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Who's still playing their Wii?

Started by c0ldb33r, 11/06/2011, 12:13 AM

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I just transferred all of my wii downloadable games over to my Wii U!


Holy crap, this topic hasn't died yet? I thought it would have been gone by about 2 years ago.


I seems to.  I think a better topic would be recommended Wii games (hidden gems)


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 02/11/2015, 01:42 PMI seems to.  I think a better topic would be recommended Wii games (hidden gems)
Not sure how hidden some of these are, but I took a quick look through my Wii stuff and picked out some of my (non-Mario, etc.) favorites:

A Boy and his Blob
Bit.Trip Complete
Castle of Shikigami III
Cursed Mountain
de Blob
Deadly Creatures
Dragon Quest & Swords: The Masked Queen and The Tower of Mirrors
ExciteBots Trick Racing
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
Ghost Squad
GTI Club Supermini Festival
Gunblade NY & L.A. Machineguns
Last Story
Lost in Shadow
Mad World
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Nights: Journey of Dreams
No More Heroes
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Onechanbara Bikini Zombie Slayers
Pandora's Tower
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Sam & Max: Season 1
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Ultimate Shooting Collection
We Ski & Snowboard
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure


these are the ones I have from your suggestions.

Cursed Mountain
de Blob
Deadly Creatures
Dragon Quest & Swords: The Masked Queen and The Tower of Mirrors
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
Last Story
Lost in Shadow
Mad World
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Nights: Journey of Dreams
No More Heroes
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Pandora's Tower
Sam & Max: Season 1
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure

Some of the ones listed I have heard about but have yet to pick up. Getting Wii games is getting very slim now a days it seems. Well complete Wii games that is.


I still fire up le Wii from time to time, however mostly for emulation.
Gaming since 1985


Quote from: blueraven on 02/11/2015, 01:29 PMHoly crap, this topic hasn't died yet? I thought it would have been gone by about 2 years ago.
There were plenty of good games released for the wii.Mostly first parties game with some good ones by third parties.Beside collecting for it can be dirt cheap,unlike retro consoles as of late.Some even will soft-mod the wii for emulation putting the NES,Genesis,SNES and even the TG16 on it.Beside netflik and the shop channel are up still.
Wii U:Progearspec


I recently read about Nintendon't. Gave it a shot last week, and I must say, it's (censored) awesome! You can even play the FZero and Mario Kart arcades.
Gaming since 1985


Quote from: TR0N on 03/18/2015, 08:21 AM
Quote from: blueraven on 02/11/2015, 01:29 PMHoly crap, this topic hasn't died yet? I thought it would have been gone by about 2 years ago.
There were plenty of good games released for the wii.Mostly first parties game with some good ones by third parties.Beside collecting for it can be dirt cheap,unlike retro consoles as of late.Some even will soft-mod the wii for emulation putting the NES,Genesis,SNES and even the TG16 on it.Beside netflik and the shop channel are up still.
I totally agree, i love all the cheap as dirt shooter collections and the soft Mod lets me play tons of Beats of Rage home-brews. The emulators are also good to let the little ones in your house try retro gaming without getting hands on the real consoles. Mame emulation is a bonus too
You're Already Dead !!!


Quote from: esadajr on 03/18/2015, 11:11 AMI recently read about Nintendon't. Gave it a shot last week, and I must say, it's (censored) awesome! You can even play the FZero and Mario Kart arcades.
The wait. What?



Quote from: Medic_wheat on 03/23/2015, 09:19 PM
Quote from: esadajr on 03/18/2015, 11:11 AMI recently read about Nintendon't. Gave it a shot last week, and I must say, it's (censored) awesome! You can even play the FZero and Mario Kart arcades.
The wait. What?
a nice piece of software that lets you play GC games of the HDD, lets you use (pretty much) any controller you want and can save to virtual mem cards.
Gaming since 1985


Mine got benched. I can access my virtual console games like the Turbo and SNES games on my Wii U now. There are some games I own I plan to go back to (Fragile Dreams, Last Story, Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, No More Heroes 2) but for now, it's on the sidelines.
I did hear there was someone who was hosting servers for Tatsunoko vs Capcom, and that's pretty cool. It's not enough for me to use my Wii regularly at this time though.


I mainly use my Wii to play GC games once in a while, like every couple months. But I did pickup a little gem called the Ultimate Shooting Collection, might test it out now that I've thought of it, ha ha ha!


I haven't played for awhile, but I recently downloaded Gate Of Thunder for it. I can't wait to try that out. I hope it plays as good as on the Turbo.
Why 9001? So it's over 9000!!!!!!


Sometimes yes, specially GC games on component are a delight.
Gaming since 1985


When I hook it back up to the TV again...yes.


