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Who would win in a fight?

Started by MotherGunner, 01/20/2012, 07:56 PM

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Amen.  Samus is a baller (pun intended)!

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: MotherGunner on 02/12/2012, 04:21 PMAmen.  Samus is a baller (pun intended)!
This deserves an all-caps HYUCK HYUCK!   :lol:
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


No way. Master Chief wins this one. She will get all horned up over his shiny armor just as he blasts her with his missle  8-[


Quote from: MotherGunner on 02/10/2012, 02:21 AMThis black guy would always win.  (Even today)

I love it when he says

"Man, you come right out of a comic book"


such a great film. Seen it three times and could see it three more.


"For me? You shouldn't have... BUT..."

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: HercTNT on 02/12/2012, 10:15 PMsuch a great film. Seen it three times and could see it three more.
Only 3? tsk tsk :P
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 02/12/2012, 04:13 PMHere's a nice overdone one:

Master Chief VS. Samus Aran.

Personally, I think Samus would turn MC into a steaming pile of hamburger seeping out of his armor. :/  Plus, she has boobs.  Boobs always win.
You mean this ?
Wii U:Progearspec


WOW!!! Someones living out there fantasy!!  Since when is Samus a lesbian asian jedi knight!  :shock:

Sorry Nectarsis, i will try to pick up the slack. So many Bruce lee movies, so little time  :D


For me Halo is just one big advertisment to get people to jion the military and die for something that will never end. If Halo was great
they would have made the AI insanely hard.

How about Halo vs Malice?

QuoteThis black guy would always win.  (Even today)
Nope, too cocky to win. Didn't he get killed in a room of laughing girls, in that film.


RegalSin you are wrong!!!!!  Military is only there to provide practice for skills that can be used for video gaming!


Quote from: HercTNT on 02/13/2012, 03:34 AMSorry Nectarsis, i will try to pick up the slack. So many Bruce lee movies, so little time  :D
4.10 adult movies isn't to many :P LOL
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: RegalSin on 02/13/2012, 09:09 AMMaster Chief is a joke compared to Samus. If Samus was the main character of that thing "In her suit" she would totaly own that game and every single other FPS game.

Bomberman owns Master Chief

Portal owns Master Cheif

The Freeman owns Master Cheif

Bart Simpson owns Master Cheif

Halo is just one big advertisment to get people to jion the military and die for something that will never end. If Halo was smart
they would have made the AI insanely hard.

QuoteThis black guy would always win.  (Even today)
Nope, too cocky to win. Didn't he get killed in a room of laughing girls, in that film.
Although I rather enjoy Halo, I agree.  Especially with the part about The Freeman. :lol:
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


The next person who brings up that Halo bullshit gets banned.


Hey, guess what?  Halo.  :dance:

[EDIT:] oh, and, SHENANIGANS!!
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Quote from: RegalSin on 02/13/2012, 09:09 AMHalo is just one big advertisment to get people to join the military and die for something that will never end.
I beg to differ.  The Revolutionary, 1812, Civil, Spanish-American, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm (to name a few U.S. wars DID eventually end.  Not to mention some countless wars around the world).  

Even the frakking war with the Cylons ended.  Who knows, maybe your life-long dream of Picard shaking hands with the Borg Queen in peace will come true and you (just maybe) will cream your yellow whities and fog your glasses as you fap to it.


SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: MotherGunner on 02/13/2012, 12:15 PM
Quote from: RegalSin on 02/13/2012, 09:09 AMHalo is just one big advertisment to get people to join the military and die for something that will never end.
I beg to differ.  The Revolutionary, 1812, Civil, Spanish-American, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm (to name a few U.S. wars DID eventually end.  Not to mention some countless wars around the world). 

Even the frakking war with the Cylons ended.  Who knows, maybe your life-long dream of Picard shaking hands with the Borg Queen in peace will come true and you (just maybe) will cream your yellow whities and fog your glasses as you fap to it.

I believe he was trying to say that war itself never ends. :/
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


It is true "War" itself never ends.  My comment was based more on how it must be nice having the luxury of throwing out an "opinion" like that from a place of personal safety, when I have a brother who just demobilized, and we still have countless brothers and sisters in uniform (from many countries) still out there.  

