RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Xak III Patching issues

Started by pixeljunkie, 12/14/2005, 11:29 AM

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Has anyone successfully patched this game???

I am using CDR Win 3.9D
My BIN size never matches up with the readme specs that come with the patch [I had the same prob with Ys IV] The patch says it completes successfully...but then I get errors trying to burn the image?! This has happened identically on 2 different computers. Driving me nuts! I really wanna' play these games!!! argh!

If anyone has patched versions, I would gladly grease your palms a little to send copies to me. I have photos of me holding the originals, and a signed letter from the pope himself saying its okay.


Are you able to make an unpatched copy of the game using cdrwin? If not, then I would suggest trying Alcohol 120% to burn it. Make sure you are getting a rip from your game exactly the way Nightwolve did. See the official page here.

I've played the translated version all the way through (it's pretty short actually) and found it enjoyable. Good luck!


Yeah you're doing something wrong if your bin size is off.  A problem I had was that my main CD drive wouldn't support one of the options on CDRwin (I think it was reading subcode), so I had to use an external drive instead to get a working rip.


Quote from: "GUTS"Yeah you're doing something wrong if your bin size is off.  A problem I had was that my main CD drive wouldn't support one of the options on CDRwin (I think it was reading subcode), so I had to use an external drive instead to get a working rip.

I think thats the prob I'm having...I can't find a friggin drive that that isn't greyed out on.


Quote from: "pixeljunkie"Has anyone successfully patched this game???

I am using CDR Win 3.9D
My BIN size never matches up with the readme specs that come with the patch [I had the same prob with Ys IV] The patch says it completes successfully...but then I get errors trying to burn the image?! This has happened identically on 2 different computers. Driving me nuts! I really wanna' play these games!!! argh!

If anyone has patched versions, I would gladly grease your palms a little to send copies to me. I have photos of me holding the originals, and a signed letter from the pope himself saying its okay.

Give me your mailing address and I'll mail a patched copy out to you.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: "CrackTiger"
Quote from: "pixeljunkie"Has anyone successfully patched this game???

I am using CDR Win 3.9D
My BIN size never matches up with the readme specs that come with the patch [I had the same prob with Ys IV] The patch says it completes successfully...but then I get errors trying to burn the image?! This has happened identically on 2 different computers. Driving me nuts! I really wanna' play these games!!! argh!

If anyone has patched versions, I would gladly grease your palms a little to send copies to me. I have photos of me holding the originals, and a signed letter from the pope himself saying its okay.

Give me your mailing address and I'll mail a patched copy out to you.

[spews drink out in cartoon fashion onto screen]

PM sent


You aren't doing anything wrong!

I got it working.  After trying like hell to get my bin size to match up on Linux, I had to resort to using that shitty Goldenhawk CDRWIN progam (on my work PC) because NightWolve has no interest in using open/cross platform software that works to its *full potential*.

Odds are that CDRWIN's non-standard bin/cue format has changed again, and is producing bin files that simply will not matched up to what is required for the patching program.  I think that I used version 3.9K in order to rip the disk, patched it, and then burned it with the Windows port of CDRDAO (also known as BurnAtOnce -, seeing as I didn't want to wait until the end of eternity re-burning the game at 1x (which is the limitation of the unregistered CDRDAO).

As a fallback, I can send you a copy as well...  But it looks like CrackTiger has you covered.  PM me if you ever need it.


I had lots of problems before, mainly getting a program to burn the final images.

I finally got one old version of Nero to do it on one particular computer.

I just used the linked demo on Nightwolve's patching page to read the discs to my hard drive.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: "zborgerd"After trying like hell to get my bin size to match up on Linux, I had to resort to using that shitty Goldenhawk CDRWIN progam (on my work PC) because NightWolve has no interest in using open/cross platform software that works to its *full potential*.
Well, excuse me for not catering to you and 4 other whiny Linux zealots. Maybe you could've emailed me your little lecture about open/cross platform software and I would've considered adding another patch for this software. Oh, but why do that when you can just bitch about it here??

You seem to know a lot about me, but apparently never read the part in the Xak III ReadMe where I stated the following:
QuoteAlso, included in the patch contents are binaries for Linux & MacOS-X.
 Run those binaries on the command line & follow what's in patch.bat to
 figure out how to apply the patch(should be a no-brainer) if patching
 on those platforms.. I can't test them, but i've included them to reach
 out to more gamer's platforms :).. While CDRWIN doesn't exist for these
 platforms, there may be other CDRW programs that are compatible with
 the bin/cue standard. Good luck!

Oh yes, clearly I had zero interest in open/cross platform software, that's why I once went to the trouble of including PPF patcher binaries for Linux and MacOS-X. Though I subsequently did remove them given I couldn't much test on those platforms, and I knew there wasn't a CDRWIN for it. Since you had to get a BIN/CUE from a PC anyway, I later decided it was pointless, plus the backup plan for them was to just have downloaded the archive the group I was with already had made, and then you'd only have to worry about the burning aspect with whatever software worked well with your burner on Linux or Mac that supported BIN/CUE.

