@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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WTB- looking for the music cd+g that was included with the system (trade or buy)

Started by GameFreak, 08/24/2011, 05:46 AM

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I'm looking for the music CD+G disc that was included with the U.S. systems. I would like it original with the insert+disc. Tiny scratches are acceptable. Must be able to play all tracks with no skips/errors.

PM me... OR leave a message below if you have one to sell or trade.


Good luck man.. I have been asking for one here for years and not once has to my knowledge anyone sold one.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Doh! That sucks!
I saw one on ebay not too long ago and for some reason I could not log into my ebay account with my cell phone to bid  ](*,). It wound up selling for under $10 right in front of me. I was kinda mad I couldn't bid properly.

 [-o< Anyway, anyone that has TWO cd+g discs, MotherGunner and I are looking for that disc.  [-o<


Is it just a sampler like the Sega CD one? If so, you are better off just buying the CDs it advertises.

If its actually original material, then that's pretty cool.


Yeah it's got some 60's, 70's and 80's music mix on it. I have no idea if the tracks are covers or if they are original. Maybe someone here could list the tracks on it and if they are original? I know Jimi Hendrix is on it but I forget the rest.

I just want it for collection purposes and not because I want to hear the tracks and look at some trippy graphics, though I might try that if I'm really bored.  8-[


Here's the track listing, and it is the original artists

The songs are taken from each artist's CD+G release.
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Quote from: GameFreak on 09/16/2011, 01:39 AMI just want it for collection purposes and not because I want to hear the tracks and look at some trippy graphics, though I might try that if I'm really bored.  8-[
I think there is your problem, that's why no one is selling (like me!). I would say get a rip, but like you said, your not interested in playing it.

TG/PCE Collection.
"Booze should be a choice, not a privilege" -KCDC (The FP)


Quote from: GameFreak on 09/16/2011, 12:52 AMIt wound up selling for under $10 right in front of me. I was kinda mad I couldn't bid properly.
Yeah.  I think $5.  I was eagerly watching it, but got distracted.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Dammit, one of these days I will get one...  hell I am even to come off with a trade from my sales section to get it.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


I saw three copies go through eBay in the last few weeks - all for less than $10.  I know one of 'em found a good home.  :-"
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


If they come up again NecroPhile please point them out.  Better yet, buy them and I will pay you a finder's fee (even on GameFreak's behalf).  I just want to ensure GameFreak gets his copy first since he was awesome enough to revive the hunt.  I call dibs on seconds if you happen to come across another one thereafter.   =)

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: majors on 09/16/2011, 10:55 AM
Quote from: GameFreak on 09/16/2011, 01:39 AMI just want it for collection purposes and not because I want to hear the tracks and look at some trippy graphics, though I might try that if I'm really bored.  8-[
I think there is your problem, that's why no one is selling (like me!). I would say get a rip, but like you said, your not interested in playing it.

No wait let me clarify. I would def play it initially when i buy it. I have never played a cd+g in my systems ever and the only way I want to do it first is to play the NEC included cd+g, I don't ever want to play some ripped cd+g or karaoke cd+g in my system ever. I could see myself showing my friends what cd+g are in another ten years or so. So overall it would get some use, but very little. Plus I like Jimi Hendrix.
You must know that everything in my collection I acquire to be used or played. I never buy anything boxed and I never get games I will never play just to complete a collection. If i wont use it, I wont collect it.


So then why don't you buy the entire Hendrix CD that this thing only gives you a sample of? Its probably also $5 but a hundred times more common.

The Information Society CD is pretty great too. I'm just assuming its also sampled, it was on the Sega CD sampler.


Zeta, that sounds like a plan.  Mind linking me to the CD+G versions of those?

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Basically the first cd+g disc that is going in my system is the one that was originally included with the systems, It's for NEC respect/nostalgia reasons. After I acquire that cd+g, I have no hesitation on getting other random cd+g's that are similar to my musical tastes. But that specific "NEC included cd+g" comes first.