Got my Wii-U hooked up and was recently working on rainbowing NES Remix.  There's some stuff I want on WiiWare though, in particular Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth and Gradius Rebirth.  I don't love that I will have to go into Wii emulation mode to buy/play them though.  I do have the original Wii but we transferred stuff off if it to the Wii-U when we got it, so buying something for it now it seems silly.  I dunno!


Have not been on here in a while but all I play for the tg16 now is my wii virtual console. My system broke somehow or just died about 8 months during the move into my house along with my everdrive braking.  So I said hell with it I just stuck to virtual console and I'm happy with that.


emulators and GC on component with a CRT look gorgeous
Gaming since 1985


Ended up getting the tatsunoko vs capcom arcade stick and I'll tell you using that on games like r type and god and lords of thunder or any shmup is freaking awesome


Hello, I'm new here.   
I still use my Wii on occasion to play NHL Hitz 2003. Other than that it sits there connected but unplugged.
I'm the Wind, Baby!


Gaming since 1985


I had too many unplayed Wii games, so a little while ago I sat down to start going through them. Man, so many of them are just not good. Or rather, they just don't compare to what's actually good.

Even top games like Mario Galaxy I thought too linear and boring. I didn't like either the collecting aspect or the camera, either.  Epic Mickey looked so cool, but meh, mediocre platformers at best. Same with Mushroom Men. TvC is just too busy, not my cup of tea. Pandora's Tower is a horribly put together action RPG that just tries to do too much. One by one I crossed off all the games until I was left with less than a dozen. At the height of my collectardation, I had probably 40-50 GC and Wii games combined. I know have only 18, though F-Zero GX will be #19 (could never get my last copy to work - I think it was resurfaced which killed the disc).

Here they are, the only good games on the two systems:

F-Zero GX (still missing)
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Star Wars: Rogue Leader
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2 (never got far in)
Boy and His Blob, A
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Ivy the Kiwi? (haven't go to yet, might be terrible, looks great though)
Last Story
Mario Kart Wii
Muramasa: Demon Blade
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Rayman Origins
Wii Sports (wife's insistence)
Wii Sports Resort (I was able to fit in Wii Sports disc into the other pocket of the box)

Not even all of these are amazing. If I had to get rid of them all, I'd only really miss Metroid Prime 1 & 2 (Rayman Origins is on PC, too).


My parents apparently found a copy of Castlevania: Judgement at a yard sale for a few bucks, because they gave me the first game they've bought for me in 15+ years today.  I've never played it, so I hope it doesn't suck, but it was a nice gesture anyway.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 06/18/2017, 10:31 PMMy parents apparently found a copy of Castlevania: Judgement at a yard sale for a few bucks, because they gave me the first game they've bought for me in 15+ years today.  I've never played it, so I hope it doesn't suck, but it was a nice gesture anyway.
It's not bad, but go into it with low expectations, it's a 3D Castlevania game after all, and a very simplistic (read: "shallow") fighting game, it's not gonna blow your socks off, but I enjoy it for the presentation, it's got some really good graphics and music, I'd say it's worth playing for the music alone!
Oh and, I'd also recommend changing the voices to Japanese...

It's worth a few playthroughs but you'll probably not be coming back to it after you beat the campaign with each character once or twice...

Play with the Classic Controller... Enough said...


Castlevania: Judgement Suspended


Was playing the wii yesterday. playing punch out and a little rondo of blood. In reality for what its worth I have my wii with a hardrive and I have so many good games. The wiiware and vr and the wii games itself there really is a good amount of titles on that thing


I still play because of Cursed Mountain. Really cool stuff, actually.


Man I was just playing castlevania rebirth and what a great game that is. The music already started off with the Genesis soundtrack of castlevania on the first stage following by really good music for the second and third stage. That's as far as I got so far but damn what a game. I love the key option to go to a different section of the stage.
If anyone has not picked up any of the konami remakes I highly recommend it


Castlevania Rebirth has probably my favourite soundtrack in the series!
You should really look up the unused song "Battle of the Holy" it seriously rocks!
I wish more modern games sounded like this...


My Wii is my retro station until I get around to making a pi setup proper, the it'll get moved down to the living room for my uncle to use.


See my red Wii is set up to the max I have a 500 gig hard drive
Over 100 Wii games
And a ton of wiiware games. Plus my tatsunoko arcade stick really sealed the deal for it.


Thank god I'm not the only one who has fallen in love with Castlevania Rebirth's music.

Mas, if you hold down right on the d-pad on the start screen, you can access a level select for every stage you've accessed in the game so far.


Live the music on castlevania. The second stage music has been in my head all day. I'm going to really have patience and try to beat it


Been using my nes classic controller for playing rondo of blood on the tg16. The nes controller is very good for the tg16 games. I also have used the Wiimote on the nes and with the settings I made the wiimote turn into the nes zapper so now I had the gun accessory and was playing duck hunt on the nes. It worked for hogans ally also


This thread is surreal because I just looked back and realized that I had posted in it back in 2011, which is strange to me because I think I had a Wii for about a month before I traded it to someone.