Now, I could spend some time filling in context and history on why I and many others did what they did with Goldenhawk's CDRWIN, why it was a preferred choice for some ~3 years (which is why you'll find several tech support guides instructing you on how to dump with it), but I'm not going to bother given your, you know, expert opinion on the software summarized with "shitty."

I think what most offends me with your comment is that you make the assumption I somehow knew of a better alternative back when I made this patch and started the whole idea of such a project, but I purposely chose not to use it to fuck you worthless Linux zealots over. I was somehow obligated to you, to seek out this unknown cross-platform solution years ago, at the time? As if I had the resources, the desire to expend energy in this regard, or even the help? You actually have the effect of sealing my general opinion of Linux users.

Well, I am so deeply sorry I failed you - I'm sorry I had the utter audacity of using platform-dependent patching and burning solutions. Forgive me for those were the only solutions I knew of at the time and there was heavy investment in them with the group I was with - they taught me CDRWIN. Blame them if you must and spare me your wrath. Shucks, if only you were there to have led them in a different, more platform-independent direction, why, things might've worked out differently. Anyway, I'm also very sorry for preferring the PC platform and Microsoft over Linux, and for lacking the initiative to "think" more platform-indepedent mindedly in what I do. Really. Heh.


I also had some trouble with CDRWIN.  It didn't like my drives or something.    Either I'd get the wrong bin size or the rip would fail with some SCSI error.

Luckily, I was able to rip the data track (track 2) at the correct size with a little C program I whipped up in linux.  Seemed to burn ok using cdrdao too.  I've only played a little of the game, but the translated text showed up just fine.  Made a number of coasters in the process though.

My prog still needs work but I think my main problem are the drives I'm using.


Quote from: "NightWolve"Well, I am so deeply sorry I failed you - I'm sorry I had the utter audacity of using platform-dependent patching and burning solutions. Forgive me for those were the only solutions I knew of at the time and there was heavy investment in them with the group I was with - they taught me CDRWIN. Blame them if you must and spare me your wrath. Shucks, if only you were there to have led them in a different, more platform-independent direction, why, things might've worked out differently. Anyway, I'm also very sorry for preferring the PC platform and Microsoft over Linux, and for lacking the initiative to "think" more platform-indepedent mindedly in what I do. Really. Heh.
Hey, we love you over here, NightWolve. I enjoyed reading your post (good stuff -- you certainly did not mince your words :)), BUT I also want to spread some love around so folks don't get intimidated by your post :). Peace & Love.


Well, I get irritated easily as you might know. The sad thing is, I would've helped the guy if he emailed or ask me directly when he ran into this problem by instructing him perhaps on the image conversion technique for when CDRWIN fails you. But instead I find this, where he goes and makes an ignorant statement about me and it happened to be precisely the one example where, for a time, I once included Linux and Mac-OSX binaries to help. I mean, it didn't pan out (I forgot to remove that about the binaries from the ReadMe), but I actually friggin' tried; I just never knew about this CDRDAO at the time, and CDRWIN was big with our group so when you develop a trust for certain software, you don't exactly throw it away easily. Especially given the sensitivities with burning. I mean, nowadays, I can see that Alcohol 120% is the better burning software for BIN/CUE. It'll likely burn CDRWIN's own format with more burners even.

Anyway, if you do not email me your problem, how am I going to know about it? Don't get frustrated at me if you're not even willing to do that. I could've also, if asked, converted my original and patched BIN/CUE images using CDRDAO, diff'ed them to create another PPF patch, and so he could just grab that Linux binary for use with that, and bam, there you go. But hey, I've moved on, haven't touched that patch in almost 2 years, and if you didn't tell me your problem, well, it doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.

You'd be accurate to say that I do hate Linux users now, but that's because of them, given the years of their anti-Microsoft, anti-PC propoganda, their bragging, their badgering software developers to port to their platform, like they do to David Michel for the MagicEngine, etc. Sell Linux on its own damn merits instead of "hahah, screw Microsoft/PC!!" all the damn time. (For the record, I worked on Solaris at my old job, and I did install and use Redhat for a time at home, the only distro I ever liked. It didn't have firewire support and I wanted it for a server to access my large external drive. But yeah, it's not like I'm totally anti-UNIX and its various flavors like Linux because I realize it has important roles to play in certain circumstances. However, most of my legacy work has been built up on Windows, and I do not see a reason to change that. At some point though, I started to enjoy making fun of Linux and its proponents cause they got to me - I'm just saying, I wasn't always like that.)


Quote from: "NightWolve"Anyway, if you do not email me your problem, how am I going to know about it? Don't get frustrated at me if you're not even willing to do that. I could've also, if asked, converted my original and patched BIN/CUE images using CDRDAO, diff'ed them to create another PPF patch, and so he could just grab that Linux binary for use with that, and bam, there you go. But hey, I've moved on, haven't touched that patch in almost 2 years, and if you didn't tell me your problem, well, it doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.

