12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Loose, Complete, or "Really" complete?

Started by Damon Plus, 07/06/2011, 07:14 AM

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Damon Plus

Just being curious, which kind of collector are you and why? I've started collecting very recently, but I think I'm going for boxed games. I don't care how many time it takes me getting good deals on games. I know some of them will very hard to get (if possible at all). It's strange, because only the NGPC and the TG has made me think as such.


Quote from: Damon Plus on 07/06/2011, 07:14 AMJust being curious, which kind of collector are you and why? I've started collecting very recently, but I think I'm going for boxed games. I don't care how many time it takes me getting good deals on games. I know some of them will very hard to get (if possible at all). It's strange, because only the NGPC and the TG has made me think as such.
It depends on the system, since this is being posted in the TurboGrafx section of the forum  I'll answer relative to the TG. I generally stick with the following Criteria. If it's a HuCard or CD that came with a jewel case and outside box, I really only go for the jewel case, game, manual and any maps that came with it. If it's a CD game that came only in a jewel case then everything that came with it is what I look to collect. If it's a TTI released HuCard with a cardboard box but no jewel case I go for the game and manual. With that said I do have some with the cardboard boxes.


I'll go for the cardboard box if it's still reasonably priced.  Otherwise I consider the jewel case, manual and game to be complete.


I too go for cased copies of games, and for the TTI hu-card games, I just go for the game and manual. Getting a boxed copy of game is always a nice bonus, but I usually don't want to pay a premium to get it.


I want 'em complete minus the cardboard box, though I'll take the box too if the price isn't utterly retarded.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: Damon Plus on 07/06/2011, 07:14 AMJust being curious, which kind of collector are you and why? I've started collecting very recently, but I think I'm going for boxed games. I don't care how many time it takes me getting good deals on games. I know some of them will very hard to get (if possible at all). It's strange, because only the NGPC and the TG has made me think as such.
I go for Jewel case and manuel. It just looks nice on a shelve unlike a stack of Hucards


I like everything including the box, athough I will buy game-case-manual if it is a game I really want to play.
Gypsies did it.

 Got no luv for the krackers only slugs for the krackers!


It depends on the system. NEC-related I usually only collect PCE Engine. In that case I only want the case, the game, and the manual. The reply card and obi can suck it. I do have a few US games. In those cases I don't give two shits about the redundant pointless outer box, but I need the case.

Same goes for Saturn. With Genesis and NGP I don't do loose unless I absolutely have to (ie: Last Blade US only exists as a loose cart). With SNES its complicated. With Japanese carts I only buy games with boxes and manuals, but with US games the boxes are so much shittier by design (ie: thin cardboard, sucky art, and a box that is %40 covered in logos) that I don't have any of those. Ostensibly I collect FC boxes, but they are pretty hard to find. All my NES carts are loose.

Of course all this OCD-ness really gets frustrating when the companies themselves make proper collecting impossible. For example, pack in games that lack a case (ie: Mario Kart DS that was bundled with my DS), and later TG-16 and Genesis games where they switched to a fucking cheap-ass cardboard box after years of selling us real cases.

I don't collect homebrew boxes, ie: sparky's lables, MVS shock boxes, etc. If it isn't official its highly unlikely I'll be interested.


I'm a really complete collector for most of the stuff.
www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


I have no interest in the outer box.  Whenever I have purchased TG-16 games that came with the box, I have given the boxes away.  The games look great on the shelf in the jewel cases.  The box has more art on it, but it's just a hassle trying to collect them, and they won't fit in the case that I use for my Turbo games.

I don't mind loose games, but they have to be significantly cheaper.



For tg i like to have the case, manual, and game. Same for the pce but,  if I can get the spine cover and reg.card its a plus but not important imo. 
To me its not worth the extra cash for the spine and reg card if i can get everything else for a cheaper price.  Im more of a gamer than collector though
"Is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"


For TG16 games I like to have the manual/map and some kind of official "container" for the game - jewel case or, for the final Turbochips that came without, the cardboard box.  For PCE I don't care whatsoever. 