It's funny I have probably 4 or more modern devices (computers, xbox, dvd players) that all play musical audio CD's, but when I get a brand new music CD, guess which one I always play it in first (...before I download it)?...yup, the NEC. That might seem like a waste of the lifespan of the NEC system, but i swear it sounds SOOOO much better!  8-[  :D

So who has the cd+g for sale?  :-"


Im not sure if there any any non-CD+G versions of Information Society's first album. Its possible later printings left this feature out, but I doubt it. Its self titled. You can get it on eBay, Amazon, etc. Its not rare at all. Back in the day all my friends had it. I used to have it, but for some reason I now only own the the LP.

I've never seen the Hendrix CD, but then again I don't care for Hendrix.

I've always been interested in opera releases with graphics and subtitles. I know these exist, but I don't follow that scene at all so I never ran across one.


Cool I picked up the Information Society CD. Love those guys.  Gonna hunt for the Hendrix one too.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Out of curiosity about the format, I recently bought the Hendrix one too.  There are multiple pressings (few of which are cd+g versions), so you'll probably have to ask the seller for more info. to determine if it's the right one (check the hub marking for "cd+g").

As for Information Society, don't count on them all having cd+g info.  There are two separate cd+g pressings (one by JVC and one by WEA), so it's not unlikely that there was at least one more pressing that lacked the cd+g goodies; again, check the hub marking for "cd+g" to avoid disappointment.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 09/19/2011, 11:30 AMOut of curiosity about the format, I recently bought the Hendrix one too.  There are multiple pressings (few of which are cd+g versions), so you'll probably have to ask the seller for more info. to determine if it's the right one (check the hub marking for "cd+g").

As for Information Society, don't count on them all having cd+g info.  There are two separate cd+g pressings (one by JVC and one by WEA), so it's not unlikely that there was at least one more pressing that lacked the cd+g goodies; again, check the hub marking for "cd+g" to avoid disappointment.
Yeah, I haven't popped my Information Society disc into the TG16 to test, but I don't think it has the CD+G extras.  It's a Japanese pressing from Sony.  It doesn't mention CD+G anywhere on the back or in the manual (that I can tell).


Thanks for the heads up NecroPhile, out of all the choices I made sure to get the ones supposedly pressed in the 80's (not the 2000's reissues).

*fingers crossed*  If not, I'll still enjoy the CDs so its a win-win since I got them both for under $10 shipped.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Regarding the INSOC album. If it's Japanese it wouldn't surprise me if the feature was left out.

I'm not familiar with the tech behind CD+G, but doesn't the info reside in an inaudible analog signal? If that's the case I think all pressings would have this stuff unless it got remastered. Even if later labels/publishers didn't even know it was there.


Quote from: GameFreak on 09/17/2011, 01:14 AMNo wait let me clarify. ...
Okay, that makes more sense...kinda. I'm not as "nostalgic" as you (don't care if I play a burn). But I do remember waiting for the $300 CD add-on to offer some sort of bonus, so when Babages slapped on the sticker for the included CD-G sampler on the display box, that was all I needed to enter the wonderful world of Turbo CD. You do know that the CD has nothing to do with NEC/Turbo, it just a WNM sampler(or were there multiply versions?).


Over the years, I picked up the Jimi, Alphaville and Fleetwood Mac discs. Clearance stuff in bins at record stores, if I saw the CD-G logo I felt I had to get it. I always wanted to Holst: Planets disc...I'd be up for a trade if someone had that disc.
TG/PCE Collection.
"Booze should be a choice, not a privilege" -KCDC (The FP)


Majors, the site you posted is a great reference to the CD+G catalog (though it does omit tons of later karaoke style discs)


For each CD, it does provide the album number that contains the CD+G data (typically only the earliest pressings).
Even with the more common CDs, it's hard to find the CD+G format version.  Most sellers don't want to look through a stack of $1 CDs to identify if the Emmylou Harris CD has the data or not.  You might have some luck taking a list to a local used CD store or thrift store though.