Back when I was having problems patching the games, I e-mailed NightWolve and he got back to me right away and was not only very helpful, but very friendly as well.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: CrackTigerBack when I was having problems patching the games, I e-mailed NightWolve and he got back to me right away and was not only very helpful, but very friendly as well.
Awwww, thanks man. ;) I have my moments. It depends, though. If the dude asking for help comes off as a bit immature, or really warez-like, I might just tell him to quit bothering me.

The fact is, one of the reasons I made the patches is because I was fond of the TG-16 system in my youth, growing up, and these were my gifts to other gamers who liked the system also, so generally, I wanted as many as possible to be able to enjoy them. That meant a lot of tech support. I also understood the principle that people remember those first impressions when you do manage to solve their problem and some time down the road, should you run into them, they'll be like, "Hey, I remember that dude. He helped me out. He's cool." There's of course the bitter side you develop because it can be quite draining over time. That's life though.


Quote from: "NightWolve"
Quote from: "zborgerd"After trying like hell to get my bin size to match up on Linux, I had to resort to using that shitty Goldenhawk CDRWIN progam (on my work PC) because NightWolve has no interest in using open/cross platform software that works to its *full potential*.
Well, excuse me for not catering to you and 4 other whiny Linux zealots. Maybe you could've emailed me your little lecture about open/cross platform software and I would've considered adding another patch for this software. Oh, but why do that when you can just bitch about it here??

You seem to know a lot about me, but apparently never read the part in the Xak III ReadMe where I stated the following:
QuoteAlso, included in the patch contents are binaries for Linux & MacOS-X.
 Run those binaries on the command line & follow what's in patch.bat to
 figure out how to apply the patch(should be a no-brainer) if patching
 on those platforms.. I can't test them, but i've included them to reach
 out to more gamer's platforms :).. While CDRWIN doesn't exist for these
 platforms, there may be other CDRW programs that are compatible with
 the bin/cue standard. Good luck!

Oh yes, clearly I had zero interest in open/cross platform software, that's why I once went to the trouble of including PPF patcher binaries for Linux and MacOS-X. Though I subsequently did remove them given I couldn't much test on those platforms, and I knew there wasn't a CDRWIN for it. Since you had to get a BIN/CUE from a PC anyway, I later decided it was pointless, plus the backup plan for them was to just have downloaded the archive the group I was with already had made, and then you'd only have to worry about the burning aspect with whatever software worked well with your burner on Linux or Mac that supported BIN/CUE.

Now, I could spend some time filling in context and history on why I and many others did what they did with Goldenhawk's CDRWIN, why it was a preferred choice for some ~3 years (which is why you'll find several tech support guides instructing you on how to dump with it), but I'm not going to bother given your, you know, expert opinion on the software summarized with "shitty."

I think what most offends me with your comment is that you make the assumption I somehow knew of a better alternative back when I made this patch and started the whole idea of such a project, but I purposely chose not to use it to fuck you worthless Linux zealots over. I was somehow obligated to you, to seek out this unknown cross-platform solution years ago, at the time? As if I had the resources, the desire to expend energy in this regard, or even the help? You actually have the effect of sealing my general opinion of Linux users.

Well, I am so deeply sorry I failed you - I'm sorry I had the utter audacity of using platform-dependent patching and burning solutions. Forgive me for those were the only solutions I knew of at the time and there was heavy investment in them with the group I was with - they taught me CDRWIN. Blame them if you must and spare me your wrath. Shucks, if only you were there to have led them in a different, more platform-independent direction, why, things might've worked out differently. Anyway, I'm also very sorry for preferring the PC platform and Microsoft over Linux, and for lacking the initiative to "think" more platform-indepedent mindedly in what I do. Really. Heh.

Wow.  You've sure got something up your ass.  It wasn't a personal attack on you; but rather a comment that Cdrdao is crippleware junk.  Lighten up a bit.

Actually, I did mention it to you, and I was quite polite.  Still didn't seem to matter for you, but seeing as you have the attention span of a gnat, I can see how it was easilly missed (the magical Google does not lie):

As an FYI: I only suggested the move to Cdrdao or something else because I anticipated that Cdrwin would break for even Windows users.  Looks like the case.  And, I'm merely quoting what *you* said; that you had no interest in making it work.  Hey...  Would you look at that?  Not only do I mention the README (that you insist I had missed), but I even offer to make future patches for you that will be cross-platform compatible.  Seems you didn't care after all, judging by the response.  Not that I take it personally.  I just say it how it is.

Congrats on the shutdown of your piracy ring.