I really can't understand why latecomers arriving on the Turbo scene decide to sodomize themselves and contribute to the current ebay insanity by buying only complete copies.  It's one thing if you already own a third of the library and have set a precedent for boxes, but why show up late to the potluck, pick a random system to which you have no prior attraction, know that most of the sellers are price gouging, and chose to go buy one hundred and forty games with prices starting at thirty dollars?  :-s

I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


PCE and Turbo stuff I like complete cd games, spine and card aren't a necessity but I'll take them if they are there. Loose Hu cards aren't that big of a deal, I can use a Sparky sticker and print a manual or look for a better copy and pass the loose one off to a friend in the future.
Genesis and SMS game though I have to have the box, it doesn't make the price any different 90% of the time so you might as well.
NES SNES and SFC cart only but I'll take a box if It doesn't make it more expensive.
Anything else with a CD has to be complete


Quote from: VestCunt on 07/06/2011, 01:23 PMI really can't understand why latecomers arriving on the Turbo scene decide to sodomize themselves and contribute to the current ebay insanity by buying only complete copies.  It's one thing if you already own a third of the library and have set a precedent for boxes, but why show up late to the potluck, pick a random system to which you have no prior attraction, know that most of the sellers are price gouging, and chose to go buy one hundred and forty games with prices starting at thirty dollars?  :-s
Because they're collectors and the boxes look prettier sitting on the shelf.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


+1 for boxed.

Will buy new if the price is right, however the seal gets broken when it arrives as then it goes into my machine :)


It kind of varies for me.

I don't mind collecting cheap loose Hucards for games that I think are below average or games that I might not play that much. 

But when it comes to my favorites or games that I will play a lot, they must be complete and the box is preferred.


I have the hu/cd and instruction manual for each game I own.  Anything in excess of that I got cheap, because I don't need the other stuff.  A lot of my games are in generic CD cases.

Sega Saturn I do CIB, anything else I am not picky.


I'll take 'em however I can get 'em.  A complete copy is probably worth more to me, but if I have a loose Dungeon Explorer (which I do) I still consider that good and pretty much stop looking for another version, complete, with instructions or otherwise.

However if a complete copy fell in my lap, I'd probably sell/give away the less complete version.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Damon Plus

Quote from: vestcunt on 07/06/2011, 01:23 PMI really can't understand why latecomers arriving on the Turbo scene decide to sodomize themselves and contribute to the current ebay insanity by buying only complete copies.  It's one thing if you already own a third of the library and have set a precedent for boxes, but why show up late to the potluck, pick a random system to which you have no prior attraction, know that most of the sellers are price gouging, and chose to go buy one hundred and forty games with prices starting at thirty dollars?  :-s
As a classic system collector, I've had interest in the Turbografx for quite a long time. It's just now that I've had the chance to pick up a new one for quite cheap. As for the gouging, I'm not going to buy any game that comes with the box without looking at the price. If I don't consider it has a fair price, I'll get it later. In fact, I don't see myself buying a game that costs more than 30$, and only if it's one of the pricier ones. I'll never pay 120$ for Air Zonk, for example, as some people has done.

I live in Spain, and people here is just stupid, and overprice games way too much. This same week I've bought a Military Madness+World Court Tennis pack, new, unopened, for 45€ shipped. Is that expensive? For someone who lives in the USA, where games are a lot cheaper, maybe. For someone who saw just last week a pack of Pinball+Elite for the Nes complete selling for 50€ without shipping, not so much.


Quote from: guest on 07/06/2011, 09:45 AMI want 'em complete minus the cardboard box, though I'll take the box too if the price isn't utterly retarded.
I'm with Necro.  PCE/TG16 case and manual are good enough.  Other systems, like PS2 > I like to have the case.  The only time I wanted the obi card was for Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun, because I love them, but probably paid half what these ebay douches spend for them.
Another douche trying to obtain a full Turbo collection.  119/146 so far.  Got a long way to go. Half way there. Hit the 100 mark. ich bein ein obeyer


Quote from: Damon Plus on 07/06/2011, 06:08 PMAs a classic system collector, I've had interest in the Turbografx for quite a long time. It's just now that I've had the chance to pick up a new one for quite cheap. As for the gouging, I'm not going to buy any game that comes with the box without looking at the price. If I don't consider it has a fair price, I'll get it later. In fact, I don't see myself buying a game that costs more than 30$, and only if it's one of the pricier ones. I'll never pay 120$ for Air Zonk, for example, as some people has done.
Well Damon, it sounds like you're sane (and welcome to the forum, BTW, and thanks for starting a good thread!).  I can understand getting into the system because you found a cheap deck and slowly adding games to your collection when the price is right.  Starting from scratch in 2011 and deciding to go for all complete copies still seems a bit like self torture or a waste of money, but I guess it depends on what kind of "collector" you are.  Do you have complete sets for three other consoles already on the shelf and the Turbo is just the next one on the list?  Or are you mainly out to get some games you've always been interested in, picking up other titles if you find them cheap?  I can relate to the latter.