As for the CD+G sample disc, it wasn't included with every TGCD that was produced, and it is the same disc that was also packaged with the SegaCD.  Though playing it in a TGCD is much more awesomer.  :)
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Quote from: henrycsc on 09/19/2011, 09:39 PMMajors, the site you posted is a great reference to the CD+G catalog (though it does omit tons of later karaoke style discs)


For each CD, it does provide the album number that contains the CD+G data (typically only the earliest pressings).
Even with the more common CDs, it's hard to find the CD+G format version.  Most sellers don't want to look through a stack of $1 CDs to identify if the Emmylou Harris CD has the data or not.  You might have some luck taking a list to a local used CD store or thrift store though.

As for the CD+G sample disc, it wasn't included with every TGCD that was produced, and it is the same disc that was also packaged with the SegaCD.  Though playing it in a TGCD is much more awesomer.  :)
Awesome, didn't know that, just picked up Rock Paintings (Sega CD CD+G) still SEALED for $10 shipped!

There are still a couple left on Ebay used now.


SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


So I got the Hendrix and dammit, no G's.  But the IS CD is awesome!

Can't wait for Rock Paintings.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Thought I found one, but it's just the instructions (wrong disc included): linky.  I've notified the seller, though, so keep an eye on it; he might have the correct disc around.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!



SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: MotherGunner on 09/19/2011, 11:56 PM
Quote from: henrycsc on 09/19/2011, 09:39 PMMajors, the site you posted is a great reference to the CD+G catalog (though it does omit tons of later karaoke style discs)


For each CD, it does provide the album number that contains the CD+G data (typically only the earliest pressings).
Even with the more common CDs, it's hard to find the CD+G format version.  Most sellers don't want to look through a stack of $1 CDs to identify if the Emmylou Harris CD has the data or not.  You might have some luck taking a list to a local used CD store or thrift store though.

As for the CD+G sample disc, it wasn't included with every TGCD that was produced, and it is the same disc that was also packaged with the SegaCD.  Though playing it in a TGCD is much more awesomer.  :)
Awesome, didn't know that, just picked up Rock Paintings (Sega CD CD+G) still SEALED for $10 shipped!

There are still a couple left on Ebay used now.

I've also got that pair of discs, they're definitely a unique set.  There was another SegaCD music video disc called Colors of Modern Rock that was released, but that was called a "Virtual VCR" or something.  Not very entertaining though.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Yes, there were several CD+G samplers that game out with different consoles and some home theater systems. 

Sorry about that, the "A New Dimension" disc that came with the Turbo is the same disc that came with the Phillips CD-I not the Sega CD.  The Rock Paintings disc certainly has a similar selection of music/graphics though.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Still waiting on Rock Paintings...  I know it shipped though, so hopefully tomorrow.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 09/17/2011, 03:33 AMSo then why don't you buy the entire Hendrix CD that this thing only gives you a sample of? Its probably also $5 but a hundred times more common.

The Information Society CD is pretty great too. I'm just assuming its also sampled, it was on the Sega CD sampler.
I've been hunting for all the CD+G discs, too. Someone from these forums (actually, it was someone who was friends with a forum member here) helped me grab a few several years ago...

The problem is that they never pressed massive quantities of the CD+G versions of an album: I have Talking Heads — Naked (I bought the original CD pressing back when it was first released), but only a specially marked minority of these CD's (sticker! SKU!) are CD+G.

Little Feat and Information Society = I have

TurboPlay cover story on CD+G, my ramblings

Pre-wikipedia/internet, the above TurboPlay article was one of the most useful resources about CD+G (I suspect it was also printed in an audiophile magazine, too, from the same publisher, but I have never confirmed it).

