's the same value and same watt rating.  333 (33k ohms) is what you need.  You can even use a more common 1/4w resistor trimmed and bent to match the pad spacing and solder it in.