I tracked down the U.S. games because I've always been more obsessed with the Turbo than any other system, the library is small, the ratio of good:bad games is decent, and I already had half of the rarities before the prices went nuts.  On the flip side, I recently picked up a 3DO.  I've always had an interest in it since borrowing one from a friend in '94, but, with none of the other factors in my favor, I've just said "fuck it, why waste money?" and I settle for any scratched, loose disc with downloaded PDF manual that will let me play the games on real hardware without ruining my lens with ISO CD-R's.

When it comes to other systems, I like manuals with my RPG's and go for complete copies of stuff I'm really into, like Ultima and SSI games.

Anyway, that's what's reasonable in my mind.  I know it's very judgmental and hypocritical to say that my U.S. TG collection is justified and those who came after some arbitrary cut-off date are crazy.  Collectors are (mostly) all shades of grey and as long as you're not blowing money out your butt then you're cool in my book.  What matters is that we all dig NEC consoles!
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


For me I consider US games "complete" with the outer box. That said I doubt I will have a complete collection of boxes with a boxed copy of Magical Chase going for something like $2000. I still try to get complete copies of US Turbo games as I like to collect them, but I guess I'm gonna have to do without that one in the end unless I find a really good deal. Part of the reason I want the boxes is they have nostalgia value for me. I can see someone who didn't grow up playing the TG16 or someone from another region not caring about them.

My standards for Japanese PCE games is not that high by comparison. I'm mainly concerned with the condition of the disc or card and not if its got the Obi strip or not.

Damon Plus

Quote from: guest on 07/06/2011, 09:48 PMWell Damon, it sounds like you're sane (and welcome to the forum, BTW, and thanks for starting a good thread!).  I can understand getting into the system because you found a cheap deck and slowly adding games to your collection when the price is right.  Starting from scratch in 2011 and deciding to go for all complete copies still seems a bit like self torture or a waste of money, but I guess it depends on what kind of "collector" you are.  Do you have complete sets for three other consoles already on the shelf and the Turbo is just the next one on the list?  Or are you mainly out to get some games you've always been interested in, picking up other titles if you find them cheap?  I can relate to the latter.

I tracked down the U.S. games because I've always been more obsessed with the Turbo than any other system, the library is small, the ratio of good:bad games is decent, and I already had half of the rarities before the prices went nuts.  On the flip side, I recently picked up a 3DO.  I've always had an interest in it since borrowing one from a friend in '94, but, with none of the other factors in my favor, I've just said "fuck it, why waste money?" and I settle for any scratched, loose disc with downloaded PDF manual that will let me play the games on real hardware without ruining my lens with ISO CD-R's.

When it comes to other systems, I like manuals with my RPG's and go for complete copies of stuff I'm really into, like Ultima and SSI games.

Anyway, that's what's reasonable in my mind.  I know it's very judgmental and hypocritical to say that my U.S. TG collection is justified and those who came after some arbitrary cut-off date are crazy.  Collectors are (mostly) all shades of grey and as long as you're not blowing money out your butt then you're cool in my book.  What matters is that we all dig NEC consoles!
No, I don't have any complete library. My pockets are not that deep (if at all). I've been collecting for other systems a few years, and I've already gotten almost every game I wanted (Dreamcast), think the games are very expensive and only get them if cheap and cart only (Snes), or a combination of both (Genesis and Nes, for example). Their +600 library each don't help, btw.

 I guess is the pleasure of collecting something not quite as mainstream as the other systems. That's why I also like the NGPC and the Lynx (which I forgot before). They are systems with small librarys (the TG is the biggest at 94 if we don't count CD releases), and, with time and luck, it would be feasible to get them. Yes, I know getting something like Magical Chase would be a "Miracle chase", but it doesn't worry me. I'll be adding games when I can and find them.