I keep wondering when this thread will finally die but some of you really enjoy this console. I always thought the scheme of downloading 8-bit nintendo and Turbo games would go the way of the sega channel, but the console has an almost cult following now. The only system that I ever owned for a shorter period of time was the gamecube, because I couldn't wrap my head around how stupid the design was, and the proprietary backwards-running laser. yeah I think the Wii is dumb, and really dont like the art/branding/avatars.

It's like they hired the character designers for "Super Adventure Time" to compensate for the bad graphics. Also, I've never been more disappointed with the cover artwork of a game system in recent memory. N64 does not count as recent memory.


Quote from: Mas on 07/09/2017, 07:26 AMBeen using my nes classic controller for playing rondo of blood on the tg16. The nes controller is very good for the tg16 games.
I did the same, works fine for Rondo. The only thing I'm missing are the turbo switches.
QuoteI also have used the Wiimote on the nes and with the settings I made the wiimote turn into the nes zapper so now I had the gun accessory and was playing duck hunt on the nes. It worked for hogans ally also
You used the Wiimote with an original NES as a Zappper substitute? Please let us know how you did this.


Quote from: blueraven on 07/09/2017, 03:25 PMThis thread is surreal because I just looked back and realized that I had posted in it back in 2011, which is strange to me because I think I had a Wii for about a month before I traded it to someone.

I keep wondering when this thread will finally die but some of you really enjoy this console. I always thought the scheme of downloading 8-bit nintendo and Turbo games would go the way of the sega channel, but the console has an almost cult following now. The only system that I ever owned for a shorter period of time was the gamecube, because I couldn't wrap my head around how stupid the design was, and the proprietary backwards-running laser. yeah I think the Wii is dumb, and really dont like the art/branding/avatars.
What I personally don't get is how can somebody hate on a console they have barely even played...

To be honest, I pretty much don't use my Wii for playing actual Wii games anymore (even though there are still quite a few Wii games that I want to play eventually) I just use it as an emulation machine, I've recently installed Retroarch on mine, and now I can play CPS1, CPS2 and Neo Geo on it using my Classic Controller Pro (which btw is probably the best controller Nintendo made since the SNES controller, minus the D-pad which is not as good as the one on the Wiimote itself or on their handhelds) and well, it works pretty well! It won't run every game, In fact, I think it runs less than half of the games, but the ones that it does run work pretty much flawlessly, but then again my Wii is outdated, perhaps it will run more games if I update it without somehow bricking it? But eh, I can play D&D Shadow over Mystara and Battle Circuit on it and they run pretty much perfectly! Not to mention the quality of the image is spectacular on my CRT! I can adjust the resolution in Retroarch so that it will run at the exact same resolution of the arcade and it looks great even through composite! But this finally convinced me to go and get Component cables for my Wii so that it will look even better and get rid of those rainbow patterns whenever there's dithering going on...

That's of course not to mention that both the Wii and the Game Cube have a s***load of really good games! I'm just not playing them anymore because I've already beaten most of them and I'd rather play TurboGrafx-16/CD through WiiMednafen on it instead (which btw is the best version of Mednafen I've ever used because I don't have to do stuff through command line or go out of my way to get a GUI that may or may not work, no, it simply just works you know what I mean? All I had to do was put the CD bios in the system folder and load my external HDD with ISOs and ROMs and then play them, it doesn't get any better than that...)


Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMWhat I personally don't get is how can somebody hate on a console they have barely even played...
Please reread my post. I said that I OWNED one for about a month. I made no reference to the countless hours playing through it's trash library before taking one in trade.

Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMTo be honest, I pretty much don't use my Wii for playing actual Wii games anymore (even though there are still quite a few Wii games that I want to play eventually) I just use it as an emulation machine,
This is what pisses me off about the console. The emulation and "store" charges you $4.99 for games that you already have.
Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMI've recently installed Retroarch on mine, and now I can play CPS1, CPS2 and Neo Geo on it using my Classic Controller Pro (which btw is probably the best controller Nintendo made since the SNES controller, minus the D-pad which is not as good as the one on the Wiimote itself or on their handhelds) and well, it works pretty well! It won't run every game, In fact, I think it runs less than half of the games,
Again, half the games run under emulation. This is beyond a fail.

Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMbut the ones that it does run work pretty much flawlessly, but then again my Wii is outdated, perhaps it will run more games if I update it without somehow bricking it? But eh, I can play D&D Shadow over Mystara and Battle Circuit on it and they run pretty much perfectly! Not to mention the quality of the image is spectacular on my CRT! I can adjust the resolution in Retroarch so that it will run at the exact same resolution of the arcade and it looks great even through composite! But this finally convinced me to go and get Component cables for my Wii so that it will look even better and get rid of those rainbow patterns whenever there's dithering going on...
I'm not convinced hooking a Wii up to a CRT would enjoy my experience at all. I have two PVM's in my office and it seems kind of redundant.

Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMThat's of course not to mention that both the Wii and the Game Cube have a s***load of really good games!
It's ok you can swear here. Shitload.

Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMI'm just not playing them anymore because I've already beaten most of them and I'd rather play TurboGrafx-16/CD through WiiMednafen on it instead
Ok, that's the point. Right here. That the Wii is so shitty, that the only possible use for it is that you can play turbo games for it on a CRT. WHY NOT JUST PLAY TURBO.

Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PM(you know what I mean? doesn't get any better than that...)
Actually yeah it does. You basically said that the Wii is a useless pile of crap now that you don't play the games, and have resorted to using it for Turbo emulation. Through a PVM.

I have this PC Engine. I plug it in. I play it on my PVM. It's so many fewer steps.


Arkhan Asylum

I think a "shitload" is an exaggeration for the Cube/Wii, as those libraries are not ... that great.  It's hit or miss, but mostly miss. 

and this is coming from someone who got Wii and Cube both on Day 1 and spent countless hours trying to delude myself into saying oh they aren't bad.   I think I have played every Gamecube game.   While there are enough games to justify getting one, especially now, "a shitload of good games" is not how I'd describe it.   If you asked me which had more good games, Tiger handhelds, or the Cube, I'd have to stop and think about it, because it's that close.

I had this twilight period after the Wii launch where Cube games were worthless.  It let me play through large portions of the library that I never got to outside of rentals for basically nothing.

Even some of the "OMG GET IT" games like Viewtiful Joe lost their momentum like 45% of the way through.

Metroid Prime was barely good the first time.  It got worse.  The Wii one was a shit pile ruined by the gimmick controls.

StarFox on cube was a Zelda game with StarFox characters.

Cube was basically a slap in the face to Nintendo fans.  I don't get why people accept that shit as awesome. 

people mostly use Cubes now for the GBA player.   It's great for that, honestly.   and for the RE1 remake.

and, as Michirin just demonstrated, people mostly use Wii for emulating other stuff.

If the most popular use of a machine is to use it to play another consoles stuff.... the console is a joke.

Wii betrayed us quite a few times.   Twilight Princess is easier than a drunk college chick that just got dumped.  We only saw Kid Icarus through Pit being in Brawl.   NiGHTS was a fucking travesty.  Gimmick controls and increasingly dumb design ruined Skyward Sword, and made Prime 3 boring and tedious.

Some of the best Wii experiences are like

the Kirby anniversary pack.

... of old games

Again though, there were enough OK games to justify having one, but I can't see the "shitload" of good games thing.   

I'd also have to say, setting up emulating PCE CD on a PC isn't really any more complicated than the Wii Homebrew channel crap.  The lack of big glowing PRESS HERE TO GAME buttons doesn't mean it's hard.

There's more presetup for Wii than there is just dropping the BIOS in the right folder, and loading a ROM or CD in an emulator on a PC.

It's not as bad as softmodding an Xbox, but it's still arguably more effort than just doing it on a computer.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: blueraven on 07/09/2017, 05:51 PM
Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMTo be honest, I pretty much don't use my Wii for playing actual Wii games anymore (even though there are still quite a few Wii games that I want to play eventually) I just use it as an emulation machine,
This is what pisses me off about the console. The emulation and "store" charges you $4.99 for games that you already have.
Or what if you didn't have the games and only got to experience them in the first place because they were released on the Wii? Because that was exactly my case! If it wasn't for the Virtual Console I most likely wouldn't even know the TurboGrafx-16 even existed because I wasn't born back when it was a thing, same with Mega Drive, I wouldn't have bothered to play it had the games not been released on the Wii, and you know what? I'm an adamant defender of digital distribution of older games like the Virtual Console because not only does that mean that more people can experience those older games that they otherwise wouldn't, but also because at least that way I'm giving my money to the publishers, and in some cases the developers who own/made the game instead of some ebay randoes, but if you already owned the game, there's nobody forcing you to buy it again, if you wanna play it just go and play your own copy...