Shit like this really irritates me; When people generalize or make a stupid comment about the military and 9 times out of 10, they don't have the balls to put on a uniform themselves and their qualification to add an opinion is void.  That's why I don't talk about shit I don't know about.  I get that people put on a uniform so that morons can say moronic-fantastic things but still.  You know?

Not everyone joins the military because of a fucking video game.  Wisen up.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


The term "endless war" is used because that's pretty much what it is. The war in Korea didn't end at all, it just moved to Viet Nam. The war against communists didn't end, it just became the war on terrorism. "The enemy" is always there, even when they obviously aren't.

War itself on Earth will end, eventually. It has to. Either we'll blow ourselves up permanently, or we'll learn that having "the balls" to do whatever The Man tells you to leads to nothing but more war. Ether way, it will end.


Zeta, you are also going off of one premise or opinion that anyone who joins the military does so just so they can go and fight a war or for the specific purpose of having "The Man" tell them what to do.  Definitley not true in my experience as a veteran myself.  When I said having "the balls" I meant it in that specific context above.  Certainly it takes balls to say, NOT go and join the military and get into college instead, you know, better yourself and make a family?  Not sure what you were trying to do by twisting my words like that but whatever, it's your opinion and thankfully we live in a society where people can say whatever they want. While you are also generalizing, thankfully, you can at least articulate it better than most so I will give you that.  The goal here was not to debate war but point out the unintelligent generalization from Regal.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


OKay okay, Halo is a reasonable character. Considering it was adopted by a company that is known for it's blue screen of death.

QuoteSimply parrot the bullshit you see on the mainstream media from a few bad apples who went crazy...


Wow, so now it comes out... Not only do you have "Daddy Issues" but you are CLEARY and expert on military statistics...  Hell, "I" can't even tell you about military statistics since I truly don't fucking have the first damn clue.  I reckon though if I didn't know shit, I would do what you just did:  Simply parrot the bullshit you see on the mainstream media from a few bad apples who went crazy...

*bows*  I am not worthy...  

I just have to remind myself that people can say whatever they want no matter how much I disagree...  But then again just because two people CAN make a baby, it doesn't mean they should....   (See [Insert any person of your loathing])

Meaning, just because we have freedom of speech, it doesn't make it right sometimes...

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Halo vs the G-Man [-o<


No hard feelings Regal, but you ARE a weird guy...

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: RegalSin on 02/13/2012, 09:38 PMHalo vs the G-Man [-o<
Oh come on, man...the G-Man is like...god!  There's no contest there.
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Halo has nothing to do with military recruiting.  The original game was supposed to be a real time rts and exclusive to the pc.  Microsoft bought the rights, and in the 11th hour bungie retooled

the game to be a first person shooter for the xbox. Regal is so far off its not funny. Now the game Americas Army, was specifically made as a recruitment tool.  I doubt that many people join

the military because of video games. But their is no doubt that the military is using video games to to recruit. If you watch the show future weapons you sill see that the military is even using

xbox and playstation like controls on some prototype hardware because thats what young people relate to.

Zeta is correct about the korean war. It never ended. They are still officially in a state of war.


You're all missing the point. America's Army isn't some unique thing for recruiting people, its just a symptom on a defining characteristic of American culture. For sure it is INCREDIBLY fucked up, but we are indoctrinated from birth to accept militarism as a daily event. When I was in Chicago last year the Blue Angels were doing stupid tricks in the sky overhead, burning $100,000 a day in jet fuel. Why? There is a tank parked in the front yard of a house (VFW owned) down the street from me. Why? There is a NASCAR that says "Go Army" on it. Why? The supermarket near me sells Tipman paintball guns that are officially licensed by the US Army. In a society like ours people don't even notice this shit, but it should be extremely disturbing. In a place like Belgium or Japan or Iceland those things would be viewed as dystopian nightmare fuel.

