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What are your thoughts about sealed game collecting?

Started by PikachuWarrior, 07/26/2012, 09:24 PM

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I like collecting sealed games, but I only collect mostly last and current-gen titles, and only certain ones. My total is under 70, last time I checked. In that regard, I would probably be considered more of a newb than someone who is more seasoned.

If you want to see the more obsessed type, go look at:

Some may argue that games should be played instead of kept in plastic and then stored in the basement never seeing any light. I do play the games I have sealed, through other means. I buy the standard editions when they are really cheap. There is almost no point in buying a game at retail release, because in 6 months, they are usually (at the very least) under $30.

I don't even pay full price for the sealed ones because I have a lot of Amazon credit (swagbucks, and other rewards sites--it's easy). For example, Last Story coming out mid August for the Wii, after my gift cards, I only spent $1.51. Kingdom Hearts on the 3DS (Mark of Mastery CE), I only paid under $16 total (for a $55 retail game).

Then there are others in the hobby that also VGA (video game authority) grade their games. Basically you send it off to the company (US-based) and they grade the quality of the seal and then put a number grade to it. It's pointless, pricey, and ridiculous! Unfortunately, others swear by it, for whatever reason.

Your thoughts?




that made no sense at all. I spend less than some of you guys/gals spend on games each month


I think it's totally fucking stupid to the highest degree. I sometimes buy sealed stuff, but it always gets opened.

My opinion of VGA is the same for people who run wedding chapels for dogs or sell $500 audiophile grade power cords. They are evil shit who prey upon the overly monied/stupid.



Unless you are buying doubles so you have a investment copy and a play copy, then its probably the dumbest thing ever unless you only care about money and not gaming.


It's not for me but each to their own.

Personally I don't see the point in spending big dollars on something that never gets used and simply collects dust on a shelf, especially something as trivial as a video game.

I have bought some items that were new/dead stock but I didn't actually seek it out, some systems like the Dreamcast have lots of unsold stock on offer at great prices and I always open and use said item anyhow. I do like new stuff for the fact that it's complete and in pristine condition, but I only buy it if it's cheap and it always get used.

Video games aren't an investment, they will depreciate in value or stop working over time. I spend my video games funds on fun, not for a presumed status in a niche culture.

Re VGA grading, there's a common saying which is highly suitable - "A fool and his money are soon parted". Enough said.


No one said it was an investment, at least the way I look at it. I think of it as a hobby, something to display, like how people buy action figures, I do this. I don't even look at it as a "stock market investment". Shocking, I know.


so show us what kind of sealded stuff do you have. just a bunch of sealed useless crap, or really something worth for a showcase display? - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


This is a gaming forum. You can't play it if you keep it sealed.


here's a cool story bro.

once upon a time, teh turdy, teh peey, teh cleany and teh flushy went together on a hiking trip. then the turdy suddenly was attacked and eaten up by a horde of flies. the peey, so sad about this happening wept at the side of turdys remains, until almost nothing from him was left. blessedly cleany and flushy also joined that trip, so cleany could clean up the remains of turdy and peey while flushy could take care about the disposal of cleany. flushy then finished the trip by him alone and he all flushed happily ever after. end of (a true) story.

turdy, peey, cleany and flushy 4ever in our hearts:
IMG - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Most of it is common stuff like Metroid Prime Trilogy and Mario All-Stars on the wii. And others like Fallout 3 and New Vegas Collector's Editions.


I have exactly 3 sealed games
Perfect Dark (i've got like 4 copies, and the sealed one was the cheapest for some reason)
Feet of Fury (freebie at MGC, don't care)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner 2 LE (I don't have the first game, so i see no reason to play this one. yet.)

that said, i see no point in seeking this shit out.
once i get and beat devil summoner 1, #2 is getting opened and played.




Feet of Fury is DDR on a system that doesn't have a dance pad, kinda pointless imo


There was this one:

Official Konami Dance Dance Pad (Dreamcast)

This is the official Dance Dance Revolution Pad from Konami. If you are looking for the name brand item, for your Playstation or Dreamcast dancing needs, this is the pad for you!


Not sure if it worked with the game or not. I don't have a DDR pad for Dreamcast myself.


hmm, must be japan only- but yeah, i guess you're right.


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 07/27/2012, 12:28 AMMost of it is common stuff like Metroid Prime Trilogy and Mario All-Stars on the wii. And others like Fallout 3 and New Vegas Collector's Editions.
Um...heh, you might as well open those now.


Why? I already played them. Like I said, if you don't understand the hobby (as I call it), which clearly you don't--it's not about any financial gain. I think of it as a hobby. Something to do besides playing the games. I'm sure you have a hobby of some sort, yes?


I have all too many hobbies. None of them are predicated upon staring at things in their packaging.

I like cars, I drive them.

I like records, I listen to them.

I like musical equipment/instruments, I play them (badly).

