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Ebay Pkt Auctions Sucks

Started by TheClash603, 06/25/2010, 12:57 PM

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Magical Chase w/ manual sold for $780ish, I put in my last second bid for $980 and got a pkt auction program error.  This is the best deal on MC in a long time, and I am very pissed.  Android phone normally is awesome...  not today.

Yeah, that's my rant...  never gonna get this f'ing game!


you actually bid $980 on a game?  What the hell is wrong with you?

Pure insanity-
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Yeah, I don't get it either, but each to his own.


Well, it is all value.  Something can be very expensive, but still be a good deal,


$980 is the best deal on Magical Chase? WTF!?!

You're fucking crazy, and people like you are the reason that game is so ridiculously expensive.

BTW, WTF is a PKT?


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/26/2010, 02:39 PMBTW, WTF is a PKT?
It's a fraternity - Phi Kappa Tau.  Schools have cracked down on hazing, so now they force new pledges to pay ridiculous prices for games (in addition to the standard homosexual fraternity fare, of course).
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Ebay PKT Auctions is the name of the auction app on the Google Android software.  Other than this particular instance, it is generally a very good app.


Sounds like the app worked fine. It saved you paying an assinine amount for an average game. ;)
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Back in the day I passed on Magical Chase cause it was new for 50 bucks and I got 3 better games for less than 50 total.  I still do not regret doing that.  Magical Chase is decent and colorful, but I want more in a shooter.  If it's never in my collection that is not going to bother me at all.


Quote from: nectarsis on 06/27/2010, 01:08 AMSounds like the app worked fine. It saved you paying an assinine amount for an average game. ;)
That's brutal!


yeah people gotta stop paying these high prices!!!!  we can change this whole high price for games thing if we dont pay high prices and wait awhile untill they go down.  To me that fuckin game is nothing but bragging rights.but to me your a sucker if you pay that high of a price so what do ya really have to brag about.
"Is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"


Quote from: turbogrfxfan on 06/27/2010, 04:42 PMTo me that fuckin game is nothing but bragging rights.but to me your a sucker if you pay that high of a price so what do ya really have to brag about. 
Anyone bragging about their ability to spend money is a fucking tool.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I actually use Pkt Auctions myself.  I can't say I've tried to use it to bid on anything but it's great for watching auctions while being away from home.  Sorry to hear you didn't win it.
All is well. :)


I do not have a ton of money, and I do not brag about spending money.  I however do save my funds, and try to spend wisely when the opportunity presents itself.

There is a reason I do not own MC yet, or the other 3 games I am missing.  If I had a bundle of cash laying around I would pay whatever it cost, but in the meantime, I have to wait for a price I can afford.

However, myself not buying a game will not drive down the prices.  I don't think very many of the MCs that have sold lately have been to a member of this forum.  Unless you can send out a worldwide message to revolt, these prices will stay as they are for a while.

Someone else a few months back said that they were waiting for a while to buy some of the high priced games, hoping that prices would go down, but they kept going up.  I am in this same situation now, I do not want to be kicking myself for not buying these games before they go up in value.  I already made that mistake with Godzilla, and I assume that game will cost $300 the next time I see it, when I passed repeatedly on $120.


There can't be that many people willing to pay a grand for a TG16 game. Every TG16 high roller will, individally, make a difference in the prices these things go for. You proved this yourself by just telling us that the bid you just made (tried to) on MC was $200 higher than what it actually sold for.

If you get enough people in a group, it doesn't take many, who will pay basically anything for something, the price will skyrocket. Your presence in this scene has a significant effect on these prices. If you and your nut ball friends would just knock it the hell off things would calm down. You've got your whole life to get those last three games. Shit, I've collecting this stuff for 18 years, and I'm still uncovering gems in the NEC library. You're burning you candle (and your cigar made out of $20 bills) at both ends.

BTW, knowing you would spend a grand on a TG16 game undermines, totally, all the things you just said up there about how good you are with your money. Anyone who would spend a grand on a game like this or, more importantly, anyone who is so short sighted as to think that these price levels could possibly sustain themselves, has a very poor grasp of economics...or even logic.


oh Clash.. what the hell is the hurry? how long have you been looking?

I have 3 left as well... Godzilla, Super Air Zonks and Dynastic hero and i will own them 1 day at good fair value or in trade.

In the end if you do not get these games your after, big frucking deal.. let others buy the shit up at those crazy prices... at least you used your good common sense and realized there just not worth the ebay values. 

don't you get it <<shakes Clash by the neck>> stop looking at ebay... it will make you go mad  :P


Its important to understand that when someone buys one of these games for whatever stupid price that they will almost always eventually get rid of it. This happens in virtually every collector's market. That tool who spent $780 on MC will almost certainly eventually dump it, and the rest of his collection as well. A lot of times they sell it off almost instantly after getting the last piece of the collection.

I, on the other hand, I will be buried with my copy of Kato and Ken!


i dont entirely agree with ya zeta, true in some cases but buying a game like MC at that price would not see that much of a resell i would think so i think the majority of those types of people just give up looking and think ebay is there only answer to complete there collection :( its a shame really, as common sense leaves them and the "i must have" takes over.


How many of those copies of MC that you see on eBay are being sold by the Electronics Botique or Toys R Us that originally stocked them in 1992? I'm going to go with "zero", meaning that every single copy of MC sold on eBay, or anywhere else, is being re-sold...and probably not by the original owner. These things are probably mostly 3rd or 4th hand at this point.

And when the value goes way down...they'll change hands again. When MC is selling for $50 on eBay, these guys will lose interest in owning it. The exclusivity is all they wanted anyway, not the game.

Seriously, this crap happens all the time with all sorts of stuff. People used to pay hundreds of dollars for certain Magic and Pokemon cards. Remember Beenie Babies? Superman #75? The 1990 Mercedes S class?

People went apeshit over all this stuff, but where is all that crap now? I don't even know because nobody gives a shit.

Only the really great stuff holds its value over time, and Magical Chase...its nice, but its no low numbered White Album or 250 GTO. Its just a friggn game, and they made thousands of copies of it.


ahh haa RIGHT ON!!

I, on the other hand, I will be buried with my copy of Kato and Ken![/quote]
Yeah, What if you buy it that price and two years later you cant get the price you paid for it.  A month ago sickboy sold his collection and he got no way near what it was even worth.  I dunno If ya wunna invest and your good w money, put it in mutual funds, stocks, properties are low..........i dunno, is it really worth the money to complete your collection?  What are you going to do when that happens? start collecting another system, put pce/turbo aside, let it get dusty, look at it taking up space and sell it off?  are you going to start beating games? cause prolly alot of em werent played?  to each your own I suppose when it comes down to it.  Im just tryin to understand
"Is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"