Our government is broke as hell, but half our tax revenue goes into blowing up other countries or preparing to blow up other countries. We've let our leaders sucker us into one war after another for centuries and we look the other way when the evidence that we were lied to about foreign threats comes to the front. Where are those WMDs? Its just more more bullshit scam, as was the Tonkin incident, the sinking of the Maine, the catalysts for American wars against Spain, Mexico, the Philippines, Nicaragua, Honduras, Grenada, Panama, you name it. All bullshit. Why do we have 10,000 troops still occupying Okinawa? Bases in 130 countries? Americans can't even name 130 countries, but they'll pay the taxes to fund the bases. Enough nuclear weaponry to kill every human on the planet, this minute...but we're fucking with Iran?

Of course if you question any of this you are accused of having your head in the sand (the opposite is true) or being unpatriotic (that part is true) by fuckheads who buy commemorative coins from late night infomercials and think Obama is a Muslim.

Now we have the ultimate excuse; the War on Terror! WTF does that even mean? Will it end when "terror" is defeated? The perfect endless war. Well, endless as long as we have a million people willing to kill on command for the McDonalds manager pay. That's essential.

This isn't a trend unique to the US by any means. All wars are started with lies, and the people who start them always say they have no other choice. This just happens to be America's turn to be Italy, Egypt, Germany, England, France. Eventually we'll get tired of it, like England did, and China will take over the job. The thing that worries me is that military weapons now are much more powerful than they were when thousands of Britons were dying every month trying to keep India British. The stakes are higher for sure.


SignOfZeta I felt I was being rude towards Halo. Since I know their might be some Halo fans here. That is why my post looks smaller.

I feel your pain broaa, but I gave up complaining about this awhile back ( or at least I try to ). There are two things that are affecting this. The only real Americans are African Americans and the pro-Israelies wants US citizens to police the world. Their are other problems like the N-word, people walking their pants half-way down, not enough church goers, and the eastern invasion. When we axe both of these problems USA will shine like it did before the "Summer of love", and the "Zoot suit riots".

So remember if you love the US military break a 360 and send it back to Bill. 360 the Halo choice of consoles.


Quote from: RegalSin on 02/14/2012, 11:37 AMThe only real Americans are African Americans and the pro-Israelies wants US citizens to police the world. Their are other problems like the N-word, people walking their pants half-way down, not enough church goers, and the eastern invasion. When we axe both of these problems USA will shine like it did before the "Summer of love", and the "Zoot suit riots".
Nope, nothing racist here.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


No Zeta, you're missing the point, you are still making broad assumptions behind the reasons why those who join the military do so without having any intimate knowledge or context.  

A symptom on a defining characteristic of American culture?  OF COURSE it is!  That's how we, you know... got AMERICA!!??

I disagree we are indoctrinated from birth to accept militarism.  How do I know?  You've NEVER put on a uniform yourself and you have the freedom to talk shit without the fear of your government (our government) coming over to your house and throwing you into a Gulag.

I agree that our government is broke, and both sides of government are completely responsible.  Not sure why you are blaming the right only (if my assumption is correct).  If you want to have an objective view, then get one.  This is certainly not it.  

I don't believe you have your head in the sand or are unpatriotic Zeta, in fact I believe the opposite.  I believe you are VERY patriotic, love your country, and I love the fact that you have an opinion and can exercise your freedom of speech.  Again, that's how we got AMERICA.  Because a small group of people decided to question, and protest, and pick up a weapon and stand a post.  This is one reason why I proudly put on a uniform.  I didn't put one on to go to "War" though I certainly had accepted the possibility.  Neither did my brother, we both joined to better ourselves.  I have an outstanding job and have a great family.  Could I have done it without the military?  Of course, but the military helped define the outstanding work ethic I bring to my life every day.  It is one reason why I have risen with greater tempo and success above my peers (many who are now laid off due to laziness) .

Again, you are generalizing and indirectly talking about the military like you know what is in every troop's mind.  I don't even know that...
Oh sure, I am POSITIVE the American Revolution started with lies.  Sorry you're so jaded Zeta, I can't help that.  You had "some" good points but the rest is lost on me.  My point is, be glad you can at least ask why?  

Why?  Because throughout our American history men and women better than us have kept it that way.  
I never truly understood this until I lived that life myself.  Before that, you'd be surprised to know that I was an anti-government liberal protester hanging out in San Francisco.  That made me a shitty human being.  Then for a while I became and ultra conservative and that produced the same result.  Now I aspire to look at things objectively and find a balance.  Extremes on both side is a miserable existence.