Finally, those horrible KARAOKE discs are the bane of my existence!


1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


It's the same one Necromancer referenced above. My bad. Didn't notice until afterwards.
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


Quote from: guest on 12/02/2011, 04:29 PMHere's another one.  You guys can arm wrestle for it.
Quote from: hoobs88 on 12/02/2011, 05:22 PMFYI-One of these discs just got listed on ebay today...


Darn I hate it when items mysteriously disappear from ebay before the auction is over  ](*,)  :?:!:

If anyone else sees another one on Ebay, please let me know.



SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: MotherGunner on 12/08/2011, 12:08 PMIf you want the same disc, get Rock Paintings for Sega CD.   There are plenty on Amazon and super cheap.

Do you know if the artwork on the disc is the same as the NEC demo? any other differences?


I know that Rock paintings is two discs, with a different type of artwork both on the CDs and outer case.  The content of Disc 1 however is the same content as the TG CD+G sampler.

For what Amazon is asking though, it is definitely worthwhile to pick that up anyways as you continue to keep an eye out for the version you want.  Hope this helps.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: MotherGunner on 12/08/2011, 05:33 PMI know that Rock paintings is two discs, with a different type of artwork both on the CDs and outer case.  The content of Disc 1 however is the same content as the TG CD+G sampler.

For what Amazon is asking though, it is definitely worthwhile to pick that up anyways as you continue to keep an eye out for the version you want.  Hope this helps.
I compared the TG sampler tracklist posted earlier in the thread here with the tracklist for Rock Paintings here, and they do not appear to be the same songs.


I will stand corrected, as I could have sworn I read somewhere it was the same disc.  After a search i can't find the reference.  Comparing those two seems like you get the best deal of songs from the Rock Paintings discs.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: jperryss on 12/08/2011, 07:47 PM
Quote from: MotherGunner on 12/08/2011, 05:33 PMI know that Rock paintings is two discs, with a different type of artwork both on the CDs and outer case.  The content of Disc 1 however is the same content as the TG CD+G sampler.

For what Amazon is asking though, it is definitely worthwhile to pick that up anyways as you continue to keep an eye out for the version you want.  Hope this helps. 
I compared the TG sampler tracklist posted earlier in the thread here with the tracklist for Rock Paintings here, and they do not appear to be the same songs.
Even without looking at the sources you linked to, I can confirm that they are not the same sampler discs.

Unfortunately, the CD+G sampler disc included with some TG-CD's is a TOTALLY GENERIC item and is not branded in any way to make it special.

I suggest getting the the Information Society CD+G album because it is awesome (ok, some tracks are lackluster, but still...)

SPOCK, yes Spock is sampled (the ubiquitous "pure energy") in the hit track from the album.


I suggest getting the Hendrix album because it is awesomer.  8)
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


still looking for this cd+g disc that was included with the system. Let me know if you know of one for sale please. :-"


Here's one now!  It's at relatively reasonable $13.50 now, but it'll probably end in la la land.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!



Quote from: GameFreak on 10/17/2012, 01:44 PM^ noted,....and thank you sir
I won't battle you for this :pcgs:.

As I posted earlier, though, it's a shame that this is a totally generic sampler with no TG-16 branding at all (not even a lame sleeve or sticker).

ALPHAVILLE CD+G album is what I want. I'd love to get that.


Just out of curiosity, does this CD+G have a back insert in the case?  I own the CD and the booklet, but mine is in a generic looking case.  I did not buy the item new, so I am not sure if this is how it came.  The picture in the auction does not have a back shot.


Good question.  Mine's in a generic case, but it was also bought used.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


QuoteI won't battle you for this .

As I posted earlier, though, it's a shame that this is a totally generic sampler with no TG-16 branding at all (not even a lame sleeve or sticker).

ALPHAVILLE CD+G album is what I want. I'd love to get that.
Out of my price range already, good luck!

Anyone got one for $20 or under let me know