Besides, the Wii is the ONLY game system in which you can play Super Nintendo, Mega Drive, TurboGrafx-16/CD, NES AND Neo Geo legally on the same system, which pretty much makes it the best game system ever by default... (Except the Game Boy Advance is still No. 1 for being a handheld SNES-on-steroids)

Quote from: blueraven on 07/09/2017, 05:51 PM
Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMI've recently installed Retroarch on mine, and now I can play CPS1, CPS2 and Neo Geo on it using my Classic Controller Pro (which btw is probably the best controller Nintendo made since the SNES controller, minus the D-pad which is not as good as the one on the Wiimote itself or on their handhelds) and well, it works pretty well! It won't run every game, In fact, I think it runs less than half of the games,
Again, half the games run under emulation. This is beyond a fail.
For those particular systems, which I hadn't tried to emulate before, and also, my Wii is outdated, an update could fix that... Everything else (like NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, N64, MD, SMS, GG, NGPC, GCN, Sega CD, PCE, SuperGrafx, PCECD, PC-FX, WonderSwan/Colour) run the vast majority of the games pretty much flawlessly, and if that's a fail, then I don't know what a win is...

Quote from: blueraven on 07/09/2017, 05:51 PM
Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 05:09 PMI'm just not playing them anymore because I've already beaten most of them and I'd rather play TurboGrafx-16/CD through WiiMednafen on it instead
Ok, that's the point. Right here. That the Wii is so shitty, that the only possible use for it is that you can play turbo games for it on a CRT. WHY NOT JUST PLAY TURBO.
Because I don't have one? Because I can't afford one? Keep in mind that not everyone in the world has deep pockets but they still want to enjoy retro-gaming, and I'd rather pay $5 for Bonk's Adventure on my Wii than $25 for a loose HuCard, or just play Sapphire for free on WiiMednafen...
Not to mention that I can play it on the same system that I can play Super Mario World, Granada, Banjo Kazooie, Bloody Roar Primal Fury, Castlevania III (JP version with the better music) Samurai Shodown II, Muramasa the Demon Blade and Doom, on my CRT, with a controller in my hands, with little-to-no hassle in the configuration, and that is something that I personally can only get on my Wii, I know other people can do that on other systems, but I can't...

Also, I said in my post that there are still plenty of Wii games that I still want to play, but haven't gotten around to... Just because I'm not in a rush to play those games doesn't mean that the system is bad, it just means that the TurboGrafx is better...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 06:36 PMI think a "shitload" is an exaggeration for the Cube/Wii, as those libraries are not ... that great.  It's hit or miss, but mostly miss. 
Look, I know most of the library is shovelware, but the same thing can be said about the DS and PS2 (in fact, much more so for the DS which barely has any good games in it, even the first-party Nintendo stuff was s*** on the DS) but everyone raves about how great the PS2 and DS were... The PS2 I can see, but the DS? C'mon...
But the games that are good on the Wii and the Game Cube I think are really good... You see, the thing is that I REALLY like Nintendo games, and while the Zeldas weren't as good on the Wii, everything else was, especially Mario, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are like, my No. 2 favourite game of all time (I count them both as just one game because 2 is basically 1 with Yoshi and new stages) and the Wario games were really good on both, the Paper Mario games, Pikmin was great, I didn't care much for Metroid Prime either though but I really enjoyed Prime 3, No More Heroes was a lot of fun, House of the Dead Overkill was too, Resident Evil 4 is really good (btw, the Wii version is the definitive version, best controls), the RE remake too, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom was rather impressive considering it  runs in the same engine as UMvC3, but on the Wii and runs pretty smoothly, and it's a lot of fun too, all the Kirby games were really good, not just the collection, and the Punch Out remake is one of the best remakes ever, but Nintendo has a good track-record with remakes (Super Mario Allstars and Metroid Zero Mission come to mind), Excite Bots Trick Racing is one of the most fun racing games I've played, Donkey Kong Country Returns was great too... Look, I don't wanna just sit here naming games all day long okay?

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 06:36 PMI'd also have to say, setting up emulating PCE CD on a PC isn't really any more complicated than the Wii Homebrew channel crap.  The lack of big glowing PRESS HERE TO GAME buttons doesn't mean it's hard.

There's more presetup for Wii than there is just dropping the BIOS in the right folder, and loading a ROM or CD in an emulator on a PC.

It's not as bad as softmodding an Xbox, but it's still arguably more effort than just doing it on a computer.
Perhaps it is more effort for NES, SNES and GBA, but for everything else? I don't know what you're doing that I'm not but I have a MUCH easier time getting games to play on my Wii than on the PC...
For example, I still haven't managed to get a single Neo Geo game to run on my PC I tried WinKawaks and MAME, but nope! Nothing works... On my Wii, for the most reliability I use the Virtual Console, which has a lot of Neo Geo games, all of which run 100% flawlessly, but for the ones that aren't there I use Retroarch, and while a lot of games don't work in there I manage to at least get a few more that aren't on the VC that work...
As for PCE CD? I can use Ootake and that works fine, but Mednafen is supposedly more accurate, but it's a major pain in the arse to use on the PC, on the Wii though? Piece of cake! And the only problem I've ever ran into was in the intro of Asuka 120% Maxima Burning Fest where the text is in 512 pixel mode and the rest of the picture is in 256 pixel mode, well, the text gets rendered in 256 pixel mode as well, but otherwise the game runs pretty much perfectly, and then there's Ys IV, I tried to apply the translation patch on the PC, the text patch worked, but I couldn't get the dub patch to work no matter what, but then I found a pre-patched .wad file of the game for the Wii, to play in Virtual Console mode, and voila! I was playing Ys IV in English on my Wii, on my CRT TV! No hassle what-so-ever, it just worked!