Quote from: "NightWolve"You'd be accurate to say that I do hate Linux users now, but that's because of them, given the years of their anti-Microsoft, anti-PC propoganda, their bragging, their badgering software developers to port to their platform, like they do to David Michel for the MagicEngine, etc. Sell Linux on its own damn merits instead of "hahah, screw Microsoft/PC!!" all the damn time. (For the record, I worked on Solaris at my old job, and I did install and use Redhat for a time at home, the only distro I ever liked. It didn't have firewire support and I wanted it for a server to access my large external drive. But yeah, it's not like I'm totally anti-UNIX and its various flavors like Linux because I realize it has important roles to play in certain circumstances. However, most of my legacy work has been built up on Windows, and I do not see a reason to change that. At some point though, I started to enjoy making fun of Linux and its proponents cause they got to me - I'm just saying, I wasn't always like that.)

Well, you sure have a high horse now, don't you?

Judging by your assumptions that you make about me (and others), it's pretty obvious that you're just being a rude jerk that has nothing to say in regards to the topic at-hand;  Seeing as every response that you've had in this thread has been some sort of flame or stereotype about people who use alternative operating systems.  I'm quite flattered that you joined these forums just to bitch about Linux users and my criticism of CDRDAO.  

But, hey...  You've earned your 15 minutes of fame by translating a mediocre game for the community.  I guess you deserve a bit of rant time after all.

Ok.  Times up.

I think that your own responses, and the link that I've provided, shed a little light on the subject.  Now please get off of your high horse.  I don't expect you to do anything.  I frankly just don't like Cdrdao.  Nothing personal.  It's just a program.


Quote from: "zborgerd"Wow.  You've sure got something up your ass.  It wasn't a personal attack on you; but rather a comment that Cdrdao is crippleware junk.  Lighten up a bit.
I might say the same about you, chief, smack talking me behind my back. Oh, and don't you mean CDRWIN there?

QuoteActually, I did mention it to you, and I was quite polite.  Still didn't seem to matter for you, but seeing as you have the attention span of a gnat, I can see how it was easilly missed (the magical Google does not lie):

As an FYI: I only suggested the move to Cdrdao or something else because I anticipated that Cdrwin would break for even Windows users.  Looks like the case.  And, I'm merely quoting what *you* said; that you had no interest in making it work.  Hey...  Would you look at that?  Not only do I mention the README (that you insist I had missed), but I even offer to make future patches for you that will be cross-platform compatible.  Seems you didn't care after all, judging by the response.  Not that I take it personally.  I just say it how it is.
Ah, I see, you once graced me with your presence on my board. Yeah, I remember that now. I wondered if indeed we had crossed paths before. I'm rather surprised you would've made the comment here about me when I made my position clear there that you were the first to actually take advantage of my Linux PPF patcher. It goes to my point here in that I wasn't averse to the idea of multi-platform software having made some small effort in that regard although it didn't pan out. (You tried to use that Linux patcher, albeit unsuccessfully, so how can you say here that I had no interest -- in the general sense -- with regards to open source/cross platform software when you actually took advantage of it??) Anyway, that post is from May 2005 and if you'd probed further, I could've explained more that I was busy with other projects, like Ys IV at the time, and I didn't want to have more things on my mind with an old project like Xak III that really didn't get much attention from the pce/tg16 community anyhow. You had access to the PC platform at the time, as you said, and I'd figured you'd get it done and that would be the last of that.

Quite honestly, from my not taking you up on that offer, it appears you did take it personally given the comment here. Understand that I didn't need more things to deal with on my plate at the time, and since you were the only one that ever asked me about it in 2.5 years since that patch was first released, the situation for me didn't rise to the level of having to verify and learn CDRDAO, to use/trust it, this late in the game. I'm not a machine. Also, I'm not gonna trust some random poster and then put my name to the idea he's offered just like that. I mean, even if you made the patch for me, I wouldn't add it unless I took the time to use and understand said software that I wasn't really familiar with. Given that I would've had to divert some time for this, and what I've already said, it just wasn't happening. Add to that I was sick of the game.

You say you "just say it how it is," but I say that's bullshit. You said I had no interest in open source/cross platform solutions even given the fact that I once went to the trouble of including Linux and MacOS-X binaries for the PPF patcher as I said, showing that I wasn't averse/hostile to the idea of it, which is how you portray me. That's where I take offense. Now, after all that time between the first patch release, had there been a swarm of Linux users and I had the time to investigate CDRDAO a little more in May 2005, I might've considered it and wouldn't have said, "The demand just hasn't been there to motivate me to really care about non-Windows platforms." Certainly, more so for Ys IV, because I had high hopes for attracting much more attention from the pce/tg16 community with that project. But to date, it was just you that I recall making yourself known, and it appears you're still pissed about it.

QuoteCongrats on the shutdown of your piracy ring.
Ohhh, geez, you're good at this. I really shouldn't have challenged you now that I think about it. That really hurt, you know.

QuoteWell, you sure have a high horse now, don't you? Judging by your assumptions that you make about me (and others), it's pretty obvious that you're just being a rude jerk that has nothing to say in regards to the topic at-hand;  Seeing as every response that you've had in this thread has been some sort of flame or stereotype about people who use alternative operating systems.  I'm quite flattered that you joined these forums just to bitch about Linux users and my criticism of CDRDAO.

