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Whats your serial numbers on your Duo consoles?

Started by override, 07/23/2009, 07:55 PM

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Sup Guys,

I was thinking of this the other day, I think it would be a neat idea (if this has not been done already) if people listed there US or JP Duo,Duo-R,Duo-RX or PC-FX system serial numbers and box numbers regardless if they match or if you only have one or the other! It would be cool if someone had a Duo with an unmatched box and someone else had the box for that persons Duo and vica versa....Im sure the event of this happening is slim to none but I still think it would be cool!

I have two Duo's, a PCE Duo Boxed with matching serials but no instructions, I also have a Duo-R that is not boxed....I'm out of town right now so I cant list my numbers just yet but as soon as I get back home Ill throw mine up!

You never know maybe some Duo's and Boxes will be reunited!



Sweet, I was thinking of bringing up this topic myself after seeing it done on AtariAge.

*Gets out system and box*

System: Duo RX
System Serial Number: 4522981YA
Box Serial Number: 4522981YA

'Tis a match! :dance:

I just wish it came with the instruction manual. Oh, well. I ordered it off ebay, after all. :-({|=
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Pulled out my stuff also.

System: U.S. Duo
System Serial Number: 29023461A
Box Serial Number:       29023461A
*Complete with styrofoam inserts, instructions, registration card, magazine and misc paperwork in the original plastic bag.

System: Turbo CD
System Serial Number: 02052204A
Box Serial Number:       02052204A
*Lower stryrofoam insert only, instructions, registration card and misc paperwork in the original plastic bag.

System: Turbo CD
System Serial Number: 03037074A
Box Serial Number:  No box.

I didn't bother checking the TG-16s since the boxes don't have the serials like Duos and TG-16 Cds do.
All is well. :)


Duo: 31005351A
Duo Box: 31005351A
Turbo: 9Y92817HB


My system is currently not in my possession,but the box has these numbers: HES-DUO  Serial: 31001301A

And to Mr. Show off, I to have a clean box with all the bells and whistles! :mrgreen:


Ok, I finally got around to getting my numbers.

I have a PCE Duo Box, Controller, System (no paperwork) - 19126124A

I also have a Duo-R (No Box or Paperwork) - 3Z011664

Im looking for a box for the Duo-R

I also have TG-16 (no box/paperwork) - 9837449B