And you know how I said that most of the CPS1 and CPS2 games don't work on Retroarch on the Wii? Well guess what? I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM ON THE PC!

Arkhan Asylum

I find it very hard to believe you wouldn't know what a TurboGrafx-16 is without a Wii.  I wouldn't give the Wii so much credit.  You know what a PC98 is without the Wii VC crap.  You likely would come across PCE just the same via the magic of the internet.   

As for emulating, I don't see the point of your "legal" angle, really.   Sure, you can purchase digital copies from their VC.... but everything else you're doing is no different than the PC counterpart.   The fact you can rebuy games or get digital copies of 16 bit era games you never owned should not be what makes a machine like the wii the "best machine ever".

I don't disagree that the machines are great for letting you emulate crap, but like I said, if the best feature of a new console is the ability to play old stuff, that means it failed as a new console. 

I've never had a problem getting PC emulating to work.  This may be because I grew up configuring DOS games to work with MIDI + controllers, so all of this shit is pretty much a joke in terms of complication. 

Who said PS2 is great?   That thing was pretty disappointing too, and was the beginning of the end for a lot of franchises.

Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Castlevania.. they all started taking ugly turns on PS2. 

For wii, the good games can basically be counted on two hands.   During the SNES days, the good *first party games* needed more than two hands.

These new machines don't have the killer first party libraries that we saw in the 16 bit era.   They are either playing it safe, or simply doing really dumb shit instead of making good stuff.

Why there is no plan to make Metroid with the Breath of the Wild engine is beyond me.    It seems like a no brainer.   That's the open world / exploration style that Metroid has needed since Super Metroid.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!



We have a thread here at pcefx that lists TONS of awesome games for the Wii.

For example, even shootemups fans will be pleasantly surprised.


VC is just a nice bonus.


Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 08:09 PMI find it very hard to believe you wouldn't know what a TurboGrafx-16 is without a Wii.  I wouldn't give the Wii so much credit.  You know what a PC98 is without the Wii VC crap.  You likely would come across PCE just the same via the magic of the internet. 
I probably would, but it would definitely take much longer, and I most likely wouldn't have cared about it as much...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 08:09 PMAs for emulating, I don't see the point of your "legal" angle, really.   Sure, you can purchase digital copies from their VC.... but everything else you're doing is no different than the PC counterpart.   The fact you can rebuy games or get digital copies of 16 bit era games you never owned should not be what makes a machine like the wii the "best machine ever".
I wasn't being too serious with that point, that's just a thing I like to point out, at this point in time, the Wii is still the ONLY system where you can play all of those things legally, yeah I know that means nothing, heck most of the games I play on it are pirated anyway, but still...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 08:09 PMI don't disagree that the machines are great for letting you emulate crap, but like I said, if the best feature of a new console is the ability to play old stuff, that means it failed as a new console. 
No, when the ONLY good feature of a new console is the ability to play old stuff, THEN it means it failed as a new console, but the Wii still has plenty of really good games that I and a lot of other people enjoyed a whole lot, it just so happens that what it does best is allow us to play a lot of old stuff in it on top of having all of those really good games, therefore it is FAR from a failure...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 08:09 PMI've never had a problem getting PC emulating to work.  This may be because I grew up configuring DOS games to work with MIDI + controllers, so all of this shit is pretty much a joke in terms of complication. 
I don't know if you're lucky or unlucky because of that, but I had it easy, my first PC was a Windows 98, and I never had to bother with command line until recently, and I think I already said enough about my luck (or lack there of) with emulators on the PC, unless they're absolutely amazing and I couldn't possibly run it well on my Wii (PPSSPP) then I'd just rather play stuff on my Wii, and playing on the TV helps, on the PC there are too many distractions...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 08:09 PMWho said PS2 is great?   That thing was pretty disappointing too, and was the beginning of the end for a lot of franchises.

Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Castlevania.. they all started taking ugly turns on PS2. 

For wii, the good games can basically be counted on two hands.   During the SNES days, the good *first party games* needed more than two hands.

These new machines don't have the killer first party libraries that we saw in the 16 bit era.   They are either playing it safe, or simply doing really dumb shit instead of making good stuff.