I didn't join this board because of your criticisms of CDRDAO or CDRWIN (You're still confused between the two, btw. Make up your mind.) nor with the intention to bitch at Linux users. I only joined it because I could no longer see any threads as a guest which, you know, would negate the possibility of me having joined for the reasons you stated because yeah, I couldn't friggin' see anything! Of course, we all know you "just say it how it is," so no chance for you being wrong or inaccurate there, obviously...

Now, if one wanted to know why I clicked into this particular thread to examine after my registration, that would be because of its title and the fact that I made the patch and thought I might just lend a hand to the thread creator. Instead, I find you and your little rant. Just taking what you said at face value, no context, or anything, from my perspective, here am I, I went to the trouble of creating a fan translation patch for the pce/tg16 community, and here's this douche bag with a pro-Linux bias seemingly, giving me shit because I didn't meet his cross platform/open source preferences. That's how it came off as. Naturally, I responded as I did, and in fact, the whole thing seems more offensive to me now given the thread you linked which shows me you actually tried to take advantage of the Linux patcher I included. Your statement about my "no interest" and hostile portrayal to the idea of cross platform solutions is that much more unfounded. You spit on my effort having included those extra binaries. You don't give me credit for having done that, which negates your "no interest" comment, but instead give me zero credit because I didn't go along with your CDRDAO idea back when you presented it. I wasn't hostile btw; I was burned out at that point and the demand to do something about it now for one person out of the blue (a person who already said he could get to a PC) wasn't going to nudge me into action on the image side of things.

QuoteBut, hey...  You've earned your 15 minutes of fame by translating a mediocre game for the community.  I guess you deserve a bit of rant time after all.

Ok.  Times up.
Oh ho ho, how generous of you. Thanks, I'm gonna use it for all it's worth.

QuoteI think that your own responses, and the link that I've provided, shed a little light on the subject.  Now please get off of your high horse.  I don't expect you to do anything.  I frankly just don't like Cdrdao.  Nothing personal.  It's just a program.
Don't smack talk me behind my back and I won't need to get on a "high horse."

Again with "CDRDAO." You'd think given your hatred for Windows and CDRWIN, you'd get it right and not repeatedly trash the open source one, especially for someone who accuses another of "having the attention span of a gnat." Or perhaps, you do just say it how it is and in fact, "Cdrdao is crippleware junk." Heh.


Haha of all the insults to fling at the guy "attention span of a gnat" is probably the lamest, this is the guy who spent years working on Ys IV and Xak 3.  And I'd say that both of those (especially Ys IV) are a little beyond "mediocre".


Seriously, man?  Is that all you've got is a lame retort about a typo I made in regards to cdrdao (I'll bet you already knew that Xak III has several typos, so you should be pretty familiar with them)?  Everything I said "about you" can be summed up into less than a sentence.

Just so we can quit going around in circles here, let's get back to the point.  Let me quote you one more time...


Quote"Eh, you're actually the first for Linux and will probably be the last. The demand just hasn't been there to motivate me to really care about non-Windows platforms. "

Compared to what I said:

Quote"...because NightWolve has no interest in using open/cross platform software that works to its *full potential*. "

So?  What am I making up here?  Didn't you say it yourself?

Nothing more to say here.  All I did was quote you, more or less, and comment on Cdrwin (which is still broken, by the way).  I can't help it you get your little panties in a bunch and take it personally.  I don't portray you as anything.  *You* have portrayed yourself exactly in the manner described here.

And, frankly, I honestly don't give a shit.  You can use whatever you want with your project.  I was simply telling someone else that what they were doing was not wrong at all, and that Cdrwin was problematic and its BIN/CUE files are turning up in all sorts of weird sizes (not to mention that it's broken crippleware).

I don't really have anything else to say to you.  You seem only interested in keeping a conversation going in circles, completely unrelated to the topic at hand, in spite of the fact that I've produced evidence that contradicts what you say.  Frankly, of all of the places to get upset about someone defaming your character, a message board on the internet is probably the worst place to worry.  I mean, what's it like to get all bent out of shape about what some strange person out there in cyberspace thinks about you?  Judging by your level of communication skills,  it sounds like it happens a lot.  Sorry about that, chum.  Must really be sad to be you.

So, keep trying to turn this around again and again if you like.  You'll not get anywhere.  You've done a noble job of trying to pull a response out of your ass, but have effectively made yourself look foolish because I've trumped every comment you've made so far on this issue (note the link in my first reponse, which knocks down all claims you made to me initially).  I'll bet it just burns you up and pisses you off that you can see how you've so blatantly contradicted yourself (not to mention your claims that I never once contacted you about the cdrwin problems) and had that link thrown back at you, and now you don't know what to do.  Why try to take it any further?  You'll just get burned and make yourself look silly.  I'm not really interested in "discussing" anything with you anymore, and frankly - talking with you is a waste of my time.

