Afterburner Climax coming to XBL and PSN this year (EU)

Started by _Paul, 01/28/2010, 12:36 PM

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It definitely seems to capture, what made the original, so great, check out the special attack, starting at 0.40

Joe Redifer

I was always afraid to play this in the arcade because even the stand-up machine cost $5 or more for a single play.  But now I'll be able to own the game for the cost of playing it 3 or 4 games in the arcade!  I will be wondering if there are any differences between the XBL and PSN version because I don't want to get the inferior version.  If they are equal I will get it on PSN since I get charged for what I buy and not some idiotic point system where I always have points left over.

I just hope that they don't gimp the sound quality like they did with the XBL Outrun 2 SP.


I always wanted to play this; but there are so few arcades where I live, and none of them ever had it.  Saw a vid on YouTube and was completely blown away.  Unfortunately, the cab itself is probably half the experience, and that's one aspect you can't emulate on consoles.


I played it a few times on a normal stand-up cabinet. It is simple, like the original, but fast and good fun. Very much looking forward to the port.


This is very nice news indeed.  I have always been a huge After Burner fan.  I always wanted to play this game,  but being in an area where arcades are now non-existent this is great news! 

I have no problems believing both versions will be exactly the same graphically.  The hardware the arcade runs on is easy for the ps3 and 360 to handle.  Now I hope Sega can release House of the Dead 4.  The only version I have yet to play.  Thanks for the news!


Quote from: Raizen1984 on 01/28/2010, 05:10 PMUnfortunately, the cab itself is probably half the experience, and that's one aspect you can't emulate on consoles.
Not if you had one of these! (all true Sega Players have one):

Sega Arcade Chair for AFTERBURNER CLIMAX


I have been intending to write an entire article dedicated to this awesomeness, but, alas, here we are, years later, and I have yet to do it.

You know this is awesome!

Can anyone verify if this was ever released in the UK (or elsewhere)?

I suspect it never was.


That's nowhere near as cool as the Konix chair (Jeff Minter sold separately).



Quote from: guest on 02/03/2010, 03:53 PMThat's nowhere near as cool as the Konix chair (Jeff Minter sold separately).

Oh my goodness, that is absolutely insane. I love it!

I can't believe nobody commented on these chairs.

Granted, they are both UK-centric, but, still...

By the way, sunteam_paul, may I ask where you live in England? Just curious. If I had to guess, I'd say Brighton (just kidding).



For $10, this is totally worth checking out. It will certainly be better than the $10 I spent on the recent Castlevania WeeWare.


oh if you have a japanese XBL acc you can watch the famitsu360 inside xbox interview with the Afterburner creators on there .. in japanese of course.. I can try and record it for ya but it be shitty quality and the japanese female interviewer is hella annoying and funny while screaming and playing that game >.>



How long til they put it on sale for $5 is the real question...


Quote from: TheClash603 on 04/22/2010, 06:57 PMHow long til they put it on sale for $5 is the real question...
a while...

hmmm not sure whether to buy this yet I might wait for  price drop too the trial is cool but I can't see myself playing this as much as FFight


Just picked this game up for $5 on PSN last night.  Probably will be $5 until the next change on Tuesday.  Didn't even give it a go yet, but I know a lot of people were waiting for the discount, so I figured I'd post.  Happy Afterburning!