Why there is no plan to make Metroid with the Breath of the Wild engine is beyond me.    It seems like a no brainer.   That's the open world / exploration style that Metroid has needed since Super Metroid.
Umm, this is more of a discussion of "Old vs New" at this point... You know, I also like older games better, hence why I mostly just use my Wii to play them, but that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of good games on the Wii or other newer systems... The thing is that there's been an increase in the cost and the time it takes to make a good game with the increase in hardware horse-power, so they can't make as many great games now as they could back then...

Also, Castlevania started to suck on the N64, not on the PS2, and you know what system had a really good Castlevania? The Wii! ;3
Because they made it in 2D with classic gameplay and amazing music!


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 07/09/2017, 08:09 PMWho said PS2 is great?   That thing was pretty disappointing too, and was the beginning of the end for a lot of franchises.

Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Castlevania.. they all started taking ugly turns on PS2.
You're right about those franchises, but the PS2 is the absolute best in 3D gaming. It was before everything became brown and gray but after the ugliness of the 32/64 bit gen.

No contest on what's better, though. If I had to choose between 16 bit and anything later, I would in a heartbeat. But there's already a thread for that.

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 09:07 PMand I most likely wouldn't have cared about it as much...
I am confused by this statement.

QuoteNo, when the ONLY good feature of a new console is the ability to play old stuff, THEN it means it failed as a new console, but the Wii still has plenty of really good games that I and a lot of other people enjoyed a whole lot, it just so happens that what it does best is allow us to play a lot of old stuff in it on top of having all of those really good games, therefore it is FAR from a failure...
I don't know, the gimmicky controls and lack of some crucial titles, along with botched games like NiGHTS didn't do it any favors.   Were you not playing Wii at launch?  It was a pretty dumb launch, and took a while for the stupid gimmicks to go away. 

QuoteI don't know if you're lucky or unlucky because of that, but I had it easy, my first PC was a Windows 98
You probably weren't playing DOS games.  DOS memory configuring is it's own special area of expertise.  and then companies  like OSI went and tried making their own memory managers and made it worse.

QuoteUmm, this is more of a discussion of "Old vs New" at this point... You know, I also like older games better, hence why I mostly just use my Wii to play them, but that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of good games on the Wii or other newer systems... The thing is that there's been an increase in the cost and the time it takes to make a good game with the increase in hardware horse-power, so they can't make as many great games now as they could back then...
Not really.  Dragon Quest continued thriving after the 16 bit era, because they didn't fuck with the formula.

They can make "as many great games" now.   They just need to start with making great games in the first place, instead of shitted up QTE laden games with excessive cutscenes and garbage gameplay.    If anything, they should be able to make *more* good games now.

QuoteAlso, Castlevania started to suck on the N64, not on the PS2, and you know what system had a really good Castlevania? The Wii! ;3
Because they made it in 2D with classic gameplay and amazing music!
This almost makes sense, except we had Symphony of the Night on PS1 to drown out the N64's dumbassed game.  PS2 is when all those really shitty ones came out, and then Lords of Shadow or whatever it was called on PS3 was probably the biggest pile of shit ever with regards to a Castlevania game.

I give the N64 game a free pass because that was in the "everyone is trying to be 3D" era, where most things sort of sucked.

Ocarina of Time sucked.   
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


(Note: Just wanted to modify this to add a line and ended up re-posting it accidentally, sorry)


Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 10:25 PM
Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 09:07 PMand I most likely wouldn't have cared about it as much...
I am confused by this statement.
Imagine having never played or heard about the system before, going into Dracula X blind, in the middle of the 7th generation, expecting it to be either on-par with or worse than the SNES version, then having your mind blown so hard that you had to pick up the scattered pieces of your brain and skull off the walls afterwards... Yeah, had I not had that experience, which wouldn't have happened, at least in quite the same way, were it not for the Wii's VC, I don't think I'd have bothered to dig in deeper and wanted to see what else the system had to offer... Trust me, I know one too many people who just played Rondo of Blood and moved on from the system never to look back...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 10:25 PM
QuoteNo, when the ONLY good feature of a new console is the ability to play old stuff, THEN it means it failed as a new console, but the Wii still has plenty of really good games that I and a lot of other people enjoyed a whole lot, it just so happens that what it does best is allow us to play a lot of old stuff in it on top of having all of those really good games, therefore it is FAR from a failure...
I don't know, the gimmicky controls and lack of some crucial titles, along with botched games like NiGHTS didn't do it any favors.   Were you not playing Wii at launch?  It was a pretty dumb launch, and took a while for the stupid gimmicks to go away. 
No, I took a few years to get my Wii, and when I did it already had a load of really good games that I wanted to play, and still had some stuff to look forward to!
Almost every system has a weak launch, early adopters are necessary, but I'll probably never be one of them, I'd rather get my systems later when I already know that they've got a lot of stuff that I want to play...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 10:25 PM
QuoteI don't know if you're lucky or unlucky because of that, but I had it easy, my first PC was a Windows 98
You probably weren't playing DOS games.  DOS memory configuring is it's own special area of expertise.  and then companies  like OSI went and tried making their own memory managers and made it worse.
I've never been much of a PC gamer, the few PC games I had were all for Windows and, well, they were okay I guess? But I'd much rather just play ZSNES instead...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 10:25 PM
QuoteAlso, Castlevania started to suck on the N64, not on the PS2, and you know what system had a really good Castlevania? The Wii! ;3
Because they made it in 2D with classic gameplay and amazing music!
This almost makes sense, except we had Symphony of the Night on PS1 to drown out the N64's dumbassed game.  PS2 is when all those really shitty ones came out, and then Lords of Shadow or whatever it was called on PS3 was probably the biggest pile of shit ever with regards to a Castlevania game.