So, you like opensource.  Good for you.  Want a cookie?  Now go back and tell me that what is posted in that link is not what you said back in May.  I'm not making shit up, no matter what delusional way you want to look at it - or no matter what sorts of wild accusations you want to claim I've made about your character.  I believe that Ronnie had a similar dementia of sorts...'s_disease


Quote from: "zborgerd"Seriously, man?  Is that all you've got is a lame retort about a typo I made in regards to cdrdao (I'll bet you already knew that Xak III has several typos, so you should be pretty familiar with them)?
Well, the art of demoralizing the enemy commands me to bring that up. It is rather amusing, after all. You switch back to CDRWIN midway the first time you did it (fine, nobody would bring it up if it was just that), then in the next post, you find two more references where you're back to trashing CDRDAO, your beloved open source burning software. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. Forgive me. I mean, you're the, "just say it how it is" guy and apparently fail to live up to that motto repeatedly when you're in a crunch.

You can dismiss it all you like and act like it didn't bother you, but I think it makes you look rather stupid and schizophrenic. One has to wonder how you can so blatantly miss that over and over. I certainly would've ceded your point about it as a typo not worthy of the distraction I took with it, if not for you repeatedly doing it.

QuoteAnd quit putting words in my mouth, kid. Let me make something completely clear.  I don't expect anything from you, and don't feel like you own me anything.  Don't try to turn it into the issue here, because I've never implied such a thing.  Everything I said "about you" can be summed up into less than a sentence.
OK, "kid." Good one, there. I love this, you're certainly one to talk about "lame retorts." Heh. Um, but yeah, nobody put words in your mouth. I made inferences based on what you originally said and I think I'm right about that. Correct, I don't feel I owe you anything and never felt that I did, obviously. You're trash that needs to be stepped on as far as I'm concerned. That's clear enough. The argument is seemingly more about your high expectations and me not meeting them, but I'm glad you seem to be backing off from that.
Quote"Eh, you're actually the first for Linux and will probably be the last. The demand just hasn't been there to motivate me to really care about non-Windows platforms. "

Compared to what I said:

Quote"...because NightWolve has no interest in using open source/cross platform software that works to its *full potential*. "

So?  What am I making up here?  Didn't you say it yourself?
Well, this is the problem. There's lack of context and no credit for what I had done up to that point. You say, "has no interest in using open source/cross platform software" which portrays me as just that, in the general sense. Had I not entered this topic and said so, nobody would know that I had once included Linux and MacOS-X binaries, as well as what I said in the ReadMe, which refutes your claim of "has no interest in using open source/cross platform software."
QuoteAlso, included in the patch contents are binaries for Linux & MacOS-X.
Run those binaries on the command line & follow what's in patch.bat to
figure out how to apply the patch(should be a no-brainer) if patching
on those platforms.. I can't test them, but i've included them to reach
out to more gamer's platforms .. While CDRWIN doesn't exist for these
platforms, there may be other CDRW programs that are compatible with
the bin/cue standard. Good luck!
So, how is it that I have no interest in using open source/cross platform software, when the PPF patching system itself I'm using IS open source/cross platform software????

I may have had no interest in going further with switching to CDRDAO, which is what you wanted me to do back in that RIGG thread, but there's a difference when you just make a blanket statement about me like that and refuse to acknowledge or credit me for having made the attempt with how far I did go.

Again, lemme set this up for the audience. It's like this:

Fact: I included Linux and MacOS-X binaries with my Xak III patch for ~1-2 years.
Fact: PPF is open source/cross platform software.
Fact: Douche bag here known as "zborgerd" who's apparently the resident expert on yours truly, says the following, "NightWolve has no interest in using open source/cross platform software."
Fact: Again, PPF is open source/cross platform software, negating his above claim.

Simple question to the audience: How can zborgerd's statement of "NightWolve has no interest in using open source/cross platform software" be a true statement when PPF is ITSELF open source/cross platform software which is, in fact, what I'm using???

Very simple. Can anyone tell me how his claim there can be true??

This is what's happening. He's essentially attacking me for not using an open source burning software like CDRDAO by claiming I have no interest in using open source/cross platform software in the general sense. So it appears to the reader I'm against all open source/cross platform software when in fact PPF itself is open source/cross platform software. His general attack does not give me credit for that fact, and you wouldn't have known it had I not entered this thread. That's my issue right there in a nutshell. I know that's all redundant, but it appears he doesn't acknowledge this so I went into repetitious detail to clearly explain that.

QuoteNothing more to say here.  All I did was quote you, more or less, and comment on Cdrwin (which is still broken, by the way).  I can't help it you get your little panties in a bunch and take it personally.  I don't portray you as anything.  *You* have portrayed yourself exactly in the manner described here.
Wrong, you have falsely and negatively portrayed me as I've repeatedly demonstrated and as long as you continue to open your Goddamned mouth, I will be right here to correct your distortions. Yeah, little ole humble me. Now, I made an effort, it wasn't a great effort, but it was an effort nonetheless to have once included those other binaries because I had recognized the potential for use. I'm sorry I didn't go far enough for your ass with CDRDAO, but I already told you why that wasn't something I would pursue. If only one person asks you for this, it's not something you're gonna pursue, especially after 3 years when the project was mostly long forgotten and you're busy with other things. Can you try to meet me halfway and possibly understand that, or do you wanna continue being a spiteful a-hole and completely ignore what it is that I'm telling you?

