Ninja Spirit High Scores

Started by DesmondThe3rd, 01/21/2011, 11:29 AM

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Ninja Spirit
494,100 - DesmondThe3rd
475,500 - roflmao

OK, here's a high score I bet any Turbo fan could beat but I thought it would be fun to post anyway since I did a vid on it: 494100 points



Well it's not quite as high as Desmonds, but I think I can do better next time. :)  I only died twice in this playthrough. Once in level 6 (I hate those guys with the spinning sticks!) and a bonehead move - after making it through the wall of ninjas at the end (on my first try!), I fell into the final boss's orb of death. D'oh!  I also didn't pick up all of the little gem things.  So I bet with a little more effort one could crack half a million on this game.

roflmao: 475,500

P.S. - I'm uploading my gameplay as separate videos for each level now to YouTube. (YouTube handle: turbografxnerd)


Got a 1CC in the PC Engine mode. Still counts I guess?

lukester: 518300


New score, same mode 1CC
