Weird faint diagonal scrolling interference on RGB modded PCE DUO

Started by jetfire13, 08/26/2016, 12:08 PM

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Hey guys!

I've got a weird issue with my RGB modded PCE DUO. I had my console modded and was then getting some faint jailbars. So I followed the tutorial to replace the C909 and C923 with the 4.7 uF replacement caps and the jailbars completely vanished.

Now I have this odd, faint diagonal scrolling interference rolling through the image on certain lighter colors. Grey seems to be the most effected color. It's super apparent in Cadash. I traded one issue for another. haha!

My soldering skills aren't superb but I was hoping they were at least serviceable in this case.

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas or cold point me in the right direction.

Thanks guys!


It's your SCART cable.  You're picking up noise from the 5V line.

Change cables that have better shielding.


mickcris makes great scart cables.. get in touch with him, he is on these forums

Keith Courage

Diagonal scrolling is a huge sign of using a generic AC adapter. If you are not using an original one I would try another brand or original power supply before buying a new cable. If you indeed have an original power supply then by all means get the cable.


Kieth courage is correct the diagonal noise is switchmode noise.
You could use a transformer based PSU or possible try a different PSU.


Hey guys!

Thanks for the replies. I'm using the original Japanese AC adapter so hopefully that isn't the issue. It seems to be in good shape and from what I've read, a stepdown converter isn't necessary.

I got my cable from retro_console_accessories on eBay. Her stuff has always been pretty reliable but I'll hit up mickcris and see if he can sell me something better.

Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it.


Usually when I see scrolling lines and noise its grounding issues on the din plug and cable


On the Duos Din connector solder a wire shorting out the shielding and Gnd pin together.



just an update on this.  I did a few things to the console including better grounding of the av jack that i think was the fix for the interference.

other issues with the console:
I also replaced the rgb amp with one of mine since it just had a basic n64 style mod wrapped up in electrical tape (it could have also been part of the issue).

also the pcb was not cleaned around the voltage regulators and had a bad via that needed repaired.  it had a sound issue on the cd game i was testing the console with.  the caps in that area were all replaced, the board was cleaned, and the via was repaired.

one cap was missing as it was placed in an incorrect location. the cap that was supposed to go on c165 was placed on the empty location next to IC512 that is present on some boards.


Huge thanks to mickcris for helping me out!

Also, thank you for updating the thread with all the fixes that you did. Might help out some others having the same issues.

All of the interference is gone and the picture is pristine now.

Moral of the story: mickcris is the man and PLEASE avoid OGHugo and other jokers that offer their mod services on eBay. You will end up with issues and have to send your console to someone on these forums for repair.