RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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wtb: couple of pc engine games

Started by kakutolives, 04/16/2012, 04:20 AM

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Couple of new list of games that I would like to acquire.

Steam Hearts Acquired. Thanks Bernie!(expecting package)
Puyo Puyo
valis III
valkyrie no densetsu
Fausette Amour
Cotton Acquired. Thanks tggodfrey! (expecting package)
shin megami tensei
Galaxy fraulein Yuna II
Avanced V.G.
Go Go Birdie!
pro tennis world court
Martial Champions
götzendiener (added)

shoot me offers.

also looking for hucard cases (with manuals if possiblefor:)
Detana!! Twinbee
Street fighter II
Good Sellers (in my experience)
Samurai Ghost, Keith Courage, Bernie, tggodfrey, bartre (hoping to add more to this list soon)

People who are just plain Awesome:
BlueBMW (to this day i thank you for hooking me up with Sapphire and getting me started with collecting PCE games)


Good Sellers (in my experience)
Samurai Ghost, Keith Courage, Bernie, tggodfrey, bartre (hoping to add more to this list soon)

People who are just plain Awesome:
BlueBMW (to this day i thank you for hooking me up with Sapphire and getting me started with collecting PCE games)


I have Steam Hearts, and might be persuaded to part with it.  :)  PM me.


updated with götzendiener.

Also thanks to everyone for being so kind and offer your collections for sale.
Good Sellers (in my experience)
Samurai Ghost, Keith Courage, Bernie, tggodfrey, bartre (hoping to add more to this list soon)

People who are just plain Awesome:
BlueBMW (to this day i thank you for hooking me up with Sapphire and getting me started with collecting PCE games)