I like Laserdiscs, I watch them.

The only way I would leave a game in its package is if it were a game I hated...but then if I hated it I would never have it in the first place.

As for my previous comment, those games are kind of naff. Them being sealed does nothing except prevent them from being played. Nobody is ever going to want that stuff more than you want it now, so you might as well just open it.


You seem to think a sealed game = rare/expensive 10-fold. Just because I collect sealed games, doesn't mean they have to be the super rare in monetary value kind. Society and their money. -sigh-


At what point did I ever mention monetary value?


"Nobody is ever going to want that stuff more than you want it now, so you might as well just open it."

You're implying that if there is no market (people looking) for the games I have, then there is no point in keeping them sealed. I'm not selling them period regardless if it's desired or not.


I'm implying that the fact that its sealed is somehow valuable, not necessarily monetarily, to someone such as yourself. You can only open it once, after all. So if you don't feel like opening it, and nobody else wants to open it...WTF good is it? Its just a useless plastic box. I mean, inside is a game, but you can't get inside, so really its not even a game anymore.


Same reasons that people collect these:

People collect for fun; a hobby; pastime, you name it. Even no matter if a game I have is "worthless" to the masses.


Only really good thing about a sealed game is that it's guaranteed to be in top-notch condition when I open it up to play.
Unless it's been, you know, re-sealed.

Collecting sealed copies of games is fine if that game is either rare and worth a lot when you decide to sell it or is special to you in some way and you want to preserve a copy. Or you're a museum. Having sealed games for the purpose of just having them around, seems a bit boring and pointless.

I apologize but I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding this hobby :-k It's not like I don't get it at all, but still.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


It's not like I'm collecting Barbie games or Sesame Street sealed. Part of it is sentimental, hence why I only collect certain ones and not a full-blown system or genre. So in that sense, it's not "just to have around". I appreciate the comments though :)


I have to say I agree with everyone else.  If I buy a sealed game, it's going to get opened the minute it comes through the door.
Actually, I did have 2 Wii games, Madworld and MotoGP (one cheap, the other a prize) which were sat on my shelf for a while.  I haven't actually played either yet, but I did unwrap them.

I think it's one thing to collect games and take good care of them, but quite another to not even play them.  I think it's just an extension of the whole boxed action figures thing, but even more pointless, since it's like really expensive and big picture cards.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Tatsujin - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..



Gaming since 1985


Sealed games are not for me unless I plan on opening them.  I just don't get the point.  Seems sort of vain to me.


Collecting sealed games is just as dumb as collecting the cases for games, but we still do it.  If we're just collecting games for the sake of collecting games then all you really need is the hu card, or CD-ROM and the manual.  The jewel case and box isn't a requirement, but people still like to have one or both for that 'complete' look.  The same goes for collecting the boxes for consoles.  They aren't necessary if you're collecting games for the sake of collecting games.  Collecting sealed games is just taking it one step further.

Collecting sealed games is not for me, but I collect the cases which is just as obsessive when you consider some of the simple solutions people have on these forums for storing hu cards.
I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.


Wanting the case for your cd or hu game is a completely different scenario.   The case actually offers protection and stores nicely on a shelf for organization.


Quote from: FiftyQuid on 07/27/2012, 09:56 AMCollecting sealed games is just as dumb as collecting the cases for games, but we still do it.  If we're just collecting games for the sake of collecting games then all you really need is the hu card, or CD-ROM and the manual.  The jewel case and box isn't a requirement, but people still like to have one or both for that 'complete' look.  The same goes for collecting the boxes for consoles.  They aren't necessary if you're collecting games for the sake of collecting games.  Collecting sealed games is just taking it one step further.

Collecting sealed games is not for me, but I collect the cases which is just as obsessive when you consider some of the simple solutions people have on these forums for storing hu cards.
ummm no the case has a purpose to store the game properly and safely in between times when you play it. Sealed game collecting is stupid unless you just want to keep them perfect and like new till you play them. If you dont plan on playing them GTFO of our gaming forum.



Collecting video games is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman.  You want to keep her complete, and treat her with care and respect, but if you don't open her up and play with her now and again...
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: FiftyQuid on 07/27/2012, 09:56 AMCollecting sealed games is just as dumb as collecting the cases for games, but we still do it...
I think cases are a different story because that tells me that the game was at least somewhat cared for by previous owner(s).
I don't like buying beat up hueys or scratched CD's because I want to at least "feel" like the game will last a while


Actually, although the manuals often tell you different, HuCards are indestructable.  Even the broken ones.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Well, what about a gamer who really enjoys a particular game or series?

I have to confess here, but I actually like SNES better than TurboGrafx.    "Ducks."
Now, I haven't played any of the Turbo CD games yet, so that preference may change after I do, but the fact that I like SNES better doesn't lessen my liking for TurboGrafx - which is my second-favorite gaming system.  It's just a part of my history and gaming experience.