In the end, I'm starting to collect for the TG-16, because I find the system a very charming one. It has a lot of exclusives I want to play since I read about them in magazines years ago (remember Spain was one of the test markets for the TG), and, more important, I'm having fun doing so. Getting that sealed Military Madness I mentioned before gave me that special, nostalgic, fuzzy feeling only things you're really excited gives you. And money can't pay that (well, it can, but... you know what I mean).


Congrats on getting an unopened copy of Military Madness, especially at what you paid!  I sure hope you crack that bad-boy open and give it a shot, though.  IMO, it's one of the best console turn-based strategy games to date (on any system).  It's one of my favorites for the TG-16, even though I'm not very good at it yet (still haven't beaten it!).


I used to collect many loose. Now when i find a game that is on my "must have" list, i usually need a case+manual.
I have no need for boxes unless I'm starting a fire.


...the original question reminds me of another point. Sealed/brand new?
I have been building up my (pc-engine) CD collection. I now try and find a sealed CD copy if I can. I am good at taking care of CD's. So it is good to have one with no scratches. I have been disappointed buying a used CD and when more than half way through the game the tiniest scratch will keep me from finishing the game. That sucks. It's nice to open a sealed CD game that has been sealed for 15ish years knowing it wont glitch.
I would NEVER buy a sealed Hucard though! Hucards can withstand a beating over time.


For TG16 games, I don't really care about the outer box. If it comes with the game, fine - but I won't go out of my way to hunt down boxes. PC Engine games, specifically CD based, I would like to have the spine card but it's not a deal breaker if it's missing.

I won't ever purchase a hucard/cd only game.


I"m with the majority. I'm not too keen on those damn cardboard boxes worse yet trying to make sure the foam in inside lol If the game didnt come with a case,I'm good with chip and manual. Pc engine same no spine cards needed. Genesis (some might cry) I cut those cursed cardboard boxes up to fit it the plastic cases. I like my games uniform. Only system I own and couldn't give a rats @$$ about boxes is my famicom top loader. anything else manuals are a must and cardboard boxes secondary. Ie: nes-SNES,etc


Loose Hucards only! I just buy the games I want to play for now. Maybe one day I'll get completes of the ones I really like.
As for CD games, it's kind of hard to find them without the jewel case. I don't care about spinecards though.


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 07/06/2011, 05:53 PMI'll take 'em however I can get 'em.
This is my attitude, too.  If price & availability were not issues then, sure, I would rather have the case & other paraphernalia.  But, for the most part I just want to play the games.  A couple people at local game stores have been referring to me as a collector recently, but I suspect my "collection" is pretty small compared to most people on here (8 consoles, each with less than 20 games).  I suppose I'm a collector only in so far as I'm an avid player.

edit: That said, I can totally respect someone who does collect seriously ... as long as they also play.  ^_-


Don't care if the game has it's outer box long as it has it's manual and jewel case,then that is complete to me
Wii U:Progearspec


Btw don't care either if the PCE/TG16 game has it's regs card either.
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: guest on 07/06/2011, 09:45 AMI want 'em complete minus the cardboard box, though I'll take the box too if the price isn't utterly retarded.
Likewise. Also any game that I hold in higher regards I try to find the cardboard box for as well.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


99% of the times, It'll be game + manual/maps + jewel case & back insert.  Don't care for spine cards, reg cards, outer cardboard boxes.

Technically, all I really care about is the game + manual/map, as I don't mind replicating the back insert & throwing it in a new jewel case, but I only have about 2-3 games which I did that.


I don't care if the game is in MINT or not cause I will play it and want to stick my fingers in the manual :). I prefer, for my TG16 HuCards, to have the manual. The jewel case is a good add-on but I don't care about the box (it takes too much space).
You may have meant to search for soporifics.

Damon Plus

I'm really surprised at the answers here. I thought more people would like to have TG as complete as possible.


Sure, having the boxes would be fantastic. But the way the Turbo market is nowadays, most of the time it's not worth the extra $$ to get them for many of us. For me, it's all about the games as I like to play them moreso than have them as trophies, so just having a cased copy is enough.


Quote from: Damon Plus on 07/13/2011, 09:12 AMI'm really surprised at the answers here. I thought more people would like to have TG as complete as possible.
A lot of peeps here are gamers first, collectors second.  :wink:
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc



(cues nate dogg) OBEY EVERYDAY!!!

That said I Don't care. I have games in all states mentioned.


Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/13/2011, 12:23 PM
Quote from: Damon Plus on 07/13/2011, 09:12 AMI'm really surprised at the answers here. I thought more people would like to have TG as complete as possible.
A lot of peeps here are gamers first, collectors second.  :wink:
Probably because many of us have been playing since childhood.  Back then we threw boxes away or weren't too particular about taking care of them.  I had neither the money to buy all of the games nor access to places that sold all of them.  Before ebay, Turbo gamers bought games whenever they were lucky enough to find them.  It didn't matter if the game in question was loose, overpriced, or just plain bad like TV Sport Football - it was a Turbo game!  A couple Turbolist members probably had complete copies of all of the games, but the prospect was almost unthinkable for most mortals.

Collecting is more of an adult thing.  The term "collection" carries a connotation of completeness and permanence.  Collections are expensive things that sit on shelves.  I like "libraries" - time-worn resources that get used and grow.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Just owning the Hu is enough for me... But if any chance arises that I can get my hands on the Jewel or Manual for a game I'll bite.


Quote from: guest on 07/13/2011, 01:33 PMCollecting is more of an adult thing.  The term "collection" carries a connotation of completeness and permanence.  Collections are expensive things that sit on shelves.  I like "libraries" - time-worn resources that get used and grow.
Very well put there, I agree  :)

Damon Plus

Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/13/2011, 12:23 PM
Quote from: Damon Plus on 07/13/2011, 09:12 AMI'm really surprised at the answers here. I thought more people would like to have TG as complete as possible.
A lot of peeps here are gamers first, collectors second.  :wink:
Hey, I am more of a gamer too. Outside Nes and Snes games, I prefer my games complete because I like how they look, but I don't really care if they are mint or not.

I prefer the forum this way. Collectors are too elitist for my tastes. They always think any collection where games aren't sealed or mint is crap.


If it's a CD game I prefer to have the case and manual. I don't really care about the spines but it's always nice when they're included.

If it's a rare HU I won't mind having the hu-card just to play it.


My 2¢: Cased game with manual (and/or map) and sleeve (if a HuCard) is required. I don't really care about the cardboard box, as it'd just be too much cash in the long run and the boxes are pretty flimsy.


Quote from: Damon Plus on 07/13/2011, 09:12 AMI'm really surprised at the answers here. I thought more people would like to have TG as complete as possible.
I'd would say the obsessed TG16/PCE collector would having it complete and all.
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: TR0N on 07/18/2011, 05:18 AMI'd would say the obsessed TG16/PCE collector would having it complete and all.
I'll mention one reason that a lot of people don't collect cardboard outer boxes on US TG16 games.

Quite frankly most (but not all) of the US Box Art is pretty lousy and it isn't as nice to display as the Japanese counterpart of those games. The general extra cost of the cardboard boxes combined with the fact that they're fragile leave a lot of people doing Jewel Case and manual only collecting.


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 07/18/2011, 08:16 AM
Quote from: TR0N on 07/18/2011, 05:18 AMI'd would say the obsessed TG16/PCE collector would having it complete and all.
I'll mention one reason that a lot of people don't collect cardboard outer boxes on US TG16 games.

Quite frankly most (but not all) of the US Box Art is pretty lousy and it isn't as nice to display as the Japanese counterpart of those games. The general extra cost of the cardboard boxes combined with the fact that they're fragile leave a lot of people doing Jewel Case and manual only collecting.
That's why i'm not worry about having it's box for TG16 games.I just see it as a waste of space etc and so forth.
Wii U:Progearspec


When it comes to PCE imports, I actually prefer loose games because because they're so much cheaper and the documentation doesn't matter to me.  I've picked up very cheap, loose copies of Summer Carnival 93, Gradius 2, Super Darius 2, Spriggan, Aldynes, Final Soldier, Shinobi, and most of the racing games over the years.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: guest on 07/20/2011, 03:40 PMWhen it comes to PCE imports, I actually prefer loose games because because they're so much cheaper and the documentation doesn't matter to me.  I've picked up very cheap, loose copies of Summer Carnival 93, Gradius 2, Super Darius 2, Spriggan, Aldynes, Final Soldier, Shinobi, and most of the racing games over the years.
I care a bit, especially if the manuals were color and had nice art in them.

I can't think of any TG16 games with color manuals, but a lot of PCE games have them.