I give the N64 game a free pass because that was in the "everyone is trying to be 3D" era, where most things sort of sucked.
The thing is that the N64 Castlevania games came out after SotN, so it kinda makes perfect sense to say that the series started to suck on the N64... I don't know how you feel about the handheld games though, but personally, I've never been much of a fan of the Metroidvania style, I MUCH prefer the classic 'Vintagevania' style, SotN is nice, but I'll pick Castlevania Rebirth over it any day, and Rondo of Blood over everything else in the series...

Quote from: guest on 07/09/2017, 10:25 PMOcarina of Time sucked. 
Ha! No...

(Note: This is what the previous message should have been)

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/09/2017, 10:55 PMwere it not for the Wii's VC, I don't think I'd have bothered to dig in deeper and wanted to see what else the system had to offer...
I'm confused by how you'd give something like the PC98 a thorough investigation without the VC, but don't think you would have for the PCE.    It just seems strange.

QuoteNo, I took a few years to get my Wii, and when I did it already had a load of really good games that I wanted to play, and still had some stuff to look forward to!
Almost every system has a weak launch, early adopters are necessary, but I'll probably never be one of them, I'd rather get my systems later when I already know that they've got a lot of stuff that I want to play...
The thing about the Wii launch is it was actually a good launch.    and then it just flopped on it's ass for awhile.  Trauma Center was a great launch game, and while TP was an overly easy piece of shit, it was at least an entertaining Zelda game.     

QuoteI've never been much of a PC gamer, the few PC games I had were all for Windows and, well, they were okay I guess? But I'd much rather just play ZSNES instead...
There are a lot of great DOS era games.  It really depends on your gaming tastes though.  You don't strike me as a Wing Commander enthusiast, or a Might and Magic kind of person.

QuoteThe thing is that the N64 Castlevania games came out after SotN, so it kinda makes perfect sense to say that the series started to suck on the N64... I don't know how you feel about the handheld games though, but personally, I've never been much of a fan of the Metroidvania style, I MUCH prefer the classic 'Vintagevania' style, SotN is nice, but I'll pick Castlevania Rebirth over it any day, and Rondo of Blood over everything else in the series...
PSX and N64 were competing forces.   People were still playing and talking about Symphony of the Night after PS2 launched.    We also got Castlevania Chronicles on PS1, (after n64 game), and it was met with success despite being a port.   For what Castlevania 64 tried to do, it's not exactly bad.  It's just... not a Castlevania game.  I'd play it over Ocarina of Time.

QuoteHa! No...
Honestly, Ocarina of Time sucks.   It sucked when it came out, and it still sucks now.   It forever ruined the pacing of Zelda and sent the series down the watered down toddler mode path it was on until BOTW finally unfucked it nearly 20 years later.

Ignoring the camera woes of the era, everything combat related in that sucks.  You lock on, strafe around, and wait your turn to smack something.   That's it.   That's all you do.

It's garbage.  The only reason it was so critically acclaimed is dumbassed Nintendo fanboys at the time literally had no other action adventure game to play unless they wanted to pretend Quest 64 didn't suck.

Ocarina of Time is that average looking chick that has fat ugly friends, so everyone think's she is way hotter than she is.

and then she shows up with her cousins (playstation games), and everyone goes "fuuuuuck"

By OOTs release, Playstation was already set with Alundra, Brave Fencer Musashi (which is how a 3D Zelda SHOULD have been), Granstream Saga, and some other games that came out around or slightly after OOT that just made me wonder why people were jizzing about OOT.    Legend of Mana immediately comes to mind, followed by Vagrant Story, and Threads of Fate.

We even had other weirder action adventure games like Soul Reaver, Akuji the Heartless, Escape or die trying, Alone in the Dark....

Fuck Ocarina of Time.

Except for the Water Temple.   That shit ruled, and I enjoyed all of my friends in 5th grade having strokes trying to get through it alive.

while I played Parasite Eve.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!