That said, my favorite game of all-time is Lufia II for SNES.  I have my gamer's copy that I play as often as I can find some time, but I would like to find a nice, sealed copy that I could display in some nice manner as someone might display a piece of art.  Because that's what it is:  Video games can be a piece of art.  Notice that I said, 'can'.  Many video games are simply trash and/or regurgitated pablum, but some do rise to the level of 'art'.  What I would like is for this nice, sealed copy (which I do not have and probably will never have) to elicit comments/questions about it from visitors, so that I may then discuss this great game and/or actually pull it out and show them and perhaps increase their desire to acquire and play it.  There are 10's of thousands of copies of Lufia II, so my 'removing' one copy from the population shouldn't hurt.  I'm not a sealed game collector, but I can see a reason why some might have a couple of their favorites.

Now, for those who collect many sealed games but who don't have play copies of the games, I feel that they're probably more in it for either the investment or for the 'rush' of collecting (think: comic books, baseball cards, etc...), and I can definitely see why gamers don't approve (myself included), but I must say, this is a (relatively) free country with a (relatively) free market, and if someone wants to spend his money freely buying or selling something in a way that displeases you, then why must people be so vocal with their displeasure of the both the buyer and the seller?

Anyway, those are my thoughts about sealed game collecting.

-- waits to be shellacked --


I love the way you used speech marks instead of asterisks.  Makes it seem like a random quotation.  I think I'll start using it.

"well you know what they say - "ducks"."
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


For every 1 person who collects sealed turbo games, it makes 1 less complete game for someone who wants to PLAY IT :shock: and have a nice copy of the game.  I guess I could give a shit if someone wants to do that for ps2, 360, or ps3 that has hundreds of thousands of copies of a game.  Now when some "super mega awesome" collector guy has a sealed game from a very niche system and has it sitting on a shelf never be played, it screws over the rest of us that want to.

Now for people who own two copies of games to have one to play and one to display it makes no sense.  You say you want it for display purposes then why not just get a complete nice condition, or just buy one new sealed, and still open it?  For a cardboard box the shrink wrap can still cause damage to the "precious" box.  If you're putting the game on a shelf I really don't see the plastic being that protective.  Of course most of you "seald game guys" probably have it all VGA rated and in a see through titanium case anyways. [-(


Quote from: soop on 07/27/2012, 11:09 AMI love the way you used speech marks instead of asterisks.  Makes it seem like a random quotation.  I think I'll start using it.

"well you know what they say - "ducks"."
Thanks for the grammar tip!

While I may have been an English teacher in a former life.  I'm not really 'up' on proper forum grammar.  If asterisks should be used when indicating an action, then I'll gladly begin using them.  (Actually, I believe that this instance of typing an action was my first.  I usually stick to words and leave the actions out, but in keeping with the vein of humor which permeates this forum, I felt that my above post warranted it.)


Play the games....or gtfo of a gaming forum.  Pretty simple really.  :)


Quote from: Bardoly on 07/27/2012, 11:17 AM
Quote from: soop on 07/27/2012, 11:09 AMI love the way you used speech marks instead of asterisks.  Makes it seem like a random quotation.  I think I'll start using it.

"well you know what they say - "ducks"."
Thanks for the grammar tip!

While I may have been an English teacher in a former life.  I'm not really 'up' on proper forum grammar.  If asterisks should be used when indicating an action, then I'll gladly begin using them.  (Actually, I believe that this instance of typing an action was my first.  I usually stick to words and leave the actions out, but in keeping with the vein of humor which permeates this forum, I felt that my above post warranted it.)
Oh don't mind me, there are conventions, sure, I just found it amusing ;)

I know what you meant though, that's the important thing I guess.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Storino:  "What are your thoughts about sealed game collecting?"
Most Everyone Else:  "It's dumb."
Storino:  "You're wrong!  You just don't get it!"

I think sealed game collecting is pretty lame, as is displaying games as artifacts rather than as games.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Who said I was collecting SEALED Turbo Grafx games? I didn't even put this in a specific forum. My god. If you would have read my earlier messages, I said I collect Gamecube/PS2 era and up. So unless the TG was released 5 years ago, I don't even bother.


Dude...take me off ignore long enough to read this....  Shut the fuck up!  Any sealed game being collected and not played is dumb.  Now you may ignore again.  Dumbass.

Edit.  I am way out of line here guys..   :(


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 07/27/2012, 01:46 PMWho said I was collecting SEALED Turbo Grafx games? I didn't even put this in a specific forum. My god. If you would have read my earlier messages, I said I collect Gamecube/PS2 era and up. So unless the TG was released 5 years ago, I don't even bother.
Are you retarded?  The topic is "What are your thoughts about sealed game collecting?" and not "What are your thoughts about Storino collecting specific sealed games?", so there's nothing wrong with geise making a distinction between different systems and keeping sealed games for 'em.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!