John Stuart Mill, a liberal, once said, "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

Glad I woke up...

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


What is your obsession with a person having to join the military to have a worthwhile view? Why would I join the Army if I hate the army? That makes no sense. Do you think I would like it more if I was missing a leg and mentally wrecked with PTSD? Yeah, I'd be in awesome shape then.

To me what makes a man, a decent human being, is the fortitude to analyze the world around you and do what's right. A solider is the rare sort of person (along with children, the insane, and the imprisoned) who doesn't do that AT ALL. A hired killer who does exactly what the President says or he goes into prison. If Obama says its time to invade Canada, a solider will just do it. Our ability to tell right from wrong will have to be suppressed. Independent thinking is nothing but an impediment. I don't claim to know what goes on in anyone's mind but my own (even that is a stretch sometimes) but I do understand the job description.

And this is not a "left versus right" thing, at least not in the American sense of the term. There are no professional politicians in this country that are anti-military. Every congressman has military contracts in his district, and he fights like like hell to protect all of them. Obama was in office for literally 20 minutes before ordering his first drone strike. The peace movement is as dead as the labor movement, health care, and the space program.

The idea of finding balance when there is none is one of the worst things about modern thinking. The US is a military culture. It got everything it has through conquest, slavery and genocide. There is no way to "balance" this. We invaded Iraq for no reason, brutally enforced sanctions on them for a decade, and then invaded them again. At the very least a million people died from this. Every excuse for it was a lie or massively blown out of proportion. There is no "balanced" viewpoint here without fabricating one from nothing.


Zeta, You don't know shit about what type of person a soldier is and you are still making idiotic assumptions.  Nice try trying to question my manhood by proxy and trying to say i'm insane.   And you claim to not know what goes on in anyone's mind...  dude get a grip.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: MotherGunner on 02/10/2012, 01:50 AM
Quote from: Lilgrafx on 02/09/2012, 11:39 PMThe real ghost busters have a black guy that's all I have to say
Yea I don't get the statement... If you were trying to be racist then you could have said the fake ghostbusters have a chimp.
I just saying black guys always win fights


Quote from: Lilgrafx on 02/14/2012, 11:26 PM
Quote from: MotherGunner on 02/10/2012, 01:50 AM
Quote from: Lilgrafx on 02/09/2012, 11:39 PMThe real ghost busters have a black guy that's all I have to say
Yea I don't get the statement... If you were trying to be racist then you could have said the fake ghostbusters have a chimp.
I just saying black guys always win fights
:-s #-o
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


This thread sucks, only way I can put it.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 02/14/2012, 01:17 PMWe invaded Iraq for no reason, brutally enforced sanctions on them for a decade, and then invaded them again. At the very least a million people died from this. Every excuse for it was a lie or massively blown out of proportion. There is no "balanced" viewpoint here without fabricating one from nothing.
You sound terribly disappointed, not just about that, but life in general... Like 20 years later, worlds not really how you expected it to turn out ehh?


Enough of this, which ghost buster is the better ghost buster. Or the warhawk vs the pacifist insanity. Lets get back to fictional characters.

How about

Doctor Gangrene  (killer tomatoes ) vs Doctor Robotnik?

Personally I love Doctor Gangrene because he was the actor who also played the villian in "Babes in Toyland"
along with voice of the ficitonal Gangrene. He is presented as a Genius who will change and better the world but keeps being stopped.

Doctor Robotnik wants to control and owns the world. He controls all Casinos, and uses the money to fuel his building of robots. I could only assume the reason why Sonic is differnt is because of him. Like lab testing.
( that is a future Sonic game I will never be playing ).


Doctor Goldfoot ( bikini machine ) vs Doctor Morgus?

I don't know too much about these two. All I know is Goldfoot makes a machine that can generate an army of
Bikini Bom-omb exploding women, who can or can not have super strenght.

I could assume, Morgus is more of a "Metropolis" Rotwang rip-off but screws with monsters like Frankenstien. Speaking of which

Rotwang vs Frankenstiene


Frankenstiene vs young Frankenstiene


Beetle Juice vs Elvira the non-porn version?