QuoteAnd, frankly, I honestly don't give a shit.  You can use whatever you want with your project.  I was simply telling someone else that what they were doing was not wrong at all, and that Cdrwin was problematic and its BIN/CUE files are turning up in all sorts of weird sizes (not to mention broken crippleware).
OK, now you don't give a shit. That's good. Oh, and I have your permission to use whatever I want in my own project? Wow thanks, that's certainly generous of you. See guys, I told you he can be a swell guy after all! Oh, and no, what you were doing in actuality was simply being an asshat trashing my choice in CDRWIN because of Windows this/that. I say it was purely motivated by a pro-Linux, anti-MS Windows mindset. How DARE you be forced by NightWolve, that asshole with the Reagan avatar, into resorting to having to use a Windows machine back when you did. OH NOOOOES! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!! FIRST TIME IN FOUR YEARS DAMMIT ALL BECAUSE OF HIM!!!

QuoteI don't really have anything else to say to you.  You seem only interested in keeping a conversation going in circles, completely unrelated to the topic at hand, in spite of the fact that I've produced evidence that contradicts what you say.
The "evidence" you brought up contradicts your statements about me simply having had no interest in cross platform solutions.

QuoteSo, keep trying to turn this around again and again if you like.  You'll not get anywhere.  You've done a noble job of trying to pull a response out of your ass, but have effectively made yourself look foolish because I've trumped every comment you've made so far on this issue (note the link in my first reponse, which knocks down all claims you made to me initially).  I'll bet it just burns you up and pisses you off that you can see how you've so blatantly contradicted yourself (not to mention your claims that I never once contacted you about the cdrwin problems) and had that link thrown back at you, and now you don't know what to do.  Why try to take it any further?  You'll just get burned and make yourself look silly.  I'm not really interested in "discussing" anything with you anymore, and frankly - talking with you is a waste of my time.
I didn't turn around anything and if that's what "trumping every comment" I've made looks like so far, you've got a lot of work ahead.

I didn't know who you were, so obviously I'm not going to say you didn't contact me when you eff'ing did. I'll give you that.

I wasn't pissed off at the link supposedly contradicting me. I was more pissed off or rather disappointed that given that was you in that thread, you would simply dismiss my effort in having included that Linux binary and continue to say here that I had no interest in using open source/cross platform software, just because of the burning software issue. Also, to not bother understanding my position at the time. I said it to you as nicely as I could and you said you could get access to a PC anyway, so I thought that was the end of that. Little did I know since that thread you kept a grudge. While the odds of running into you again is very interesting, finding you to be a worthless a-hole wholefully undeserving of my help at that time is somehow not at all surprising. My profile of the typical Linux zealot has yet to fail me.

Actually, I said, "maybe you could've emailed me," etc. which is hardly equatable to your paraphrasing of "(not to mention your claims that I never once contacted you about the cdrwin problems)." I did not know who you were nor remember, so I could not forcefully claim one way or the other that you never contacted me. You don't see me saying that you didn't contact me now, do you? No, because I remember the thread in question and the nicknames match.

There's a difference between an assumption/guess and an authoritative claim. I didn't remember you contacting me in that thread, so I made an assumption/guess that you never did cause I figured I would've remembered someone like you. I tried to recall somebody telling me in an email or a post that I have no interest in open source/cross platform software, giving me all sorts of shit about it, and I couldn't... You didn't tell me that, along with sharing your angst, to my face, did you? Oh no, I find you here doing it behind my back and inaccurately so.

At another point, I was thinking about rephrasing my initial challenge to your first comments by asking you point blank at the onset, whether or not we had crossed paths before because it did feel like there was something personal that you had directed against me. But in that case, it was based on my other incorrect guess in that I thought perhaps you were somebody I flamed in the past, so I had considered the possibility that you might bring up a flaming incident I had perpetrated against you. Typically, I refer to such enemies that I've collected over the years as, "another satisfied customer." I guess you qualify as that now, don't you... Sorry, I couldn't resist adding these last few lines, as I've always gotten a little chuckle with giving new meaning to "satisfaction guaranteed" when dealing with your type. I try, what can I say? I'm a people person.

QuoteSo, you like opensource.  Good for you.  Want a cookie?
Uh, in your rush to respond, I think you're having another one of those, you know, "I just say it how it is" moments. You're the one that likes open source solutions/software like Linux, CDRDAO, etc. right? Just so the audience doesn't get confused.

Was your failed retort meant to start out with something like, "So, you like closedsource and Winblows? Good for you!" or something to that effect?? Well, you can correct that in that next response. It needs some work to have some real insult factor to it overall anyhow. It's embarrassing as it stands right now.