The Hulk ( TV hulk ) vs Mr Hyde?

I know that Hyde originally was just a strong brute,
with a sick way of thinking. However he gain super
strenght. The Hulk, at least the TV hulk was basically
the same as Hyde but had a good Conscience


Quote from: RegalSin on 02/15/2012, 11:46 AMEnough of this, which ghost buster is the better ghost buster. Or the warhawk vs the pacifist insanity. Lets get back to fictional characters.
The Ghostbusters are only "real" in your head   :roll:

The rest...meh
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: nectarsis on 02/15/2012, 11:52 AM
Quote from: RegalSin on 02/15/2012, 11:46 AMEnough of this, which ghost buster is the better ghost buster. Or the warhawk vs the pacifist insanity. Lets get back to fictional characters.
The Ghostbusters are only "real" in your head  :roll:

The rest...meh
Dont know about you, but the boogeyman scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.


SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


funny i was always afraid of boogerman  :P



My Boogey man looked like snoopy but slightly differnt. I remember seeing him very clearly dancing in front of me.

QuoteYou sound terribly disappointed, not just about that, but life in general... Like 20 years later, worlds not really how you expected it to turn out ehh?
Who knew the world was ran by idiots, who only made enough to
reproduce and live. Yup just like the ending of "Saturn 3" or "Soylent


Quote from: RegalSin on 02/14/2012, 11:37 AMSignOfZeta I felt I was being rude towards Halo. Since I know their might be some Halo fans here. That is why my post looks smaller.
<Guilty >.<
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


(A) The fact that this thread can go from Zeta's impassioned, incisive comments on America's hyper-militarized culture to "Boogerman" is mind-boggling. :pcds:

(B) Anyway, Zeta, I think MotherGunner would feel better if we acknowledged that, sadly, the military provides career opportunities to folks who would otherwise have few, if any, viable options in the job market. This is a reflection on the inequality in this country. I wish we (as a society) provided non-military career support/training/opportunities on the scale of the military, but we don't. Many programs (i.e. the G.I. Bill) are tied to military obligations...I wish there were massive programs with a civil service (non-military) obligation.

(C) Anyway, MotherGunner, it would probably be easier to have this discussion if we divorced (1) an individual's personal motivations for joining the military from (2) discussions of US Culture/US foreign policy. Surely we can find common ground on (2), even if we disagree about (1) (which tends to be a very sensitive topic, in general).


Okay, it's been a while and unfortunate derailment aside, let's get this thread back on track and please stick to the subject!  :P


Lord Dread (First seen in Captain Power, 1987-1988)
Formerly Dr. Lyman Taggart, he was obsessed with the precision and "perfection" of machines and convinced himself that the next step in human evolution involved the merging of human consciousness in perfect mechanical bodies.


The Borg* (First seen in Star Trek TNG, Q Who, 1989)
A pseudo-race, dwelling in the Star Trek universe, the Borg take other species by force into the collective and connect them to "the hive mind"; the act is called assimilation and entails violence, abductions, and injections of cybernetic implants. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection".

*one (1) drone.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 01/23/2012, 02:26 AMI also recommend the GBA game. It's one the best games on the system.
Second the recommendation. AN AWESOME GAME in SO many different ways.




Quote from: guest on 04/05/2014, 07:18 PMOriginal question: who would win in a fight.
Final answer: i would. (im not above kicking balls and gouging eyes.)
Dude, duude, duuude.... No.

Also, Guyver would still win.



Quote from: HailingTheThings on 04/05/2014, 07:34 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/05/2014, 07:18 PMOriginal question: who would win in a fight.
Final answer: i would. (im not above kicking balls and gouging eyes.)
Dude, duude, duuude.... No.

Also, Guyver would still win.



1. Live action Guyver is bad in a good way.

2. Have you seen "Guyver (2) Dark Hero?" Those effing fight scenes, OMG the choreography, man!

3. Any cosplay that comes equipped with MEGA SMASHER sparkle tits = automatic win.

4. 'nuff sed.

5. Butts, lots of 'em, all kinds. Yep.