QuoteNow go back and tell me that what is posted in that link is not what you said back in May.  I'm not making shit up, no matter what delusional way you want to look at it - or no matter what sorts of wild accusations you want to claim I've made about your character.
Um, I have NOT denied ANYTHING in that thread, idiot! Delusional way of looking at it? Did you miss my point entirely?

QuoteI believe that Ronnie had a similar dementia of sorts...'s_disease
Ah, yeah, I saw your little comment about Reagan in some other thread. I predicted you would find a way to inject politics into this eventually. I just had a sneaking suspicion your angst against me had also something to do with my politics, but it was just an assumption until now. That's why I liked having Ronnie there in my avatar. It just drives the nutty liberals absolutely crazzzzy, I say. Crazzzy. Heh. Anyway, it is funny that you chose to go this route in your flaming considering your schizophrenic swaps of CDRDAO and CDRWIN.


Meh.  Well, here we go again.

Let's just put it this way.  I'll say whatever I please, whether you take it personally or not.  You just happened to get bent out of shape over something that wasn't even intended as a personal attack against you.  Seriously, man.  You've got some big problems in the way that you deal with people.  I could sit and try to psychoanalyse you all day, but this little retaliatory tirade of yours has gone on for far too long.  Really...  Get yourself some help.  Normal and stable people don't go postal over message board threads.

One of us has to concede here, because you sure as hell aren't going to shut up.

"Never argue with an idiot.  They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Have a nice day.


Quote from: "zborgerd"I'll say whatever I please, whether you take it personally or not.
Oh sure, you can say whatever the hell you please, but know that if it involves me and I catch you doing it, I'll make sure you think twice about it. Satisfaction guaranteed.

QuoteYou just happened to get bent out of shape over something that wasn't even intended as a personal attack against you.
Maybe, maybe not. I think it was. But anyway, it's not like I'm going to find you to be honest at this point.

QuoteSeriously, man.  You've got some big problems in the way that you deal with people.  I could sit and try to psychoanalyse you all day, but this little retaliatory tirade of yours has gone on for far too long.  Really...  Get yourself some help.  Normal and stable people don't go postal over message board threads.
Ohhh OK, the ole "get yourself some psychological help" retort. You know, it's not a hard concept at all, really. I deal with douches one way, and I deal with people I respect another way. You fall into the former category. Others can attest to my courteous/civil approach.

QuoteOne of us has to concede here, because you sure as hell aren't going to shut up.
I'll be glad to shut up after your lead. I would've preferred this had not been the first thread I posted in on Aaron's board to deal with you, but oh well. At first impression, it is a rather pleasant community, present company excluded of course.

Quote"Never argue with an idiot.  They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
I couldn't agree more, but sometimes they just tempt you to such a degree, it is impossible to resist... I'm trying though, I'm trying.

QuoteHave a nice day.
Yeah, you too chief.


Quote from: "NightWolve"Oh sure, you can say whatever the hell you please, but know that if it involves me and I catch you doing it, I'll make sure you think twice about it. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Ha?  Is this supposed to be some kind of a threat?  You're kidding, right?  Absolutely amazing!  What do you propose that you'll do to "make me think twice about it"?  You *might* manage to make me laugh to death.


Quote from: "zborgerd"Ha?  Is this supposed to be some kind of a threat?  You're kidding, right?  Absolutely amazing!  What do you propose that you'll do to "make me think twice about it"?  You *might* manage to make me laugh to death.
My "threat" as you put it is that we'll go through these little exchanges over and over if I catch you talking me about again. I dunno what you thought I meant. But anyhow, if all they're doing is making you laugh as you seem to claim, then you shouldn't at all feel deterred. We'll test that claim out in the future, though.


Quote from: "NightWolve"
Quote from: "zborgerd"Ha?  Is this supposed to be some kind of a threat?  You're kidding, right?  Absolutely amazing!  What do you propose that you'll do to "make me think twice about it"?  You *might* manage to make me laugh to death.
My "threat" as you put it is that we'll go through these little exchanges over and over if I catch you talking me about again. I dunno what you thought I meant. But anyhow, if all they're doing is making you laugh as you seem to claim, then you shouldn't at all feel deterred. We'll test that claim out in the future, though.

If you catch me?  If I truly have anything to say about you (and not just some idle comment about your choice in software) , I'll be damn sure you know about it!   :twisted:  Wouldn't miss it for the world.


Quote from: "zborgerd"If you catch me?  If I truly have anything to say about you (and not just some idle comment about your choice in software) , I'll be damn sure you know about it!   :twisted:  Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Yeah, if I catch you, sparky. You read that right, wouldn't you know. Congrats on utilizing what reading comprehension skills you do have. Anyway, your stupid defiance shtick is tired, but I must compliment you on that real nice touch there with the twisted smiley. It fits you and your shitty excuse for a last word attempt perfectly, I must say.


Damn, where's all the peace, love and harmony I was expecting to see by now in this thread :) ? Just kidding.